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Lunettes de Soleil
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Old 05-30-2010, 08:04 PM

They're from all those stupid fan pages that you have to like in order to see the content of them.

Scribbled Lore
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Old 05-30-2010, 08:08 PM

Ahah, I see.

That reminds me! I need to edit the settings for the fan pages I have to make them stop posting on my wall. Ugh.

Corporate Zombie
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Old 05-30-2010, 10:00 PM

I hate that. Fortunately, I don't have to worry about my networks or intersts doing that. It tried to make me join the fan pages for all of my interests. When i refused, it removed all of my interests from my page. Teh suxx0rz.

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Old 05-30-2010, 10:03 PM

Facebook is so.. bah. I'm waiting on and hoping that one of open source networking sites gets their act together and provides us with a better alternative.

I'm thinking about utilizing this: Habit Forge

Someone on my reading list uses it and linked to it.

Corporate Zombie
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Old 05-30-2010, 10:17 PM

That's pretty cool. I think it would really help us out with some things. Especially with the e-mails being sent to my phone. XD

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Old 05-30-2010, 10:18 PM

Yeah, that's the tricky part for me. I'd have a goal set for "Did you check your e-mail today?"

Corporate Zombie
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Old 05-30-2010, 10:20 PM

That is tricky. Maybe you should just set goals through my e-mail, too? Or at least that one. How's the sire's character sheet coming? Want/need any help?

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Old 05-30-2010, 10:37 PM

As soon as I clear out my tabs I'm going to work on the Sire's sheet.

Here's the picture I just told you about: Llama surfing

Corporate Zombie
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Old 05-30-2010, 10:38 PM

Oh, wow. That poor creature; it looks like a drowned rat, more fur than body. Still, it must have takena lot of training to get to that point.

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Old 05-30-2010, 11:48 PM

Alright! I hadn't let the internet set long enough to log me out of Menewsha. Yay! :XD

There are 15 freebie points, yes? And it costs what to buy what? *goes to look at merits and flaws for William first*

Still no reply from that ST.

Corporate Zombie
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Old 05-30-2010, 11:52 PM

Mmkay. It costs 7 points for disciplines (out of clan and 5 for in clan, maybe?) 5 points for attributes and virtues, 2 points for abilities, and 1 point for each background or point in humanity or willpower.


Also, w00t! Page 20.

Last edited by Corporate Zombie; 05-31-2010 at 12:09 AM..

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Old 05-31-2010, 12:33 AM

For William:


Concentration: (1pt) (VPG)
You have the ability to focus your mind and shut out any distractions or annoyances.

Efficient Digestion (3pt) (VPG)
You are able to draw more than the usual amount of nourishment from blood.

Eidetic Memory: (2pt) (VPG)
You can remember things seen and heard with perfect detail.

False Reflection (3) (Cbk Nos Rev)
When using Mask of a Thousand Faces, a Nosferatu with this Merit can create a false impression of his disguise on recording media. He can have his picture taken, show up on videotape and even record an imitationn of the subject's voice. Nosferatu without this Merit cannot disguise themselves to machine using Obfuscate.

Fast Learner: (3pt) (VPG)
You learn very quickly, and pick up on new things faster than most do.

Holder of Office (3-5) (GC)
You currently hold one of the officialCamarilla positions in your city. The degree of power you posses depends on the cost of the Merit.

Occult Library: (2pt) (VPG)
You possess a library of occult materials, which may include at least one version of the Book of Nod. You are not necessarily familiar with the contents of these volumes of knowledge ( that is a function of your Abilities), but in time of need your library can be an invaluable source for research.

Precocious (3) (GC)
You learn quickly. The time for you to pick up a particular Ability (or Abilities) is cut in half, as is the experience cost.

Primogen (7) (GC)
You are part of the ruling coterie of vampires in the city in which you reside. Your voice is one of the few to which the prince must listen, and you have tremendous influence in your clan. On the other hand, there are always others plotting to take your place, making your position a precarious one.

Unbondable: (3pt)
For vampires. You are immune to being Blood Bound. No matter how much blood you drink from other vampires, you will never be Bound to them.


Absent-Minded: (3pt) (VPG)
This Flaw may not be taken with the Merit Concentration. Though you do not forget such things as Knowledges or Skills, you do forget names, addresses, and when you last ate.

For Winifred/Cardea


Baby Face (2pt) (VPG)
You look more human than other vampires, enabling you to fit in the human world much more easily. Your skin is pink, you never really stopped breathing (even though you don't need to), and even sneezing comes naturally. You can make your heart beat as long as you have at least one Blood Point. This Merit cannot be taken by Nosferatu.

Blush of Health (2pt)(VtM 3rd)
You look more healthy and hale in appearance then other vampires. Although you have the skin-colour of a mortal, you are still cold to the touch.

Catlike balance (1pt)(VtM 3rd)
All difficulties of balance-related rolls are reduced by two.

Clan Friendship: (4 pt) (VPG)
For any number of different reasons, your appearance, bearing, background or demeanor or something about you appeals to members of a clan other than your own (your choice ). This can be a two-edged sword; you are also marked by others as a sympathizer with that clan, whether you like it (or deny it! ) or not.

Code of Honor: (1 pt) (VPG)
You have a personal code of ethics to which you strictly adhere. Even when you are in frenzy, you will attempt to obey it. You can automatically resist most temptations that would bring you in conflict with your code.

Common Sense: (1pt) (VPG)
You have a significant amount of practical everyday wisdom.

Compassionate (4pt) {Cbk Brujah Rev}
You have the moral character of the Brujah of old, the proud warrior-poets who did what they did because their hearts called to them.

Deceptive Aura (1) (GC)
You aura is unnaturally bright and colorful for a vampire. You register as a mortal on all attempts to read your aura.

Double-Jointed (1pt) (VPG)
You are unusually supple. Squeezing through a tiny space is one example of a use for this Merit.

Dynamic Personality (5pt) {Cbk Brujah Rev}
People are drawn to you, due to some characateristic appeal you exude. You may purchase additional Backgrounds using your experience pts at the end of each story--2 XP earn you one Background dot from the following groups: Allies, Contacts, Herd, Retainers.

Eat Food: (1 pt)
You have the capacity to eat food. It's an ability you developed at an early point in your undead existence, or perhaps it has been a latent ability all along. This is considered disgusting by other Kindred, but can be of great assistance in maintaining the Masquerade.

Elysium Regular (1) (GC)
You spend an usual amount of time at the various Elysiums in your city. You see and are seen to such an extent that all of the movers and shakers of Elysium at least know who you are.

Enchanting Voice (2pt)(VtM 3rd)
There is something in your voice, that others cannot ignore.

Friend of the Underground (3) (GC)
While you're not a Nosferatu, you know your way around the sewers, tunnels, ducts, subway tubes and other subterranean passages of your hometown. The local Nosferatu (an any other creatures dwelling down in the muck) may not actually like it but they're inclined not to kill you on sight when they see you in their territory. Nosferatu cannot purchase this Merit.

Friendly Face (1) (GC)
You have a face that reminds everyone of someone, to the point where strangers are inclined to be well-inclined towards you because of it. The effect doesn't fade if you explain the "mistake". This merit only functions on a first meeting.

Harpy (5) (GC)
You count yourself among the harpies, the vampires who rule the roost in Elysium. Yours is one of the voices that mock, exalt, praise or humble the Kindred of the city. Your opinion is very influential, which means you're going to face all sorts of attempts--from bribes to threats--to change it.

Haven Affinity (3pt) {Cbk Tzi Rev}
Caine's curse resonates strongly in your bones, but it possessess a proven advantage. You are connected to the soil of your prime haven. It also acts as a mystic beacon to you, allowing you to home in on its location when a state or country separates you. This applies only to your prime haven.

Light Sleeper: (2pt) (VPG)
You can awaken instantly at any sign of trouble or danger, and do so without any sleepiness or hesitation.

Lucky: (3pt) (VPG)
You were born lucky--or else the devil looks after his own.

Misplaced Heart (2pt) (VPG)
Your heart has actually moved within your body, though no more than two feet from its original position near the middle of your chest. Those who attempt to stake you find it very difficult to find the right location (which should be your most tightly guarded secret).

Nine Lives (DA Rev)(6)
Fate has granted you the opportunity to come as close to Final Death as anyone can get get and still survive. It allows for nine times to be used. (This one is somewhat difficult to play in free form since it relies on rolls. Details would have to be worked out between players.)

Open Road (2) (GC)
Unlike many Kindred, you like to travel. You have a solid knowledge of safe travel routes and methodologies, not to mention haven space available in any number of destinations. Unless someone out there knows your exact route and is specifically looking for you, you can move between cities unimpeded by random encounters with Lupines, overzealous state troopers and the like.

Pain Tolerance (2pt) {Cbk Tzi Rev}
Maybe you've deadened your nerves through Vicissitude. Maybe you're a tough bastard. Maybe it turns you on.

Precocious (3) (GC)
You learn quickly. The time for you to pick up a particular Ability (or Abilities) is cut in half, as is the experience cost.

Sabbat Survivor (1) (GC)
You've lived through at least one Sabbat attack and/or attempted recruitment. Your experience helps you anticipate situations where you might potentially be endangered by the Sabbat once again. This Merit comes into play most frequently as a means of avoiding ambushes and the like.

Sleep Unseen (2) (Cbk Nos Rev)
You can use the Obfuscate Discipline to hide while you sleep during the day. Such prolonged use requires an extra blood point to keep your body hidden for a full day. Of course, you must be at least hidden from sunlight, and vampires using Auspex can still detect you, but mortals will ignore your very presence.

Time Sense: (1pt) (VPG)
You have an innate sense of time and are able to estimate the passage of time accurately without using a watch or other mechanical device. You can accomplish this whether you are concentrating or not. You can estimate the time of day to within a minute or two, and the passage of time with the same accuracy.

True Love: (1pt) (VPG)
You have discovered, but may have lost (at least temporarily) a true love. Nonetheless, this love provides joy in a torrid existence usually devoid of such enlightened emotions. Whenever you are suffering, in danger or dejected, the thought of your true love is enough to give you the strength to persevere. However, your true love may also be a hindrance, and require aid (or even rescue) from time to time. Be forewarned: this is a most exacting Merit.

Unbondable: (3pt)
For vampires. You are immune to being Blood Bound. No matter how much blood you drink from other vampires, you will never be Bound to them.


Infamous Sire: (1 pt) (VPG)
Your sire was, and perhaps still is, distrusted and disliked by many of the Kindred in the city. As a result, you are distrusted and disliked as well. This is a heavy load, and one not easily shed.

Low Self-lmage: (2pt) (VPG)
You lack self-confidence and don't believe in yourself.

Old Flame: (2) (GC)
Someone you once cared deeply for is now with the enemy. He still attempts to play on your sympathies "for old times' sake" while working against you. You most likely will not act against him unless the situation becomes life-threatening.

Privacy Obsession (3) (Cbk Tzi)
You carry the Tzimisce respect for privacy to extremes. It takes special effort to enter another being's dwelling without been invited (though you will go to fiendishly clever lengths to garner an unwitting invitation). When disturbed in your manse by an uninvited guest, you can frenzy.

Romantic Notions: (2)

Sleeping with the Enemy: (3) (GC)
You have some sort of intimate connection with a member of the opposing sect or inimical clan. You may have a lover, a childe, a friend or a contact working the other side of the fence, but regardless of politics you retain a friendly (or more than friendly) relationship with your putative foe. Your close ties to someone on the other side would be regarded as treason by your superiors within the Camarilla, and if you are discovered the penalty will surely be death.

Ward: (3pt) (VPG)
You are devoted to the protection of a mortal. This character may be a friend or relative from your pre-Embrace days, or simply a mortal you admire and consider important. Wards have a way of getting caught up in the action of stories, and are frequent targets of a character's enemies.

For Abbadon


Primogen Friendship (4) (GC)
The ruling council of the city values you and your opinions. YOu are called in to consult on decisions, and your recommendations carry great weight. Your position may not be an official one, but it's powerful nonetheless.



I prefer the pronouns ze/hirs/hir/hirself. Thank you in advance.
A Charity! For new users and questers alike!
A role-play quest thread.

Scribbled Lore
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Old 05-31-2010, 12:47 AM

Since Abbadon is of a higher generation than William do you think he would act as a mentor to William if you were take the merit of Primogen Friendship?

Corporate Zombie
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Old 05-31-2010, 12:56 AM

i think that could be a very logical chain of occurences. We will have to figure out the discipline point values as well as the bonuses given for being lower generation. Maybe then he'll be able to afford it. I had considered the merit only briefly before but that was before i knew William was going to be the primogen.

On a side note, where were we wanting to take the V:tM story now?

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Old 05-31-2010, 01:04 AM

William will have to leave the archives and he has two choices of where to go - back to his dwelling in the sewers or with Abbadon, wherever Abbadon decides to go.

We need an antagonist.

Corporate Zombie
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Old 05-31-2010, 01:14 AM

I know! I just don't know what to do about it. I don't want to make it just about Abbadon's goals (although, with those in mind, he would make a great antagonist). Do you have any ideas?

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Old 05-31-2010, 01:21 AM


If Abbadon is going to take the merit of Primogen Friendship then to deal with our immediate problem of what to do next.. William could request to speak with Abbadon in private about a concern he has with the latest meeting of the Primogen's council. That would give us a reason for William to accompany Abbadon and continue their interactions.

If we go with this idea I could also have Cardea show up at the haven after their little chat.

Corporate Zombie
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Old 05-31-2010, 01:44 AM

I like this idea. Perhaps the primogen council was discussing something of note, or something regarding a potential antagonist. What kind of antagonist would we want to have in the story, though? I know you're not much for combat...

poet`s playground
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Old 05-31-2010, 01:52 AM

Every time I come in here, you guys are in the middle of a conversation that I know even less about than the last one... :rofl:.

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Old 05-31-2010, 01:55 AM

Let's see what we have to work with.

Abbadon wants to be Primogen. Because he is not Primogen we could have the council discussing who will take the place of the former Brujah Primogen or we could be working our way towards having the current Brujah Primogen removed from their office, one way or another.

Since Abbadon is interested in Noddist lore and the Camarilla works to actively suppress knowledge of Kindred lore in its many forms William could be passing along information to Abbadon about a Noddist or Gehenna cult that the Prince is planning to have taken care of.

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Old 05-31-2010, 01:59 AM

:XD Poor Poet!

We're talking about a role-play that we're doing here on Menewsha in the private RP forum. It's based off the game Vampire: The Masquerade which was published by White Wolf.

We hit a snag in the game because we're still fleshing out our characters and we didn't bother with coming up with an overarching plot device when we first decided we wanted to play.

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Old 05-31-2010, 02:00 AM

Haha, yeah xD. I figured it was a role play since that is what you have been talking about... for awhile XD. But that all sounds so complicated. I used to think I was good with language... until I discovered the internet :rofl:. No, I am more of a poetry person. And no, I haven't written anything recently xP. I am rather enjoying my art classes in school, though. (community college; figuring out what i want to do still in terms of a degree or whatever)

Corporate Zombie
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Old 05-31-2010, 02:01 AM

Lol @ Playground. I'm so sorry. You really can just pop in with your own bits of conversation--we're perfectly able to hold multiple simultaneous conversations. The tremendous power of the internet!

Those both sound lovely, although, honestly, i like the sound of having the previous brujah primogen removed forcibly somehow. Abbadon's sire and William would both want this because they both hold Abbadon's ear to a certain extent. Because of this, they would do it even though the other guy is part of the brujah clan (and that also means it must be done very secretly lest other, more powerful brujah jump to his aid).

((See Playground? Multiple conversations!))

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Old 05-31-2010, 02:02 AM

XD I know, I love having multiple conversations, and I just didn't happen to have anything in particular to bring up and so I thought I would comment on it. It amused me.

Corporate Zombie
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Old 05-31-2010, 02:03 AM

I am kinda envious about your affinity towards the arts. I would have loved to be good at things actually called art. Instead, I'm all about the music and drama, which definitely have their places in my heart, but i really wish I could do something as seemingly sinple as drawing. T_T


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