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kimcheeboo is offline
Old 06-11-2007, 02:22 AM

Originally Posted by ChibiTotoro222
Originally Posted by Anoni

*gives Chibi a mask* xDD What is it with Asian countries and all these viruses? @.@
An excuse to wear masks~?! :DDDD <3

Someone needs to give me a three color color combination. C:
Blue, pink, and purple! 8D <333 or green >.>;; lols

is a cool kid.
Anoni is offline
Old 06-11-2007, 02:24 AM

Originally Posted by kimcheeboo
*flops in for a bit ad spread her bird flu and hivs around* xD;;

*thinks about glomping Kimmy* xD <33

@ Aeris: You must've angered a bee in your sleep then! xD <3 I don't think I've ever had a bee in my house before though. :o

Ooh you've never heard of the bird flu? xD Every time there's something new about it, it's all over the news here. Perhaps because Australia is close to Asia and very anal about diseases and stuff coming in. xD I think they have scanners at the airports to check people for bird flus? Or maybe that was in Hong Kong, I can't remember. xD;;

Oh, wind + dryness + heat probably makes the deadliest bush fires. x.x;; And people always get killed over here when there's something like that. ;-; A lot of them are firemen or people who were trying to drive away but were surrounded by fire. ;-;

@ P o i P o i i i: Luckily for me, I don't have a basement! 8D I don't think many houses in the suburban areas have basements either. xD;;
How big did the boa constrictor get? :o

P o i P o i i i
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P o i P o i i i is offline
Old 06-11-2007, 02:27 AM

our boa ish... 7 inches thick and 6¼m long 8D

apparently it died seven years ago.

is a cool kid.
Anoni is offline
Old 06-11-2007, 02:27 AM

@ Chibi: But masks are creepy and make you look like Michael Jackson. xD <33

Blue, green and white? xDD

@ Rawr: Hm that sounds like hives to me. :O Maybe? It's caused by an allergic reaction, I think. x.x

is a cool kid.
Anoni is offline
Old 06-11-2007, 02:28 AM

Originally Posted by P o i P o i i i
our boa ish... 7 inches thick and 6¼m long 8D

apparently it died seven years ago.

That's insane. xD I think you told me the story once. And now it's on your grandfather's porch or something?

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Aeris is offline
Old 06-11-2007, 02:30 AM

Chibi, I had soooo much fun! Though I got flipped out of my raft and nearly killed myself trying to swim back to it. XD;; I floated down what felt like half the river! :o <3

But it was all in good fun! <3

*chus Kimchee and gets flued on D:

Oh Anon, I was at this cottage thing because we went up to another state to go rafting; stupid bee must have found a way in. >.<;;

Sickness scanners?! That's so crazy haha. Our news is mostly preoccupied with stupid things like murder and Paris Hilton. :roll: Who cares about things like sicknesses! Certainly not America! :roll:

That's so sad Anon. :? Poor Firefighters just doing the job. T_T;;;

P o i P o i i i
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Old 06-11-2007, 02:31 AM

That constritor was found in our farm and it's tamed >w<

so we brought it home years ago, Our neighboors used to watch it whenever we feed him animals xD

Nao, it's stuffed and you can see it on our porch! xD

ChibiTotoro222 is offline
Old 06-11-2007, 02:35 AM

Anoni; Maybez the asian countries like Michael Jackson~?! DDDD:

Aeris; That's good to hear! C: <3
I went and saw a TON of cicadas and frantically ran away. x____x

I have summer school tomorrow, so I'm going to mosey on to bed now. C:
Bye guys. ;3 <333

is a cool kid.
Anoni is offline
Old 06-11-2007, 02:39 AM

@ Aeris: Ohh right, you were out rafting. ^^ I really want to go on a road trip now! ;-; I'm discussing one with friends. XD;;

Well they're not really sickness scanners but heat sensors? xD And I guess the people there know how to tell if you're sick or not? I was scared because I once walked past one when I had a headache. D:

Paris Hilton is all over the news here too. xD But I have to admit, celeb news is sorta interesting sometimes. *nosy* xD

Yeah, and there some of them who die are volunteer State Emergency Service workers. :( People are so inconsiderate. Put out your fucking cigarette before you chuck it onto the ground if you're not going to at least put it in a bin. :roll:

@ P o i P o i i i: That's sorta scary. xD You fed it live animals, right? :o
And did you stuff it yourself? :o

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Anoni is offline
Old 06-11-2007, 02:40 AM

Aww poor Chibi! Nighty night then ^^ <33

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Old 06-11-2007, 02:41 AM

Originally Posted by Anoni
@ Chibi: But masks are creepy and make you look like Michael Jackson. xD <33

Blue, green and white? xDD

@ Rawr: Hm that sounds like hives to me. :O Maybe? It's caused by an allergic reaction, I think. x.x
  • Hrmmm maybe, saw it after waking up and it stayed there for days though, not sure if an allergic reaction would do that.

    Lol I haven't been keeping up with all this celebrity stuff, my moms been talking about it though so I kinda know a little bit at least.

    Edit: Nighty night Chibi~ I'm gonna have to be taking summer school in like a month too = /

P o i P o i i i
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P o i P o i i i is offline
Old 06-11-2007, 02:43 AM

We feed teh boa nasty stray cats and humongous black rats that lurk in meh family's giant garage O.O;;

And I didn't get to stuff it D;

grown ups won't let meh ;3; *was 7 years old when boa died*

Mistress of Materia!
Aeris is offline
Old 06-11-2007, 02:45 AM

Night night Chibiluff! *chus <3<3

I'm glad to hear you saw those cicadas. :3 <3

My friend Joe tells me that road trips are amazing, so DO IT! I've been thinking about going on one myself. ^^

That is scary Anon. O.o;; Sometimes I think I get sick but sort of just suffer without saying anything, so that would scare me. XD;; Only time I really think I'm sick is if it's a cold or something. :o

Well the big thing that gets me with this Paris thing lately is that she's totally abusing the law, and that makes me sick. It makes me want to run out of this country and shack up anywhere other than here. But yeah I agree, sometimes the celeb stories are really interesting. XD;;; Some people have really come a long hard way to get where they are today. It's nice to see a struggle like that be rewarded.

People suck my dear, and they always will. It's too bad that something so careless can cost lives though. :?

kimcheeboo is offline
Old 06-11-2007, 02:46 AM

Originally Posted by P o i P o i i i
We feed teh boa nasty stray cats and humongous black rats that lurk in meh family's giant garage O.O;;

And I didn't get to stuff it D;

grown ups won't let meh ;3; *was 7 years old when boa died*
nuuuu~ not teh kitties D8;;;

P o i P o i i i
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P o i P o i i i is offline
Old 06-11-2007, 02:48 AM

Kim: stray cats here are evil, they eat the heads of our home-raised chickens D8<

they deserve to die!

and it's according to nature's food chain xD

kimcheeboo is offline
Old 06-11-2007, 02:50 AM

couldnt you keep the chickens in a cage? ^^;;; *has relative in cali that keeps their chickens in cage so no stray animal gets to them*

P o i P o i i i
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P o i P o i i i is offline
Old 06-11-2007, 02:55 AM

Kim: you know, cats are able to fit in holes. even if the holes ar a bit small, they are able to come in.

and because of that, they eat our caged roosters D8<

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Anoni is offline
Old 06-11-2007, 02:57 AM

@ Rawr: Hm that's weird. :o But spotty stuff could be caused by a lot of things. xDD Perhaps you were bitten in your sleep. ^^;

@ P o i P o i i i: Poor kitties! D: How did the grown ups stuff it? xD
Humungous rats are scary. x.x There was a dead one outside my neighbour's house for a really long time. xD

@ Aeris: I've only been on roadtrips with family, but now that most of my friends have their driving licenses and everything, we've been thinking about it. :mrgreen:

And I think I get sick and ignore it a lot as well. xD I don't know if that's a good or bad thing though. :shock: I sometimes wondder if I have a really bad disease or anything, like cancer. xD

Yeah, Paris shot to fame from sex, a video tape, and her Hilton name. :roll: Some celebs have worked so hard to reach their status. >>; But it's pretty horrible when you hear about all those celebrities drinking, taking drugs, partying and sleeping around. :lol:
Paris has given up trying to appeal her jail sentence though, so I'll give her credit for that. xD Hopefully she'll learn from the ordeal. :?

kimcheeboo is offline
Old 06-11-2007, 03:00 AM

not really, not unless you got a cage made outta something like this:

my relatives has this and its difficult for larger animals to just get through to them >.>;;;

P o i P o i i i
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P o i P o i i i is offline
Old 06-11-2007, 03:05 AM

Apparently we use rope-like cages and some parts has bigger holes of them xD

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Anoni is offline
Old 06-11-2007, 03:06 AM

Cages made from rope? @.@

kimcheeboo is offline
Old 06-11-2007, 03:09 AM

Originally Posted by Anoni
Cages made from rope? @.@
ditto @o@;;; I've never seen one myself and a rope can probably be broken easily with constant chewing xD *shot*

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Old 06-11-2007, 03:10 AM

  • Those don't seem so reliable x_x

    Aha, what is paris anyways? An actor, singer? Can't believe I don't even know that much ><

kimcheeboo is offline
Old 06-11-2007, 03:14 AM

Originally Posted by Rawrsaurus
  • Those don't seem so reliable x_x

    Aha, what is paris anyways? An actor, singer? Can't believe I don't even know that much ><
Paris Hilton is a heiress to a big hotel business >.>;; and she did play in this one horror movie, but i still dont consider her as an actress yet ^^;; oh and she's also a media attention whore 8D

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Old 06-11-2007, 03:15 AM

  • Lol I knew the hotel part but didn't think she'd be so famous just from that xD; Thats ridiculous

    Yeahh, she's gotta be to get all this attention, heh.


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