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QueeniE*BEE is offline
Old 04-21-2010, 11:05 AM

Carina began to walk to the back room motioning for Miranda to follow her but first she stopped her cabinet unlocking it and digging around her in backpack for her hairbrush. Grabbing it she closed and locked the door again before heading toward the back and toward the girls bathrooms. "Why don't you go ahead and wash up. I'll go and see if I can find a small towel or something.I'll be right back." Making sure that she'll be okay Carina left walking further down the hallways until she came upon a small door. Opening it she saw that it was full of cleaning supplies and walked inside rummaging around to see if she cold find one. It took her several minutes before she found one crying out with a small "Ah!" as she did.

Straightening up form he bent over position she stretched rubbing at her sore back. This has sure been one eventful first day of work! she thought heading back to the girls bathroom knocking once before entering.

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Kry is offline
Old 04-21-2010, 07:43 PM

Jade had begun to hum to himself. Very lightly tapping his fingers against the counter top as he leaned on it. Those eyes were so often drawn to the front doors. Hoping and wishing for a customer. He wriggled slightly, excited and his mind filled with thoughts of the cafe being so full of customers that they would run out of seats. That would be so wonderful. A smile still on his lips as he imagined and day dreamed, he glanced at the clock. Those eyes drifting back to those doors. He could see them..See the people outside milling about. Though it didn't seem like any of them gave his cafe a second glance..some didn't even give it a first glance. Well..That was alright. Because surely someone would come in eventually. Of that he was certain. Jade continued to hum softly.

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Old 04-21-2010, 07:49 PM

As Maria listened to Jade Hum,She sat down at one of the tables and began watching the people outside hoping at least one person or even two would open the doors and sit down at one of the tables and order something.

As Maria sat down,she folded her arms on the table laying her head down inside her arms. its going to be a long day Maria thought as she felt a tad bit tired from escaping from the hospital,as the hospital was pretty far from here.

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Kry is offline
Old 04-21-2010, 07:59 PM

When Maria moved, Jade watched her. She seemed tired. The tall blond turned on his heels and made for the kitchen almost immediately. Finding a cup and the warm fresh brewed tea, he filled the cup with the tea and came back out of the kitchen. Moving over to where Maria sat. He placed the cup lightly on the table in front of her. "Here. You look a bit tired, have some tea. It'll perk you right up." He was smiling softly at her and then he was moving through the cafe, picking up the cups from the table he and Miranda had sat at earlier. Jade returned to the kitchen area with those cups, after a few moments he came back out to lean on the counter again. Watching that door.

Last edited by Kry; 04-21-2010 at 08:36 PM.. Reason: typo

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Old 04-21-2010, 08:22 PM

Maria sat up as Jade placed the cup of tea in front of her she Smiled at Jade."thank you Jade,i am quite tired"Maria said with a bit of a laugh as she sipped the tea. wow its delicious Maria thought in her head as it did wake her up a bit.

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Chryssta is offline
Old 04-21-2010, 08:44 PM

Miranda only hesitated at first, then followed the nice girl to the bathroom. It would certainly be nice to wipe off the upset pheromones that she seemed to emit whenever she cried. Sometimes being part critter was a bad thing, but given that her mother was part raccoon, and is still doing wonderfully at their home-place, then Miranda would be alright too. She just had to stop being so afraid of everything.

In theory, she could have called home and been sent help from her brother or sister, but she didn't want to rely on them, even though, before entering the cafe, she was beginning to think she was a lost cause.

Once alone, she undoes her thigh length braid, dips the hair into the sink and turns on the water, working the hand soap into the tresses to clean out a week's worth of grime. Careful, as always, to not get water into her ears, she washes the fur on them, and then dips her mangled tail into the filled sink. She had it fully cleaned in mere moments, having been used to cleaning herself quickly.

Of course, only now does she think about the water dripping on the floor, now that she'd washed her hair and tail in the sink. Snagging some paper towels, she washes her face and bare arms, getting rid of the pheromone spores on her open skin. Her hair and tail were still dripping when Carina came back.

"I...I'll clean up my mess. Don't worry. Mom always said: 'It doesn't matter how big the mess you make is, just so long as you clean it up when you're done'."

((Sorry about that guys... I kinda have a night job. So when normal people are going to bed, I'm going to work... I'll try and let y'all know when I need to leave for work (or bed when I need sleep in the evenings). I should have said something about it last night....))

Last edited by Chryssta; 04-21-2010 at 08:57 PM..

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-21-2010, 08:59 PM

][ You should set an alarm clock to go off when it's time for you to go to work. That way if you fall asleep about 20 minutes before it's time for you to go you won't oversleep. ][

Jade plopped his rear on the stool that sat behind the counter. He was already tired of standing. His elbow rested on the counter and his chin rested in the palm of that hand. The fingers of his other hand lightly tapped the counter top, barely making a noise. Those eyes watching the crowd outside his front door and windows. "Maybe...Maybe my 'NOW OPEN' sign isn't big enough...or perhaps the neon lights aren't bright enough?" He hadn't lost that happiness in his voice that was a good sign. He hadn't given up. He knew that people would start to come in eventually.

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Old 04-21-2010, 09:18 PM

still no customers... Maria thought as she looked toward the windows looking outside hoping someone would come soon before she looses all her energy."maybe if we don't think about it they'll come?"Maria suggested as that usually helped her in a situation like this.Maria took a deep breath as she sat up straight. maybe we need to advertise the cafe?

QueeniE*BEE is offline
Old 04-22-2010, 12:41 AM

"It's always good to get into the habit of picking up after yourself and it's defiantly one I should get into. My room is a total mess books and CD's everywhere you turn." Carina said handing the towel to her "Why don't you dry up and meet me back up-front when your done? I left my brush on the counter so feel free to use it." Pointing out the hairbrush she turned and left letting Miranda finish getting cleaned up. Stepping up beside the counter she saw that both Maria and Jade were turned to the door. Shaking her head at the two she sat down on the stool she occupied earlier. "Maybe we should have a Grand Opening party or something?" she suggested thinking of one she went to when she lived South Africa. It was really fun with music and food they even had a raffle for two free books (it was the Grand opening of a book store after all)

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Chryssta is offline
Old 04-22-2010, 07:09 PM

Drying her ears and hair didn't take too long, given the length of her hair, but drying her tail took longer. She really did injure it by gripping it too tight. Wagging it slowly didn't hurt, but assuming she got too excited, she might be reminded of her bad first impressions very quickly. Once she was dried enough that she could re-braid her hair, and that she wasn't dripping on the floor, Miranda left the bathroom to find cleaning supplies.

Focused on her task, able to block out all else, her naturally bouncy nature came out to play. She turned cleaning up her mess into a game of stalk-bounce. Laying down the soap and sterilizing solution, which actually made her sneeze a few times, she would bounce from one end of the area to the other and clean up in the process.

She had the entire area done in a few minutes and was working on the sink when she realized that she really was hungry. Finishing her task, she puts the products away once more, goes back to the bathroom, and picks up the nice girl's hairbrush.

"I forgot to use this on my hair... I wonder if she'd mind if I brushed my tail with it." Shrugging, she got to work on brushing the silky fur on her still drying tail, careful not to pull too hard on the bruised sections. Once it was untangled, the slightly long fur beginning to poof out once more, she brushes the shorter fur on her ears, bringing the little puff tips back to the ends of the ears. She always thought her ears were her cutest feature, but then again, she was from that cursed bloodline. Normal people didn't have tails or animal ears.

Once she was done, she cleaned out her fur from the brush, making sure every strand was out of it, then washed it with soap under hot water. She didn't want Carina smelling like her fur when she brushed her hair next. It would be confusing to Miranda to smell her fur on someone else at work.

Leaving the bathroom in as clean, if not cleaner condition as she found it, she silently slinks her way up behind the others at the counter. "If... if you think it would bring in customers, I could wear the apron~" which was slung over her arm holding the hairbrush "~with a platter of free samples and draw in customers..." Her eyes were downcast a little, but she made sure to keep her ears up. She did just brush them after all. "Though, they might end up thinking this is a cosplay cafe..."

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Kry is offline
Old 04-22-2010, 07:29 PM

Jade had nodded slightly to Carina's idea of a party. His mind quickly jumping on that idea with full force. "A party seems like a grand idea." He had nodded again and looked a bit thoughtful. Didn't parties take a lot more planning though? Of course Jade didn't hear Miranda when she slinked her way up to them.

When she spoke Jade jumped and twirled around with a hand over his heart, panting a bit. "Holy snicker doodles in cream cheese fondue!" Those green eyes of his a bit wide, however it didn't take long for his smile to return and he grinned wholeheartedly at Miranda. "Free samples seems like a good idea....and.....and maybe I could get some ears and tails for the other girls to pin on....and..that could be like a permanent running theme..for all my female employees to have ears and tails." A finger was on his chin. " might take a few days or a week to get them in..I'll have to order them you know?"

Yup. Jade had taken an idea and already ran the length of two and a half football fields with it. "Samples! Right!" Jade nearly bounced over to the display case of pies and cakes and cookies. Pulling out cake slices and extra plates as well as a tray to put them on. "Think this is enough?" He had cut the slices of cake and pie into bite sized pieces and stuck little tooth picks in each one and filled three plates and set all three plates on the tray. "Maybe more?" His head tilted to the side as he studied his handiwork. He'd done it all so quickly to, but each piece was exactly the same shape and size. He giggled. "Hehe. Cake squares!"

Last edited by Kry; 04-22-2010 at 07:31 PM..

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Old 04-22-2010, 07:40 PM

Maria smiled at how Jade was getting to excited about she wondered if she could do anything to help the cafe.Maria stood up out of her seat looking a bit towards Jade"i-is There anything i can do to help?"Maria asked with a litttle smile on her face

QueeniE*BEE is offline
Old 04-22-2010, 07:51 PM

Carina watched the three of them with smiling eyes as the latched onto the idea and brimmed with excitement. A cosplay cafe huh? she thought trying to imagine herself with cat ear and a tail in a maid outfit. The thought made her chuckle reaching over to see if she could sneak on piece of one of the cake samples. "I could take pictures for the event if you want?"

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Old 04-22-2010, 07:53 PM

In truth, Miranda hadn't meant to startle her new employer. It was easy for her to forget that humans didn't have as good of hearing as she did. Fighting the urge to flinch, and actually succeeding, when Jade jumped the counter again, she looks up at the other girls, an apologetic look on her face. "I have a sister who makes ears and tails for her human friends to wear when they go out. She makes the ears on both head bands and clip-on, and the tails hang from a belt around the back loop on jeans. She's really good at making stuff like that. Any critter you want." She was already putting on the apron, having started to feel like the odd one out for not wearing one. She places the brush next to Carina on the counter. "Thank you for letting me use this. I've cleaned my scent off of it and my fur out of it."

She edges closer to the cake squares. To a human, she might seem interested in what he was doing, to another predator, she would be seen as stalking her prey. In truth, she was doing both. "Cute little squares." Her eyes had lit up, the blue twinkling brightly as she watched a piece of red velvet cake get turned into a bite sized square. She didn't realize she was doing it until she'd crouched down at eye level of the squares, her tail swaying behind her as he cut more squares. Her hands were on the counter edge, and she wasn't on the floor, but she was close enough to it.

Her growling stomach broke the spell of watching the cake squares, and she moves away from the counter quickly, holding her stomach with one hand. "I'm sorry..."

Last edited by Chryssta; 04-22-2010 at 08:15 PM..

QueeniE*BEE is offline
Old 04-22-2010, 08:29 PM

"It's fine" Carina answered popping a stolen piece of cake into her mouth before grabbing the brush and placing it in her pocket. Then she watched Miranda crouch down and watch the cake and her flicker behind her. All to soon it was over and she heard Mirandas stomach growl. Carina couldn't help it and a laugh escaped her lips "You guys are just to funny."

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Kry is offline
Old 04-22-2010, 11:15 PM

Jade was smiling brightly at Miranda, watching her a bit while she watched him. She was so adorable. When her stomach growled and she moved away he only giggled at her. Setting that try on the middle of the counter. "Right. But first. A sandwich for my employees." Jade wriggled a bit, if he had a tail it would probably be wagging wildly. Already he was moving towards the kitchen. "Shouldn't be too girls just have a nice sit down and relax a bit." Before they could respond Jade had vanished into the kitchen.

sadithealchemist is offline
Old 04-23-2010, 02:40 AM

a few minuets later, kris was pushing jade out of the kitchen, whipping him with a dish towel, balancing the food on his arms and head "OUT OUT OUT!!!! your a menace in there!"

Last edited by sadithealchemist; 04-23-2010 at 03:33 AM..

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Old 04-23-2010, 03:53 AM

"B-but!" Jade pouted cutely as he pranced out of the kitchen. Trying to dodge that dish towel. "It's not my fault the mayonnaise exploded..Or the mustard." There were smears of mayonnaise and mustard on his face, a nice dollop of mustard on his nose and somehow pieces of lettuce were sitting atop his head. Once he was fully out of the kitchen he turned to face Kris. "My girls are hungry. They neeeeeeeeed sandwiches!"

sadithealchemist is offline
Old 04-23-2010, 03:59 AM

"there sandwitches are ready, no thanks to you goofball! come get your sandwitches ladies, and for the love of all things holy or otherwise....keep him out of my kitchen before i have to tie him up" He grinned "i mean, as cute as he is, hes a moving disaster when cooking" he put the plates on the table then licks the dressings off of jades face, giggling "tasty"

Last edited by sadithealchemist; 04-23-2010 at 04:08 AM..

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Old 04-23-2010, 04:35 AM

"I was helping!" Jade whined softly. Honestly, Jade was a master at baking sweet things. But when it came to cooking actual food, or making sandwiches, as simple as it may be..he was a disaster on two legs. He was still pouting a bit when Kris licked the condiments from his face, Jade blushed. No, he didn't just blush. His entire face and neck turned crimson. Those green eyes widened slightly and he stuttered and stumbled over his words, even though he wasn't even really saying anything at all. He backed against the counter and covered his face with a hand, the other gripping the counter. Once he found his voice it was a light whisper. "D-don't...don't do things like that! I-it's not proper."

sadithealchemist is offline
Old 04-23-2010, 04:43 AM

"awh shy today darling?" grins and giggles again, leaning against a table "i think its proper....and sexy too, what do you think ladies?"

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Old 04-23-2010, 04:55 AM

Maria wasn't sure what just Happened between Jade and Kris as she was a bit out of it today as she was a tiny bit exhausted still so she thought she should sit back down in order to keep herself energized and save her energy.she tilted her head a bit in confuzion though as she wasn't really hungry though

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Old 04-23-2010, 12:27 PM

Miranda shrugs, not sure if the question was serious or not. "Why should there be anything wrong with displays of affection? My brother is always snugging his mate. Which is rather funny to see a male wolf curling around a male squirrel..." She stops, looking down at the floor, suddenly unsure of whether she should have spoken at all. "Uhm.... Sorry, nevermind... May I have a piece of sandwich? Not a whole lot, just a bite..."

She was still looking down, her previously active tail was pressed against the backs of her legs in uncertainty. Her ears were as downcast as her eyes were. Even though it looked like she was staring solidly at the floor, she was stealing the occasional glance at the sandwiches, her stomach growling a bit more insistently.

sadithealchemist is offline
Old 04-23-2010, 04:53 PM

"exactly Miranda, nothing wrong with it, oh and that sammich there is for you, help yourself to it" He whiped the rest of the mayo and such off of Jade and got all the lettuce off of him

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Kry is offline
Old 04-23-2010, 08:26 PM

"But!" Jade's bottom lip trembled slightly, though the redness of his neck and face had faded to a dull pink just under his eyes it was clear the young man was still embarrassed. Glancing at Miranda and then attempting to glare at Kris. That glare faltering and leaving Jade standing there with a look of mild annoyance. "Well...We aren't..uh..mates...we're just..friends. So things like that are improper. And most definitely improper in the workplace." His blush deepened a bit when Kris wiped the rest of condiments from his face and picked the lettuce out of his hair. Jade wriggled a bit. "Kris is so mean to me. Always doing embarrassing things...One day.." He waggled his finger at Kris. "I'll tell on you! I have your daddies phone number.."


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