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The Cloaked Schemer
An almighty ninja~
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Old 06-15-2011, 08:20 PM

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Poisoned Love
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Old 06-16-2011, 03:48 AM

[[Yes please]]

Dimitri zipped up his black thin jacket then smiled into his dresser mirror before heading for the door. Today was the day that their whole 'lie' started, and he planned to have a wonderful time acting it up, teaching the boy all that he knew. On his way out, the redhead grabbed two blueberry muffins, one for himself, and one for his newest 'boyfriend' as a good morning gesture. Once the young man was at school, he waited around near the front entrance for his newest toy.

The Cloaked Schemer
An almighty ninja~
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Old 06-16-2011, 05:58 PM

Damian dressed in a comfotable black shirt and jeans before heading out to school. He wasn't hungry due to nerves, so he skipped breakfast. He was nervous on the whole walk to school, but managed to get rid of his nerves by the time that he arrived. He scanned the thin crowd, looking for Dimitri before it got too crowded to find anyone. Normally he would have been looking for Jack, but this was important. So when he spotted who he was looking for, he slowly made his way over to him.

Poisoned Love
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Old 06-17-2011, 03:38 AM

Dimitri smirked when he noticed the other boy. "Hey there handsome, muffin? I grabbed one for you too seeing as it wouldn't be very nice to have one without sharing, and I don't like sharing. So here."

The Cloaked Schemer
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Old 06-17-2011, 07:06 PM

Damian was silent for a second before nodding. He wasn't very hungry and the fact that he was no here at school wasn't helping any with his apetite. But he didn't want to be rude, so he was going to take the food. "Yeah. Thanks."

Poisoned Love
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Old 06-17-2011, 07:56 PM

"Something is on your mind, dear new boyfriend of mine. What is it that weighs upon you so?" Dimitri wrapped his arm around the boy's waist then after the muffin was taken. "Are you honestly thinking of backing out of our agreement or something Damian?"

The Cloaked Schemer
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Old 06-17-2011, 08:00 PM

Damian raised an eyebrow lightly at the way Dimitri worded the first question. His first reaction to having an arm wrap around his waist was to step back, but he forced his body to stay were it was as he shook his head. "No. I'm not." he said. He was silent for a moment. "... I'm just not sure how to act. This is my first relationship, even if it is fake."

Poisoned Love
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Old 06-17-2011, 08:07 PM

"That's why you're with me though, remember? You're doing this to learn how to act in a relationship so that you can actually get with that lovely boy of yours that you have such a crush on." dimitri smirked then took a bite of his own muffin. "It's simple really. People in relationships talk about things, touch, hold hands, hang around each other. It's like friends with kissing."

The Cloaked Schemer
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Old 06-17-2011, 08:11 PM

Damian was silent for a moment before taking a small bite of his muffin, and was surprised that he was actually able to swallow it. "If it's that simple, then why am I pretending to be with someone?" he asked. It didn't sound so hard to be in a relationship based on the way that Dimitri described.

Poisoned Love
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Old 06-17-2011, 08:17 PM

"Because unless you're used to it, you'll spaz and seem like a real freak to your little loverboy over there and I figured you didn't want that right? I mean, you can try it if you want, but I don't see it going well seeinga s you can't exactly seem very smooth when you're asking him what you're supposed to do next as he's kissing you." Dimitri smirked slightly then. "That's why you're learning with me first, you can ask questions all you want with me and then when it comes time, you'll know exactly what to do with your loverboy."

The Cloaked Schemer
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Old 06-17-2011, 08:54 PM

Damian frowned, knowing Dimitri was right. He did not want to seem like a freak to Jack, even though he was sure they'd still be friends even if he did. That was, if they even ended up getting together. He hoped they would, of course. But there was always the possibility that they wouldn't work out. He sighed. "Alright.. You have a point. I don't want to look like an idiot."

Poisoned Love
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Old 06-19-2011, 02:40 AM

"Exactly, I knew that you would see the logic in all of this soon enough. I'm only here to help you out and get you ready to impress your crush with your knowledge of dating. After all, no guy wants someone who doesn't have any experience whatsoever, and you, don't have any. We're going to change that though. By the time I'm done with you, you'll be a dating wizz, I just know it."

The Cloaked Schemer
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Old 06-19-2011, 02:43 AM

Damian resisted the urge to roll his eyes. He knew Jack wouldn't care about how much dating experience he's had.. But he didn't want to look like an unexperienced person who is just making a fool of himself. So that was the only reason why he's putting himself with learning from the local casanova. "Alright... What are you going to teach me first?" he asked.

Poisoned Love
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Old 06-19-2011, 02:47 AM

"Well first, you must learn how you should greet your boyfriend. Since we're in school, it should be affectionate and yet within the school rules. Thus, most couples simply greet each other with a hug and a small kiss on the cheek, though a very few others are risky and actually kiss the lips. However, we won't move that fast just yet, I don't want to scare you after all. So..." Dimitri leaned in and softly kissed Damian's cheek, barely letting his lips brush agianst the skin. "See, it's simple, sweet, affectionate, but no one can say that you were completely breaking PDA rules or anything like that since it's so fast. That make sense?"

The Cloaked Schemer
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Old 06-19-2011, 02:51 AM

Damian listened to what Dimitri said, storing it in his brain for later use. He wasn't too big on the idea of someone else kissing him without his permission, but he knew it was necessary for him to learn. Besides, it's not as if he's going to die. So he's fine. He nodded his head slowly, still resisting the urge to get away from the redhead. "Yeah. That makes sense." he said. He's seen plenty of couples around school who greeted each other like that. So it shouldn't be too hard to remember.

Poisoned Love
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Old 06-19-2011, 02:53 AM

"I figured that you would pick up on that right away. Now then, I've noticed that if someone gets too close to you, you tense up. I'm not sure if even you know it, but it will for sure turn away any partners that you have if you do that when they try to take your hand. You need to remember that you're dating this person and that they will want to hold your hand. It's basic couple stuff." Dimitri took the boy's hand into his own then. "Come, walk with me to class and we can work on the way you relax."

The Cloaked Schemer
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Old 06-19-2011, 02:58 AM

Damian frowned lightly. He didn't tense up... Did he? As he thought about it, he could tell that he was maybe a little tense. But that was most likely because of who he was with. He sighed as he nodded, wanting to pull his hand away, but knew that wasn't going to help him any. "Alright... Lead the way."

Poisoned Love
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Old 06-19-2011, 03:01 AM

Dimitri led the boy a few steps then smirked. "See, there you go. You need to relax or else you'll give off the impression that you don't want to be with the person that you're walking with. And though I know that you probably don't...well if you get so used to doing that all the time, then you'll do it when he grabs your hand as well and he'll get the wrong idea from you. So come on, loosen up. Just...think of something happy, pretend that we're completely in love or something silly like that."

The Cloaked Schemer
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Old 06-19-2011, 03:03 AM

Damian sighed and took a deep breath to relax his body. And as for the pretending to be in love thing, well it's easier said than done. Instead, he focused on pretending that he was walking with Jack instead and that helped relax him completely. "OK. I'm relaxed now. Let's go."

Poisoned Love
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Old 06-19-2011, 03:12 AM

"Good, now then. It's actually really simple to be dating someone you know. I think perhaps you simply blow it out of porportion or something." Dimitri held onto the boy's hand firm but gentle as he led him into the building and down the halls.

The Cloaked Schemer
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Old 06-19-2011, 03:14 AM

Damian nodded and followed after Dimitri quietly, ignoring the looks he was recieving from people they passed. He could see a few of his friends give him a curious look and he knew that he'd have to lie to them about dating Dimitri. That was not going to be easy for him, but he was sure he could get through it without letting anyone be suspicious about the lie.

Poisoned Love
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Old 06-19-2011, 03:18 AM

"You can do it, I have faith in you. Besdies, I'm really not that bad of a guy to go out with you know?" Dimitri whipered out then, knowing that people were looking at them,t rying to figure out exactly what was going on. "Oh...and one more thing, I know you might be tempted to call everything off when your friends tells you to do so, but don't."

The Cloaked Schemer
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Old 06-19-2011, 03:20 AM

Damian raised an eyebrow lightly. Dimitri wasn't that bad of guy to go out with? Then why does his relationships only last a week? Who in their right mind would go out with someone who's like that? Oh wait... Apparently him, even if it is fake. "I know. I won't. Don't worry." he said, dropping his gaze to the ground to avoid seeing the people that were looking at them.

Poisoned Love
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Old 06-19-2011, 03:28 AM

"And of coruse, you know that you can't tell anyone the actual truth about this whole thing, even your loverboy. It would ruin everything and he would discourage it even more. Do you understand Damian?"

The Cloaked Schemer
An almighty ninja~
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Old 06-19-2011, 03:30 AM

Damian sighed before nodding. Keeping the truth from Jack was going to be the hardest, but he was sure that he could succeed. "I understand. I won't tell anyone." he said.


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