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FeyonaSaibre is offline
Old 01-12-2009, 04:53 PM

I love Powells...

White Night: Book Nine of the Dresden Files (The Dresden Files #09)
Butcher, Jim
hardcover, USED
1 $9.95

Night Angel Trilogy #2: Shadow's Edge
Weeks, Brent
mass market, USED
1 $3.95

Once Bitten, Twice Shy (Jaz Parks)
Rardin, Jennifer
trade paper, USED
1 $7.95

Angel Sanctuary #11
Yuki, Kaori
1 $6.50

Revolutionary Girl Utena #02: To Plant
Saito, Chiho
trade paper, USED
1 $1.50

Revolutionary Girl Utena: Volume 1: To Till
Saito, Chiho
trade paper, USED
1 $5.95

Revolutionary Girl Utena #03: To Sprout
Saito, Chiho
trade paper, USED
1 $1.50

Van Von Hunter Volume 3
Schwark, Mike
trade paper, USED
1 $6.50

Van Von Hunter Volume 2
Schwark, Mike
trade paper, USED
1 $6.50

Item Total $50.30
Shipping $0.00

Subtotal $50.30
That's just about $5 a book... <3

the leenie
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Old 01-12-2009, 09:57 PM

@jenova - i don't remember that scene... i should probably watch it again, then. XD

@feyona - yaaay awkward!
wait, no. yaaay, finished book!

and that is a drool-worthy list. 8O~

@dani - sigh. at least you aren't like me. i've fallen back into going to sleep between 3-6am and waking up 3-4pm.
all because i don't have a job to go to in the early afternoon which i usually wake up for by noon.

@kat - well, the kids lead has read it and loves it and i believe she is late 20s. (she looks early 20s, but she has a fiance and nephew and acts a little older.)
oooh~ singularity sky. that kept popping up while i was jumping links on librarything for steampunk and cyberpunk books. x3
you can never be too old for kids books! D: (my mom still loves reading picture books. XD)
i actually found vampirates in kids, but because of the content, and ages of the characters (the not vampire ones. xp) i think it should be classified as teen.
that is a very silly thing to do. XDDD <3

does anyone else think of mr. darcy as a stalker?
a romantic and lovable stalker, indeed, but still, he practically stalks lizzie. XD

Last edited by tirethminet; 01-12-2009 at 10:52 PM..

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Old 01-12-2009, 11:29 PM

@feyona : Those prices are amazing. I'm saving Powell for a list of older books that I want.

@Leenie: I really didn't get a lot of sleep and I tried all day. T_T
Also, the library didn't have the next three books in the Anita Blake series. Cry.

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
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Old 01-12-2009, 11:37 PM

Tireth - Nothing compared to Edward Cullen. xDD

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Old 01-12-2009, 11:50 PM

Originally Posted by Cherry Flavored Antacid View Post
Nothing compared to Edward Cullen. xDD
So true. xD

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
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Old 01-13-2009, 01:14 AM


the leenie
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Old 01-13-2009, 01:21 AM

@dani - like i always say, we are completely identical yet entirely opposite. you can't get to sleep and i sleep half the day away. XD

@cherry - this... is so very true.
i love you for that button. <3

i just imagined edward in santa claus garb, beard and all.
and nearly screamed.
he's like a pedophile.

Last edited by tirethminet; 01-13-2009 at 01:24 AM..

Jenova4 is offline
Old 01-13-2009, 01:36 AM

@ Feyona - I remember when Van Von Hunter was a webcomic....
@ Tireth - Yes! Break your P&P marathon with some Hot Fuzz! :squee:

the leenie
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Old 01-13-2009, 02:29 AM

omg, it was a webcomic? i only remember seeing it in the sat books section because it was one of those ridiculous deals where they put 700-800 sat words in the comic so you can better understand them or something? XD

nuuuu, not now. i need to make myself happy again. with p&p.
because mom came in to talk to me about taking courses at the local community college.
/rant before it starts.
or maybe i can watch chuck, or finish watching gundam wing, or find one of the many dvds i haven't watched yet.

actually, i will just read. dunno what yet, but i will read.

Last edited by tirethminet; 01-13-2009 at 02:31 AM..

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Old 01-13-2009, 02:38 AM

@Cherry: XD

@Leenie: You're making me want to watch P&P now. U_U

@Jenova: A friend and I watched Hot Fuzz today! Then we ran around with Nerf guns jumping and diving. XD

the leenie
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Old 01-13-2009, 03:03 AM

i blame whoever mentioned p&p in the first place, so very many pages ago.
was it cherry? :3

ohman, dani, you're crazy.

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Old 01-13-2009, 03:23 AM

What? I couldn't read today. I'm in a Anita Blake kick and nothing else will do. What better way to spend a day off then shooting friends in the face with suction cups? xD

PS I think I just got my mom into Anita Blake. Whoops. :angel:

seeking proof on the roof
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Old 01-13-2009, 03:48 AM

*sneaks in* I thought I should leave a note that I am participating in the challenge this time around (finally). But I'm keeping my list in a blog post because otherwise I'll never remember to update it. :o

List is here

I'll be sure to pop in with updates/book chatter on occassion though!!

Jenova4 is offline
Old 01-13-2009, 03:56 AM

Originally Posted by Dream_and_Die View Post
@Cherry: XD

@Leenie: You're making me want to watch P&P now. U_U

@Jenova: A friend and I watched Hot Fuzz today! Then we ran around with Nerf guns jumping and diving. XD
Oh man I wanna do that NOW.
I need to round up some friends and get my Nerf on!
That would be excellently fun.

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Old 01-13-2009, 04:39 AM

It was, only don't fly through the air while firing, your shoulder will hurt later. xD

Jenova4 is offline
Old 01-13-2009, 04:54 AM

Not unless you are doing this shootout of foam weaponry in a padded asylum cell!
Oh that would be fun!

the leenie
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Old 01-13-2009, 05:30 AM

@dani - i want to play with nerf guns D:
also, way to get your mom into awesomeness. i have a hard enough time getting mine to read the harry potter books.

@fiarra - yaaaaay another person! <3
come play with us.

oh shiznap. it's gonna take a while for me to read p&p. ;_;
i'm on chapter five and it's taken me a few days. (this is actually very sad, but partially attributed to my unwillingness to read at all.)
not because the language is difficult, but because i actually have to think about what they're saying.
there is a lot of narration describing things that could be described in dialogue, but it seems the dialogue will pick up in the next few chapters, so it should be a bit easier from then on.
and, of course i've already broken the spine. :[
it was that or go insane trying to find a way to lie on my bed without there being shadows on the pages.

Yreka is offline
Old 01-13-2009, 06:05 AM

Originally Posted by tirethminet View Post
@yreka - it is in the kid's section in books stores, but most books in the juv fiction section can be read by adults, just a lot of adults think that it's too childish of them to read the books so they don't. D:
Which annoys me seeing as some of the best books i've ever read are either "youth" or picture books. D<

the leenie
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Old 01-13-2009, 06:22 AM

exactly. adults are just too haughty to enjoy books for enjoying books. >:[

i can't find even what year my copy of the scarlet letter was written. HIGHLY UPSETTING.
this is exactly it, though. "circa early 1900s" my butt. D:<
that could be a span of anywhere from ten years to fifty years. ;_;

the american library association just made me cry a little bit.
(no, i don't browse their shop for fun, what?)

darcy, my man. why'd you do that to her? (and to me, the viewer)
that heated argument, in the rain, no less, could have led up to a great anger make out session.
but nooo, you have to APOLOGIZE for WASTING HER TIME. WTF.
/rant at a fictional character.
in case you didn't realize, i gave up on reading right now.
i'm so exhausted that i'm too hyper to pay attention to reading.

why in the world is it SO COLD? i have three blankets and am still cold.

Last edited by tirethminet; 01-13-2009 at 10:49 AM..

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FeyonaSaibre is offline
Old 01-13-2009, 12:51 PM

So has anyone else Read the Jaz Parks books by Jennifer Rardin? They're not half bad.. though I think she's copying off Laurell K Hamilton just a little. >.>;

Jenova4 is offline
Old 01-13-2009, 01:24 PM

@ tireth and Yreka: I don't know if you all have read any of Philip Pullman's books? All of them are "children's" books (He wrote His Dark Materials, the trilogy of the Golden Compass, Subtle Knife, and Amber Spyglass). One of my favorite books by Pullman has to be Clockwork. Because it's sort of written like Finnegan's Wake; except that it makes sense and is much shorter. But, it the end and the beginning connect like in Finnegan's Wake. I also love the Firework Maker's Daughter. It's adorable!

Spring`Tyme Fresh
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Old 01-13-2009, 02:33 PM

tirethminet: I'm reading Pride and Prejudice at the minute and it's taking me longer to read it than other books usually do. xD
I'm enjoying it - it's the first time I'm reading it - but I do have to take my time so I can process everything. :P

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 01-13-2009, 04:53 PM

Originally Posted by tirethminet View Post
i blame whoever mentioned p&p in the first place, so very many pages ago.
was it cherry? :3

ohman, dani, you're crazy.
If you mean a few weeks ago, like, just before Christmas, yes, that was me. xD But if you mean more recently, nope, that was someone else.

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Old 01-13-2009, 07:48 PM

Tireth + Yreka: I had no idea Charles Stross was so popular. I just picked up Halting State from the library because it looked interesting. XD

Jenova: I've read the His Dark Materials trilogy and the Sally Lockhart books but I haven't read the books you mentioned there. Might have to add them to the list of books I'll complain my library probably doesn't have!

+ I skipped the chapter on 24 in this book about philosphy in television shows because the author seemed to forget to explain who any of the characters were or how the story connected (despite putting major Buffy spoilers on the first few pages of the whole book).

the leenie
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Old 01-13-2009, 09:02 PM

@feyona - nope, i haven't read them. i still need to get to reading hamilton. @_@

@jenova - the only books of his i've read were the his dark materials trilogy, but i do want to read the others. :3

@springy - yay, we can read it together!
i also have a hard time processing everything. well, i usually have a hard time for regular books (short attention span, again), but p&p is a bit harder.

@cherry - of course i mean before christmas. i'm the one who brought it up again because i couldn't stop watching it. XD

@kat - i haven't read charles stross yet, but i want to.

ohcrap. i found postsecrets and it distracted me. and it was sad.


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