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The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 12-11-2010, 01:11 AM

Hidan winced at the girl's volume.

"Ugh, keep it down, will ya..." It was hurting his head just to speak, and every syllable gave his head another throb. For someone who could heal a cut in minutes, his body was surprisingly slow at getting the alcohol out of his system.

"Tobi loves Katima-chan too!" Madara chirped, his voice still louder than normal, and returning the hug. Anything to annoy that bastard who ruined his favorite pair of jeans. He usually wasn't this chipper, even if his act in many scenes required him to act like an idiot, but he found that taking up the alias of 'Tobi' was just a perfect excuse to bugger the living daylights out of his roommate when the man decides to stumble into the apartment at three in the morning and singing at the top of his lungs while reeking of cheap drinks. "Tobi hasn't seen Kakashi-san, but if he does he'll tell Katima-chan!"

"Urrrgh...don't bother," Hidan moaned. "Hatake was out drinking with me last night, and he got wiped out more than I did. You probably won't see the sorry bastard until noon."

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 12-11-2010, 04:47 AM

Katima went frigid when he heard Hidan say that. Her mouth drew into a frown and her body shook a little. In a tiny voice she spoke finally, "What did you say you fckng bastrd?" Her voice was cold but it was only loud enough for the two men to hear. Taking he arm off of Hidan she glared at him and clung to the side of Madara's waist, standing on her tip toes she whispered to him, "Madara, let's piss him off to hell and back no? Who does he like?" She stood on her feet again and smiled evilly up at probably one of the only people she actually respected, and slightly liked.

Kakashi woke up his head pounding. 'Katima is going to kill me.' He thought. Actually he promised her that he wouldn't go out drinking again since the last time. He regretted that time. Now he was just worried about taking care of his hang over. Pressing into the kitchen he drank a huge glass of water and took a tiny pill out of a bottle that Tsunade gave him. Walking into the bathroom he got dressed and cleaned up. Soon his hangover was gone, now to handle with Katima.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 12-11-2010, 07:02 AM

Madara's eyes narrowed as he tapped his chin (or, the area where his chin was, covered by the mask) in thought. While this was the perfect opportunity to drive Hidan up the wall, if the glint in the girl's eyes were any indication, he unfortunately did not know if his young roommate was interested in anyone. Or even capable of becoming interested in anyone. "I don't know. The idiot only ever talks about that pathetic religion, and his hair care products. If I didn't know better, one would think he's either pansexual or asexual." He flicked his gaze over to his roommate, who was leaning against the wall with his eyes unfocused and wincing every time someone walked. "What do you have in mind?"

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 12-11-2010, 05:31 PM

[Legend]Katima listened to him intently. "Awww I wanted to piss him off by making sure the girl he liked could never be his! That would be funny though if he was Asexual!" She laughed at this, her laugh sounded like tinkling bells, she blushed. Katima never really laughed in front of anyone before, as to hide the blush she hugged him. Pulling away she looked up at him "Are you wearing a new cologne?" of course she was just joking but she did love the way he smelled.[/legend]

Kakashi stumbled around hoping that he wouldn't piss his sister off more by the time he got there, actually she was way more powerful than she looked or put on. "Might as well bring one for Hidan." He mumbled as he grabbed a miracle pill off Tsunade's. He was almost positive Hidan would be yelling around this time. Sighing he jumped on his motorcycle and sped away, hoping that Katima wasn't fangirling any of the Akatsuki, he didn't want her dating any of them!

Music soothes the savage beast ;...
Slide is offline
Old 12-12-2010, 04:27 PM

Natsumi giggled. "I hate when that happens, sometimes I could get really into the scene myself, I don't know why.." she said. "Maybe he's really passionate about the show, who knows whats his deal..." she said unconsciously leaning on the snack table. Though she was considered light in weight, she managed to make the snack table fall down with her on it. She fell face first into the pile of dango. ". . ." There was nothing much to say at the moment. Within that moment that felt like forever, was an awkward silence before some people began to burst out laughing. She was filled with embarrassment, of course making her blush. She casually stood up and acted like nothing happened. She brushed the food off her clothes and hesitated the rub off the different flavors on her face. She laughed slightly. "Heh, sorry about that...say, if the producer asks, I didn't do it." she said wiping melted cheesed off her face with her finger and eating it. "Anyways...I'm..just gonna...go over there..." she said now slightly more embarrassed and sat on the couch again next to Sakura. "......" she looked at her waiting her her to say something-- knowing that she would at times like this.

Sakura looked over at Natsumi and managed to stay neutral for 6 seconds then suddenly busted out laughing. "Nice one, 'Super cluts'" she said as she continued to laugh.

Natsumi slouched in embarrassment. "........Thanks." she said with a sigh.

Last edited by Slide; 12-12-2010 at 06:32 PM..

Lady Angel Konan
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Old 12-12-2010, 05:52 PM

Suigetsu woke in a slight irritated daze "San!!!! Get your @ss out of bed!!!!" he yelled to his younger sister down the hall of there small home. He rose out of the bed and reached for his water bottle he mumbled about being dehydrated as he quickly gulped the water.

San woke to her brothers voice " SHUT IT FISH STICK!!!" she yelled back knowing at this point he was probably whining about being dehydrated. She grabbed her amulet kissing it gently "Lord Jashin let us have at least one fine kill this beautiful day" she prayed as she walked to her dresser grabbing her favorite black kimono styled shirt and a pair of black jeans.

"IM NOT THE ONE WHO HAS TO GO TO THE STUDIO TODAY!!!! LITTLE MISS CAN GET A BOYFRIEND WITH OUT KILLING HIM ON THE FIRST DATE!!!!" Suigetsu yelled back to his sister as he finished getting dressed.

"SUIGETSU!!! IF THE RELATIONSHIP WOULD HAVE WORKED OUT THEY WOULD STILL BE ALIVE!!! I KILLED THEM BECAUSE MY LORD KNOWS THEY WERE NOT RIGHT FOR ME!!!!" she yelled walking out of her room in to the kitchen. She whipped up a quick breakfast for the two of them after they ate they began to walk to the studio, upon arrival San saw Natsumi and Sakura she waved at the two of them as she walked over to them with her brother who didnt seem to thrilled to be there.

Last edited by Lady Angel Konan; 12-12-2010 at 06:33 PM..

Music soothes the savage beast ;...
Slide is offline
Old 12-12-2010, 06:41 PM

Natsumi waved to San and Suigetsu not seeming so happy after the incident. "Hey..." she simply said before she went back to sulk in her seat. She had many thoughts in her head on that embarrassing moment, hoping it wouldn't be another moment to be placed on the walls.

Sakura waved happily at both of them. "Hey guys! Welcome back." she said politely. It was nice to have some company that wasn't covered in food from the snack table. 'Speaking of...' she thought before she took out a wet towelette and gave it to Natsumi. "Here, you might need this.." she said to her.

She took it and wiped her hands, but she couldn't see where the food was on her face. She hesitated to wipe it. "Thanks.." she said.

Last edited by Slide; 12-12-2010 at 06:45 PM..

Lady Angel Konan
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Lady Angel Konan is offline
Old 12-12-2010, 07:11 PM

Suigetsu scowled at the women hoping the other would soon be there.

San smiled at the girl then giggled walking over to natsumi pulling a chip out of her hair "looks like someone fell in the snacks" she chuckled softly.

Music soothes the savage beast ;...
Slide is offline
Old 12-12-2010, 07:19 PM

Natsumi sighed. "Tasty, isn't it?" she said mentally sulking again. "I was glad more people weren't here to see that...ugh, i'm such a cluts!" she felt like smacking herself in the head, that must've been funny for Hikaru to see, even though he's probably not the type to laugh that much.

Sakura giggled, "Think on the bright side, Tsumi-chan!" she told her. Natsumi glared to Sakura's direction. "....What bright side..?" she asked her in a harsh tone. "Well.... at least you don't have to walk over there if you want a quick snack..? Heh heh..." she tried to make her happy again. As you can see, it wasn't working too well. Natsumi sighed again.

Lady Angel Konan
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Lady Angel Konan is offline
Old 12-12-2010, 07:25 PM

Suigetsu sat in a chair on the opposite side of the room watching his sister talk with her friends he sighed picking up a magazine, flipping threw the pages

San giggled helping Natsumi clean herself up "Suigetsu is being anti-social today" she said softly so he couldnt hear her.

Music soothes the savage beast ;...
Slide is offline
Old 12-12-2010, 07:32 PM

Sakura glanced at him on the opposite side of the room, then looked back at San. "Apparently so.." she said. "Hey Suigetsu!! Why are you so far away!?" she called him out from across the room just to purposely annoy him. Natsumi chuckled to herself at they helped her clean the food of her. She ate another chip from her hair.

Lady Angel Konan
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Lady Angel Konan is offline
Old 12-12-2010, 07:42 PM

He scowled at her "I dont want to be around you giggly girls...." he growled trying to show no attraction to the women that he wasnt related to.

San glared at her brother "you are so rude Fish Stick!" she said angrily at him as he sipped on his water bottle.

He glared at her and continued to sip the water.

Music soothes the savage beast ;...
Slide is offline
Old 12-12-2010, 07:51 PM

Natsumi gave him a 'look', and not a very pleasant one either. She could tell that Sakura might say or do something about what he said.

Sakura smirked. "Stop acting like a child! Girls don't have 'cooties' .." she said to him. She sighed, she could've sworn that Naruto was the only one she knew that acted like a 'boy'.

Lady Angel Konan
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Lady Angel Konan is offline
Old 12-12-2010, 07:59 PM

He returned Natsumi's look then looked at sakura growling slightly "ever think i dont want to be here... not like i really get a choice when i have to take care of the Jashinist..." he stood abruptly walking out of the studio "ill be back San..." he growled.

San looked at him sadly as he left nodding to him as he walked out.

Music soothes the savage beast ;...
Slide is offline
Old 12-12-2010, 08:03 PM

Natsumi looked back at San. "...Whats up with him?" she asked her after she stuck her tongue out at him.

Sakura sighed. "Somebody has issues ~!" she thought

Lady Angel Konan
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Lady Angel Konan is offline
Old 12-12-2010, 08:14 PM

San looked sadly at the two girl "I honestly dont know? He is acting weird today...." she said frowning slightly.

Music soothes the savage beast ;...
Slide is offline
Old 12-12-2010, 08:38 PM

Natsumi sighed, "You think we should talk to him? Or, apologize?" she asked her turning her head slowly towards Sakura on the last part. She felt sort of bad. Maybe he just had a bad day.

Sakura noticed her glare. 'Or, we could buy him some Anti-PMSing pills..' she thought rolling her eyes. She refused to admit that it was her fault, after all, he kinda did over-react to the whole thing.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 12-13-2010, 05:00 AM

Hidan had, by now, found his way over to a (relatively, compared to the other available spots,) quiet corner and slumped onto the ground there, hands over his head and trying to will the pounding headache to go away. Not that it was listening to him. It was bent on making his brain implode, it seemed. He was starting to wonder if it had been a good idea to drag himself all the way to the studio today, he could've just skipped everything and stayed home...

...Although on second thought, that probably wasn't a good idea either. Madara would find even more ways to make his migraine worse than it was already. The bastard could hold a serious grudge.


Madara chuckled darkly at the girl's question, albeit a bit endearingly, in a way. She had a nice laugh.
"No. I'm actually surprised I don't smell like vomit." Here he rolled his eyes beneath the mask. "I hadn't had time to shower when Hidan decided to spontaneously throw up every content of his stomach into my wardrobe. I spent a good twenty minutes trying to find some clothes that hadn't been sprayed by..." He trailed off, thinking that he really didn't want to get into that right now. "...Anyway. That's why we ran late this morning." One of the reasons, anyway. The other was best left unspoken to a lady's ears.

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 12-13-2010, 05:39 AM

Katima nodded at him but now latched herself onto him. "Well I think you smell fine, also I want to piss him off. What are some torturous things we could do to him?" Her voice was fairly quiet, she hoped that he didn't mind her hugging him, she just hasn't seen him in a while, or so she told herself. Sighing she looked up at him resting her chin gently on his chest. "So any plans?" She smiled "innocently" up at him but if anyone knew her, she was anything but innocent.

Sighing as Kakashi flew into the parking lot he found a spot by Katima's car. Soon he was walking through the doors walking in and seeing Katima all over Tobi/Madara. Sighing loudly and grumbling he walked over to Hidan and shoved the pill in his mouth making him swallow it. "Drink a glass of water now." Walking over to his sister he glared at her. She simply flipped him off and mouthed something along the lines of fck you. He stomped on set.

After flipping her brother off and telling him fck you she felt a tad better. She still wanted revenge, and she had the perfect one for Kakashi, he forgot she is the cook out of the two.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 12-13-2010, 06:31 AM

Hidan choked, the pill very nearly going down the wrong pipe. Kakashi was looking quite hungover-free, however, thus he suspected the pill was probably one of Tsunade's famous creations, and he wasn't about to complain. Not that he could anyway, with the pill still lodged somewhere in his windpipe. Sparing the older man a glare and a rather rude gesture, he ran off towards the water fountain.


Madara's eyes narrowed and a smile appeared on his face, the combination appearing quite sinister indeed. He absent-mindedly returned the hug with an arm while his other hand tapped his chin.
"I have mentioned of his obsession with his hair before, yes? Of course, I'm not saying I'm about to do anything. But then there's always the chance that someone might...accidentally, say, drop a package of vibrant purple dye into his shampoo...and it would be most unfortunate indeed, because his current choice of shampoo is lavender..."

Suddenly, his entire demeanor changed and he bounced up and jumped over to the set after Kakashi, recognizing the scene and his part in it. That, and because Hidan was returning and he wanted no suspicion raised before revenge is extracted. "Oh! Oh! It's Tobi's turn!" He cried happily, making Hidan cringe, although he could tell it was merely from the tone and not from the hangover. Too bad Hatake had to arrive and give him the Tsunade Miracle Pill, it would've been a lot more fun to watch his roommate try and go through his scenes while wincing at every movement.

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 12-13-2010, 06:47 AM

Katima listened to him intently and smiled widely. "well, well, well." Her voice sounded a tad sadistic and she smiled at him as he left, then frowned. She didn't like it when he left, she wasn't warm anymore. Turning to look at hidan she smiled at him. "Time to scope out some things." She whispered as she cracked her knuckles and started walking to Hidan's dressing room. First she stopped by the hair dresser place and got a packet of die. Oh how fun this would be!

Kakashi sighed as he heard "Tobi's" annoying voice yell. It was ear splitting at how loud he could be. For crying out loud he was old enough to be his and Katima's father. Once he thought this he growled slightly. "She better not be planning to get with him." His voice low enough so that no one would hear. Crinkling up his script he threw it on his chair and walked into the scene, it wasn't going to be as busy as usual, which was strange.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 12-13-2010, 07:03 AM

The look on the girl's face when she passed by did not bode well, Hidan thought, though he couldn't fathom where he might've or could've pissed her off. And besides, what was the worst she could do? Even that 'accident' a few months ago when some crazy-assed girl he met at a pub shoved him onto the rails in front of a passing subway train hadn't managed to kill him.

Shrugging, he went over to a chair and sat down, waiting his turn on the set.


On stage, Madara, or Tobi now, waved happily at Kakashi as he walked over, while his eyes, Madara's, followed Katima slipping out the door. He could see the day brightening considerably already.

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 12-13-2010, 07:15 AM

Katima walked into Hidan's room chuckling a little as she found the bathroom. It was strange, most of the dressing rooms didn't have bathrooms, only the Akatsuki. Sighing she slipped the dye into the bottle and placed it exactly how it was found. Before she left she looked around his dressing room a little bit. "What to hide what to hide?" She asked herself as she looked around. "ALL THE HATS!" She said exitedly as she started taking every hat Hidan owned, which wasn't much, and stuffed them in different spots. Finally she took his hair brushes and placed them in Kakashi's room. "Two birds one stone." She said as she walked out. Finally she texted Madara everything she did, hopefully he will approve. Laughing she walked up to Hidan and hugged him tightly "Hangover gone?" she asked innocently.

Kakashi was in no mood for "Tobi's" crap today. Sighing once he was finally done he sat in his chair while a few people walked over and conversed with him.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 12-13-2010, 07:23 AM

((lmao, I wonder why only the Akatsuki has a bathroom, mhm? *coughDeidaraandHidancoughcoughhack*))
Hidan was now more suspicious than ever, though he still couldn't think of anything he could have done, and she did look innocent enough, with the smile and laughter and all...

He frowned confusedly but replied nonetheless.
"Um, yeah." He could hear the director hollering at him that it was his turn and to get a move on.

He'll probably keep an eye on her for the next few days anyway, just in case, he thought, as he strolled over to the set.


Madara walked over to Katima after he made sure Hidan and Kakashi were both out of the way. He leaned against the wall near the girl with his arms crossed over his chest and said, almost casually,
"I wonder if Hidan's going to take his shower here instead of at our apartment today?"

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 12-13-2010, 07:27 AM

Katima smiled as she stared at Hidan. I hope to whatever god there is, that he will." Her smirk turned evil and if you saw her you would say she looked evil as hell. "He deserves it you know." She said as she turned her head to watch him. "I have no reason to be up here, I was just looking for Ashi-san. I don't have any scenes today." Shrugging her shoulders a bit her face relaxed and she became the normal apathetic looking person she normally did.


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