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Old 12-25-2009, 06:18 PM

All I've gotten for Christmas so far is a digital camera and a couple shirts + tie-die kit.

When I've specifically told my dad that I wanted a cell phone OR this one game called AION.

Just so as to avoid looking spoiled, I also got into a small fight with Mom over waffles vs. pancakes (She was making waffles and I was expecting pancakes, and I got upset even though I offered to eat the waffles anyway... and she threw them in the garbage. We settled it though, but my mom had a bad rest of the day). And also, the microwave at dad's house broke.

And plus, I forgot to bring my 360 over hear to prolly ease the pain. Darnit I feel so empty inside... DX

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Old 12-25-2009, 06:41 PM

I tend to just have miserable Christmases in general. I moved away from the bulk of my family when I was 8. So all my Christmas presents arrived closer to my birthday (mid-January). And it was just me and my Grandmother. And she wasn't big on much.
We had a tiny plastic tree we put up on a nightstand and decorated, and that was about it.

Christmas isn't really festive or particularly happy for me.

maidenroseheart is offline
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Old 12-25-2009, 06:46 PM

I mentioned earlier the worst...now I'm going to moan and groan over the second worst...

I'm snowed in. My mom, who lives 2,000 miles away from me is two miles from here and I can't reach her... This Christmas is getting to be pretty lonely.

Son Zack
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Old 12-25-2009, 09:10 PM

Gosh, some of these are awful! My condolences to all... right now I feel like kind of a jerk xD

But I dunno, my Christmases were never amazing, gift wise. My parents tend to lead me on and I was always a real hopeful kid. I never, ever get big expensive stuff so I stopped asking for it a long time ago. Ipods, Xboxes, things like that...I kind of don't care about gifts anymore, the whole commercial aspect of Christmas makes me a bit sick, frankly. We're not Christian, so we don't really celebrate the 'reason for the season' but we do appreciate tradition and I love the family togetherness, so to speak. This year, I got some cute socks, a necklace that I love, a neat makeup bag, and a robe. It hasn't been so great financially for us so I wasn't really hoping for anything big anyway. Christmas isn't really about material things for me... but before I figured that out, every year was a disappointment, to a degree.

babykabukibrushes is offline
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Old 12-25-2009, 10:01 PM

I haven't been feeling good but I cooked most of yesterday and Christmas Day not to here one thank-you. Two of my kids got into a political argument and wouldn't stop. They were so mad at each other one left real early and the other ignored everyone else. No one helped with clean-up after dinner. I'm glad this day is over.

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Old 12-26-2009, 02:44 AM

@babykabukibrushes - I know how you feel, I've been there before. Seems like more often as of late though. Hang in there.

purple_artemis00 is offline
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Old 12-26-2009, 02:49 AM

My favorite cousin was stuck in Vietnam cause of some flight mis-scheduling. Which completely sucks cause I don't like any of my other family.

maidenroseheart is offline
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Old 12-26-2009, 02:51 AM

oh man that sucks :(

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Old 12-26-2009, 04:26 AM

Today, my grandma wasn't feeling well so, she didn't come. My brother was late, but that's o.k., at least he showed unlike my brother in law. The ham said to cook it 10 minutes per pound so,I put it in the over for an hour and twenty minutes because, it was about 8 pounds and, it was still cold when it came out. Luckily, it was already cooked so, we ate it anyway. All in all, it was a pretty good Christmas.

selphiebishop is offline
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Old 12-26-2009, 04:53 AM

Yeah, I've had disappointing christmases two years in a row now. My dad got kidney cancer, so there's just not enough money to go around. So you know, like one present each, and not even a really great present. It sucks!!

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Old 12-26-2009, 04:58 AM

This year was one big letdown after another. The original plan was that I was supposed to go with my parents and my grandma and my boyfriend to Kentucky to visit my aunt, uncle, and cousins and have Christmas at their house. I've never spent Christmas at their house and I was looking forward to it. But that got ruined because these idiot people, who we don't even know, who are friends with another aunt and uncle, decided to have a wedding on New Years. So they screwed up everyone's holiday plans by having their wedding on a holiday, because my aunt and uncle take care of my grandfather who is very old and he needs someone always there to watch him. So my parents have to go to their house before New Years to take care of him, which meant there was no time to go to Kentucky. On top of all that, my other grandpa had died earlier this year and Christmas isn't the same without both my grandparents there.

So because of the mess with the original plans getting ruined, I changed my plans and was going to visit my boyfriend who lives in New Jersey. I live in Florida. Originally he was supposed to visit me and go with me and spend Christmas with my family. His parents don't like me, so I wasn't super thrilled about my plan change, but I figured it would be fun anyways. We planned to hang out with some of his friends, and go to NYC to see the Christmas tree and all that stuff. And I was hoping for snow on Christmas for once. The very day I was supposed to go the huge snowstorm hit and canceled my plane. I was relieved I wouldn't have to deal with his parents now, but I still kind of wanted to see if I could get on a plane there the next day instead, but my mom bitched and moaned about how if I did that it would ruin her own plans to go somewhere else. And I felt really bad about the whole thing, so I just didn't, because her original trip had already been ruined. I kind of regretted giving into her though, because she was in such an awful mood the next few days and just wasn't nice to me at all. She dragged me along with her on her stupid trip to the mountains (north Georgia, North Carolina area) where we go most years for Christmas, and to put it simply, I'm sick and tired of going there and I didn't get to see my boyfriend. Now he and I are just trying to figure out when he can come visit me in Florida. We're hoping he can come within a few days.

On top of everything else, it has been horrible weather where I've ended up spending Christmas. It never snows really good here. Sometimes there's a little bit of crappy snow and then it melts. Most of it melted before we got here. And it's been raining the rest of the time. There was an awful storm last night that knocked out power and I sat in the dark and cold on Christmas eve. And now I have to wait a whole year to try again to go somewhere where there will be nice snow, and get to see my boyfriend. And if I go to visit him, I'll still have the issue of his parents to worry about, because I really don't feel welcome at his house at all.

Akuma-hime is offline
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Old 12-26-2009, 06:09 AM

Well last year was a real let down. I couldn't go anywhere because my mother was feeling bad (she' has cancer) so because we were paying for radiation we couldn't afford gifts and because we couldn't afford gifts my parents felt ashamed to go anywhere and so we stayed at home. Which is retarded because as much as gift giving is awesome its not the point of christmas. But then again i was still a kid at heart and we were copping with my mothers sudden illness (we not that sudden just new). I spent that christmas crying and faking that i was asleep as i heard my mothers painful groans of pain...
but lucky this year was brighter and moms feeling better so its all good and we have children this year children really brighten christmas. although people kept complaining to my aunt because she ruined christmas because she didn't make her super awesome cheesecake which she only makes on thanksgiving and on christmas. Which made me laugh alot but i felt bad for my aunt saying she ruined christmas was a little harsh. there were still no presents but being with family rocks

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Old 12-26-2009, 07:31 AM

Got into a fight with my mom over something stupid that I said. so that wasn't such a great thing... I feel like I let her down... I apologized and everything, and she's still stressed about it... I feel so bad...

Captain Howdy

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Old 12-26-2009, 08:05 AM

My worst Christmas was some years back. My cat suddenly got sick on Christmas Eve and then died on Christmas Day, just after midnight. :(

Winter Wind
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Old 12-26-2009, 08:24 AM


I don't really have any bad Christmases.
I generally don't get presents, so I consider myself lucky if I do get one.

Though this time was not as exciting as last year.
Last year, I spent it with my boyfriend online. xD With photos and stuff.
And this time, he watched a movie with his mom and called me twice.

OPALNYX is offline
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Old 12-26-2009, 08:29 AM

Oh i am so sorry to hear that Captain Howdy.
My worst Christmas was a while ago on of the family got sick in the morning and
then by the evening we got a call saying that some other family members where
involved in an car accident and where seriously injured.
They are ok after months and months in hospital.

OnyxSaphire is offline
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Old 12-26-2009, 04:19 PM

My worst was one year when I got sick during Christmas Eve mass and felt bad all thorough Christmas. Totally not a good day to be sick :(

Skykittykat is offline
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Old 12-26-2009, 04:52 PM

I guess my only let down this year was that I was really hoping for a tablet. I didn't get it for Christmas but I'm suspecting that I may still be getting it for my birthday on the 31st If I'm not traveling on that day of course. I hate my birthday. I haven't had a real birthday party since I was five and I think my mom just randomly selects one or two of my christmas presents and sets them aside for my birthday.

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Old 12-26-2009, 08:08 PM

Sorry that sucks...I'm so glad my birthday is no where near X-mas.

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Old 12-26-2009, 09:57 PM

Since my brother passed away 3 years ago christmas has never been the same with my family (it didnt happen on christmas but it just made the holidays less fun), but this year had to be the worst.... my now ex-boyfriend broke up with me on the 22nd leaving me alone, confused, and heartbroken for the holidays well, i got pretty much no support from any of my friends or family wdecent hen i was at home crying my eyes out... the whole experience left me emotionally withdrawn because he doesnt have a real reason behind it... anyways on christmas day i was expecting to go visit my mom and have a decent time... well i get down there and find her and her boyfriend piss drunk, past the point of annoying... they bickered all night, and i learned the news that i might be an older half-sibling because theyre going to try to have a kid.... anyways a little before dinner my mom went to sleep and told her boyfriend to cook dinner so an hour later we eat... the crab was still frozen and the steaks tasted like straight salt it was gross and im glad i didnt have much of an appetite from the breakup because that stuff was just making me feel sick.... i got out of there as soon as dinner was done at 7:00 and drove home and just sat there and had more fun with my ex than i had all night.... that consisted of crying occasionally and talking about us.... crappy christmas... bahumbug...

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Old 12-26-2009, 10:38 PM

Well, here I go...

We have been so busy the last couple months because my grandma broke her hip back in October and since she was the primary caregiver for my granddaddy (who has a hard time seeing and hearing as well as having dementia and being unsteady on his feet), my mom had to take over pretty much staying over at their house most of the time while my grandma was in a rehab facility for 2 months. They decided that my granddaddy had to be put in a nursing home and had one heck of a time doing that because of the system and he finally was placed in a home around December 4th. Between my mom still going over to my grandparents home a lot because of working out the financial side of things and the rest of us taking over around the house (which is hard because my dad is working most of the time and my brother is in High School) we didn't start to get up our Christmas decorations (besides the tree) until about two or three days ago. I've just not felt in the Christmas spirit this year which is really depressing because it's my favorite time of year and all our normal traditions have gone to pot in the chaos.

To make matters worse, we were supposed to pick up my granddaddy from the nursing home to spend time with the family for a few hours which he had been really looking forward to. My mom got there and he was hooked up to an oxygen tank because he had been wheezing earlier. But they said his oxygen level was fine (they had hooked it up just to be on the safe side) and that it would still be okay to take him with us. So my mom started taking him out to the car and he started wheezing even worse which is what he does before he has heart problems so it scared the heck out of my mom. Meanwhile all of the relatives are showing up at our house and since my mom was planning to be home already to help with the food, my dad in I are in the kitchen trying to help my great aunt and not doing such a great job at it. My grandma and uncle are now at the nursing home at this point and they are all trying to figure out what to do and my granddaddy is finally back in bed and seems to be fine even though he is still a little bit confused. They all still hadn't eaten though and my granddaddy said it would be okay for them to go back to the house to eat but that he did still wanted to see us all at some point. So that's what they do and we spend the whole meal worrying about him and didn't really get a proper visit with everyone. When we got back to visit my granddaddy, he was still in a confused state and seemed kind of almost indifferent and removed from the situation like nothing phased him and pretty much acted like it was a normal visit even though there were 11 of us there. It was kind of disconcerting since he had been talking about nothing but getting together on Christmas for a few weeks. He's been getting worse and worse lately and this was a total reminder of how bad it's been getting.

My mom and brother are visiting him right now and I'm kind of scared to hear what I'm probably going to hear when they get home. I hope everything works out okay.
All I know is that I'd rather not have a repeat of this Christmas ever again.

midnitemyst is offline
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Old 12-27-2009, 05:05 AM

I never get what I want and always end up giving my stuff away or exchanging it. People seem to buy what they want you to have or what they want not what you want.

Neko Neko Kitty
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Old 12-27-2009, 05:34 AM

Well I haven't seen my family in three years I think and calling them for Christmas made me realize just how much my little siblings don't know me. The youngest is very shy around me when normally she's outgoing and only talks because she feels obligated. I feel like a terrible sister now, but I can't afford to go visit and when they lived close to me they never visited me. Feeling like an outsider in my own family this holiday.

Dream Weaver
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Old 12-27-2009, 05:35 AM

The worst Christmas I had was the first christmas after my son died. It just wasnt christmas that year.


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Old 12-27-2009, 03:36 PM

My christmas was actually ok this year. but yesterday... my birthday... I got news that my boyfriend might fail out of university and won't be returning next semester. This is devastating for me because my roommate doesn't spend a lot of time at the apartment because her father might die any day with leukemia and lung cancer, so the place is empty, and not really in a good neighborhood either. My boyfriend usually stays with me when that happens, so I've gotten used to him always being there, and now he won't be there at all.



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