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Derago is offline
Old 08-19-2010, 03:44 AM

Dero was a little taken aback by her sudden snappy attitude, but he reached into his messenger's back and pulled out a full plastic bottle of water. "Yeah yeah, jeez. I guess when you need a drink, you really need a drink." He sighed as he tossed the bottle to her. Dero slid the Kukri back into his belt and took the axe back. "Uh. Viagra's... Pills?" He was a little embaressed to say what it actually did. He didn't even know how old this girl was! He shook his head as if to throw off the embaressment and glared at the new girl. "What's your name and what're you doing here?" He was snappy, but that was customary for him now that he'd found THREE new companions.

Zetsumei Bara.
Zetsumei Bara. is offline
Old 08-19-2010, 03:49 AM

Zetsu popped the two pills into her mouth and chugged half the bottle of water. "Sorry..." she said to Dero. "Those help me relax. A lot..." she whispered, then looked to the woman. "Viagra are pills that make a man happy," she spoke to the woman, and smirked at Dero. "Are you...hungry?" The woman was too far for any normal human to see, but Zetsu saw her perfectly, in her mind, and the look on her face showed hunger, which kind of made her nervous, but her senses tingled in a good way, showing this woman meant no harm.

HappyStarr is offline
Old 08-19-2010, 03:59 AM

"So...Viagra...makes men happy..?" she asked back, accepting the statement enough. She looked at the man, and tried to formulate an answer. "Riki..." she said, pointing to herself as she stepped closer to get a better look at them. "Name is Riki." She didn't know what she was doing here, so she ignored that part of the question entirely.

Instead of answering the girl, she simply walked up to the messenger bag and started rummaging through it. If they had food, it would be in there. She ignored the others' presences. They were safe. "" she muttered as she dug through the bag, tossing aside some tools and pulling out a can of peaches. She looked at it oddly and tapped on it while holding it up to her ear, as if listening for it to tell her whether or not they were still good.

Zetsumei Bara.
Zetsumei Bara. is offline
Old 08-19-2010, 04:06 AM

Zetsu bent down in front of Riki, and took the peaches gently. She set it on the ground and used her sword to cut the top off. "There you go, it tastes good!" she smiled. "Try it, I know you will like it," Zetsu stood back up and watched the woman, frowning slightly. She turned and walked back to Dero. Grasping his shoulders, she propped herself up on her toes, and whispered in his left ear, "Keep a close eye on her. I know she is human...But she is different. I have no clue how."
She got off her tiptoes and looked into his eyes, then went to her bag, slipping an extra knife into her shoe.

Derago is offline
Old 08-19-2010, 04:10 AM

"OI!" Dero jumped and attempted to push the girl back, but missed entirely, unbalanced by the axe. He pulled the shotgun strap over his head and threw it on the ground, then took the messenger's bag and pushed it at the girl. "Riki, or whatever your name is! If I lose even a single one of these things, it's on your head!" He yelled as he bent down to start picking up the tools she had thrown out. He put what he could in the cooking pot and sighed, standing back up. Suddenly he felt hands on his shoulders, and ALMOST punched the poor girl in the face. Instead, he listened to what she had to say and nodded as she walked away, feeling something a little odd after being touched. He shook it off and returned to the new girl, hoping his bag wasn't ripped by her handling of it.

Zetsumei Bara.
Zetsumei Bara. is offline
Old 08-19-2010, 04:16 AM

Zetsu giggled at Dero as she stood and turned, watching him. He was most cute when he was angry. She watched Riki and then her eyes trailed back to Dero. She felt somewhat safe with him around, but Riki's aura still bothered her, like an itch in the middle of your back, that you try to get, but can't reach.
She sighed and walked over to the two, looking down at Dero's supplies. "Rope, tape, and knives? Kinky," she laughed and bent down next to him, handing him supplies, letting him put them back in. She was hoping to make him laugh, and lighten up a bit.

HappyStarr is offline
Old 08-19-2010, 04:18 AM

Riki took the can back, and looked down at its contents, poking them with her finger some before deciding to eat them. But as she raised the can to her mouth, she was met with an outburst from the man. It shocked her, and she nearly spilled the peaces as she quickly scooted herself away from him. "Scary..." she muttered as she crouched a safe distance from him and ate her peaches while watching him.

The girl soon joined him, helping him put his stuff away. Riki huffed and turned away from them. "Mean people shouldn't get help," she said over her shoulder as she slurped down a few more peaches.

Derago is offline
Old 08-19-2010, 04:25 AM

((Oi? Rope, tape and knives? o.o Was I missing something that you suddenly found in my bag? xDD))

Dero couldn't help but utter a little chuckle at the joke and get a hint of a smile on his face. It had been a while since he'd found anything worth a smile in this hellhole. He assembled the rest of the gear inside the bag the way he liked it and closed it. He couldn't help but feel a little bit bad for the way he was treating the poor girls. It was his pre-survival instincts telling him he was a mean man. It was also Riki, but she was LITERALLY telling him he was a bad man. "uhh... Look.." He said as he hoisted the bag back over his shoulder. "I'm sorry for how I treated you girls." He bent down and picked up the shotgun, replacing it on his other shoulder. "Not used to having... Friends out here." He watched Riki eat the peaches. "Those any good?"

HappyStarr is offline
Old 08-19-2010, 04:41 AM

She dumped the rest of the peaches down her throat and stood up to face him. "Peaches are great!" she said, lying in a sort of childish manner. She really had no basis for what was good or not. She ate food when she was hungry and could find the resources. If she kept track of time, she'd have realized she usually went at least a couple days between 'meals.' Right now, she just felt satisfaction in having eaten something that kept the 'mean man' from having any, not realizing he likely had more.

"Name?" she asked them suddenly. She didn't know who they were, but they knew her now. She looked back and forth between the two, expectantly.

Zetsumei Bara.
Zetsumei Bara. is offline
Old 08-19-2010, 04:47 AM

((I thought it would lighten the mood.[: ))

Zetsu smiled at Dero's change in attitude. "As long as you never do it again," she giggled and stood next to him, bumping him with her hip, playfully.
She looked to Riki and a slight frown crossed her face. 'She's lying...' Zetsu thought, and then faked a smile. "I am glad you liked them! I'm Zetsu, nice to meet you, Riki!" She clenched her fists and looked to Dero, seing if he saw through her lie as well as she did.

Derago is offline
Old 08-19-2010, 05:01 AM

Dero shrugged. "I'm, uh, Dero. And yeah, I'm glad you liked them.." He really didn't care whether or not she was lying about the peaches, it seemed normal enough to him to like peaches. Dero couldn't think of much else to say, so he scratched his head and fixed his hair again. "Uh... Ahem... So yeah.."

Zetsumei Bara.
Zetsumei Bara. is offline
Old 08-19-2010, 05:04 AM

Zetsu shook her head and sighed. Feeling dizzy, she swayed back and forth slightly, holding her stomach. The pills hadn't helped at all. "Damnit..." she whispered and rested her other hand on her forehead.

HappyStarr is offline
Old 08-19-2010, 05:11 AM

Riki watched Zetsu closely--literally moving closer to examine her. The color clouds that surrounded people always seemed to shift a little toward other colors, and she got a funny feeling from Zetsu's. "Zetsu...tired?" she asked, grabbing her arm and pulling her down to sit with her. "If tired, you sit!" She hadn't exactly forgiven Dero yet, and she made sure he knew by carefully arranging herself so that she didn't face him.

Zetsumei Bara.
Zetsumei Bara. is offline
Old 08-19-2010, 05:13 AM

Zetsu groaned with pain and held her head. "No. Zetsu is dizzy. It happens when I don't drink a lot of water," she held up the half-empty bottle of water and took a sip. "I'll be fine, soon. Don't worry." she stared at Riki, then at the bottle.
The was the girl stared at her made her uncomfortable.

Derago is offline
Old 08-19-2010, 05:20 AM

Dero sighed and sat down next to the girl shunning him. He didn't mind, as long as she didn't try to kill him or take his stuff. Food was alright, he could always find more. But yeah. He didn't really know. He normally didn't like people taking anything. Or pulling his hair!

HappyStarr is offline
Old 08-19-2010, 05:29 AM

Riki sat back on her knees and waited. "If Zetsu says she's fine..." she muttered, more to herself than to anyone else. Dero sat down next to her and she scooted about an inch in the other direction, and leaned over to gesture a squiggly line between them in the ground. "There! Now there's a whooolee canyon between us!" she said, triumphantly crossing her arms and looking the other way. She turned her head back toward him after a few silent moments and added, "So don't even try to talk to me, 'cause I won't hear!"

Zetsumei Bara.
Zetsumei Bara. is offline
Old 08-19-2010, 05:29 AM

(('Twas a love-pull, dearie.))

Zetsu glanced over at Dero, and scooted away, leaving him with Riki. She got up and wobbled as she went to her bag. She took out her pills and read over the instructions. "Take two per day for pain, no more than two per day..." she muttered to herself, quite loudly. "Screw that," she growled and took two more pills out.

Derago is offline
Old 08-19-2010, 05:38 AM

Dero scowled. "Well..." He drew a straight line on his side of the 'Canyon' and moved away an inch or two. "This is how you draw a line, and this is MY side! So don't try coming here!" He glared for a second before letting a tiny smile out. He found it rather entertaining.

Zetsumei Bara.
Zetsumei Bara. is offline
Old 08-19-2010, 05:42 AM

Zetsu slowly swallowed her pills and laughed at the two bickering. She ran over and drew a line with her sword, under the two lines drawn by Dero and Riki. "Mine!" she shouted and giggled, glancing at the wonderful smile on Dero's face. It wasn't huge, but it was still a smile.

HappyStarr is offline
Old 08-19-2010, 05:45 AM

Riki scowled back at Dero. "Oh yea??" she said, standing up and continuing his line into a large circle around him. "Now that's your area! And you can't move!" she said, smiling mischievously. Then she ran back to the bag and dug around for some more peaches. She didn't toss anything aside this time, now that she'd seen what was in there. She pulled out her own dagger and sat cross legged next to the bag while she opened it and drained it's contents.

Derago is offline
Old 08-19-2010, 05:56 AM

Dero scowled and stared the new circle that surrounded him. "Yeah well...." He brushed off part of the circle and stood up, walking out of it. "HAH! Beat that!" He grinned evily, thinking he had won this round.

HappyStarr is offline
Old 08-19-2010, 05:58 AM

Riki's eyes widened in shock as Dero stepped out of the circle. "OH NO!" she said, rushing over to the other side of the circle and looking down in horror. "You've fallen! Into hot lava! You're dead. Game over. Have a peach?" she said, holding out the last can of peaches.

Zetsumei Bara.
Zetsumei Bara. is offline
Old 08-19-2010, 06:03 AM

Zetsu took the peaches and sat, facing away from the two. She hated being left out. Always. No matter what.
She opened the can of peached and stabbed one with her knife, eating it off the blade. 'I saw him before her...I should be the one flirting...' she thought, growling to herself. Hunched over, she stabbed and ate more peaches, a scowl on her face.

HappyStarr is offline
Old 08-19-2010, 06:06 AM

She followed Zetsu, her mind fluttering along. Zetsu took the can from her, so she sat with Zetsu now. But Zetsu didn't look happy. She crawled in front of her and looked at her curiously, head cocked to the side like a cat's. "Zetsu..angry?" she asked, worried. She didn't understand what there was to be angry about.

Zetsumei Bara.
Zetsumei Bara. is offline
Old 08-19-2010, 06:18 AM

Zetsu looked at Riki, then back to the peaches, continuing stabbing them, and eating them. She looked back at Dero, and blushed slightly, then ate the rest of the peaches and guzzled down the concentrate in the can.


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