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View Poll Results: Favorite X-Mas Song
Jingle Bells 16 23.19%
We Wish You A Merry X-Mas 7 10.14%
Deck the Halls 6 8.70%
Oh! X-Mas Tree 5 7.25%
Other.... 52 75.36%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 69. You may not vote on this poll

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4nj3L is offline
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Old 12-25-2009, 06:36 PM

Hmmmm.... I'm not good at remember stuff I got. As a kid I got a lot of gifts that I 'wanted', but ended up bored of in little to know time (I was one of those kids who prefered to play with big boxes and such XD).

The one odd present I remember getting one year was socks from a friend. XD
Hmmmm..... And the most foolish present I think I've ever got for my friends was bulk bags of candy for my friends from Sugar Mountain (>_< that couldn't have been healthy).

maidenroseheart is offline
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Old 12-25-2009, 06:39 PM

For the poll my favorite is "Carol of the Bells" with a symphony and choir :) Lots of percussion too :)

worst present...right now, snowed in and can't get to anyone :( The weatherman is sure mean...

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Old 12-25-2009, 06:45 PM

I think the most horrible gift I would have is, well, getting doll house when I was 13 or 14 years old. I'm use to that kids stuff now.

Cherish is offline
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Old 12-25-2009, 06:47 PM

I think the worst gift I've ever got was actually a wedding present, not a Christmas present.
It was a weird little shallow glass dish, with a little pot inside it, and a tacky fake pink flower inside that.
It looked so thrown-together, like the kind of thing you see at a car boot sale for 20p that nobody buys.

That's why we liked it, though. It was so bad it was good! We still have the hideous thing displayed on the shelves.

Best of all, it was from an old couple neither of us knew. I remember meeting them at the wedding, and assuming they were from the husby's side of the family... but he met them and thought exactly the same thing.
We still have no idea who they were, and how they both seemed to know us.

TECHNOlogic ANDROID is offline
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Old 12-25-2009, 07:17 PM

A sex toy. Because it's just akward.

Popcorn Gun

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Old 12-25-2009, 07:28 PM

@ Technologic Android ::

Wow, that always makes for fun times unwrapping the present.
x' D

(I had to re-word that sooo many times so it didn't sound dirty, x' D))

Let's see, the worst gift I think I've given was actually a six pack of underwear.
> ____ <;;
I SOOOO didn't know what to get my grandma.
:' (
It was under my mom's advice those so, meh.
I still feel bad though...

Explosion On Contact
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Old 12-25-2009, 08:36 PM

The worst that i've ever got was soap shaped like poop.... -_-
It was a gag gift from my uncle.

I think the worst I ever gave was this really horrible smelling lotion.
It seemed like it would smell good....but it was awful. @_@

serenitykit is offline
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Old 12-25-2009, 11:53 PM

worst i got was from my brother about a year ago....he gave me a pen he had won from a vending machine the day before...did i mention i gave him the money for it lol

the worst i gave would be the gift im giving my friend tomorrow lol. its a lamp that hangs over the headboard and its leopard print with yellow beads hanging from it lol...i made her earrings and her fave chocolate to make up for it lol....but im still giving it to her ;)

Merry Christmas!! :yumeh2:

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Old 12-26-2009, 12:16 AM

Th' worst I can get is crosses, bibles an' stuff. >: -not christian-

But I haven't gotten any of that stuff in a while.

Other then that I'm happy cause of th' tought of someone gettin' me something.

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Old 12-26-2009, 12:26 AM

Haha some of the 'horrible' gifts you seem to be getting just sound quirky! XD

I can't really say I've gotten anything terrible, ever? My mother got me an umbrella(+ something else) this year, but I really need one regardless! XD

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Old 12-26-2009, 01:05 AM

Socks & underwear.

I don't think people should give those out on Christmas!
On any other day of the week. Just not Christmas. : ]

There are so many other things! D;

blueblob2 is offline
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Old 12-26-2009, 01:07 AM

My sister gave me a coupon for chapters. Unfortunately, it expired yesterday.

KittehMEW is offline
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Old 12-26-2009, 01:08 AM

I used to always feel bad, but I used to buy my ex clothes all the time because I hated the ones he picked out for himself >.<

Once, for Christmas from my Great Aunt, she gave me cat toys so I could play with my cat -.-

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Old 12-26-2009, 01:28 AM


Not the nice Bath and Body Works kind of stuff, just plain, unscented soap and hand sanitizer.

Not really sure what to think about that gift, to be honest. I'm already crazy careful about my hygiene anyway.

Agent HEY-LEE is offline
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Old 12-26-2009, 02:07 AM

I think the worst present I ever received was a giant purple pony from my dads mom a couple of years back. I had quit liking toy horses like.. three years before I got it. XD

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Old 12-26-2009, 06:30 AM

Oh, wow, yah. The fast food gift cards. I got one for McDonalds and I never eat there. o-o I rather disliked their food. But the I went to an anime convention and checked to see if there was a McDonalds near by... and used the card while I was there. Food is food, yknow? I found that I actually liked BigMacs afterall.

But, seriously, when I was little everyone thought it would be amazing to give me make-up. I was a tomboy, all-natural girl. I'd brush my hair but otherwise, sign me up for jeans with holes in them from when I crashed my first bicycle and shoes still caked in mud from playing outside. I was not girly or nice or princess-y. I didn't want make-up. o-o

shinjuuchan is offline
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Old 12-26-2009, 07:33 AM

My grandpa got my mom toilet paper one year for a laugh. He also got my cousin a giant can of peaches once... Ah, I miss him...

Winter Wind
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Old 12-26-2009, 08:27 AM

I once got a pair of socks.

They were cute, yes, but not exactly what I would wear.

I guess Dumbledore would've been happy. xD

OPALNYX is offline
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Old 12-26-2009, 08:32 AM

I can not really remember every getting a bad present.

JapaneseCherryBlossom is offline
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Old 12-26-2009, 05:06 PM

Originally Posted by `Haru View Post
Socks & underwear.

I don't think people should give those out on Christmas!
On any other day of the week. Just not Christmas. : ]

There are so many other things! D;
Haha I know what you mean! I got my first "training bra" on Christmas when I was younger. Talk about EMBARASSING and just weird...

I think my worst present was a pack of plastic containers for meals. It just seemed like the most thoughtless gift ever, not to mention I had TONS of them already. :P

Synthetika is offline
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Old 12-26-2009, 10:19 PM

A broken heart.... thats gotta be the worst thing i have ever gotten on christmas.... and it was this year.... still recovering from a very lame christmas, nothing this year was much fun except the little time i got to spend with my best friend my family was gay and my ex was even gayer for giving me a broken heart

babykabukibrushes is offline
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Old 12-26-2009, 11:03 PM

My worst gift ever is the same thing every year. My husband's parents give him $10 per person in our family and tells him to buy something for each one of us. He use to give them the gifts (after we wrapped them with bow and name tag) so they could hand them out to everyone. Lately they told us just to tell them what the presents were and to just keep them at our house. Why bother.

Am I wrong?

Quixotic is offline
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Old 12-26-2009, 11:07 PM

My cat gave me a dead mouse one time... she laid it on my bed and just stared at me, like it was a present. When I threw it outside she wasn't too happy that I tossed her gift.

The worst I've ever given was a half eaten box of chocolates. :P

DizzieDummie is offline
Old 12-27-2009, 12:06 AM

Originally Posted by PixelJunkie View Post
My cat gave me a dead mouse one time... she laid it on my bed and just stared at me, like it was a present. When I threw it outside she wasn't too happy that I tossed her gift.

The worst I've ever given was a half eaten box of chocolates. :P
Haha, next time your cat gives you something be very nice to her, for cat's "sharing the hunt" is our equivalence of great affection/love and friendship =P

but neways, haha so many bad gifts :'DD

for one occassion it wasn't a bad gift choice but it was a bad coincidence, one year when my cousins and I still liked hello kitty, I gave a pack of hello kitty cards and a nice hello kitty pencil to two different people and from those two people I got the same thing in return :'D
not regifted either because we opened them up in front of eachother XDDD

Dream Weaver
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Old 12-27-2009, 04:30 AM

Snuggies. Thats what you get when you dont care.


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