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artbabe33445 is offline
Old 02-21-2011, 02:33 AM

Kiyiya nodded to Jordan and excused himself from the Elders. The brave could tell that the white man was not happy about the arrangement. “My tepee is this way…come.”

Kiyiya’s tepee stood on the edge of the groups and unlike any of the other tepees it was dark, there was no welcoming fire lit by a wife or mother. The brave had been alone for the last ten years of his life. His wife had been killed during a Crow raid and since then he had remained alone. There were plently of women that had offered to marry the lone brave, but he preferred his solitude and at times found pleasure with one of the other unmarried braves. He watched the young man out of the corner of his eye with interest. The kachada, was foolhardy true, but he was also very brave and very handsome.

He opened the flap of the tent and gestured for Jordan to follow him in. Kiyiya quickly set to work building a fire and when it was buring well he turned to look at his companion.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 02-21-2011, 03:07 AM

Jordan had trudged behind the Indian unhappily, and sat cross-legged on the floor as the man lite a fire. When Kiyiya turned to look at him finally, Jordan tilted his head a bit. "So...Indian names always mean something, right? What does your's mean?"

artbabe33445 is offline
Old 02-21-2011, 03:52 AM

“My name means Howling Wolf. It was given to me because my cries at my birth echoed those of the great hunters...” Kiyiya sat across from Jordan and offered him some dried deer meet and some soup made from the roots of the earth. “I am no squaw, but the meet will fill your belly and the soup will quench your thirst. Tomorrow the chief has demanded that a feast be prepared in your honor. The other braves have killed two Elk and the women have gathered much. What does your name mean, Jordan?”

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 02-21-2011, 04:01 AM

"Squaw? Oh-uh? Jordan...well...well..I don't rightly know what it means. White men don't really focus on the meaning of names." Eagerly, Jordan accepted the meat and the soup, filling his belly. "Where is your family, then? The man, the...uh, chief, was it? Is he your...companion?"

artbabe33445 is offline
Old 02-21-2011, 04:14 AM

Kiyiya laughed at the thought. “No, no…ha…the chief is my father’s brother. My father is shaman…” Why would the soldier ask such a question? Did he find the brave attractive…was Jordan like himself, preferring the companionship of other males to the gentle bodies of women? “No, Jordan I have no companion...I have no squaw and I am to old to live in the tepee of my father. What of you? Have you a squaw and papoose waiting for you?”

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 02-21-2011, 04:22 AM

"Hold on...I've figured out that squaw must be a wife...What is a papoose?" JOrdan questioned, setting the empty bowl aside. "I have my mother, though she is getting on in her years." He paused for a moment, before continuing to speak. "I thought Indians got married young, and took on many wives. Why haven't you?"

artbabe33445 is offline
Old 02-21-2011, 04:34 AM

“Papoose are children…I had a wife she died many years ago and I have chosen to stay alone. I…did not love her as I should have…She was killed by Crow warriors.” Kiyiya’s face fell as he thought about the young girl who had become his wife…they had not even lain with each other before she was killed. It was for the best though…he did not love her in that way. He rose and laid out the warm bear skins for sleeping. “Many men of the Nachia, choose to only have one woman…they find the one that creates the match in the heart. There are those among us that do not find that with one woman, or choose to find it with another warrior.”

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 02-21-2011, 04:42 AM

The white man listened quietly, his eyes widening in suprise at Kiyiya's words. ", find that with men?" The hunch had come to him, but it was still suprising. It also made Jordan look at the brave in a new light. He wasn't able to keep his eyes from sliding down the other's form. "It isn't mandatory for you to marry?"

artbabe33445 is offline
Old 02-21-2011, 04:51 AM

“No…the tribe cannot demand that another person love a certain person. We are taught as children that the Great Spirit created Nachia from the earth, but as he breathed life into our forms part of our…” Kiyiya paused looking for the word, “muka, soul, was lost. The souls that were missing became other people and all of creation looks for their missing part. It makes the pair stronger and brings peace to the nachia. Not all braves find their missing part in a squaw.”

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 02-21-2011, 04:58 AM

"It's certainly an...interesting theory." Jordan remarked, glancing at the furs. Only one spot had been prepared... Perhaps he was to sleep on the hard ground, or Kiyiya would get it ready in a minute. "In my society, it doesn't matter how you feel about another male. It's deemed wrong to lay with another male. Have you, uhm...done so then?" Good Lord...why did it even matter to Jordan? For some reason though, it did matter to him. Quite a lot. He found he was jealous. The male was handsome, stong, and clearly brave.

artbabe33445 is offline
Old 02-21-2011, 05:10 AM

“I have laid with a few of my fellow braves…they have all chosen later to wed, but I am not sad. In that time we shared our bodies and souls with one another. I am saddened that your people shun others for such.” Kiyiya smiled at the obviously nervous kachada. “I would not force myself upon you…to do so violates the purpose of a joining and is punished by death in the tribe. I have only the one skin for sleeping…I have been without another person for a long time. You will have it for tonight and tomorrow I will trade for another.”

Kiyiya did not mind giving his bed to Jordan. He could understand how upsetting the whole experience had to be for him.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 02-21-2011, 05:15 AM

The male was soothed by the words and offer, though he felt guilty. "I-if you are getting a new one tommorrow, then, if you wanted to share the skin tonight, that would be fine with me. Not a...sharing of souls or anything, just sharing the fur." He tilted his head, and continued. "And it's not considered that. We consider it to be a sinful act. We have a God, and he says a man should sleep with a woman only."

artbabe33445 is offline
Old 02-21-2011, 05:28 AM

Kiyiya nodded,” tog'oiak'…thank you, Jordan.” The Indian male started to remove his bow and other items until he was wearing only his loin cloth. He removed the tie and ran his fingers through his hair removing the braid. The brave knelt on the great bear skin and looked to his pale companion, “Does your God, not encourage the love of all peoples? When I met the Spanish men of god they told me of a man that proclaimed to love one another…I find I am confused.” He stoked the fires for the night and was sure to pile the rocks around it higher so the flames would not escape.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 02-21-2011, 05:37 AM

The man watched quietly, and shook his head at the brave's words. "Some men love other men, but it is a practice looked down upon. You cannot have a child with another man. It is simply believed you cannot love another man. The Spanish people probably spoke of Jesus. He loves all people. Just not in a...physical form of love. A mere man is not permitted that..." His voice faded as the other man stripped until he wore only a loincloth. Jordan's blue eyes jerked away from the man, to the side of the teepee. "I suppose it's a hard concept to explain to savages. That is simply how it is. Even if you have those urges or feelings, they must be denyed." He turned back to the male, watching him move rocks.

artbabe33445 is offline
Old 02-21-2011, 05:45 AM

The brave made a sound of understanding, he looked puzzled at his companion... “Is it a custom to sleep in all your cloths?” The kachada had seemed aroused and embarrassed when the brave had prepared for bed. Kiyiya watched his companion in fascination...he was so different, was he as different physically. “If you are frightened by me, I will leave until you are ready” Kiyiya made to leave the tepee.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 02-21-2011, 05:49 AM

The proud man took offence and lifted his chin up. "I'm not afraid!" He snipped, and stood. Though, to be frank, he was rather nervous. He shed his shirt, then his breeches, leaving only the thin pants underneath. He crawled into the skins, aching and tired, and turned his face away from the fire.

artbabe33445 is offline
Old 02-21-2011, 06:01 AM

Kiyiya had to stifle a laugh and laid back pulling the furs up to his chin. The kachada was very feisty and proud, and the brave found that he was starting to like the man more and more. “Jordan I am thinking we should call you Deheeya. It means brave stallion, one who fights the mountain cats to protect its herd and cannot be tamed by the people.”

It was a great honor to have such a name among the tribe and Kiyiya found himself hoping that the man laying beside him would like the name. “or we could call you, gunweeyadi’, proud turkey…” Kiyiya laughed and rolled on his side trying to catch a glimpse of the gem like blue eyes of the white man.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 02-21-2011, 06:10 AM

"Why would you give me a new name?" Jordan questioned, before trying the name out. "Deheeya...Deheeya...I like it. Wild stallion..." He shifted, turning his head to examine the Indian, only to find the man looking at him. His tanned cheeks hid the blush he felt, and Jordan shifted nervously under the blankets.

The firelight cast shadows over Kiyiya's face, and made his dark eyes darker. "How do you know so much english, Kiyiya?" He found himself whispering, unsure of how to speak to the man so close to him. His body heat was washing over Jordan, and the close proximity of the other male, was making him feel rather strange.

artbabe33445 is offline
Old 02-21-2011, 06:21 AM

“When I was a young brave, the Spanish men of your God came to our village. My father had seen in a dream that one day I would have need of the language of your people…I thought it was foolish, then you came.” Kiyiya smiled at the man laying across from him. The brave felt more comfortable and happy than he had in a long time. Many of his days were spent watching others and he felt isolated even though he was part of the tribe. What was it about the kachada that was making him feel this way?

“Jordan, your name Deheeya makes you a member of the tribe. When we name a person we look to their qualities…soul…you walk and act like the mighty horse, head strong and brave. I hope that you are not offended”

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 02-21-2011, 06:29 AM

"No." Jordan stated, shaking his head for emphasis, "I'm actually...rather flattered." He found himself smiling back at the warrior. Kiyiya was very easy to talk with, despite the resentment Jordan felt about not being permitted to go home. "How long does your tribe intend to...request my attendance here? And, since I assume I'll be here for a while, will you teach me how to speak your language?"

artbabe33445 is offline
Old 02-21-2011, 06:36 AM

“I do not know Deheeya, you will learn and it will take as long as it takes. If you are truly unhappy after one moon cycle I will talk with the chief and take you where you wish to go.” Kiyiya sighed inwardly…his father had said that this man was supposed to be the key to the salvation of his people and the prevention of war, but it seemed hopeless the man did not want to stay. The brave turned over and faced the fire, suddenly upset, “Sleep Jordan, the great light comes early.”

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 02-21-2011, 06:44 AM

Jordan had watched the male quietly. His face had changed and it was clear he was upset, though the male wasn't sure why. He sat up, and touched the brave's shoulder gently. "I...apoligize...I didn't mean to upset you Kiyiya..." He paused, unsure of what else to say. After another moment, he added a quiet, "Good night." Then he rolled over once again, shutting his eyes, and trying to ignore the heat from the other male pressing against his back.

artbabe33445 is offline
Old 02-21-2011, 07:01 AM

As the night wore on the fire in the center of the tepee slowly burned down to a few embers. Kiyiya was woken by the deep cold of the night. He turned and tried to coax the fire back to life, but it stayed dead. He cursed under his breath and tried to decide whether he should just build a new fire.

It was then that he saw his companion. Kiyiya knew that if he was cold the man had to be. He laid back down under the furs and spooned up behind the white man and pulled him close. The brave could feel himself getting warmer and hoped that the kachada wouldn’t be too mad.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 02-21-2011, 07:10 AM

In his nightmare, Jordan was sitting around a fire, and Indians were dancing around him, mocking him. They picked him up and pushed him into the embers, and he was screaming. they continued to dance and movk him, though. Then suddenly, he was warm, but not the pain he could feel from the fire. A low moan came from him, and he pushed back against the warmth.

His eyes opened, and he blinked into the darkness. Kiyiya...the Indian was behind him, pressing against his back, and the warmth was amazing. Not wanting to disturb the male, and thinking he'd cuddled up to him in his sleep, Jordan laid still, only lifting his arms to hold the arm that had crawled over his chest. He sighed softly, and let his eyes close once more.

artbabe33445 is offline
Old 02-21-2011, 07:29 AM

Kiyiya felt Jordan settle on his chest and smiled happily. He sank into a deep dream. The brave found himself in the dark forest, through the gloom he saw two bright yellow eyes shine. A dark wolf stepped into the light and howled. Kiyiya felt the howl spear his very soul. The wolf turned and ran into the forest, the brave found himself following his namesake deeper and deeper into the forest until the trees broke into a large clearing.

There the wolf disappeared and the brave found himself looking at the most beautiful stallion he had ever seen. It’s bay coat shimmered as it ran and its white main billowed in the wind. The horse charged towards him and stopped a few inches in front of him. Kiyiya reached out a tentative hand and felt the coat of the great beast. The horse nickered and looking him in the eye. Blue eyes stared back at the deep brown of the warrior and suddenly Kiyiya was face to face with Jordan. He pulled the man in for a kiss and he felt his spirit soar.

The brave came awake quickly and looked down at the white man. He was filled with the revelation of who this man really was to him…


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