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Prozehn is offline
Old 09-01-2008, 09:13 PM

The man had just recently arrived in the Americas. It was such a different place than his home, though it was also interesting in a way.
He was riding in his limo, going to the photo shoot that was scheduled for him. The reason for him being in the limo, he was checking out the area of his new home. Looking at the things that could be seen in this new city.
He was used to the demands of his particular occupation, and it didn't bother him at all. Well, at least, not any more. Though it bothered his father, but what did he care about his father? He didn't.

Chaos squeaked and flew around a little bit in the limo before he landed on Prozehn's shoulder. He then nuzzled the man, who in turned pet him.

"We're almost there," he said quietly to the furry creature. The man's voice was soft like velvet, but was all encompassing at the same time. If words could be music, his definitely would be.

The limo pulled up infront of the agency. Prozehn, along with Chaos, climbed out of the limo with no help from his manager who followed behind him at a respectful distance, which was very smart of him. Though when Prozehn neared the doors, the manager rushed ahead and opened them for his charge.
"You do know you don't have to do that, Rizell," he said to the small blond-haired manager. The manager named Rizell just shrugged and followed the man into the building.

"I hope there is still time for my photos, as well, he said as he came up behind Layla, who had just gotten the photographer to take out his stuff again. He was wearing one of his more Asian style outfits for this shoot. Chaos rode on the man's shoulder the whole way.

Last edited by Prozehn; 09-01-2008 at 09:16 PM..

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Old 09-01-2008, 09:20 PM

Rose wondered what he was talking about and then remembered that her manager had mentioned something about Moi-même-Moitié. She managed to prevent herself from frowning at the fact that her manager hadn't told her that he had agreed for her to work with the twins. "It'll be a pleasure to work with you as well," She faked a smile, her manager better have gotten her something good.

Mason grinned as he spotted Lucinda. It was too bad she was taken, like that had stopped him before, but she and her boyfriend had made it to the top, meaning if he interfered, he'd likely ruin his reputation, which he wasn't about to do. It looked like his only options for the time being were Layla or one of the newbies. An evil grin formed on his face when he remembered how he destroyed one of the new comers last year. She was making her to the top too fast with her innocence, and well, those who are nice never make it. He only did it though to get on friendlier terms with Rose, but she still ignored him. "What's this?" Mason looking interestingly at the new guy who was standing behind Layla. "Competition? Well, as long as he doesn't go after Rose, I could care less." He muttered as he drank his coffee while his manager did some chatting with the other managers.

Last edited by dianakitsune; 09-01-2008 at 09:23 PM..

miss murder
miss murder is offline
Old 09-01-2008, 09:34 PM

Layla turned around to see the new guy behind her. She said Hi to him very nicely. If she wanted to get to the top she would need a hot boyfriend like Paige has. Besides, Layla also needed a nice man to get her good girl act going. As much as she hated being sweet and innocent her agent Gwenovere said if she's not a good role model in the children's eyes then her career will go down the drain. Layla has never had public humiliation and she's hoping that won't happen for a silly reason.

Prozehn is offline
Old 09-01-2008, 09:39 PM

The man looked down at her quietly at first. When she said 'hi' he nodded to her. He then gently took her hand and bent over it, placing his lips to it. "Hello, miss," he said quietly, with the velvet lilt to his voice as he stood up to his full seven foot height again. "My name is Prozehn, Darrius Prozehn. And you are?" This was the way he greeted all the ladies, it was more to judge a persons reaction of him more than anything else.

Chaos, who had flown because of Prozehn's sudden movements, made some rude noises at the man and then returned to his shoulder as Prozehn stood up. He then looked down at the girl, and squeaked out his own, hello.

Last edited by Prozehn; 09-01-2008 at 09:40 PM.. Reason: Grammar error

Atlene is offline
Old 09-01-2008, 10:08 PM

The blonde lowered her gaze when she assumed Mason had seen her staring, still frustrated. Her gaze then fell on Jacob, who was talking to Rose. No doubt their manager had decided on their own to ask her for the role of the second model. Rolling her eyes, Paige ran a hand through her hair, making sure that it was in order before saying to herself, “To hell with reputation. He’s cute.” Walking over to Mason, she smiled lightly and said, “I apologize for staring at you like that. So I would like to start with proper introductions, my name is Lucinda.”

Jacob sighed, then giving Rose a half smile. “Of course. Hope you like wearing aristocrat,” he stated simply. He was surprised that Paige wasn’t ranting to him at the moment,, but decided that peace would be best for now.

Moi-même-Moitié references if you need them, dianakitsune.

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Old 09-01-2008, 10:21 PM

"Well this unexpected," Mason said aloud, it was a bad habit of his to speak his thoughts aloud. He smiled, "I'm Mason. Shouldn't you be concerned? Your boyfriend's over there flirting with Rose." Being a model was boring, he needed some entertainment. Toying with girls and their hearts was something he could not just get enough of.

"I don't mind the fashion," Rose replied wondering if he was trying to get her to back out. She hadn't wanted to do it, but now she felt that she must.

thanks ^^

Last edited by dianakitsune; 09-01-2008 at 10:24 PM..

miss murder
miss murder is offline
Old 09-01-2008, 10:34 PM

Layla was a little creeped out. Good looks can fool her alot. "Layla you picke a good one this time." She thought to herself. Thank the heavens it was her turn. Layla hoped that she would never talk to him ever again. Gwenovere came up to her before she got up. "No boyfriends yet. Boyfriends ruin your life." Gwenovere said in a strict voice. Not paying attention Layla just said okay and ran to get her photos taken. She had to model for swimsuits today. She took off her robe and showed a white 2 piece with a gold color rimming. Layla had never modeled swimsuits so she was very excited. She was sure her perfect figure would help her get to the top.

Prozehn is offline
Old 09-01-2008, 10:52 PM

A small smile crept across his features as he saw her reaction. She obviously didn't know that that was how gentlemen greeted the ladies in olden times. It pleased him greatly that she was so scared of this small act. It was a reaction that he had never gotten before, true, but it was still fun none of the less.
He looked at the girls manager as the person came to get her. His face was once again a mask as he watched the two go get their photos taken.

Chaos stood on his hind legs and crossed his front paws shaking his head and squeaking things at Prozehn, who just laughed quietly.

Rizell then walked up to the man, the black leather of his outfit fitting firmly to his body as he did so. "You do know that doing that kind of thing is considered weird here, right?"
Prozehn turned to Rizell, and nodded slightly. "I know, though it keeps them away, does it not? I only need you and Chaos to reach the top. No others, period."
Rizell, just shook his head.

((I hope I didn't weird you out too much by my first post towards your character miss murder. That's just how the character is, he's a romantic in a way and back in the old days that's how men greeted the women.))

Atlene is offline
Old 09-01-2008, 11:23 PM

“I’m not worried. Donovan’s faithful enough,” she replied. Well, considering the circumstances, of course. “But aren’t I doing the same? So he should be worried about me.” Paige smiled, knowing well of the fact that as long as Mason didn’t try to do anything too serious Jacob wouldn’t come and but in. He and his big brother complex were too big to even have his little sister out of his sight for a moment. “Because I think you’re kind of cute.”

A small smile formed on his lips once she mentioned that fashion was no problem. “That’s good, because Lucy hates wearing aristocrat.” He hesitated for a moment, shaking his head. “Her style and mine don’t match and they still insist on so many doubles shoots.”

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Old 09-02-2008, 12:02 AM

Rose was starting to get irritated since she wasn't one for small chit chat, but she knew she couldn't just ignore him, "Then break up." She didn't mean to sound rude, but if you were going to complain about couple shots, then to do single shots, wouldn't it make sense to just ditch the partner.

"Ah, you make an excellent point," Mason grinned as his face was just inches away from hers. He ran a finger through her hair, he wondered how easy it would be to break this girl's heart.

Atlene is offline
Old 09-02-2008, 12:38 AM

“If it were so easy I would have done so ages ago…” he murmured, not intending for Rose to hear. His eyes the wandering back to find where Paige was, and widened. Without another word he just walked over, separated the two, and dragged the blonde girl a few ways to an isolated corner. “What the hell Paige? You know damn well that that’s Mason Anderson. He’ll get you knocked up before you know it,” he snapped, keeping his voice low. As a good sibling would, she argued back, and it ended with Paige go drop a message to Mason before hurrying off to change. Rolling his eyes and murmuring a “Fine, be difficult and lose our jobs,” Jacob went and found himself a seat to sit down in.

Paige had shortened the distance between her and Mason by another inch or so before her big brother decided to come and break it up. At his argument she rolled her eyes. “I’m not stupid, Jacob,” she hissed, annoyed. “I was bored; you were talking to Miss Queen of the World. Don’t act like dad.” Watching him flinch back like a hurt puppy, she walked back over to Mason, saying, “He’s a moron. Sorry. I should be going now, can’t walk around in this.” She walked off, now disgruntled.

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Old 09-02-2008, 12:48 AM

"Well, Well, troubles with the happy couple," Mason spoke and an evil grin formed on his face as he watched Lucinda walk away.

"He couldn't break up with her even if he wanted to," Rose scoffed as she watched him interfere with Lucinda and Mason. Once the two had left Mason alone she walked over. Her arms were folded as they normally were whenever she decided to have a word with him. She didn't need him staring at her chest. "Interfering as always," Rose glared at him.

"So now you're talking to me," Mason said as he reached out to touch her face, but she slapped his hand away as always.

"I can handle them myself, Don't interfere," She threatened before walking away leaving Mason very frustrated.

Little Miss Flip-Flops
So many questions... never enoug...
Little Miss Flip-Flops is offline
Old 09-02-2008, 01:09 AM

"Thanks Rose!" Alia said as she skipped off toward the cameras

miss murder
miss murder is offline
Old 09-03-2008, 09:56 PM

Layla really didn't want to have a bathing suit photo shoot at the time since the building was so cold. She hoped her goosebumps wouldn't show in the pictures. Her agent gave her a thumbs up meaning that she was doing an awesome job. She soon got her robe back on and went into the dressing rooms. It felt so nice for the warmth of the robe to touch her freezing skin. She noticed a guy looking at her. She knew that face anywhere. It was Mason Anderson. If a girl wasn't careful with him she could be an awesome model the first minute and then the next minute she's drunk and knocked up with a cheap Las Vegas wedding ring. Although Layla couldn't resist guys like him, Mason was bad for her reputation. She stared at him until she hit her head on the door of her dressing room. Gwenovere ran over to ask if she was okay. "Yeah I think so." She said in a low voice. Layla then ran for the dressing room door hoping that no one saw what just happend.

((Oh I don't care but if a guy really did that then I would care LOL!!))

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Old 09-04-2008, 12:14 AM

Rose's attitude hadn't put Mason in a good mood but he chuckled as he saw Layla run into her door. "I must be on fire today," Mason grinned and his eyes soon lingered on the new girl that had been speaking to Rose. She was kind of cute, it was time to just see how hot he was. "So what's your name?" Mason asked Alia.

"He disgusts me," Rose said as her manager reappeared.

"You do know if you and Mason pair up, you wouldn't have to worry about those two," Her manager said looking in the direction of Lucinda and Donovan.

"It'll never happen," Rose glared to get the message through. He may like her, but he fooled around with the other girls too much and she wasn't going to date a guy who wasn't going to be serious.

miss murder
miss murder is offline
Old 09-04-2008, 12:58 AM

Layla decided she wanted a Girls Night Out with her friends. She called a few of her closest friends and asked if they wanted to grab some dinner and catch a flick. They all accepted and that meant Layla had to get ready soon. She put on her tight red mini dress, put on her makeup, curled her hair, and picked out a purse all in one hour. On top of that it was in a small and smelly dressing rooms. "I bet the so called good models get awesome dressing rooms." Layla thought as she was walking out of the squeaky door. Gwenovere put a hand in front of her face as soon as she walked out of the door which meant more work to do. She slowly put down her purse as if she was going to stay but as soon as Gwenovere wasn't looking she ran out. Layla knew it was wrong of her to sneak off but Layla usually never gets to have fun. As she was thinking she never noticed the camera cord and she tripped over it. Now Layla really knew people were looking. Layla thought maybe that they now that it was a pretty girl that fell down they wouldn't stare anymore. Just in case Layla got up, wiped her dress off, and ran again as if nothing ever happend.

Prozehn is offline
Old 09-04-2008, 08:18 PM

((Okay, that's good. I just didn't expect that sort of reaction, the usual reaction I get is the other person blushing, so your reaction startled me a little and I hoped I didn't scare you away.))

Once Layla was done with her pictures the cameraman beaconed Prozehn over. The boy nodded once and then turned to Rizell for a moment. "Take Chaos and go to our room. You can have the driver help you take the stuff up into the room. I'll be along shortly." And with saying that, Prozehn reached up and took Chaos carefully off of his shoulder. He then handed the small creature to Rizell. "Take care of him," he said quietly as he pet the creature on the head. The boy then turned and waked over to where the photographer wanted.
The boy posed elegantly, doing exactly what the cameraman wanted, and some things the the cameraman didn't even know he wanted, until the boy did it. Prozehn was a natural, and he was easily able to put on an heir that would make anyone believe that he actually had the emotion that he was portraying for each picture.
Once his pictures where done, he buttoned his shirt back up and walked off of the set. His usual blank look back in place. For a second he looked over at the other people, then he shook his head.
The boy lived on his own, he always had, ever since that day. He didn't need anyone. Though deep down, he wished for more companionship that just Rizell and Chaos. But he would never say this to anyone.
The boy then turned and started to head off toward his room.

Tragically Addicted
Dead Account Holder
Tragically Addicted is offline
Old 09-04-2008, 09:37 PM

Vaan walked into the building carrying Nix in his arms. He wore his usual black and green colors, to match his hair of course. Nix stirred in his arms. The poor thing feel asleep in the car. The ride was too much for it.
He looked around for someone, but the lobby was empty. He was late for his gig and he knew it, but he couldn't help it. He went off in search of his room, while also being nosy and peeking in other rooms to see who was in them. Not that he would know anyone inside. He was still fresh.

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Old 09-04-2008, 10:12 PM

Sean walked into the building. He wore a light blue shirt with dark blue jeans. He looked around trying to see if he saw anyone, but he didn't really see anyone. He knew he was late so he rushed off to his dressing room finding it shortly. He dressed in what was out for him and went to the photo shoot. "Sorry I'm late." he said. He had to wait a bit before it was his turn. Once it was it went where he was told and did everything that he was told to do. He was pretty good, but he didn't really think so.

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Old 09-05-2008, 02:14 AM

Mason made a quiet whistle as he saw Layla trip. She ran out and he grinned, she really shouldn't have worn that short of a dress.

Rose stared at the girl and frowned. She wasn't going to make it big if she was going to ditch her job. She headed back to her room for a quick change, though it wasn't much of a change. She let her hair down and wore her favorite black headdress. She took off the black lolita dress she had to wear and put on her maroon one that was bit more elegant. Then she headed back out to survey the rest of the models.

miss murder
miss murder is offline
Old 09-14-2008, 02:22 AM

Layla knew that Gwenovere was going to kill her when she got back. She sat down at the reserved table that her and her friends usually sat at. When she got there all she saw was a note that read:

Dear Layla,

Ever since you have become a model you have been a total bitch to us. We really don't want to hang out with you anymore. We have used this going out thing as an excuse to tell you this. We would tell you in person but you might cry like the whimp you are. We really never get why you got in the model business because...Oh wait two words....Plastic surgery. If you weren't so rich you would still be as ugly as hell. Glad we got that off our chest. Goodbye forever.

Your ex-bestfriends,
Dahlila, Jennifer, Jackie, and Jill

P.S Your still as ugly as hell

Layla ran outside to let her tears out. Now that Layla was a model she could trust no one. She sadly drove back to the studio in her car trying the best she could to hold back the rest of her tears. Layla slowly walked to her dressing room. She sniffled a little and opened the rusty door. Layla had to put a load of make-up on to hide the puffiness of her eyes. She ignored Gwenovere scolding and lecturing her. She just got to her seat and sat far away from the other models.

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Old 09-14-2008, 01:20 PM

"What happened to her?" Mason smirked and saw Rose smile. Something she rarely did, yet he managed to do it.

"I think she just figured out the consequences of being a model," Rose frowned, "Such an amateur." She walked away.

Mason didn't bother to follow her, he had at least made a small improvement in his goal to get with Rose.

miss murder
miss murder is offline
Old 09-14-2008, 02:21 PM

She tried the best she could to smile but it wasn't working out. She felt like the sadness was seeping through her make-up. As much as she wanted to go home and feel sad there she couldn't because she wanted to be a famous model even more. "Okay Layla you won't regret this when people are begging for your autograph." Layla tried saying to herself.

(((I'm going to be gone for a few days and I don't know when I'll be back)))

Last edited by miss murder; 09-14-2008 at 11:22 PM..

Atlene is offline
Old 09-17-2008, 09:22 PM

After calming herself own and collecting back her composure, Paige brushed her hair out of her face in front of the bathroom mirror, adjusting it slightly before walking out. Being grabbed back into the makeup room as they made her "presentable", per se, to the new models, she couldn't help but feel annoyed by it all. Annoyed by her brother, by hr manager, by her parents, by everything that is and isn't. "All done!' the makeup artist chirped, and Paige gave a small nod in acknowledgment, standing up stiffly to make way back to the room.

Holding up her head high and walking with confidence--however faux it was--Paige spotted a new girl, the one Jacob had commented on being having some potential. Deciding to make good use of the information, she walked over, smiling before piping happily, "Hello! My name's Lucinda. Could you possibly be one of the new models?"

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Old 09-27-2008, 10:35 PM

"So what's got you down?" Mason grinned as he lean against the table Layla was sitting at. She seemed like a mess, making her the perfect prey.


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