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Fallen Angel, destined to fly; B...
Forever_Trapped is offline
Old 08-23-2010, 02:18 AM

Under nodded her head slowly. "Yeah." she said softly, watching Riki go absolutely nuts on the corpse. Soo... Under had much more mental therepy and mental things to help Riki with. Yeah- her plate was full.

HappyStarr is offline
Old 08-23-2010, 02:30 AM

((And to think I was just innocently listening to some YMCA...>.>))

She hacked away, no longer focused on anything besides making sure every corpse she could get to was thoroughly and completely dead. Tears started to fill her eyes as her memories filled in her reality with new information: the corpses getting back up and devouring more people. She swung her sword violently around her, slicing through her imaginary zombies and hacking up some more dead limbs. Her face was no longer anything kind or childish. It was filled with hate and anger.

Derago is offline
Old 08-23-2010, 02:40 AM

((HAHA. Your innocence will die when you look at my roleplay ;P))

Dero cocked an eyebrow and stepped back a few feet, in case Riki made for him. He couldn't really defend against a sword. "Under. You should probably calm her down again before she hurts us, eh?" He looked at Under hoping she could calm Riki once more.

Fallen Angel, destined to fly; B...
Forever_Trapped is offline
Old 08-23-2010, 02:44 AM

Under watched that sort of transformation within Riki and wasnt exactly comfortable with it at all. "Riki! That's enough!" Under shouted, which was odd since she was oddly so quiet and reserved. Under strutted after her and gently touched her shoulder. "Enough." she said softer.

HappyStarr is offline
Old 08-23-2010, 02:54 AM

She had through a good many bodies by the time Under had come up and touched her shoulder. She didn't hear her words, but the touch conveyed enough message. She softened a little, digging her sword mindlessly into the next corpse's skull. " safe..." she said slowly with her head down, afraid to look at them. "They don't die..."

Fallen Angel, destined to fly; B...
Forever_Trapped is offline
Old 08-23-2010, 03:03 AM

"Riki - we've severed the connection between their brains and their bodies. They're dead once more." Under assured softly, still gently touching her shoulder. If she had too - Under would defend herself. Not happily - but Riki was still a tad unstable. She had to be careful. Things wouldnt bode well if the resident Psychic kicked the bucket.

HappyStarr is offline
Old 08-23-2010, 03:11 AM

"Have to make sure," she said, grinding up the brain with her sword before taking it out and flicking it to the side, sending the blood and brains flying from it before re-sheathing it. The look on her face still hadn't quite settled, but she was done for now. She lifted her head back up and turned to face Under. " safe."

Kaori Tatsukii420
kaori tatsukii^_^
Kaori Tatsukii420 is offline
Old 08-23-2010, 04:24 PM

profile skeleton:

username:kaori tatsukii420
character name:Kaori Tatsukii ^_^
bio:born in japan, her parents died when she was two years of age.all alone with no other family members, she was sent to a strange housing & schooling unit her whole life,under government care...she is a foriegn exchange student who perfects all sorts of martial arts, with a black cat that is partially robotic always at her side... she saw what was happening to people....they were all going mad. was she the only one left partially sane? she was immune to this...simply because her mother was human and her father was infected, she was an experiment. enraged at her false childhood and reason for existance...she was furious and went on a rampage to kill all the infected or anyone from the agency, in search of a companion or what you would call 'home'.
personality:a bubbly,openminded, intellectual with a sick & twisted sense of humor. always trying to put others before her & make the best of situations.
weapons:a belt she has with num-chucks,two pistols,a tazer, and at her thigh she has a large pocket knife type thingy her dad wanted her to have when it was the right time in her life.
appearance:porcelin pale skin with light hot pink hair & glowing pink eyes. petite, but very in shape. cute little asian girl:3
apparal:light blue plaid skirt(school uniform) splattered in blood..only has a white lacey bra on because she got caught in barbed wire and most of it was ripped off, the rest she gave to another survivor to stop the bleeding of a wound.

*creeps up on you & your group solitarily,tackling you to the ground,holding a gun to your head..the other pistol held out pointing at the others back and zombies were around, yet..**
"..who's got the kush??"*she whips out her small piece that's blue & pink..her cat mew came up and pounced perfectly on her shoulder, blue eyes fierce and piercing in the moonlight.."you can't tell me that nobody here has bud, despite everything that's going on ?":vicky::yumeh2:

Fallen Angel, destined to fly; B...
Forever_Trapped is offline
Old 08-23-2010, 04:27 PM

{You didnt read the rules. Go back and read them or I'm banning you from the RP.}

I am a Soul Eater...FEAR MEH!
DrewDarkHeart is offline
Old 08-23-2010, 07:37 PM

Haru took the loose-looking grey shirt off of the corpse and tossed it in the open trunk of her car. She then turned around to see a cute belt on the corpse's waist she actually liked. She shrugged her shoulders and took off the belt too and threw it on top of the top. She then sighed as she tried with all her strength and tossed the corpse off of the road and then looked up to see a zombie making its way down the road to her. She sighed and rolled her eyes as she pushed the shirt and belt aside in her trunk and took out her gun as she then turned back around and with squinting one eye, she pulled the trigger and the zombie fell to the ground. She tossed the gun back in the trunk and then closed it.

She then looked up at the sky and saw that the sun was still rising from a long night. "This is going to be a long day," she mumbled to herself.

Christopher opened his eyes to a loud groaning noise. It was the retarded-sounding one you knew would be coming from Zombies. He sighed and sat up in his tent and got out to find Jakie stabbing it with her spatula and saw that on top of the fire she made, she was attempting to cook eggs. He rolled his eyes and took out one of his daggers and threw it at the zombie. When the zombie fell to the ground, Jakie froze and adjusted her tank top and looked at Christopher.

"I don't get why you won't let me carry one in case of an attack and you're not around," she said as she looked at the spatula and gagged at the site of zombie blood as she threw it out of site.

"Because they're mine and you need to find your own useful weapon," he said as he found another spatula out of the kitchen set they took from a torn-down store they past on the way here. "Is Frank still sleeping?" he then asked.

Soon, a body appeared from the third tent and out came Frank. "What the hell was that?" he asked, apparently not awake yet.

Jakie and Christopher laughed.

((sorry to bother you, but I don't see my character profiles up yet :cry:))

Last edited by DrewDarkHeart; 08-23-2010 at 08:48 PM..

Zetsumei Bara.
Zetsumei Bara. is offline
Old 08-23-2010, 09:51 PM

Zetsu sat and listened, hearing Under, Riki, and Dero. She glared up at Layne. "EAT THE EFFING PEACH!" she screamed, holding the peach closer to him. She doon turned to the man, and spoke firmly. "Go get those fools, please."
Kon nodded, and headed up the stairs, then out the door. He saw the young girl hacking at the dead zombies, the blond standing there with a man, staring as the young girl hacked away. He shook his head as they spoke, then shouted, "Hey! Your friend told me to get you 'fools'!" and waited.

HappyStarr is offline
Old 08-24-2010, 03:35 AM

Riki was startled by the new voice, looking over toward the source with her wide eyes. She stared at him for a minute from a distance, taking in the colors that swirled around him. He seemed alright from afar, and she was curious. She walked closer to him, grabbing Under by the wrist and dragging her along. She didn't pay much attention to Dero, but he was just a meanie as far as she was concerned.

She stood unusually close to him, getting a good look. "Who's a fool?" she asked, giving him an inquiring look. "You are..?" she continued. "Safe?"

I am a Soul Eater...FEAR MEH!
DrewDarkHeart is offline
Old 08-24-2010, 03:46 AM

Haru ran her hands through her hair as she took out her broad sword and began to walk over to a couple of zombies who were attacking a helpless man. She walked over to them and sliced one's head off, cringing at the disgusting smell of them and looks of them. The other zombie stopped what she was doing and glared at Haru as she moved to advance onto her. Haru sighed and went to slice the zombie with her sword. But the zombie ducked from the blow and smiled evilly at Haru. "Bugger one, aren't ya?" she said as she swirled the sword in her hand as she took a step back and locked eyes with the smart zombie. She then moved out of the way from the leap the zombie and then quickly took the advantage and killed the zombie with just one simple sweep of her sword. She sighed and walked over to the human.

The human was shaking, obviously bitten and taking on the effect of becoming a zombie himself. She sighed and shook her head. "I tried to help ya, man," she said as she stabbed her sword through the changing heart. then she searched his wallet and found two hundred dollars. She smiled and put it in her back jean pocket as she got up and advanced back to her car. She saw off in the distance, a gas station to get some gas from.

When Christopher saw people, he quickly advanced over to them. They looked human enough right after one asked the other "Who's a fool?".

Derago is offline
Old 08-25-2010, 06:04 AM

Dero cocked an eyebrow. "You found more friends? We better be careful." Dero said, watching Riki drag Under away. He sighed. Might as well stick with the group. The girls seemed to be able to handle themselves, afterall." He ignored the man's comment about fools and followed Under and Riki. "So. What's your story?" He asked, staring at the man as he walked towards him. He was still cautious, no matter what. Figured he might as well learn a few things before he fell into a trap in the middle of a nice-looking home.

Zetsumei Bara.
Zetsumei Bara. is offline
Old 08-25-2010, 07:18 PM

Kon watched the others approach, and sighed. "Let's go, all of you," he growled, not liking new people very much. "It's either now, or never. Do you want food or not?" he asked and walked away, to his house.


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