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ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-18-2018, 10:08 PM

February 17
Prompt: Favorite Menewshan Event
gah, that's such a hard one! i love them all so much for different reasons... i'm calling a tie between Phoenix Jubilee and Celes Paradi. you can't make me choose between flowers and stars.

Color of the Day

Spanish Word of the Day:
El Encanto - charm

Song of the Day:

I'm not feeling alright today, I'm not feeling that great.
I'm not catching on fire today, love has started to fade.
I'm not going to smile today, I'm not gonna laugh.
You're out living it up today, I've got dues to pay.

Tarot Cards of the Day:

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Santa Muerte: Ace of Wands

The creative stimulus of the Ace united with the suit of Wands brings a powerful and energetic contribution at all levels and in all areas. This card represents a new beginning, a fertility, a birth, vitality, and aptitude towards leadership. This is a favorable time to start something new, above all in the professional field. However, if errors have been made or incorrect evaluations or abuses of power, then we will be obliged to pay the consequences, even particularly severe ones.
Advice of the Dead: Having evaluated a potentially favorable situation, concentrate all your energies towards a new and important undertaking.
Note: i don’t know about creativity or new undertakings, but i know that i certainly did very well on my homework today!

The Wild Unknown: 4 of Pentacles

Possession, Control.
The Four of Pentacles first suggests material gain and stability. Only good news for your bank account and home. Yet underneath the surface this is a card of warning: do not become possessive or controlling. Holding on too tightly to the material world will leave you rigid, stagnant, and displeasing to others. Wealth is a concept.
Note: not sure how this applies today, but always good advice.

Diary entry:
just did a lot of homework, then watched Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. there's so much i don't remember about the books past Goblet of Fire. when i was a kid, i read the first four books five times each, but i only read 5 and 6 once and i didn't even finish 7. i want to re-read all the books. i already re-read #1, but then i couldn't find my copy of #2. and now i think all my books are with my dad? i hope i didn't get rid of them when i moved... but i can always check them out at the library. it's just it takes me a while to finish a book and those are long ass books.

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 02-18-2018, 10:49 PM

I love your color of the day!

ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-18-2018, 10:55 PM

thank you!! :D i have fun coming up with it. i use google's html color picker and just scroll around until i land on a color that feels right.

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 02-18-2018, 10:59 PM

i'm happy you are having so much fun keeping up with your memory jar

Inzanebraned is offline
Old 02-19-2018, 10:28 AM

I absolutely love the band Cake!

ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-19-2018, 05:30 PM

thanks, hummy! :D i'm glad i've been able to keep up with it for so long.

me too, Inzane!! they're so good.

ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-19-2018, 05:31 PM

February 18
Prompt: F is for...
french fries.... which i am really craving right now.

Color of the Day

Spanish Word of the Day:
Encantar - to love

Song of the Day:

And one day in New York City, baby, a girl fell from the sky.
From the top of a burning apartment building, fourteen stories high
And when her spirit left her body, how it split the sun!
I know that she will live forever, all goes on and on and on...

Drawings done today:
some sketches, but since they're commissions, i won't post em till i'm done.

Tarot Cards of the Day:

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Santa Muerte: 3 of Pentacles

The first benefits or fruits of what we have invested or sown the seeds for have begun to arrive. Three, a particularly active number, combined with Pentacles, brings a powerful expansion and a positive outcome where perseverance is completely repaid. Only haste or a certain immaturity in management could bring about problems, weakening, incapability, or disagreement.
Advice of the Dead: Persevere without hesitation towards that in which you are placing all your physical and economic reserves, without letting anyone trample on your harvest.
Note: good advice!

The Wild Unknown: 8 of Pentacles

Craftsmanship, Skill.
The spider is a true master of their craft. They weave against all odds with skill, intricacy, and confidence. The Eight of Pentacles requires a similar approach. Hone your skills. You are close to finding mastery at your craft, so strive for it. Pay attention to all the details. In some cases this card means you need to find a new hobby, something you truly enjoy. Start a project. Become good at it.
Note: i should probably do some drawing today...

Twin Peaks: XVII The Star

Having faith in the future, thinking positively, counting your blessings, looking forward to success. Being inspired, regaining motivation, realizing an inner strength, creating. Wanting to give or share, opening your heart, letting love flow freely, holding nothing back. Experiencing peace of mind, relaxing, finding your still center, enjoying harmony.
Note: i love this card! and i'm definitely feeling it today.

Homestuck: 8 of Cups

As a follow-up to the 7 of Cups, this card represents the moment after breaking out of a reverie. Whatever the subject has been investing their emotions in, it has brought them down; but now they're confronting reality and preparing to move forward. This card encourages the subject to reallocate their energy with a new pursuit.
Note: interesting. i feel like this weekend was kind of me snapping out of the hectic life of school, so maybe this card is suggesting i make more time for relaxation; do more yoga and meditation.

Rider Waite: XII The Hanged Man

Letting Go, Reversal, Suspension, Sacrifice.
The Hanged Man is one of the most mysterious cards in the tarot deck. It is simple, but complex. It attracts, but also disturbs. It contradicts itself in countless ways. The Hanged Man is unsettling because it symbolizes the action of paradox in our lives. A paradox is something that appears contradictory, and yet is true. The Hanged Man presents to us certain truths, but they are hidden in their opposites.

The main lesson of the Hanged Man is that we "control" by letting go - we "win" by surrendering. The figure on Card 12 has made the ultimate surrender - to die on the cross of his own travails - yet he shines with the glory of divine understanding. He has sacrificed himself, but he emerges the victor. The Hanged Man also tells us that we can "move forward" by standing still. By suspending time, we can have all the time in the world.

In readings, the Hanged Man reminds us that the best approach to a problem is not always the most obvious. When we most want to force our will on someone, that is when we should release. When we most want to have our own way, that is when we should sacrifice. When we most want to act, that is when we should wait. The irony is that by making these contradictory moves, we find what we are looking for.
Note: i get this card a lot. true for today, i've mostly just been letting the world happen around me and not pushing too hard on anything.

Diary entry:
felt like i slept in forever today, but it was really only until noon which is good for me! did a little spanish studying, but otherwise slacked off and played games which i need. also did some yoga, i did two five-minute ones because they felt short to me... i should've done a 20 minute one, but last time i did it it hurt! idk. but it felt like a good little workout, and the second video really got my heart racing. then i did tarot and a little drawing, and then Scout and i played video games and watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1.

ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-20-2018, 02:23 AM

February 19
Prompt: Last Photo Taken

random picture of the campus quad bc otherwise this would've just been my selfie again. xD it was a really grey, rainy day so it's not a very pretty picture, but i tried to make it aesthetically pleasing.

Color of the Day

Spanish Word of the Day:
Fiel - faithful

Avis of the Day:

Selfie of the Day:

Song of the Day:

I'm calling out, I don't really care for your city anymore.
I spend the night, I lay awake and miss you when you go without me.
What's wrong with you? Monday, Monday, Monday...

Coloring page done today:

Tarot Cards of the Day:

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Santa Muerte: Page of Swords

With perseverance, a spirit of observation, and curiosity, the Page of Swords studies and enquires into the situation, accumulating experience in order to be prepared when the situation, which is now tranquil, could change. This arcana propels us therefore towards prudence, waiting and calculating carefully the various elements in the case of unexpected events or exams.
Advice of the Dead: Be prepared by evaluating all the possible openings or outlets through which the situation could degenerate and vent.
Note: it's true, i've been preparing during this tranquil time by doing a lot of my homework in advance so i'll be ready when things get harder.

The Wild Unknown: Father of Swords

Fair, Analytical.
Like all the swords family, the Father has a gift for perception. He has a distinct ability to remove himself emotionally from a situation, so that he can truly see it from all angles. He is therefore respected by others, who usually describe him as fair or just. He’s a responsible man with deep ties to his family.
Note: i have been pretty removed from my emotions lately.

Twin Peaks: 8 of Cups

Focusing on personal truth, looking for answers, concentrating on what is important, devoting more time to the spiritual. Realizing the current cycle is over, letting go, starting on a trip of unknown length. Feeling drained by demands, dragging through the day, lacking energy, becoming burned out, getting weighed down by worries.
Note: i'm feeling the last a lot, trying to stave off becoming burnt out. i think this card's suggestion is that i should break my current cycle and focus on what is most important, which is my spiritual growth and my health. School is important, but in the grand scheme of things, it's not the most important thing.

Homestuck: 10 of Wands

Maintaining the empire you’ve created, leaving little time to reap the rewards of your hard work. The task at hand has been brought to completion, but requires much upkeep and continuous emotional and mental investment. The subject may need to work on entrusting others with some of their workload.
Note: sounds right.

Rider Waite: 2 of Pentacles

Juggling, Flexibility, Fun.
There is nothing quite like the feeling of being graceful and effective at the same time. On the Two of Pentacles we see a young man dancing as he juggles his worldly concerns. The infinity sign loops around the two pentacles to suggest that he can handle unlimited problems. In the background we see two ships riding the waves easily – cruising the ups and downs of life.

In readings, the Two of Pentacles lets you know that you can juggle all demands made upon you. In fact, you will relish the excitement of every hurdle. If you do not feel this level of confidence right now, this card asks you to believe in yourself. You have all you need to meet your every goal and more. Embrace the challenge.

The Two of Pentacles also reminds you to be flexible. You must be agile if you want to prevail. Don’t force your way through or you will be cut down. Now is not the time to be rigid. Know that sometimes a side step, or even a back step is the surest way forward.

The Two of Pentacles is also a symbol of fun, laughter and good times. It is definitely a high-energy card. If you are feeling tired or depressed, this card may be a sign that greater vitality will be yours. If you are feeling revved already, the Two of Pentacles could be a warning against overstimulation. Be sure you get the rest you need so that you can enjoy the up energy of this card.
Note: feelin this!

Diary entry:
didn't do yoga again this morning. :/ i could've woken up earlier, i was pretty lucid when my first alarm went off. ghh. i'll try again tomorrow. Sparks was being really sweet this morning. when i got out of the shower and opened the door she ran in and yelled at me like three times. xD she loves being in the bathroom with me, it's so weird. most of the time, she won't let me pet her, but if she's in the bathroom i can pet her all i want and she doesn't run away. then i went to campus and worked on my spanish homework, which was really hard!! we're conjugating irregular verbs in the past tense and it's just like @_@ there's no sense to it, you just have to memorize them. i should make flash cards but there are just so damn many. luckily spanishdict has a fun game for conjugating preterite verbs, so i'm gonna try that. i'm trying not to think about all the other forms we're gonna eventually have to conjugate for. learning a language is so hard. ;_; phonology was really fun today, we started working on interpreting data sets and finding underlying phonemes and writing rules for allophone distribution. it's going sooo slowww tho. maybe it's because i already have experience interpreting data sets from when i took morphology and syntax, but i feel like i'm two steps ahead of the class lmao. i'm just excited for when we start incorporating distinctive features, because that's when it's gonna start getting challenging for me. didn't go to the GSRC like i was planning to because i didn't feel like it and also i got food on my shirt so i couldn't bear to be seen that way. xD i can't have people knowing i'm a slob! i also worked a lot on avi contests and a coloring contest. i don't wanna do more stats homework because i have to ask for my teacher's help to progress from here, but i'm gonna have to. sigh. but now it's time to eat dinner and go watch some Parks and Rec! :0

Last edited by ghostPastry; 02-20-2018 at 02:38 AM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-21-2018, 01:07 AM

February 20
Prompt: Pink!

Color of the Day

Spanish Word of the Day:
El Galán - handsome man

Avis of the Day:

Selfie of the Day:

Song of the Day:

Algunas veces, mejor no preguntar
Por una vez que algo sale bien
Si todo empieza y todo tiene un final,
Hay que pensar que la tristeza también se va, se va, se fue.

Tarot Cards of the Day:

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Santa Muerte: 9 of Pentacles

With the nine of Pentacles we reach the maximum expansion thanks to longsightedness and through continual and regular movement towards development, success and attaining new conquests. Nevertheless we cannot continue to expand endlessly or we will risk being suffocated by ourselves and what we have attained.
Advice of the Dead: Properly evaluate the limits within what you can see and touch.
Note: sounds right!

The Wild Unknown: 6 of Pentacles

Prosperity, Growth, Generosity.
The Six of Pentacles indicates that your long-awaited fruits are ready for harvesting, bringing more wealth than anticipated. Make sure you are generous during this bountiful time. This card can also signify generosity coming from someone else. If this is the case, accept the help with grace and put the resources to good use.
Note: awesome!

Twin Peaks: 9 of Pentacles

Exercising self-control, sacrificing to reach a goal, taking a step-by-step approach. Handling the situation on your own, wanting to be alone, feeling sure your way is the best. Achieving a comfortable lifestyle, being tactful and diplomatic, enjoying the finer things in life, enjoying leisure.
Note: same card as Santa Muerte. :0 i feel the part about doing things on my own and wanting to be alone.

Homestuck: 7 of Cups

As the suit most closely related to emotions and dreams, this card warns against overindulgence of one’s imagination. It is possible to become lost in endless possibilities, never actually arriving at a decision.
Note: i think this card is about worrying too much about things that will never happen, to the point that i don't actually do anything about it.

Rider Waite: XVIII The Moon

Fear, Illusion, Imagination, Bewilderment.
Most of the time we live in a tiny pocket of normality that we wrap around us like a security blanket. We turn our backs on the mysterious universe that waits outside. From time to time we may sneak a peak with our imagination, or venture out through fantasy or expanded awareness. We can be thrust out there unprepared through drugs, madness or intense experiences such as battle.

The Moon is the light of this realm - the world of shadow and night. Although this place is awesome, it does not have to be frightening. In the right circumstances, the Moon inspires and enchants. It holds out the promise that all you imagine can be yours. The Moon guides you to the unknown so you can allow the unusual into your life.

Sadly, we are usually afraid of the Moon. In readings, this card often stands for fears and anxieties - the ones that come in the darkest part of the night. Card 18 also stands for illusions. It is easy to lose our way in the moonlight. Be careful not to let deceptions and false ideas lead you astray. Sometimes the Moon is a signal that you are lost and wandering aimlessly. You must find your way back to the path and your clarity of purpose.
Note: this is about me socially, and the stories i make up in my head about how others perceive me and how things will play out.

Diary entry:
woke up to realizing i hadn't scheduled a car to therapy, tried calling the people to see if i had scheduled a trip and found out they got rid of the automated option on their phone menu wtf?? so i was on hold waiting for a person to check for me but no one ever answered so i gave up and called the cab company and they said i didn't have a trip, so i was gonna cancel but my therapist offered to have a skype session with me instead, which i was nervous about but when we started it really wasn't bad at all, it just felt like a normal session. and it was nice because now i have an hour/an hour and a half more time to spend at home, and i had like an hour more before my session too. still didn't do yoga lmao. FINALLY figured out these two stats problems i was stuck on, i actually had to crack open the textbook. it was really hard to find a similar example to the problem i was working on, and even the one i found was pretty different, but it worked! i didn't have to email the professor! and i got 100% on the homework. so now i'm set until the next ones are due, which isn't till next week. then i had spanish, where we did a speaking activity first and i had to work with a partner for parts of it, which i usually hate, but my partner was good and we only barely had to speak. xD now i'm just at the library waiting for Scout to pick me up, and then we might watch something? or we'll just go straight to bed after i eat dinner idk.

ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-22-2018, 06:09 PM

February 21
Prompt: Favorite CI in 2008
Raven Wings, but i also love the anklewings and the Dove Wings and anklewings. and Peacock Regalia.

Color of the Day

Spanish Word of the Day:
Cautivar - to captivate

Avi of the Day:

Selfie of the Day:

Song of the Day:

Do you ever wake up lonely in the middle of the night because you miss me?
Do you, darling?
Oh, and do your memories ever take you back into another place in time?

Tarot Cards of the Day:

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Santa Muerte: 2 of Swords

The moment at hand seems particularly difficult, something is not working - as if the two blades are working against each other instead of collaborating. The two of Swords therefore pushes for a confrontation, for the attainment of an alliance which in the end will find a balance capable of inverting and clearly separating the contrasts, the diversities and will transform them into points of strength and cooperation.
Advice of the Dead: You can put your trust in others only afterwards, therefore for now work to clear things and to reach a point of meeting between the two conflictual questions.
Note: huh... i'm not sure. maybe it's the balance between my desire to socialize and how draining socializing is for me? or my passion and interest in school versus how hard i work myself and how tired i am by the end of the week? something like that.

The Wild Unknown: XXI The World

Wholeness, Completion.
The world is the final card in the journey of the Major Arcana. It signifies completion, harmony, and contentment. It’s rare to experience this energy, as we are usually consumed by wanting, needing, and achieving. So when this card appears, contemplate for a moment the idea of “being whole.” Focus on the image on the card… close your eyes and envision this radiating energy inside you. What does it feel like? Where is it located? What blocks you from feeling a sense of “wholeness” each and every day of your life?
Note: i felt pretty whole today, hanging out with new friends and studying something i'm passionate about. it feels nice. my own anxieties are what block me from feeling whole every day.

Twin Peaks: VII The Chariot

Being successful, reaching your goal. Being determined, concentrating your energies, rising above temptation. Knowing who you are, feeling self-confident, having faith in yourself. Maintaining discipline, curbing impulses, mastering emotions. Showing authority, getting your way.
Note: i definitely feel the first half of this! i've been very determined and successful in school so far, and today i felt very self-confident and very much myself and i trusted that i would do well.

Homestuck: 2 of Pentacles

Juggling several options in order to cover one's bases. As with the Two of Swords, the subject has not found a permanent solution, but has bought themselves more time to do so.
Note: interesting that this interpretation references the card Santa Muerte gave me today! i also got this card yesterday from Rider Waite. i don't like this deck's interpretation of this card. i'm used to this card being about balance and flexibility, and the juggling of tasks and emotions rather than options, which is much more fitting to my situation.

Rider Waite: 0 The Fool

Beginning, Spontaineity, Faith, Apparent Folly.
As Card 0, the Fool lies at the beginning of the major arcana, but also somewhat apart from the other cards. In medieval courts, the court jester was someone who was not expected to follow the same rules as others. He could observe and then poke fun. This makes the Fool unpredictable and full of surprises. He reminds us of the unlimited potential and spontaneity inherent in every moment. There is a sense with this card that anything goes - nothing is certain or regular. The Fool adds the new and unfamiliar to a situation.

The Fool also represents the complete faith that life is good and worthy of trust. Some might call the Fool too innocent, but his innocence sustains him and brings him joy. In readings, the Fool can signal a new beginning or change of direction - one that will guide you onto a path of adventure, wonder and personal growth. He also reminds you to keep your faith and trust your natural responses. If you are facing a decision or moment of doubt, the Fool tells you to believe in yourself and follow your heart no matter how crazy or foolish your impulses may seem.
Note: i definitely experienced feeling the complete faith that life is good, and i wasn't wary or suspicious of people like i usually am. this card for me is more of a change of direction than a completely new beginning.

Diary entry:
hung out at the GSRC for like two and a half hours today, it was really nice! a bunch of people i already know were there, so that was helpful. Amanda got me a giant blueberry lemonade. ;v; and there were free cookies too. and she gave me two of her loaded fries. she's really easy to talk to, i love chatting with her. she's an Aries, which totally makes sense. and i found out Archie is a Cancer and Dorian is an Aquarius (which makes sense because it's harder for us to keep a conversation going). every time someone asks me to tell them something about their star sign, they're always like "holy crap, you just called me out!" so that makes me feel pretty confident about all the astrology i've studied. :> the more people you know (and know the star signs of), the more you learn about the signs. i know my relationship to other signs better than i know about the signs in general, but i still have a general feel for each of the signs... except Sag, i think? i have such a hard time talking to Sags. i love them, i think they're really cool! but it's the same barrier as with Aquariuses. i think i do the best with Aries, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer & Pisces (in that order) and the WORST with Gemini. actually, now i wanna rank it in order, ok, best to worst:
1. Aries
2. Virgo
3. Capricorn
4. Cancer
5. Pisces
6. Scorpio
7. Taurus
8. Leo
9. Libra
10. Sagittarius
11. Aquarius
12. Gemini
i haven't really known many other Tauruses, and i've only known one other Scorpio, so i'm kind of just guessing there... Libras and i get along fine, but i find them pretty boring. xD i mean! everyone is interesting in their own way, but i mean their traits as a sign are boring to me. i think i find Scorpios the most interesting.
anyway WOW i got off track! start me talking about one of my special interests and i'll never shut up. xD
Dorian and i also talked about our Phonology homework, which was fun, especially since Amanda was listening and felt like we were speaking an alien language or something. xD and then she was joking that she was an amazing linguist and was so advanced she had forgotten the basics, which was really funny. then we watched some of Bill Nye Saves the World. the one i caught the most of was the gender/sexuality one, which was actually a lot better than i expected! i thought i had heard there was some problematic shit with it, but as a basic intro to gender and sexuality, it was really good. i wish they had had some trans or intersex correspondents, but w/e. now i'm just sitting at the library killing time until Scout picks me up. i could be working on homework or Spanish flashcards but i'm so tired i don't wanna. i can do it over the weekend.

ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-22-2018, 07:57 PM

February 22
Prompt: Zodiac: Pisces
OH BOY. on the one hand, i fuckin love Pisces, on the other hand my former mother is one and she's literally the worst. it really depends on the individual what they do with the traits their signs give them, so Pisces can either be really sweet, empathetic people or they can use their intuitiveness about the emotions of others to manipulate them. Pisces are incredibly talented people who do well at anything they set their minds to, especially creative pursuits. they're very charming and likeable, but they're also prone to recklessness, impulsiveness and letting their emotions get the best of them. they're likely to abuse drugs or alcohol, self harm, and/or have an eating disorder, but most people in their life would never guess because they still manage to be very functional and to look like they're doing fine even when they're not.

Color of the Day

Spanish Word of the Day:
Afectuoso - affectionate

Selfie of the Day:

Song of the Day:

There's a bend in the wind and it rakes at my heart,
There is blood in the thread and it rakes at my heart.

Tarot Cards of the Day:

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Santa Muerte: Queen of Cups

The Queen of Chalices fully represents the favorable energy of which this suit is a part, generous in feelings, capable of spreading affection and spontaneity. She is a maternal and intuitive person and only in certain situations will she transform into an attractive dangerous woman, dishonest and capable of creating misunderstandings and scandals.
Advice of the Dead: You can completely trust your intuition or that of a female figure who is near to you and whom you believe to be reputable.
Note: i don't like this card's interpretation in this deck. it always makes me think of my mom. normally i like this card very much. i guess it's similar in many ways to the zodiac sign Pisces, as both have water and feminine energy. anyway, i think the part of this that pertains to me is that i'm feeling affectionate, i'm being spontaneous rather than carefully planning things out, and that i can trust my intuition right now.

The Wild Unknown: 0 The Fool

Spontaneity, Innocence.
The Fool is ready to fly. His young wings ache for flight, and with a single step he leaves behind the comfort of his nest to begin the journey through the Major Arcana. Is he ready? Will he fall? This is a card about beginnings. It points to the side of you that is spontaneous, excited, naive, and inexperienced. Others may doubt your abilities. Be ready to be called the “fool.” Be ready to fall. No matter what people say about you, this is your journey– and it’s already begun.
Note: oh interesting! the Queen of Cups was also about spontaneity. and i got this card yesterday. guess i've been being spontaneous. :0

Twin Peaks: 6 of Swords

Feeling listless or somewhat depressed, avoiding the lows but also the highs. Dealing with the effects of trauma, heading towards a more positive place, feeling hope again. Moving from one place to another, being uprooted, entering into a new frame of mind.
Note: i think this ties in to the Fool, i'm entering a new frame of mind and a new way of doing things. i'm also tired, and not particularly happy but not sad. i also feel hopeful.

Golden Thread: 2 of Pentacles

Balance, Priorities, Adapting to Change.
A game of balance is what is at work here. This card gives the sense that rapid change has become a norm in your situation. Having to deal with opposing forces is unavoidable in certain circumstances, but luckily, you've had the resilience to be able to deal with them.
Note: added a new deck! no deck interview for this one yet, since it's on my phone and they don't have a deck interview spread so i have to do it card-by-card. but regardless, this is a good first card! and one i've been getting a lot lately.

Homestuck: 5 of Wands

Conflict, the moment when the subject finds themselves in competition with others who have just as much drive and ambition as they do. This card indicates that the subject should have faith in their ability to rise above, and warns the subject not to simply give up without a fight.
Note: haven't found myself in any competition yet... but it's only 3pm so we'll see.

Rider Waite: 5 of Wands

Disagreement, Competition, Hassles.
You wake up and stub your toe going to the bathroom. You're in the shower and find out there's no soap. At breakfast, you get juice on your shirt. When you get to the car, your battery is dead. It's going to be a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day [note]. You're beset by hassles - those petty annoyances that are infuriating because they are so minor.

The Five of Wands stands for times when your environment seems to be fighting you. Nothing flows smoothly; everyone is working at cross-purposes. The figures on this card are all batting at each other. There is no coordinated effort, no agreement. When this card shows up, be prepared for a bumpy ride. You're going to need extra patience and perseverance to get to the point where you can accomplish something. The Five of Wands does not represent major blockages, just many small, irritating ones.

This card also stands for competition. In the right circumstances, competition is useful. It fosters extra effort, generates excitement and encourages the best. When the Five of Wands appears in a reading, check for competitive elements. You may be involved in a contest, race or game. You may discover you have rivals who are opposing you or challenging your position. You may feel disheartened (or invigorated!) by the dog-eat-dog environment you find yourself in. At its heart, competition is divisive. Make sure it is helping you and others reach your true goals. Otherwise, work toward cooperation.
Note: weird! i'm not really feeling this, but i got it twice... maybe i'll have to look out for the rest of the day. :/
edit: had a little bit of this! really wanted a coffee before stats but the coffee machine had an issue and it made it so i was only one minute early to class and then my teacher was late so i felt silly for rushing, and while i was waiting for him to show up i tried to play animal crossing but the app wouldn't load. then class went 4 minutes over so i only had 5 minutes to get to spanish and i forgot my textbooks in my locker in the Campus Center so i had to stop there (where i finally got coffee too) then rush to spanish with one minute left, and i made it there only one minute late by some sort of miracle, just to find the classroom empty, and when i checked my email it turned out that my professor sent out an email cancelling class a couple minutes before my stats class started. x_x so now i'm stuck on campus for 2 hours, but i don't mind that because i've got my computer. so, really just a number of small frustrations... i wonder why i drew the card twice when it really wasn't that big of an issue... interesting nonetheless. it's always nice when my cards warn me of what's gonna come so i can find ways to mitigate. like, i held onto my coffee extra hard to make sure i didn't drop it.

Diary entry:
had a hard time waking up this morning, but i still managed to do a 5 minute morning yoga and my tarot cards! skipped my shower tho. then i made a new tumblr for my system littles, since we'd been sharing one and they've been asking for their own for forever. it was work, but not as difficult as i expected. and it'll be nice to not have their stuff show up on my dash when i don't wanna see it and for them to not have to go to individual blogs whenever they wanna look at their stuff. the difficult thing is gonna be transferring our posts over since we have almost 2k posts, but i'll let them do that because they wanna look at all the things they reblogged again anyway. next i have Stats and Spanish. i'm not really in the mood for classes, but whatever. i'm sure it'll be fine. i'm just tired. maybe i'll have an extra coffee today.

Yes! 5 minutes, easy. +.05, total: 0.10

Last edited by ghostPastry; 03-16-2018 at 07:53 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-24-2018, 03:08 AM

February 23
Prompt: Do you want to build a snowman?
no. but here's a pic of the last snowman i built, taken almost exactly one year ago!

Color of the Day

Spanish Word of the Day:
El Ramo - bouquet

Song of the Day:

My life in an upturned boat, marooned on a cliff.
You brought me a great big flood and you gave me a lift, girl, what a gift!
You tell me with your tongue, and your breath was in my lungs
And we float up through the rift.

Tarot Cards of the Day:

Click to ExpandX

Santa Muerte: 10 of Pentacles

The chrysalis has closed into itself and a change is now vitally necessary in order to continue and progress. The ten of Pentacles pushes us to go even beyond the material world and to fly in different places in order to bring abundance and fortune to other territories. Only fear of letting go of a life and a stable but past situation could create problems, uncertainties, and disagreements.
Advice of the Dead: Aim what you have gained or earned in other directions also, but evaluate every decision properly.
Note: interesting, another card about changing directions and letting go...

The Wild Unknown: 2 of Pentacles

Balance, Change.
The Two of Pentacles signifies inevitable change. Since the Pentacles suit relates to earthly possessions, this usually means a new job or financial situation or a move. Even if you fear this change, it needs to happen and might even be fun. Face it with the grace of a newly formed butterfly… a world of possibility balanced upon your delicate wings.
Note: this card again! still feelin it.

Twin Peaks: 2 of Wands

Having personal power, wielding influence, holding the world in your hands. Daring to do what you want, confronting the situation head-on, speaking your mind, seizing the day. Creating your own style, having a different approach, diverging from the crowd.
Note: i can see this in that i dared to do what i wanted today, which was go to yoga!

Golden Thread: 6 of Swords

Transition, Leaving Behind, Moving On.
A journey far from home has been initiated by past sorrows. But this journey is something that must be undertaken in order to move ahead. You are leaving a painful place and going into a distant environment that promises more potential.
Note: i've been getting a lot of cards talking about a change of direction lately, man!

Homestuck: IX The Hermit

Introspection, solitude. Offering/being offered counsel, taking advice, seeking a truth or the self.
Note: ah, i love how this card looks in this deck. i spent my entire day alone, even at my yoga class i didn't feel like talking to anyone and i was very much focused on myself, so this makes sense.

Rider Waite: Ace of Cups

Emotional Force, Intuition, Intimacy, Love.
The Ace of Cups shows is a symbol of possibility in the area of deep feelings, intimacy, attunement, compassion and love. In readings, it shows that a seed of emotional awareness has been planted in your life although you may not yet recognize it. When the seed sprouts, it could take almost any form. It might be an attraction, strong feeling, intuitive knowing, or sympathetic reaction. On the outside, it could be an offer, gift, opportunity, encounter or synchronistic event.

When you see this Ace, examine your life to see how its loving energy could work for you. This card often means that love is the essence of the situation. It may or may not be romantic love. Look for ways in which you can begin to connect with others. Do you have someone to forgive, or do you want to ask for forgiveness? Can you set aside your anger and find peace? Would you like to drop your reserve and let your feelings show? The Ace of Cups tells you that your time is coming.

This card also suggests inner attunement and spirituality. Cups are the suit of the heart, and the Ace stands for the direct knowing that comes from the heart. Trust what your feelings are telling you. Seek out ways to explore your consciousness and your connections with Spirit. Allow the power of your emotions to guide you in a new direction. Embrace the love that is the Ace of Cups.
Note: the yoga class i went to tonight had the theme of unconditional love. i also had a strong intuition that tonight wasn't going to go as i expected; i went expecting an easy class but apparently that class wasn't being taught today so i went to a much more difficult class.

Diary entry:
worked on Spanish flashcards then relaxed and watched the last episode of Friends then started a re-watch of How I Met Your Mother which they took off Netflix! >:( so i had to download all 6 seasons which took up like all of my external harddrive. x_x i added a 1k GB external harddrive to my wishlist, it's like $60 hhh, but i really wanna back up my whole computer because it's getting old and i freak out all the time that it's gonna die on me and i'm gonna lose everything. and all i have on my 120gb external harddrive is movies, books, and tv. none of my photos or documents or music or apps. i couldn't bear to lose photoshop and i'd rather buy a $60 hard drive than have to pay for the newest photoshop.

then i went to what was supposed to be Trauma-Informed yoga but turned out to be Intermediate Vinyasa?? so it was the hardest fucking yoga class i've ever been to in my life but i feel great. i wasn't able to fully do all the poses, but i did way better than i thought i was gonna. i thought i was gonna have to leave. my legs felt like jelly basically the whole time and i'm already sore and we only ended an hour ago. but my back hurt when we first started and now it doesn't at all. and the first downward dog i did took effort, but by the third one it felt like taking a break, just as easy as child's pose. and we were done just in time for me to catch my STAR, and my STAR was only one minute late so i didn't have to wait in the cold very long. everything really worked out nicely even though it wasn't at all what i was expecting. the class was supposed to be at 6:30 but this class was 6:15 so it's a really good thing my cab dropped me off so early (5:40).

Yes, 60 minutes hard, +1.20, total: 1.30, streak: 1

Last edited by ghostPastry; 03-16-2018 at 07:54 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-26-2018, 02:44 AM

February 24
Prompt: Sugar is Sweet
i was gonna make an avi for this, but DAC and multi-equip are broken, so. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ maybe i'll come back to this. but for now, i'll just say i try not to eat too much sugar. i only eat it when i'm on campus and stressed.

Color of the Day

Spanish Word of the Day:
Fascinar - to fascinate

Selfie of the Day:

Song of the Day:

Girl who tried everything
Not as fun as it seems
I know that no one understands you,
But you've got to know we have the same old dreams.

Diary entry:
went to Les Mis! it was great. then just relaxed and hung out with Scout then watched Parks and Rec.

No. total: 1.30, streak: 0

Last edited by ghostPastry; 03-16-2018 at 07:54 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-26-2018, 07:30 PM

February 25
Prompt: G is for...
Gabe! :D dat's me! and gay, which is also me.

Color of the Day

Spanish Word of the Day:
Romántico - romantic

Song of the Day:

Golden light, turned all white
If I run to you, would you stay?
I might be a prototype, but we’re both real inside
Would you take me up this time?
Come take me up this time
Cause I’m gonna find that place the way that I want

Tarot Cards of the Day:

Click to expandX

Twin Peaks: XVIII The Moon

Releasing inner demons, suffering from phobias, being overcome by anxieties. Believing illusions, chasing after a fantasy, deceiving yourself, having unrealistic ideas. Having vivid dreams or visions, opening to the unconscious, entertaining unusual thoughts, being outlandish and bizarre. Losing direction and purpose, having trouble thinking clearly, being easily distracted, feeling disoriented, wandering aimlessly.
Note: the last part definitely. i've been very foggy today. i did get a lot of work done, but besides that i haven't been able to do anything really.

Golden Thread: 6 of Wands

Victory, Success, Public Reward.
After a tough battle, the six of wands represents a very public celebration of victory. It is achievement as well as recognition for one's achievements.
Note: i did feel pretty victorious as i completed my homework today!

Diary entry:
slept in real late then worked on stats homework for several hours. once i started using excel instead of scratch paper and a calculator, everything got so much easier. got all As, even on the one i didn't complete because i couldn't figure it out and had to email the prof. even without that question, i got 90%. now i'm just relaxing and watching How I Met Your Mother and tumblring. i wish i had the energy to work on art. :( i'm glad people are being so patient.

No. total: 1.30, streak: 0

Last edited by ghostPastry; 03-16-2018 at 07:55 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-27-2018, 01:38 AM

February 26
Prompt: Donations
i wish i could afford to make more!

Color of the Day

Spanish Word of the Day:
La Pasión - passion

Avis of the Day:

Selfie of the Day:

Picture of the Day:

Song of the Day:

But... I have a friend with whom I like to spend any time I can find with.
I like sleeping in your bed. I like knowing what is going on inside your head.
I like taking time, and I like your mind, and I like when your hand is in mine.

Drawings done today:

Tarot Cards of the Day:

Click to ExpandX

Santa Muerte: King of Wands

Even with an authoritarian and dominating presence, the King of Wands incarnates rectitude, wisdom, ambitions, but also honesty and faithfulness. This arcana pushes us to aim high towards our ambitions, diffusing complete success to our projects and desires.
Advice of the Dead: Follow the advice of a strong person in whom you trust without fear and this will be particularly remunerative and rewarding.
Note: aim high! that’s me! and i got some advice from my dad this morning that aligns with this. :0

The Wild Unknown: 5 of Wands

Scattered, Lack of Focus, Lost.
The Five of Wands is a card of conflict. You may find yourself scattered, distracted, tending to everything and nothing. Since Wands deal with our dreams and goals, it usually means this conflict resides within. Your energy moves outward in many directions, yet you are suffering inside. Take this card as a warning: find ways to bring calm and focus to your mind, or these troubles will only increase.
Note: i got this card yesterday, right? still pretty true. i mean, i’m getting what needs to be done done, but i’m so tired and as soon as i’m done working i just completely recede back into the fog. i’m working on the calm and focus, i’ve been doing better about doing yoga to stay centered and i’ve been taking lots of breaks from studying and socializing.

Twin Peaks: 0 The Fool

Beginning an adventure, starting something new. Living in the moment, acting on impulse, feeling carefree. Having faith, trusting the flow, living in joy. Taking the “foolish” path, accepting your choices, trusting your heart’s desire.
Note: wow, i get this card so much! for today, i’m seeing having faith and trusting the flow. and even though i am tired and stressed, i’m still very happy.

Golden Thread: 5 of Wands

Competition, Conflict, Rivalry.
A battle between rivals. There is a struggle from all sides for dominance. Although they may seem intimidating at first, there is also the impression that they pose no dire threat – possibly being more of a show of power than actual intention to do true harm.
Note: same as Wild Unknown! but the meaning’s different in this deck, and i relate to it less. i prefer the interpretation of an internal struggle.

Homestuck: VII The Chariot

Emerging victorious, asserting your will and dominance over others. Mastering impulsivity, reining in emotion, war-like control.
Note: that first part was definitely me in Phonology today lol. i don’t think the second part applies to me today.

Rider Waite: 6 of Wands

Triumph, Acclaim, Pride.
In readings, the Six of Wands appears when you have been working hard toward a goal, and success is finally within reach. The recognition you have sought so long is yours. Now you can receive the acclaim, honor and reward that you deserve. If you do not feel close to victory now, know that it is on its way provided you are doing all you can to make it happen. The victory of this card does not have to involve beating someone else. You can triumph over yourself, the environment, or the odds.

The Six of Wands also represents a healthy self-esteem. Feeling good about your accomplishments is an important part of success, but too much pride can lead to arrogance and self-inflation. When you see this card, check that you are not feeling superior to others. It is easy to forget that individual achievement is not really individual at all. Our talents begin in the Divine, develop with the love and support of others, and only in the end express through us. How can we indulge in excess pride?
Note: ties in very well with the Chariot. in fact, i believe this is the minor arcana counterpart of the Chariot. i think, for me, the healthy self-esteem is learning to acknowledge my accomplishments and feel good about myself instead of doubting whether i’m doing as well as i am or whether i will continue doing so well.

Diary entry:
fought with myself and convinced myself to at least do the 5 minute yoga. then did some stats and my phonology homework, then phonology class. we're learning how to combine multiple rules now. :0 it's really fun, but the class is moving so slow for me. which is good, it means i'm good at what i'm doing. and my classmate Dorian said i'm really good at linguistics stuff too. ;v; that was so sweet of him. i'm glad we're becoming friends! then i went home and wanted to do nothing and stop existing but instead i ordered my prescriptions, then cuddled Scout for a bit, then worked on art i still have to do from the Valentine's Day event. way less stressful than homework, and i got the satisfaction of completing something, score! and now it's almost bedtime, so i can just 420 and chill~

Yes +.05 for 5 minutes easy, total: 1.35, streak: 1

Last edited by ghostPastry; 03-16-2018 at 07:55 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-28-2018, 03:23 AM

February 27
Prompt: My last drawing
posted below~

Color of the Day

Spanish Word of the Day:
Obsesionar - to obsess

Selfies of the Day:

Song of the Day:

Te digo que he visto una cosa más bella que tu mirar
Te digo que he visto la luna de noche hablar con el mar
Pero jamás he visto una cosa más bella que tu mirar
Y es que son tus ojos t u sonrisa y t u boca
Y tu carita de coqueta a la final lo que me gusta a mí
Y soy yo quien se pone siempre como un loco
Cuando me miras poco a poco de la manera que me gusta a mí

Drawings done today:

Tarot Cards of the Day:

Click to ExpandX

Santa Muerte:

The Knight of Swords is an active arcana, authoritative and totally the master of himself. He is able to overcome both physical limits and those of his thoughts, ready to fight and to accept any challenge or argument. In taking action however, he manifests his limits, which are connected to an excessive impetuosity, and can become inertia, anger, or destructive rebellion.
Advice of the Dead: Be rational and learn to communicate your ideas clearly and sincerely. Undertake your projects in a way that also brings vitality to others.
Note: hm. i don’t know how much i relate to this? the advice is good, but i haven’t really felt this energy.

The Wild Unknown: Ace of Wands

Expansion, Inspiration.
An extremely high energy card, the Ace of Wands indicates new growth is all around you. Your ideas and outlook will expand, and creativity seems endless. This fertile time can also have literal meanings… a pregnancy or birth may be on the horizon. Though it’s thrilling to embark on your new journey, your good judgement is needed more than ever. Don’t rush into it.
Note: definitely not taking this literally. xD but i’m feelin this!

Twin Peaks: V The Hierophant

Pursuing knowledge, studying and learning, increasing understanding. Learning a religious tradition, sharing a cultural heritage. Following the rules, doing what’s expected, fitting in. Identifying with a group, working as part of a team, feeling loyal to others.
Note: definitely the first sentence and the part about doing what’s expected.

Golden Thread: Knight of Wands

Action, Adventure, Fearlessness.
This person is a man of action – he represents the manifestation of an idea and the passionate pursuit of a vision. Because this person is highly focused on action, he can also be brash, impulsive, and unrealistic.
Note: so much powerful Knight energy in today’s readings! i’ve really been feeling pretty run-down today, but maybe my cards are looking at me more than just today; like an overall trend.

Homestuck: Page of Pentacles

Symbolically, this card may represent an imminent message of good fortune, or a short spell of growth and luck. As a person, this card may represent someone in the subject’s life who is hands-on, hard-working, and youthful.
Note: me! and hopefully also that spell of growth and luck.

Rider Waite: 3 of Wands

Exploration, Foresight, Leadership.
On the Three of Wands, we see a figure standing on a cliff looking out over the sea to distant mountains. From this height, he sees all that lies ahead. This is a card of vision and foresight. When we want to see farther, we climb higher. By going up, we increase our range and remove ourselves from the immediate situation. We detach and gain perspective.

In readings, the Three of Wands can tell you to take the long view. Don’t react to the heat of the moment, but step back and reconsider. See how the present fits into the greater picture. This card asks you to be a visionary – to dream beyond current limitations. It can indicate premonitions or other intuitions about what is to come.

Taking the long view is an aspect of leadership – another meaning of the Three of Wands. When we see far, we have the knowledge to guide others to their best future. Someone who knows the way can show it to those who follow. When you see the Three of Wands, know that now is the time to accept your vision and be confident that you can lead others to it.

A leader not only sees far, but he is willing to go there first, if necessary. The Three of Wands is also a card of exploration. Compare this figure to the Fool who is also on a cliff edge. The Fool steps out in innocence, not realizing he is going to fall to his fate. The adventurer on the Three of Wands is also willing to step out, but with full awareness of what he is doing. His courage is more informed, if less spontaneous. The Three of Wands encourages you to move fearlessly into new areas. Let the ships on your horizon take you far out into unknown seas.
Note: interesting… my therapist has been recommending the exact opposite, that i stay in the present. xD maybe this is suggesting that if i can’t stay in the present, i should take a more realistic and detached view of the future.

Diary entry:
therapy went well today, just talked a lot about school. can't wait till i can figure out how to talk about system stuff tho. xD and i got home in time to have some time before i get picked up for school, but i'm not hungry so that sucks. :/

so wasn't feeling school today. stats was bearable because the teacher is so into it and we didn't move on to chapter 8 since the test's just gonna be on ch. 6 & 7, and that's next class. but spanish was ughhhhhhhh. it always feels like i could just do that class at home, she literally just reads from the textbook and she barely covers any material, she's always going off on sidebars about her personal life. i think i need to not take evening classes next semester, i always feel so tired for them. i'm really hoping i can schedule therapy on Fridays or start doing Skype sessions so i don't feel like i should schedule my classes so late. the fun thing i did today was tarot! i started working on my plans for a tarot thread for whatever event mene has during the summer. >:D (hopefully that event won't be while i'm out in Colorado... it would doubly suck because i'd miss out on the EIs. ;_;)

Yes. +.05 for 5 minutes easy. total: 1.35, streak: 2

Last edited by ghostPastry; 03-16-2018 at 07:58 PM..

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 02-28-2018, 03:47 AM

Oh I love the kittie. You should totally make a cartoon out of him. If you haven't seen Simon's Cat you should look it up.
Thank you so much for the help with the MacBook. I feel like a fish out of water. And my friend went on deployment and left it for me to use because I was having such a hard time with Windows 10. ROFLMAO

ghostPastry is offline
Old 03-01-2018, 02:59 AM

hummy: aw, haha thank you! in middle school, i did a comic with an evil cat who wanted to take over the world. xD and i will check that out! it looks super cute.

and it's no problem. glad i was able to help. :>

ghostPastry is offline
Old 03-01-2018, 02:59 AM

February 28
Prompt: Roses are Red
DAC is still borked, or else i woulda made an avi for this. :/

Color of the Day

Spanish Word of the Day:
Entregado - devoted, selfless.

Selfie of the Day:

Song of the Day:

My arms get cold in February air.
Please don't lose hold of me out there.

Diary entry:
did stats homework for like 4 hours but i finished it all and got A's on everything! phonology was easy, but still fun cuz we're working on datasets and it's my fave. i'm trying my sample of cherry pop vape oil and i like it! it's very strong so i can actually taste it and it really does taste like the soda! then in the car on the way home, there was a service dog and they sniffed me and it was so cute! but i didn't pet them bc i'm not rude. then scout and i watched parks and rec and ate popcorn and then we started making a photobook together, which was stressful so we stopped after the first 2 pages and are gonna come back to it. now is bedtime, and then i have a stats test tomorrow. x_x

No. total: 1.45, streak: 0

Last edited by ghostPastry; 03-16-2018 at 07:57 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 03-01-2018, 03:00 AM







Sun...........your basic personality...............every month
Moon.........moods & emotions...................every 2-3 days
Mercury.....mind & communication.............every 3-4 weeks & attraction......................every 4-5 weeks & energy........................every 6-7 weeks
Jupiter.......luck, growth & wisdom..............every 12-13 months
Saturn.......discipline, fears & challenges.....every 2-3 years
Uranus......change & originality..................every 7 years
Neptune.....dreams & healing....................every 10-12 years
Pluto..........power & transformation...........every 12-15 years
Lillith..........source of darkness
Asc. area of our lives and personalities that we may neglect or avoid, possibly due to fear and resistance.

Aries................Independence, Passion
Taurus.............Stability, Sensuality
Gemini.............Adaptability, Social
Cancer.............Nurturing, Protective
Leo..................Energy, Warmth
Virgo................Analytical, Worries
Libra................Balance, Relationships
Scorpio.............Secretive, Focused
Sagittarius........Optimism, Adventurous
Capricorn..........Ambition, Wisdom, Tenacity
Aquarius...........Eccentricity, Inventiveness
Pisces...............Dreamy, Emotional

Mercury retrograde: Get in touch with old friends and contacts, back up devices and data, edit and clarify your thoughts, dust off an old writing project or course of study. Polish up your social media profiles. You're going to drop things a lot, so be careful.

Venus retrograde: Heal any issues in your relationship or blocks to love. Recognize when you’re in the wrong match and move on. Gain closure with an ex…or reunite if the timing is better. Make peace with a woman in your life.

Mars retrograde: Learn how to handle pressure and conflict more effectively. Release a grudge, lay down your swords. Slow down and stop rushing to avoid accidents. Have sex with an ex (with caution!). Work on practicing patience. Get back to an old sport or exercise routine. Find the courage to confront someone. Make peace with a man in your life.

Jupiter retrograde: Slow down the risk-taking and evaluate before rushing ahead. Travel to an old favorite place. Pick up an abandoned entrepreneurial venture. Go back to school, finish a degree or certification.

Saturn retrograde: Tighten up your plans, rethink your goals and career path. Practice self-discipline and delay instant gratification. Work through father issues (good thing Saturn goes retrograde once a year, eh?).

Uranus retrograde: Watch your contrarian tendencies and make sure you’re not being a rebel without a cause. Question your political stance, study up on politics, scientific developments and current events, reconnect with a humanitarian cause. Distance yourself from destructive and disruptive people who bring chaos into your world (you don’t need any more than you’re already getting!).’

Neptune retrograde: Resume a creative, musical or artistic project. Dive into your subconscious, do healing work and therapy, explore and question your spiritual beliefs. Meditate to get more in tune with your intuition. Watch out for denial and codepence. Cut the energy vampires out of your life.

Pluto retrograde: Explore your “shadow side” and delve into old fears, limiting beliefs and entrenched unconscious patterns. Remove toxic energies from your world via Feng Shui, space clearing, burning sage, decluttering. Protect yourself against unsafe people and situations. Recognize where you are being bullied or dominated—or where you may be overpowering someone else—and resolve the situation. Watch out for projecting your own unconscious baggage onto others. Access mystical or buried parts of yourself through past-life regressions, working with a psychic medium, hypnotherapy.

Songs of the DayX

Mar 1: The Sun Goes Down and the World Goes Dancing - The Magnetic Fields
Mar 2: Full Flower - The Mountain Goats
Mar 3: Geraldine - Glasvegas
Mar 4: Pompeii - Bastille
Mar 5: Plunder - The Felice Brothers
Mar 6: Everything is Alright - Motion City Soundtrack
Mar 7: Skeleton Boy - Friendly Fires
Mar 8: Imaginary Parties - SUPERFRUIT
Mar 9: Imaginary Parties - SUPERFRUIT
Mar 10: Super Mario World Overworld Theme Trap Remix - GoblinsFromMars
Mar 11: Between the Bars - Elliot Smith
Mar 12: This Abyss - The Gothic Archies
Mar 13: Take Me to Church (cover) - TEEMID & Jasmine Thompson
Mar 14: Anywhere But Here - Hilary Duff
Mar 15: Champagne - In The Heights
Mar 16: Swept Away - The xx
Mar 17: Paddy's Lament - Flogging Molly
Mar 18: I Feel It All - Feist
Mar 19: And I Remember Every Kiss - Jens Lekman
Mar 20: Stolen Dance - Milky Chance
Mar 21: Tesselate - Alt-J
Mar 22: Victorious - Panic! at the Disco
Mar 23: Silent Hill 3 Dog Ending credits song - Akira Yamaoka
Mar 24: Helpless - Hamilton
Mar 25: La La Latch - Pentatonix
Mar 26: This Must Be The Place (Naïve Melody) - Talking Heads/Miles Fischer
Mar 27: Heaven - Troye Sivan ft. Betty Who
Mar 28: Wraith Pinned To The Mist - Of Montreal
Mar 29: Prowl Great Cain - the Mountain Goats
Mar 30: Dreamy Bruises - Sylvan Esso
Mar 31: Let's Pretend We're Bunny Rabbits - The Magnetic Fields


Mar 1: Yes, easy 10 minutes. total: 1.45, streak: 1
Mar 2: No, total: 1.45, streak: 0
Mar 3: No, total: 1.45, streak: 0
Mar 4: Yes, easy 10 minutes. total: 1.55, streak: 1
Mar 5: Yes, easy 5 minutes. total: 1.60, streak: 2
Mar 6: Yes, easy 5 minutes. total: 1.65, streak: 3
Mar 7: Yes, easy 10 minutes. total: 1.75, streak: 4
Mar 8: Yes, easy 5 minutes. total: 1.80, streak: 5
Mar 9: Yes, easy 10 minutes. total: 1.90, streak: 6
Mar 10: Yes, easy 10 minutes. total: 2.00, streak: 7
Mar 11: Yes, easy 10 minutes. total: 2.10, streak: 8
Mar 12: Yes, easy 10 minutes. total: 2.20, streak: 9
Mar 13: Yes, easy 30 minutes. total: 2.50, streak: 10
Mar 14: Yes, easy 10 minutes. total: 2.60, streak: 11
Mar 15: Yes, easy 5 minutes + hard 30 minutes. total: 3.25, streak: 12
Mar 16: Yes, easy 5 minutes. total: 3.30, streak: 13
Mar 17: Yes, easy 10 minutes. total: 3.40, streak: 14
Mar 18: Yes, hard 30 minutes. total: 4.00, streak: 15
Mar 19: Yes, easy 10 minutes. total: 4.10, streak: 16
Mar 20: Yes, easy 5 minutes. total: 4.15, streak: 17
Mar 21: Yes, easy 30 minutes. total: 4.45, streak: 18
Mar 22: Yes, easy 5 minutes. total: 4.50, streak: 19
Mar 23: Yes, hard 30 minutes. total: 5.10, streak: 20
Mar 24: Yes, easy 30 minutes. total: 5.40, streak: 21
Mar 25: Yes, easy 5 minutes. total: 5.45, streak: 22
Mar 26: Yes, easy 5 minutes. total: 5.50, streak: 23
Mar 27: Yes, easy 5 minutes. total: 5.55, streak: 24
Mar 28: Yes, easy 50 minutes. total: 6.05, streak: 25
Mar 29: Yes, easy 10 minutes. total: 6.15, streak: 26
Mar 30: Yes, easy 5 minutes. total: 6.20, streak: 27
Mar 31: Yes, easy 10 minutes. total: 6.30, streak: 28☆

FebruaryFirst Post • April

Last edited by ghostPastry; 05-08-2019 at 08:46 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 03-02-2018, 06:29 PM

March 1
Prompt: I'm Busy!
it's true!!! i'm so busy.

Color of the Day

Spanish Word of the Day:
Silvestre - wild, rustic, ordinary (colloquial, eg. clothes)

Selfie of the Day:

Song of the Day:

So the sun goes down and the world goes dancing
And the stars come out and they all go dancing
And there is nothing I'd like more than a twirl across this rickety old floor.

Tarot Spread of the Day:

Click to ExpandX

I had really strange dreams last night, so instead of my usual cards of the day, i'm going to be doing a dream interpretation spread with my Twin Peaks deck.

Origin: Queen of Cups
What feelings did this dream stem from? What was the underlying emotion behind it?

Compassion, Intuitive, Psychic, Spiritual.
Infinite patience, sensitive to the feelings of others, tenderhearted. Tuned to emotional undercurrents, understands without having to ask. Open to the unconscious, can have a telepathic bond with another. Feels oneness with God and the universe, sees the world as a holy place, has reverence for all life.
Note: I like the idea of it being about a telepathic bond with another, because the dreams had important people from my past who keep appearing in my dreams. but it doesn't make sense why they keep appearing in my dreams since i'm not thinking about them in waking life, and other people who i do think about when i'm awake (and who are arguably more important to me) don't appear in my dreams. so maybe i'm psychically or spiritually linked to them. also that last part about my spirituality hits it right on the nose, so now i think i have a sense of what force these dreams are coming from.

Message: XI Justice
What is the dream trying to tell me?

Cause and Effect, Clarity, Truth, Justice, Responsibility.
Committing to honesty, trying to do what is right. Settling old accounts and debts, acknowledging the truth. Weighing all sides of an issue, setting a course for the future, determining the right action, choosing with full awareness. Accepting the results you have created, seeing how you chose your situation, making connections between events.
Note: this means the dream is trying to tell me to avoid my past mistakes and atone for them, specifically with the two people who showed up in my dream. it's telling me why my present is the way it is, and that i need to look deeper into my relationships with these two people to understand my relationships with people now. it's just so weird, because i haven't been focusing at all on one of the people i dreamed about, who was present for much longer in the dreams and who has shown up in much more of my dreams. i'd expect the cards to be looking into my past with someone else... so i guess i have to look deeper.

Waking Life: Page of Pentacles
How can I apply this dream's lessons to my waking life?

New Opportunity, Have an Effect, Be Practical, Be Prosperous, Be Trusting/Trustworthy.
Act on your dreams, get events in motion, mold the physical world. Find a solution that works, stop daydreaming, concentrate on what's effective, work with what you have. Draw to you what you need, grow and expand, enrich yourself, go out to meet success, seek abundance, become secure. Have faith in others, accommodate uncertainty, prove yourself dependable, establish credibility.
Note: this is the key to the whole dream. i have to learn to trust people because Leslie* taught me that people's affections are fickle and people will abandon you for no reason, and that people will dislike you if you're not cool enough or don't like the same things they like. i have to become the master of my reality, and not feel inferior to others like i felt with Leslie* and Dawson*, and i have to now act on my dreams in a way that i couldn't with Dawson*.

*names changed

Diary entry:
stats test today! x_x i hope it goes well... i have so much free time to just relax before it starts, but i forgot to take 2 anxiety pills today, i only took 1, so i can't relax. ghhh. i've just been keeping busy to stave off the anxiety.

yes. +.15 for 10 minutes easy, total: 0.95:, streak: 1

ghostPastry is offline
Old 03-03-2018, 08:02 PM

March 2
Prompt: When I Was Young.
oh boy... this is such a heavy prompt for me. i'll just talk about the good things. when i was young, i lived in North Carolina for a couple years, then i moved back to Colorado. when i was in Colorado, i did Tae-Kwon-Do, swimming, dancing, and acting and i was OBSESSED with Harry Potter. i also loved A Series of Unfortunate Events and the Artemis Fowl books. i was always a dork, and especially back then it was very hard for me to make friends. i went to a private school for a couple years, and i skipped a grade there but when i went to public school they ignored that and made me do the 5th grade again. at my private school, we got to choose our own schedules and we did a lot of logic puzzles, typing games, science experiments, info cards/note-taking about like animals and clouds and stuff, memorization of countries and capitols, and art. then, when i went to public school i was completely and utterly bored and since i was the new kid everyone hated my guts. the material was very easy for me, and i really should have been allowed to skip to the 6th grade but since i would've had to go to a different school to do that, they wouldn't let me. they did have me take IQ tests though, which got me accepted into a Highly Gifted and Talented program in middle school. so... yep! that's the basics of my childhood from 8-10 years old. any memories from when i was younger than 8 years old can only be unlocked once you've increased our friendship level to 100.

Color of the Day

Spanish Word of the Day:
Reverdecer - to revive, to become green again

Song of the Day:

I saw the blossom form, and I saw the screen glow
And I let my arm fall to my side, and I took one step back.
I would give anything in the world up for you, but I will not stop.

Astrology Forecast:
Sun in Pisces. Basic vibe is emotional & dreamy.
Moon in Scorpio. Moods & emotions are dark & strange, and you will tend to be overly focused on them.
Mercury in Pisces. Mind & communications are emotional & dreamy.
Venus in Pisces. Love & attraction are emotional & dreamy.
Mars in Sagittarius. Drive & energy are optimistic & adventurous.
Jupiter in Scorpio. Luck, growth & wisdom are dark & strange, but focused.
Saturn in Capricorn. Discipline, fears & challenges are ambitious, wise & tenacious.
Uranus in Aries. Change & originality are independent & passionate.
Neptune in Pisces. Dreams & healing are emotional & dreamy.
Pluto in Capricorn. Power & transformation are ambitious, wise & tenacious.

Dream Journal:
forgot to put a pile of underwear in the laundry, which made me upset until i realized i could wash my towel with them and not waste a load on just a towel.

started a dice-rolling game thread on mene that was somehow like one of those basketball-throwing arcade games, because i guess i had hosted one last event too, but i forgot to ask hummy to provide the prizes and i was panicking because everyone would be mad that i promised something i couldn’t deliver. she offered to give one prize, and i could choose either the highest roller or the person i liked best and i was like “if i’m gonna just choose whoever i want, i should at least make it look like a random number generator so no one thinks it’s unfair.

a really long one that had something to do with my dad and staying in a strange, Sunrise Ranch-like place. that’s all i can remember.

Diary entry:
i always try to take it really easy on Fridays, so i just relaxed for most of the day. at night, Scout and i had a food party, we got chinese food and ice cream and goldfish. yummm.

No. total: 0.95, streak: 0

Last edited by ghostPastry; 03-03-2018 at 10:02 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 03-04-2018, 03:59 AM

March 3
Prompt: Favorite EI in 2009.
Star Crest, mainly because i use the sparkles in basically every avi i make. xD but there were so many good EIs this year! very hard to choose.

Color of the Day

Spanish Word of the Day:
El Arco Iris - rainbow

Selfies of the Day:

Song of the Day:

When your sparkle evades your soul, I'll be at your side to console.
When you're standing on the window ledge, I'll talk you back from the edge.

Tarot Spread of the Day:

Click to ExpandX

Wild Unknown, Mind Body Spirit.

Mind: 6 of Pentacles
What is the state of mind? What are you thinking about?

Prosperity, Growth, Generosity.
The Six of Pentacles indicates that your long-awaited fruits are ready for harvesting, bringing more wealth than anticipated. Make sure you are generous during this bountiful time. This card can also signify generosity coming from someone else. If this is the case, accept the help with grace and put the resources to good use.

Body: Father of Cups
What is the state of your body? How are you feeling?

Diplomatic, Open-Minded.
The Father of Cups has a truly unique and dynamic personality. He’s the most feminine of all the fathers within the tarot and usually a patron of the arts. He’s a dignified man who supports his family and community. The only thing holding this man back are his deeply rooted insecurities; they are vast and affect his personality in many unpredictable ways.

Spirit: XI Justice
What is the state of your spirit? What does your higher self say?

Decisions, Karma.
With tails entwined, two cats look directly at you… waiting for you to choose between them. Which is right and which is wrong? The justice card implies a weight or heaviness surrounding a choice you have to make. Now is not the time to shun the concept of divine balance, or karma. All of your choices affect your life, and sometimes the lives of those around you, both now and in the future.

Astrology Forecast:
Sun in Pisces. Basic vibe is emotional & dreamy.
Moon in Scorpio. Moods & emotions are dark & strange, and you will tend to be overly focused on them.
Mercury in Pisces. Mind & communications are emotional & dreamy.
Venus in Pisces. Love & attraction are emotional & dreamy.
Mars in Sagittarius. Drive & energy are optimistic & adventurous.
Jupiter in Scorpio. Luck, growth & wisdom are dark & strange, but focused.
Saturn in Capricorn. Discipline, fears & challenges are ambitious, wise & tenacious.
Uranus in Aries. Change & originality are independent & passionate.
Neptune in Pisces. Dreams & healing are emotional & dreamy.
Pluto in Capricorn. Power & transformation are ambitious, wise & tenacious.

Dream Journal:
my dreams were too long and numerous to write down. i sort of remembered them when i was half-awake, but i was too tired to try to write anything down.

Diary entry:
decided to take pictures of all the Wild Unknown cards i haven't drawn yet so it'll be easier to upload my readings for that deck and because i want to use that deck for a tarot thread for a mene event. not the next one, because i'll probably be moving and studying really hard during it, but probably for a summer event. besides that, i just played animal crossing, pokefarm & flight rising. tonight, Scout and i are gonna go see The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee! :0

edit: it was kind of a silly, stupid musical but i enjoyed it ok. it was FREEZING in the theater tho, jfc.

No. total: 0.95, streak: 0.

Last edited by ghostPastry; 03-04-2018 at 07:49 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 03-05-2018, 01:10 AM

March 4
Prompt: Workout Routine
well, i try to do yoga every day in the morning... i also do zumba and nia sometimes. when i'm at the gym, i mostly do cardio-- i'll run on the treadmill, then do the sitting bike. sometimes i'll do weights, but i'm very disorganized about it. i just choose whichever machine looks fun and then i do three sets of 10 reps with the heaviest weight i can, and then i move on to another machine. i took a weight training class one time, but i still never really learned which machines work which muscle sets or how to choose which muscle sets to work on. xD

Color of the Day

Spanish Word of the Day:
Mágico - magic

Song of the Day:

But if you close your eyes, does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?
And if you close your eyes, does it almost feel like you've been here before?

Drawings done today:

and sketches of the other three vday art requests i still have left.

Tarot Cards of the Day:

Click to ExpandX

Santa Muerte: 6 of Swords

The moment has arrived to distance ourselves, to face change, and to move towards new ideas and solutions. The six of Swords forces us to change even orientation, to find new expedients and new solutions in order to avoid easy and predictable solutions that also bring dissatisfaction, stagnation, or instability.
Advice of the Dead: Continue to row towards the voyage that you have decided to embark upon, bringing with you the weight of all the errors you have made but that have enriched you and made you mature.
Note: this is very in line with all the cards i've been getting lately. it's time to shed the old ways and move on to the new.

The Wild Unknown: XV The Devil

Addiction, Negativity.
Though it may feel frightening when the Devil appears in your reading, this card carries an urgent message and must be interpreted with total honesty. The darkness of the Devil card takes the form of addiction, negativity, or materialism. It can indicate an ugly relationship with a person or substance. Identify this dependency and how it's holding you back. The devil's hooves are strong and relentless-- their grip will not loosen unless a conscious change is made. Free yourself.
Note: this is what's holding me back from following the path of the 6 of Swords. it's not a substance, but an abstract concept. i'm "addicted" to telling myself i can't do things and that i'm not good enough, and i'm "addicted" to not taking as good of care of myself as i should. i fill the void with materialistic things, like all the games i play where i earn fake currency, or food.

Twin Peaks: XXI The World

Experiencing wholeness, working in unison. Realizing your goals, prospering, achieving your heart's desire, finding a beautiful solution. Becoming involved, contributing, healing, feeling engaged, being active, sharing what you have. Savoring the present, taking pleasure in life, enjoying peace of mind, finding contentment and satisfaction, counting your blessings.
Note: this is what i'm on the path towards.

Golden Thread: Ace of Swords

Victory, Raw Strength, Sharp Mind.
The potential for immense power and success. But remember that the sword is double-edged-- depending on who wields it, its power can be used to shelter and protect or to mercilessly strike down for cold and ruthless self-gain.
Note: this is what i need to achieve my goal (the World), this is the type of energy within me that i need to tap into. i need to remember to shelter and protect myself, and make sure i be mindful in my pursuit of success.

Homestuck: 2 of Pentacles

Juggling several options in order to cover one’s bases. As with the Two of Swords, the subject has not found a permanent solution, but has bought themselves more time to do so.
Note: yep. basically, any time i get this card it's right. xD all of life is one big balancing act.

Rider Waite: XX Judgement

Judging, Rebirth, Inner Calling, Absolution.
On Card 20, we see people rising up at the call of an angel. It is Judgment Day, when the faithful are brought to heaven, but what about those who are not saved? Have they been judged and found wanting? For their sins, will they be denied the presence of God? It is this aspect of judgment that is unsettling. How can judgment be reconciled with forgiveness?

In fact, judgment comes in two forms. The hurtful kind says, "What you did is wrong, and you are bad and worthless for having done it." This type of judgment separates and leaves no room for redemption. It is possible to judge without condemning. We assess the matter, weigh all sides and try to discern the truth. We recognize the need to choose and hope for the courage to do so wisely - but without blame.

In readings, Card 20 can be a reminder that judgments are necessary; sometimes you must decide. At such moments, it is best to consider the matter carefully and then commit yourself without censure. If you are being judged yourself, learn from the process. Take what is of value, correct what needs correcting, but never lose sight of your worth.

Card 20 also stands for the feelings that come with salvation. When the angel calls, you are reborn - cleansed of all guilts and burdens. The past and its mistakes are behind you, and you are ready to begin anew. You may even feel a calling - a personal conviction of what you are meant to do. If you are in a low period, in need of hope and absolution, Judgement can show you that renewal is at hand.
Note: hah, this card is so meta. it's talking about what i'm doing in this reading, which is judging myself, and it's saying that sometimes it's healthy to assess yourself and where you're at, so you know how to move forwards.

Astrology Forecast:
Sun in Pisces. Basic vibe is emotional & dreamy.
Moon in Libra. Moods & emotions are balanced and harmonious.
Mercury in Pisces. Mind & communications are emotional & dreamy.
Venus in Pisces. Love & attraction are emotional & dreamy.
Mars in Sagittarius. Drive & energy are optimistic & adventurous.
Jupiter in Scorpio. Luck, growth & wisdom are dark & strange, but focused.
Saturn in Capricorn. Discipline, fears & challenges are ambitious, wise & tenacious.
Uranus in Aries. Change & originality are independent & passionate.
Neptune in Pisces. Dreams & healing are emotional & dreamy.
Pluto in Capricorn. Power & transformation are ambitious, wise & tenacious.

Dream Journal:
in one of my dreams, when you put a VHS in, you became a part of the movie, so i went into a bunch of movies, including Star Trek TOS and i guess whatever i was doing was making Spock, Kirk & Bones mad at one another.

in another dream, there were grocery store freezers full of cereals and ice creams and other treats, and whoever i was with owned them all so we went through pouring bowls of whatever we wanted

Diary entry:
woke up pretty early for it being the weekend! like 11am or something. then i just played animal crossing for a while, then i did a bunch of Spanish homework on material we haven't gone over yet in class, so i had to make flashcards for the textbook too. we're on to the imperfect past tense, which doesn't exist in english except in AAVE (and maybe some other pidgin/creole dialects?), so that's exciting. oh, and i've decided i'm gonna try rewriting all my diary entries in spanish, for practice.

Entrada del Diario:
desperté bastante temprano para el fin de semana! como a las once en la mañana o algo. después jugué Cruce de Animal por un rato, después hice un manojo de tarea por mi clase de Español sobre material que aún no habíamos aprendido en clase, así que también tuve que hacer tarjetas para el libro de texto. Estamos trabajar sobre el verbos de tiempo imperfecto, que no existen en Ingles excepto en AAVE (y también quizás en algunos otros lenguas macarrónicas/idiomas chapurrados?), así que eso es emocionante. ¡ay! y tengo decidido voy a tratar de reescribir en español todas mis entradas del diario, para practicar.

Yes. 7 minutes easy. total: 1.10, streak: 1

Last edited by ghostPastry; 03-05-2018 at 07:23 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 03-06-2018, 01:10 AM

March 5
Prompt: Drunk Driving
is never good. never done it, never will.

Color of the Day

Spanish Word of the Day:
Brotar - to sprout

Selfies of the Day:

Song of the Day:

They say that only 80 men own more than half the world.
I had a dream they spread it around; I ended up in the mental ward.
Plunder, plunder, rain and thunder, greed will split the soul asunder.

Tarot Cards of the Day:

Click to ExpandX

Santa Muerte: 6 of Pentacles

We are in the present but in front of a precarious equilibrium, an alternation that swings like a pendulum between positive and negative. It could make our physical and economic situation unstable, while waiting for a solution and an ulterior evolution. It will be time, fluid and unilateral, never stopping, that will make the situation evolve and enable us to overcome eventual obstacles.
Advice of the Dead: Proceed with audacity and without haste, working hard and keeping yourself focused on the present. What you desire will arrive when the time is ripe.
Note: ok! good advice, just keep plugging away. i am very much in the middle of things, waiting for the next thing.

The Wild Unknown: 7 of Wands

Courage, Inner Strength.
A single wand stands up tall, ablaze with light. The others fall away in shadow. Such is the story of the Seven of Wands. You'll not find any strength or support from others, only yourself. It's time to be truly courageous and stand up for your beliefs. You may feel overwhelmed with caution and fear, but your internal fire will guide the way.
Note: so true! especially that last sentence.

Twin Peaks: 3 of Cups

Bursting with energy, celebrating, putting yourself out there, feeling on top of the world. Enjoying camaraderie, getting together with people you like, trusting others. Taking part in a group, working together, helping each other.
Note: hmm, nope, this doesn't really fit today.

Golden Thread: 2 of Pentacles

Balance, Priorities, Adapting to Change
A game of balance is what is at work here. This card gives the sense that rapid change has become a norm in your situation. Having to deal with opposing forces is unavoidable in certain circumstances, but luckily, you've had the resilience to be able to deal with them.
Note: haha, this card again. yep. especially today, i'm adapting to some lifestyle changes i recently implemented and i'm trying to make sure i have the right priorities.

Homestuck: 7 of Pentacles

A warning against the dangers of impatience. This card acts as a reminder to the subject to bide their time.
Note: i see this card more as being about taking a pause, rather than biding time. and i definitely need a pause.

Rider Waite: 6 of Cups

Good Will, Innocence, Childhood.
It is a truism that there is violence, anger and mean-spiritedness in the world. Certainly there is enough of this, but there is also much good will and caring. A mother hands a drink to her child. A friend lends his car for the weekend. A worker fills in for a sick colleague. Small gestures, barely noticed, but so important. The Six of Cups is a card of simple goodness. It encourages you to be kind, generous and forgiving.

The Six of Cups also represents innocence - a word with many shades of meaning. You can be innocent in the strictly legal sense of lack of guilt. You can be innocent of the truth - unaware of some secret. You can be lacking in deceit or corruption - innocent of ulterior motive. Finally, you can be virtuous or chaste. These are all possibilities that can apply to the Six of Cups, depending on the situation.

Notice that the two figures on the Six of Cups appear to be children. Often this card represents a baby or young child. In a larger sense, it embraces all of childhood and the feelings we associate with youth (ideally!) - being carefree, playful, secure and loved. Children are our treasure, and the sweetness of the Six of Cups is a quality to be treasured as well.

Astrology Forecast:
Sun in Pisces. Basic vibe is emotional & dreamy.
Moon in Libra. Moods & emotions are balanced & harmonious.
Mercury in Pisces. Mind & communications are emotional & dreamy.
Venus in Pisces. Love & attraction are emotional & dreamy.
Mars in Sagittarius. Drive & energy are optimistic & adventurous.
Jupiter in Scorpio. Luck, growth & wisdom are dark & strange, but focused.
Saturn in Capricorn. Discipline, fears & challenges are ambitious, wise & tenacious.
Uranus in Aries. Change & originality are independent & passionate.
Neptune in Pisces. Dreams & healing are emotional & dreamy.
Pluto in Capricorn. Power & transformation are ambitious, wise & tenacious.

Dream Journal:
had a dream where i was trying to type something funny from a dream, it was something like “breakfast cereal, (something), the devil, and juice” and when i first thought of it, it was hilarious but by the time i started writing it i’d forgotten it and the more i tried to remember the less i did. while i was typing, each word turned into a picture. then i looked and it turned out i’d sent the pictures to my old friend Sidhe by accident! we haven’t talked in years, so i was mortified! but then i was suddenly on her witch bus, and i had to make my way through everyone to the lower level where she was driving to explain my accident. there were so many people in the bus and they all had something to say to me but i don’t really remember.

i had another dream where i worked for Noodles and Company again, the one on 16th & Court, with Debbie as my GM, and i was on the bus and missed my stop but it was an express bus so the next stop was really far away, so i had to call her and tell her i’d be really late and she was pissed and really let me have it, and the bus driver somehow knew that was gonna happen but didn’t tell me when it was my stop? and when i got to work, i think i brought Debbie a treat or something? and Noodles was weird, it was suddenly like a diner.

Diary entry:
accidentally hit "off" on my alarm instead of "snooze", so that could have been really bad! but luckily i woke up at 10, which was only 10 minutes later than i ideally wanted to sleep in. so it meant i woke up after the second alarm which made me feel a lot more refreshed than usual. i really gotta try waking up after the first alarm for real. it's such a bad habit. then i felt excited to do yoga because my yoga last night felt so good. i just did the 5 minute one, but i think even if i just do that every day i'll notice the difference. and i've been drinking a shit ton of water lately (and by "a shit ton" i mean the amount that humans are normally supposed to drink in a day), so i've been peeing like crazy but i think it's making me feel better?

then i went to the library, did my phonology homework #4 and almost made a HUGE mistake that would've gotten me an F on the whole damn thing!!! but then i figured it out and i think i got it perfect. then i just worked on this post and my tarot thread for the summer event (everything's all set now and it looks great! i'm way over-prepared. xD) i've been feeling so rushed today... i got here at like 11:30 but i've been feeling like class is impending the entire time. ughhh. i just have so many diversions! i barely even got to play Animal Crossing this morning.

then i went to phonology class, which was actually challenging today! and fun, as always. i got to confirm that i did my homework correctly... there were so many ways i could have gone wrong, but there was one way in particular where i just went with my common sense, and that turned out to be the right way to go. but on future homeworks and tests, i'm gonna need to be a lot more methodical. saw Dorian, but we didn't really talk because we never talk before class (and i was playing Animal Crossing) and he was skipping his next class, so he went a different way than me.

i've been so anxious today. i don't know what it is. i forgot to take my weed gummy, and i only took one klonopin, but i've been fine in the past on this combo AND i did my yoga and i had enough time this morning to not rush... i was really anxious last night before bed too. maybe i'm doing too much with this diary and my tarot cards... it is pretty ambitious. but i did finish my big tarot project, the one for the event thread, so maybe i'll feel less rushed and occupied. i'm not trying to overwork myself, i just find this stuff fun and i have a hard time forcing myself to not do anything. i'm going to try adding meditating before bed. i have been working on getting myself to lucid dream, and i hear that helps.

Entrada del Diario:
accidentalmente presionar “pare” en mi despertador en lugar del botón de dormitar ¡así eso podría haber sido muy malo! pero por suerte me desperté a las diez de la mañana, cual fue sólo diez minutos más tarde de lo que idealmente quise dormir hasta tarde. así significó que me levanté después de la segunda alarma cual me hizo senté mucho más refrescado de lo habitual. de verdad, debo tratar de levantarme después de la primera alarma, de verdad. es un hábito tan mal. entonces, senté emocionada que hacer yoga porque mi yoga anoche sentó tan bien. solo hice el de cinco minutos, pero creo que si sólo hago eso todos los días, notaré la diferencia. y he estado beber una mierda ton de agua últimamente (y por “una mierda ton” me refiero a la cantidad que normalmente se supone que los humanos deben beber en un día), así he estado orinar como loco, pero creo que me está haciendo sentir mejor?

entonces fui a la biblioteca, hice mis deberes de fonología número cuatro ¡¡¡y casi cometí un GRAN error que me hubiera dado una F en toda la cosa maldita!!! pero entonces me lo imaginé y creo que lo hice a la perfección. después solo trabajé en esta publicación y mi hilo del foro del tarot para el evento en el verano (¡todo está listo ahora y se ve genial! estoy tan sobrepreparada. xD) me he sentido tan apurado hoy… llegué aquí como las once de la mañana pero he estado sentir la clase es inminente todo el tiempo. uffff. ¡solo tengo tantas cosas divertidas! apenas tengo que jugar Cruce de Animales esta mañana.

oh my god i wrote so much........ i might not do those last two paragraphs. x_x this is a lot of work! especially since it's all in the fucking past tense kill me. x_x

Yes +.10 for 5 minutes easy, total: 1.20, streak: 2

Last edited by ghostPastry; 03-06-2018 at 01:33 AM..


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