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Old 09-24-2007, 02:40 PM

::I widened my eyes as i felt a furry friend hit my bare thighs and I look up to Syn, with compassion in my eyes. I scoop Neko in my arms and press her to my face "Thank you.. for not hurting her.." I whispered, unsure if he could hear me or not.
I stood, holding the kitten to my breast firmly. I watched on, not interfering. my face was stiff, and still red from crying. I had a feeling that these two wanted nothing more than to earn one another's respect and I guess thats how demons did it.::

Sanctuary is offline
Old 09-24-2007, 11:16 PM

Marr was trembling with frustration and rage.
He couldn't get to any of his daggers and the other demon could hold him with one hand. He felt helpless and confused, his own warped logic failed him. He didn't know what to think or to say. He felt like crying. And then he felt pathetic.

The mention of the kitten was too much for him. He'd saved it out of selfishness, nothing more. He felt flustered and embaressed over it.

He went limp and didn't make any move to struggle. What good would it do? He couldn't justify this. He couldn't understand Syn's actions, his mind ached with the effort. He was filled with nothing but doubt.

His voice was little more than a whisper. "Damn you".

The Lost Girl
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Old 09-25-2007, 12:47 AM

Ester knew that she wasn't alone in the forest, as a matter of fact there were tons of people there, way more than usual. It was staring to turn dark so she used her powers to light a pile of logs that she gathered. She sat by the fire and slowly fell asleep.

Hatch is offline
Old 09-25-2007, 12:48 PM

Syn smiled.
"That's a wonderful sentiment, but it doesn't answer my question. I really don't want to have to tie you up, for one, that means that I'd have to carry my sword, I'm not too keen on that idea, for two, that means I'd have to carry you. I dislike that idea even more." His captive seemed to have given up the fight, and in the corner of what little heart Syn had left it pained him to see that, but it was also better for the both of them if he stayed that way, then Syn could only focus on keeping him alive instead of having to fight Marr and those that wished him ill.

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Old 09-25-2007, 02:12 PM

Marr winced at the thought of such humiliation. He wanted to retailiate. His head was screaming at him. He couldn't possibly agree to Syn's terms could he?

Death would have been so much simpler.

"Fine", he muttered. "I won't attack or run."

It pained hi mto say it, but not as much as being carried would have.

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Old 09-25-2007, 02:20 PM

"There." He released his grip on Marr's arms and stepped back, binding his sword to his back once more, he had no need for the strap since he wasn't going to run, Syn would just have to keep an eye on him.
"Was that so bad?" His eyes danced and his smirk widened over his mouth.

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Old 09-25-2007, 02:42 PM

::[HIKARI] I started to tip toe off- hoping they were finished with me, the kitten mewed softly and My eyes widened as I covered her mouth. I peeked over my shoulder hoping they hadn't noticed. If I wanted to live, I should escape now wile I could. Who knows what they were plotting..together...I winced at the thought and started in a sprint::

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Old 09-25-2007, 02:58 PM

"Are you going to leave him? Just like that?" Syn's smile never wavered.
"Who knows, I could go back on my word and kill him myself, it all depends on if the mood strikes me." Not in a million years would that happen, Syn was already investing too much in Marr to kill him off himself, but he knew that if the Angel got away from him now...he would never see her again, she was too flighty to try another visit to Earth..and if he missed his chance for battle then he was going to be pissed. There were a few others that he sensed nearby..but they would be nothing compared to the joy he had killing a Celestial had been a long time.

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Old 09-25-2007, 03:07 PM

::[HIKARI]I stopped dead in my tracks, the wind whipped around us "Marr is nothing to me. I do not know him. I dont want you to kill him, but I fear for my own life and well-being as well." I said this, still not looking at him, my back was faced to him. Some of my feathers scattered in the wind around the 2 demons and I sighed and turned around slowly "What is it that you want from me Demon?" I glared at Syn, then Marr "..or shall I say Demons'?" Neko looked over my shoulder at them as I adjusted her in my grip::

Sanctuary is offline
Old 09-25-2007, 10:55 PM

Marr's hands clenched at the words and the smirk on Syn's face. Marr's nails bit into the flesh of his own palm. On instnct he came close to attempting a blow on Syn, but stopped half-way, his breathing grealty increased by rage. There were so many weapons, so many poisons hidden in his impractical coat. He knew he'd never have time to reach any of them.

Marr watched Hikari start to leave with utter disintrest. He was suprised when Syn stopped her and even more suprised that he would use Marr to appeal to the angel.

Marr was grinning again, rather stupidly, at Hikari's disinterest toward him

"What I want?" His expressioin flickered at the question. The darkness crept back up to the front off his eyes and he laughed. The laugh was disturbing; manic and unrelenting. He didn't stop laughing. He was down on his knees clutching at his stomach and laughing wildly at nothing at all. It was the most insane he'd appeared the whole time. He was gasping for breath, but the laughter never stopped.

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Old 09-26-2007, 12:59 AM

Syn quirked a thin brow and looked at Marr.
"Well...he seems indisposed at the moment." He turned back to the angel.
"As for what I want...nothing, just curious. How many angels are there on Earth now?" If this odd angel, who wanted to die so badly didn't fight and found no glory in killing off a demon, then he would find one that did. He was getting bored with all the fresh air and bright didn't suit his mood, nor his intentions.

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Old 09-26-2007, 01:04 AM

::I frowned at Marr who was on the ground laughing. I rolled my eyes and looked back to Syns wild eyes "I don't know how many there are. I havn't seen any others around. If you have no business with me, I'll be on my way. excuse me." I looked to the two men and turned to walk off. If they didn't want anything from me, then why bother with me at all? I cursed under my breath and looked back, sending Syn a glare. The wind grew still and folded my wings neatly behind me as I walked toward the brush of the park::

Sanctuary is offline
Old 09-26-2007, 01:25 AM

The second they weren't looking, marr reacted. One push with his wings was all it took to send him into the nearest tree. It was soundless, a person would have to see him to notice.

A great sniper's position to be sure.

Marr grinned lazily from his post, daggers displayed between his fingers.
"I just want to remind you, it would have been as simple as that."
He made no move to actually use his weapons, but instead, put them back into his jacket carefully, like one would tuck in a child. He was running on endorphines released from laughter, a natural and very brief drug which he found useful.

His smile fell slightly. "I've already promised you I won't run or fight back or I would have. But let me warn you, I'm nothing to scoff at." The smile faded further as some of the energy and temporary high eroded. The humiliation of the past few minutes was coming back to him in a flood, he'd forgotten in the momment's exihlaration. He was frowning again. It was starting to get difficult to keep his eyes open. He was worn thin by his stunts, he'd had little energy to begin with. He nearly toppled from the tree, but managed to steady himself in time. He tried defiently to look in control, for the sake of his pride, but this was becoming increasingly difficult.

He was very young for a demon. And even he could admit that some of his choices were unnecessary or plain foolish.

Hatch is offline
Old 09-26-2007, 01:35 AM

Syn sighed as he turned to where Marr had landed.
"Really now, is this necessary? I'm not your enemy here and I would rather refrain from hurting you if at all possible, yes you would have gotten the drop on me, but really...I don't want to be fighting you when I'm staving off hordes of your enemies." Syn cocked his head...then smiled.
"Ah...I're angry with me...for whatever're angry with to let me in on it so I can gloat in my transgressions?" Marr really was a strange demon....and very dangerous...Syn would have to keep TWO eyes on him then.
"Believe you, me, Marr I don't scoff at're one of the few demons lately that I would find a great deal pleasurable to fight, but since I won't, I can just enjoy watching you turn Hell on it's ears as they search for you. Fair?"

Sanctuary is offline
Old 09-26-2007, 01:47 AM

Marr shrugged and jumped from the tree. He put his wings out to slow the fall, but still landed rather clumsily. Normally, he would have never made such a mistake, flying in the clouds had tired out his wings.

"Not my enemy?" Marr looked puzzled. He hadn't really met anyone who was not his enemy. By the time they'd met him, he'd usually done something bad enough to make him an immediate enemy.

"Alright then." Marr connceeded, feeling less intimadated and more on equal footing now that Syn had said he would have liked to fight him.

"Hoards did you say though?" Marr yawned. "After the first thousand or so I may run low on poison." It didn't occur to him how biizzare it was that he caried large amounts of posions so deadly, that the amount that fit on a pinhead could slay a large man. They were all his own inventions, he'd made himself immune to all of them, save one.

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Old 09-26-2007, 02:02 AM

Syn nodded.
"Glad you see things my way." He took another look over his companion and sniffed. Marr had lived and done all for himself..why would he think Syn would be anything other than his comrade? Well...Wanted posters everywhere with your name and face on it might have something to do with it..he grimaced...if he ever got a chance to go back to Hell he was going to rip down every one of those accursed things that he found.
"I wouldn't worry about the rest can leave those to me." He gripped the hilt of his sword meaningly.
"Obsidian and I can handle most things that come our way."

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Old 09-26-2007, 02:19 AM

::[HIKARI] upon entering the bushed area, I plopped down and sighed deeply. The sun was warm on my skin and I laid back under the bushes, Neko next to my head, slept peacefully. I wondered about my future. Would Heaven ever let me back in? I put my arm over my eyes and took a deep breath. What would become of me on Earth? In this purgatory prison where I had to hide in the shadows. I hated it. I gritted my teeth.::

Sanctuary is offline
Old 09-26-2007, 03:26 AM

Marr chuckled dryly. "I'll run out of something else before I run out of poison. But, even like this I should be able to handle a fair amount. I've got potions here somewhere. I don't keep the beneficial ones as close on hand. I never had any interest in that kind of thing.
My healing potions tend to give very little for short bursts of time, and take away a lot more, so I wouldn't recommend them.

I can't say I'm used to this whole 'ally' concept. But I figure I've got nothing to lose. I'll fight with you. I mean, beside you that is."

Hatch is offline
Old 09-26-2007, 01:04 PM

Syn nodded.
"I'll take that to heart then." He moved beside Marr and clapped him on the shoulder.
"Neither of us have anything to lose, when word gets around that I not only let you escape, but am helping long do you suppose it'll take for them to get posters with my face up?" He laughed, to Syn..this was turning into the most entertaining, large-scale game there ever was. For years he'd been planning an upset...never anything this drastic mind you...but he really never was one to look a gift horse in the mouth.
"I have a feeling...that we're going to have our hands full."

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Old 09-27-2007, 01:32 AM

Marr grinned. "Luci will be furious.

What a novel idea, rebellling against the oringinal rebel."

He thought for a momment he heard wings. Was someone getting closer? It sounded like it could be multiple people. We waited, listening intently as to not be caught off-guard.

"Nothing Says Lovin' Like Yotsub...
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Old 09-27-2007, 02:34 AM

For some time now Yotsuba had been standing off in the distance, listening in on everything. 'How sad' She thought to herself. She had been eagerly awaiting a violent battle and it ended in such disappointment. She had been tapping her clawed index finger on her arm, since she was still standing with her arms folded one over the other. She let out a heavy, bored sigh as she briefly glanced over at Saki. She couldn't believe that neither Demon had taken a swing at that Angel; She probably would have just for the fun of it. Alas she was extremely bored and unsatisfied. She stared off at the two Demon men who seemed have become very buddy-buddy. She was still as curious as ever, and she wanted to understand their relationship. She was weird like that, she liked to try and understand people no matter who they were.

Her black neko ears twitched several times as she continued to listen in on the two's conversation. She thought a few times that she might want to go over and get in the middle of the talk they were having. She felt so left out and usually she was the center of attention, but that was only in hell; Considering that she was Lucifer's only daughter. Her fangs slowly crept out of her mouth and her tail swayed from side to side. By now she couldn't hold herself back, she just HAD to go over there.

She started to walk over, she was half curious if either of them would recognise her, most Demon's did; Angels on the other hand, didn't. She walked quietly, her hips swaying gently as she walked, her tail moving the opposite directing of her hips. Her long curly purple hair bouncing as she walked over, she was attractive and had the most captivating slate blue eyes. Upon reaching a closer distance to them, she was standing next to a tree that was near them. It was plainly obvious that she was there, and interested in what they're talking about. She had a faint toothy smirk on her face as she looked the two men up and down once or twice. "..."

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Old 09-27-2007, 02:41 AM

Syn almost bust out laughing, what a thought. There was a slight change in Marr's stance..the way that he held himself and Syn had a pretty good idea why.
Ignore her... He thought.
It's bad enough that she's here...but you don't need her hanging around any longer than she has to... He let out a groan and only inclined his head backwards.
"There something you want?" Syn had a fairly accurate inkling who the newcomer was...but it wasn't as though he cared...not really.

"Nothing Says Lovin' Like Yotsub...
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Old 09-27-2007, 02:47 AM

Her eyes trailed over to the one man who spoke to her; She couldn't help thinking how rude most Demons were, but then again barging in on someone else's conversation could constitute as rude. She glanced over at the other man for only a second before she stared back at the one who had her attention. She resisted grinning when she went to reply. "Something I want?" She paused as if she was really trying to think about it. "Perhaps... Perhaps not?" Her tail continued to sway behind her as she braced herself up against the tree she stood next to.

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Old 09-27-2007, 03:00 AM

It was the voice that made Syn's head turn. Light and airy, with just a hint of sarcasm.
"Lady Yotsuba." He smirked thinking about all the hype that those in Hell's right hand had given her. She was by far what most Demons would consider beautiful...but that again was nothing that Syn put stock in. The power she was rumored to hold was something completely different.
"Might I inquire as to what brings you here?" He smiled to himself...sucking up..well...sucked...but it had saved his skin more than once.

"Nothing Says Lovin' Like Yotsub...
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Old 09-27-2007, 03:10 AM

She delicately placed one of her clawed hands upon her hip as she bit down on her lip, a little blood coming from the small puncture she had made. She thought it was quite humorous that he was being so cordial towards her, by now she had noticed that he did indeed know who she was. The fact that he knew her name was astounding, she was somewhat impressed that he could even recall the name properly. "It would seem that you do know my name, which saves me the trouble of introducing myself but before I answer any question of yours don't you think you should be nice enough to share your name with me?"


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