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Liverpool Glasgow
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Old 05-19-2008, 12:10 AM

I'm decent. I'm really groggy, so I haven't had much energy today yet. Blech. Not looking forward to tomorrow. So much drama is going to happen. Oi.

How about yourself?

Intoxicating Envy
Intoxicating Envy is offline
Old 05-19-2008, 12:20 AM

I am okay.
My sister has a stupid attitude as usual and "The family doesn't
need to know" what is wrong with her.

Why drama?

Liverpool Glasgow
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Old 05-19-2008, 12:25 AM

Ha, oh well. Just leave her be, then.

Because my boyfriend's friend [[Paul]] cheated on his girlfriend [[Amber]] and they broke up. I'm not looking forward to Monday at all. Amber dated my now-boyfriend [[Arie]] 3 years ago and has yet to get over it. So, she's continued to like him and has recently started liking him a lot, right before her and Paul broke up. Blaaah. It's just so stupid.

Intoxicating Envy
Intoxicating Envy is offline
Old 05-19-2008, 12:29 AM

Oh yeah that is a lot of Drama.

Eeek. Well, I mean maybe Amber needs to find someone else?
Also I mean if she started like Arie like a lot recently before Paul
and her broke up, I believe it may be slightly her fault.
Plus, she also wasn't faithful in mind nor heart, just body.

Liverpool Glasgow
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Old 05-19-2008, 12:55 AM

She's really screwed up. I was talking to my best friend, Claire, about it. [[I'm not friend's with Amber]] and Amber was saying how yeah, she hasn't gotten over Arie and still likes him, but she'd never go back to him. That she's holding on because Arie's the only guy who's ever treated her like a girl should be treated. [[Which is so true, Arie's amazing. <3]] Yet... that doesn't make any sense to me. You can let somebody go and still know what you want in a guy because you've had it before. Before I started dating him, actually, she started liking him a lot more because he was single once again. Yet I got to him first, obviously, and that's when she started liking Paul. So, to me, it's as if she only dated Paul as a way to distract herself from Arie because he was taken again. And since her and Paul were going down hill anyway, she started looking towards Arie. Does any of this make sense? Lol, I'm bit of a rambler.

It doesn't make sense to me -- as to why she can't get over Arie if she doesn't want to date him again.

Krissy is offline
Old 05-19-2008, 12:56 AM

Paradox much? xD <3

.ieatkitties. is offline
Old 05-19-2008, 12:58 AM

Hello, I'm Kitties
and I'm a thread killer. :]

Liverpool Glasgow
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Old 05-19-2008, 01:02 AM

Gosh, I know! Her actions don't match what she's been telling Claire at all. Right after him and I started dating she wanted me to know that she wasn't mad about it and that she doesn't like Arie. RIGHT. Because not even a week before she wanted him just as bad as I did. >> She had her chance. He doesn't want anything to do with her, and I wish he wouldn't even talk to her. Bah, oh well. She's just soo ridiculous and can't make up her mind.

Intoxicating Envy
Intoxicating Envy is offline
Old 05-19-2008, 01:05 AM

Yeah it is bad when you think about it.

She had her chance and whether she broke up with him
or he with her, there was a reason.

I think some people just like to have people wanting them.
She may want him to want him but doesn't want him herself.

I mean I felt that way with one of my exes but that is only because
that was the only way our friendship lasted so long and he trusted me
and talked to me a lot more because he was stuck on me.

Last edited by Intoxicating Envy; 05-19-2008 at 01:08 AM..

Liverpool Glasgow
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Old 05-19-2008, 01:09 AM

He broke up with her because of her "issues". She's really dramatic, emotional, unstable mentally and emotionally, has self-esteem issues like whoa, etcetc and he just couldn't take it anymore.

I'll just be hella thankful when they graduate and lose contact. [[That's so mean of me. =/]]

Mmm but it's such a great comfort that Arie's the happiest he's ever been, with me. =D

Sooo, ignoring my ranting.

Has anybody done anything exciting lately?

Intoxicating Envy
Intoxicating Envy is offline
Old 05-19-2008, 01:12 AM

Uh. I went to the mall yesterday. xDD

Uhm. I guess I am also mean because I am kind of
glad this guy is staying here for college, however,
I also feel bad about it because he deserves to go
to a better school and I would help with the money to
help him pay for his education. Even though he is
only an aquaintance and a crush and I am not supposed
to even use that money.

Liverpool Glasgow
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Old 05-19-2008, 01:16 AM

Ooo. How naughty of you. Haha. not as mean as me, though. Hoping that they'd lose contact asap? That's pretty mean. However, I wouldn't care that they were friends if she'd just.get.over.him. =D

I'm nervous for college. Thankfully I'm only a junior and have time to figure out what I want to do when I get to that point. I'd be waaay happy if somebody would help me and pay for my extended education. xD

Intoxicating Envy
Intoxicating Envy is offline
Old 05-19-2008, 01:19 AM

I am a Senior this year.
Naughty. xDD
Yes I plan on jumping him next year and "Growl".

No not really very mean I mean you wouldn't care if she would
get over him!

Liverpool Glasgow
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Old 05-19-2008, 01:25 AM

Most of my friends are seniors this year. I've always been the younger one in the bunch and having older friends. Arie's a senior as well. Thank GOD he's not moving to go to college. n_______n Unfortunately, me and mom are moving across the gorge into Washington after I graduate. Which... sucks. Especially if me and Arie last that long. We'll definitely be spending a lot of money in gas to see each other.

Haha you go girl! Get your steak. ;D

Intoxicating Envy
Intoxicating Envy is offline
Old 05-19-2008, 01:27 AM


Gawsh. I do like that kid a lot, however, there are rumors that
it isn't official yet.

Oh yeah that would be a lot of gas!

Well where would you go to school?

Liverpool Glasgow
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Old 05-19-2008, 01:31 AM

Aww, how cute. =D I loove the beginning of relationships. There's so much happiness and you're all giddy, aw, it's so cute. <3 Not official? Hm, well that better get figured out.

Well, right now I'm considering this campus right in Vancouver. Which is in the same area mom wants to move. Which would be REALLY nice. Mom was kind of all over me going to Portland State, here in Oregon though. I don't want to have to drive that much every day to attend classes. I'd much rather prefer going to WSUV. We're going to drive up to the college during the summer and take a tour, so I can get more information and actually start considering colleges.

Intoxicating Envy
Intoxicating Envy is offline
Old 05-19-2008, 01:36 AM

Well, if you do go to Portland State, you probably should convince your mother that you should stay in the dorms or something because driving that much would be annoying.

Well, him and I have no relationship really, not yet at least.

Liverpool Glasgow
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Old 05-19-2008, 01:41 AM

But, that's the thing. I don't want to have to pay for room and board. That's why I'm staying at home with her while I attend college. It's my idea to stay home -- and as long as I attend school, she's okay with that. Plus she has a government job for Portland so I'd probably ride with her to work and then walk//take a bus [[Ew]] to school. I'd just much rather go to school in town.

No? No flirting or anything? Or is it just like "Teehee" where you like him but the feelings and whatnot are still under the table?

Intoxicating Envy
Intoxicating Envy is offline
Old 05-19-2008, 01:44 AM

Yeah uhm. No Flirting.
I once got his email but he isn't really the email type.
I like him but the feelings aren't known, by him.

The Colors of a Dae
secretdae007 is offline
Old 05-19-2008, 02:56 AM


Angel XIII
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Old 05-19-2008, 03:04 AM

Wooooah, lot of posts since I lasted posted too! >.<

Welcome back, secret! <3

The Colors of a Dae
secretdae007 is offline
Old 05-19-2008, 03:07 AM

Angel: If you want to make a social group and a main thread for the thread killers, go right ahead ^^; I'm really lazy and could never set up a nice thread or anything xD

Angel XIII
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Old 05-19-2008, 03:09 AM

Haha, and secret thinks Angel can? ;D

I'm just saaaying, I want somewhere where I can meet up with everyone that I've met during the event, because I used to only stick solely to one thread and no one ever knew me outside of the thread. T.T

The Colors of a Dae
secretdae007 is offline
Old 05-19-2008, 03:11 AM

Well... I guess I can stop being lazy and try and pull something together.

-wonders if anyone can do banners or something-

Angel XIII
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Old 05-19-2008, 03:13 AM

I am artistically-challenged, sorrrrrrrrry. T.T

I can try helping with the set up though! >:


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