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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 02-19-2015, 02:59 PM

Yikes, no laptop is not fun at all. How have you been?


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-16-2022, 04:26 PM

Hmm, I might potentially be interested in starting up a new 1x1 roleplay? Anyone intersted?


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-20-2022, 12:53 AM

Anyone interested in starting a roleplay?

Shadow Panda
PWEEP is offline
Old 12-20-2022, 02:36 AM

Oh, yes, of course! Pardon that I haven't fully read your thread yet; I will do so shortly, as I expect it's been updated to express current interests? Give me a moment to read it through and see if something pops out at me. It's been awhile since I've written here, so let's see what pops up in this lil' walnut brain I got.

(I'm kidding. It's a peanut brain). ^^;

No, really, I'll come back to edit this post in a little while! So happy to see someone attempting to roleplay again. :D

All right, I'll admit that I know very little of your potential fandoms. Harry Potter and The Last of Us are the only ones I'm familiar with, though I do enjoy both very much. As for your potential plots, I am interested in idea 2 "Hard to Get" and 3, "Take Me Home". A little Thelma & Louise action sounds fun! (Even if they don't go driving off a cliff in the end, of course).

It does make me giggle thinking about a potential suitor for plot idea 2 who absolutely does love pickles, however, and it becomes an inside joke between them.

Neither of these plot ideas include your fandom interests, however, but I'm happy to try figuring something out! I love trying to blend ideas and plots together to form something unique. If you're not interested at all, I understand fully and wish you the best of luck. :D

Last edited by PWEEP; 12-20-2022 at 02:57 AM..


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-21-2022, 12:12 AM

Heya PWEEP:, thanks for stopping by and taking a look! I think I'm most in the mood for the "Take Me Home" plot if you're interested! If so, let me know if you have a preference for the "girl 1" or "girl 2" character! I actually haven't ever watched Thelma and Louise but I thought a sisterly road trip plot might be fun!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 12-21-2022 at 08:13 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 12-22-2022, 05:59 PM

oh, i'd be interested! i'm pretty rusty on RPing since i haven't really done it since mene stopped being active, but i do have one recent example i can send you. it was done over DM so i can only send you my posts, i hope that's ok. i typically write 3-5 paragraphs, and i have a degree in Linguistics, so hopefully that's literate enough i can write most gender presentations, the only thing i can't do is really masculine male.

i think i'm most interested in trying a Mushi-shi inspired RP! It's been a long time since I've watched it, so maybe it could just be inspired by the Mushi mythos? Maybe it could be combined with the "school for the gifted" plot, where we're both studying under the same Mushi master. and one of us could have been born with the ability to see mushi, and grown up surrounded by them and has formed a bond with different mushis, so they go to the master to improve their skills. whereas the other one just suddenly started seeing mushi and is totally freaked out about it and wants to stop seeing them, so they go to the master to learn just enough about them to get them to go away.

let me know what you think! i'm open to trying other plots too, if that one's not interesting to you.

Shadow Panda
PWEEP is offline
Old 12-22-2022, 08:58 PM

Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube View Post
Heya PWEEP:, thanks for stopping by and taking a look! I think I'm most in the mood for the "Take Me Home" plot if you're interested! If so, let me know if you have a preference for the "girl 1" or "girl 2" character! I actually haven't ever watched Thelma and Louise but I thought a sisterly road trip plot might be fun!

It depends on what you have envisioned for the girls' personality types! Personally, I think Girl 1 is more meek, introverted, perhaps shy in public situations but quite feminine. Girl 2 is more boisterous, has even been called obnoxious, definitely extroverted. She's not gay, of course, but has a more rugged outlook on how she acts and dresses - a tomboy type, into the "bad boys". That's just what my thought process is. If you have similar ideas, I'd prefer playing as Girl 2 but it's not make or break - especially if you don't think the same at all!


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-23-2022, 06:29 PM

Originally Posted by ghostPastry View Post
oh, i'd be interested! i'm pretty rusty on RPing since i haven't really done it since mene stopped being active, but i do have one recent example i can send you. it was done over DM so i can only send you my posts, i hope that's ok. i typically write 3-5 paragraphs, and i have a degree in Linguistics, so hopefully that's literate enough i can write most gender presentations, the only thing i can't do is really masculine male.

i think i'm most interested in trying a Mushi-shi inspired RP! It's been a long time since I've watched it, so maybe it could just be inspired by the Mushi mythos? Maybe it could be combined with the "school for the gifted" plot, where we're both studying under the same Mushi master. and one of us could have been born with the ability to see mushi, and grown up surrounded by them and has formed a bond with different mushis, so they go to the master to improve their skills. whereas the other one just suddenly started seeing mushi and is totally freaked out about it and wants to stop seeing them, so they go to the master to learn just enough about them to get them to go away.

let me know what you think! i'm open to trying other plots too, if that one's not interesting to you.
Oooh, that sounds really interesting, I really like this plot idea! The freaking out character really resonates with me, haha! Would you be interested in playing the character that has already bonded with the mushi? Should one of us play the master too or should it be a shared role?
Originally Posted by PWEEP View Post

It depends on what you have envisioned for the girls' personality types! Personally, I think Girl 1 is more meek, introverted, perhaps shy in public situations but quite feminine. Girl 2 is more boisterous, has even been called obnoxious, definitely extroverted. She's not gay, of course, but has a more rugged outlook on how she acts and dresses - a tomboy type, into the "bad boys". That's just what my thought process is. If you have similar ideas, I'd prefer playing as Girl 2 but it's not make or break - especially if you don't think the same at all!
I definitely see girl 2 as being more extroverted and tomboyish too. I envisioned her as being the jeep driving type, living off on her own sort of in the middle of nowhere or a small town on a ranch or in a cabin. Doesn't give a crap what other people think of her. That sort of vibe.

For girl 1, I see her as being more reserved, more cautious since life has been hard on her. I feel like back in their hayday (maybe they were roommates in college but girl 1 had to drop out? or they lost touch after they left school?), girl 1 really vibed off of girl 2 and was fun and outgoing too but became more withdrawn from her crappy relationship and life hardships as they grew apart. During the roleplay I'd really like to see girl 2 pull girl 1 up by her bootstraps and have her personality come out to shine again.

That being said they totally don't have to be this way! That's just how I envisioned them when I thought of this roleplay lately. I was also more interested in playing girl 2 but I definitely don't want you to play a character you don't vibe with! I can just as well play girl 1. Let me know what you think!

ghostPastry is offline
Old 12-23-2022, 06:36 PM

Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube
Oooh, that sounds really interesting, I really like this plot idea! The freaking out character really resonates with me, haha! Would you be interested in playing the character that has already bonded with the mushi? Should one of us play the master too or should it be a shared role?
Definitely! I'd have fun with that. I think it could be cool to have it be a shared role, so when one of us is talking to the master, the other one could be playing them. And the master could be some sort of kooky oddball who has an unpredictable personality, so every time we write them, they could sound different. And it would be fun to have them speak in like all really vague metaphors and koans that our player characters have to figure out, like each time we talk to him we get some new sort of educational quest to unravel.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-23-2022, 07:05 PM

Yes!!! I love the sound of that! Would you like to send me over your sample? I'm sure it's awesome but I'd love to take a look. After that I guess we can start working on our character profiles?

Shadow Panda
PWEEP is offline
Old 12-23-2022, 07:11 PM

Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube View Post
I definitely see girl 2 as being more extroverted and tomboyish too. I envisioned her as being the jeep driving type, living off on her own sort of in the middle of nowhere or a small town on a ranch or in a cabin. Doesn't give a crap what other people think of her. That sort of vibe.

For girl 1, I see her as being more reserved, more cautious since life has been hard on her. I feel like back in their hayday (maybe they were roommates in college but girl 1 had to drop out? or they lost touch after they left school?), girl 1 really vibed off of girl 2 and was fun and outgoing too but became more withdrawn from her crappy relationship and life hardships as they grew apart. During the roleplay I'd really like to see girl 2 pull girl 1 up by her bootstraps and have her personality come out to shine again.

That being said they totally don't have to be this way! That's just how I envisioned them when I thought of this roleplay lately. I was also more interested in playing girl 2 but I definitely don't want you to play a character you don't vibe with! I can just as well play girl 1. Let me know what you think!
I'm glad we thought the same thing! Since it's your request, you can definitely play girl 2. In fact, as I read through your thoughts, I have half-assed created a backstory for girl 1 anyway. I'll keep it a secret until we set up our profiles though :P It'll be a wonderful challenge for me, as I usually play a more extroverted character anyway, so I'd love to change things up and test my skills! I have written on Mene in the past but my samples are like, a decade old. I have newer ones I can show you, if you would like. As for the starting scene, I'm thinking it's after the initial phone call? Girl 1 is waiting at a cafe, or library, or whatever, for Girl 2 to pick her up.

ghostPastry is offline
Old 12-23-2022, 08:06 PM

Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube View Post
Yes!!! I love the sound of that! Would you like to send me over your sample? I'm sure it's awesome but I'd love to take a look. After that I guess we can start working on our character profiles?
sounds good to me! i'll send it right over and then get started. it's been so long since i've posted here, do character bios go in Character Journals?


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-23-2022, 08:31 PM

Originally Posted by ghostPastry View Post
sounds good to me! i'll send it right over and then get started. it's been so long since i've posted here, do character bios go in Character Journals?
Thanks for your sample! It looks great! I'm not sure how long my posts will be since it's been ages since I've roleplayed but it all checks out. For the character profiles, we should make the thread and put them in there. I can make it or you can go ahead and create the thread in the 1x1 fan-based RPs forum. The character journals is more for if you want to write a journal from the perspective of a character you're roleplaying with on this site.

---------- Post added 12-23-2022 at 03:32 PM ----------

Originally Posted by PWEEP View Post
I'm glad we thought the same thing! Since it's your request, you can definitely play girl 2. In fact, as I read through your thoughts, I have half-assed created a backstory for girl 1 anyway. I'll keep it a secret until we set up our profiles though :P It'll be a wonderful challenge for me, as I usually play a more extroverted character anyway, so I'd love to change things up and test my skills! I have written on Mene in the past but my samples are like, a decade old. I have newer ones I can show you, if you would like. As for the starting scene, I'm thinking it's after the initial phone call? Girl 1 is waiting at a cafe, or library, or whatever, for Girl 2 to pick her up.
Oh yay, I'm glad it worked out. I'd love to see a short sample, doesn't need to be anything crazy! The starting scene sounds good to me, we can always do a flashback if we want to hash anything out from the phone call or prior to that.

Shadow Panda
PWEEP is offline
Old 12-23-2022, 08:59 PM

Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube View Post
Oh yay, I'm glad it worked out. I'd love to see a short sample, doesn't need to be anything crazy! The starting scene sounds good to me, we can always do a flashback if we want to hash anything out from the phone call or prior to that.
I'll send it to you via PM, if that's okay? I'm sure your inbox is full of Mene-things but this is from a roleplay in private messages from an outside source and I wish to respect the partner involved and not post my sample publicly. And yes, please! I always love having a writing partner that is involved in talking about potential plot lines, and current thoughts on how things are going, or if something should be changed. I am in the Mene discord if you wish to speak there, if your PM box on site is more reserved for Mene agendas. I'll send you the sample shortly! :)

ghostPastry is offline
Old 12-23-2022, 09:00 PM

Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube View Post
Thanks for your sample! It looks great! I'm not sure how long my posts will be since it's been ages since I've roleplayed but it all checks out. For the character profiles, we should make the thread and put them in there. I can make it or you can go ahead and create the thread in the 1x1 fan-based RPs forum. The character journals is more for if you want to write a journal from the perspective of a character you're roleplaying with on this site.
ok cool, i made the thread!

let me know if everything looks ok, i thought i would come up with a neat title and a little banner, let me know if you want me to change it at all.

---------- Post added 12-23-2022 at 04:09 PM ----------

oh shoot now my brain is jelly, i made it in gen fan-based and not 1x1 can you move threads, Ziggie, or should i remake it and you can delete the old one?


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-23-2022, 09:20 PM

@ghosty (can I call you that?): Yay, it looks so fun! I moved it into the 1x1 forum, no worries! How do you feel about an OOC thread? Would you like a separate place for chatter/discussion?

---------- Post added 12-23-2022 at 04:25 PM ----------

Originally Posted by PWEEP View Post
I'll send it to you via PM, if that's okay? I'm sure your inbox is full of Mene-things but this is from a roleplay in private messages from an outside source and I wish to respect the partner involved and not post my sample publicly. And yes, please! I always love having a writing partner that is involved in talking about potential plot lines, and current thoughts on how things are going, or if something should be changed. I am in the Mene discord if you wish to speak there, if your PM box on site is more reserved for Mene agendas. I'll send you the sample shortly! :)
No worries, thanks for sending it over! It looks great! My inbox is always open for whatever. Should we do an OOC thread here on Mene to earn more gold for discussion/chatting or does discord work better for you?

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 12-23-2022 at 09:26 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 12-23-2022, 10:09 PM

Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube View Post
@ghosty (can I call you that?): Yay, it looks so fun! I moved it into the 1x1 forum, no worries! How do you feel about an OOC thread? Would you like a separate place for chatter/discussion?
oh, yeah! an OOC thread is always good to have.

yes, you can totally call me that

Shadow Panda
PWEEP is offline
Old 12-23-2022, 10:25 PM

Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube View Post
No worries, thanks for sending it over! It looks great! My inbox is always open for whatever. Should we do an OOC thread here on Mene to earn more gold for discussion/chatting or does discord work better for you?
Why didn't I think of that?! Because I forgot it was an option, obviously! ^^; Gimme the gold. Ha, I'm kidding, but yeah, that is a better solution to keep it all in one place AND earn them coins! I'm not as graphically inclined as our fellow partner here, so forgive the lack of decoration as the thread starts. Would you mind if I just use your existing profile that you have for your character Sam as a template for my character?


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-23-2022, 11:04 PM

Originally Posted by ghostPastry View Post
oh, yeah! an OOC thread is always good to have.

yes, you can totally call me that
Yeah! Let's do it! Do you want to create that one as well (gold bonus!) or I can do it, just let me know! I'll try to work on my profile this evening.
Originally Posted by PWEEP View Post
Why didn't I think of that?! Because I forgot it was an option, obviously! ^^; Gimme the gold. Ha, I'm kidding, but yeah, that is a better solution to keep it all in one place AND earn them coins! I'm not as graphically inclined as our fellow partner here, so forgive the lack of decoration as the thread starts. Would you mind if I just use your existing profile that you have for your character Sam as a template for my character?
Haha, yay gold earning! Plus there's double gold on right now for the event so roleplaying will really boost your count as well. No worries about the graphics! You can use that template if you'd like. I don't really mind if you want to format it differently though. I made that character ages ago!

ghostPastry is offline
Old 12-23-2022, 11:10 PM

gold bonus you say... well, i can't say no to that! i'll get it set up.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-23-2022, 11:22 PM

Yay, I can't wait!

---------- Post added 12-23-2022 at 09:33 PM ----------

I’ve got a headache actually so I’m going to call it a night. I’ll work on profiles tomorrow.

Shadow Panda
PWEEP is offline
Old 12-24-2022, 04:06 PM

Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube View Post
Haha, yay gold earning! Plus there's double gold on right now for the event so roleplaying will really boost your count as well. No worries about the graphics! You can use that template if you'd like. I don't really mind if you want to format it differently though. I made that character ages ago!
I thought it was double gold only in the event forum! It's everywhere on site? That's neat; thanks! I'll see about getting the threads started shortly; I'm traveling in about an hour though so I likely won't get much done. I'll be home later and can work on it then, too. Given the holidays this weekend, I'm sure you understand. <3

Last edited by PWEEP; 12-24-2022 at 04:26 PM..


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-24-2022, 07:24 PM

Originally Posted by ghostPastry View Post
gold bonus you say... well, i can't say no to that! i'll get it set up.
Yep yep! I’ve set up my profile based on the start of yours. Hopefully it all looks okay! That avi maker site is pretty cool. How should we start the role play? Also, how big is the school? Are there many other students?

EDIT: My bad, I missed the OOC thread. I've put my questions over there and we can continue the discussion there.
Originally Posted by PWEEP View Post
I thought it was double gold only in the event forum! It's everywhere on site? That's neat; thanks! I'll see about getting the threads started shortly; I'm traveling in about an hour though so I likely won't get much done. I'll be home later and can work on it then, too. Given the holidays this weekend, I'm sure you understand. <3
Yeah double gold is site wide! No worries about the timing. I haven’t been able to start on my character yet.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 12-25-2022 at 01:01 AM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 12-25-2022, 07:11 AM

Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube View Post
Yep yep! I’ve set up my profile based on the start of yours. Hopefully it all looks okay! That avi maker site is pretty cool. How should we start the role play? Also, how big is the school? Are there many other students?
oh everything looks so good so far! you've developed her so much already, i really love how you tied her name into her backstory. i think their personalities already complement each other well, and i'm definitely starting to get some ideas. i'll do my best to write what i can in the next couple days, but since i'll be out of town i probably won't be able to make an official first post until the 27th, just because i don't want to bork up the formatting on my phone

yeah, i love picrewww, it's so cool how individual artists can make their own, there's a lot of different options.

i started typing here and it turned into a ramble, so i'm going to move the rest of this post to our ooc thread


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-26-2022, 09:42 PM

Aw, thanks Ghosty! I'm pretty excited for this roleplay.


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