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Facade is offline
Old 01-07-2008, 03:10 AM

xD I'm a sophomore in high school now. :3
I think I've outgrown that entire series, though... o.o I remember reading Into the Wild in sixth grade, come to think of it. But yeah, I've outgrown the series, more or less. xP

And I began to read Magyk, like the first few pages... But then school interfered, as usual.

kitkat is offline
Old 01-07-2008, 03:20 AM

Facade, the first chapter of Magyk is boring more or less, but by the middle of the book you will be caught
in its gravitational pull >:3!

Popcorn Gun

Popcorn Gun is offline
Old 01-07-2008, 04:26 AM

I'd love to take the Challenge!
Love to read, and it's a brand new year.
For the now (due to school) my goal will be the minimum fifty.

Books Popcorn's read

` Savannah Breeze- MAry Kay Andrews
page count: 431 w/o recipes in the back
It's a nice, read, especially for the older crowd 30+
(Although I'm much younger > w < I really enjoyed it). Main charatcer Bebe Loudermilk seems to be ontop of the world...that is until a smooth talking con-man manages to take it all away, how will she handle solve her problems?? Will she ever get her old comfortable life back?? Read to find out.

` Beyond the Burning Time - Kathryn Lasky
page count: 265 w/o authors note.
This is a historical fiction book set during the times of the Salem Witch trials. In goes in and gives the motives, emotions, and the lies behind the trials.

` The Tenth Circle - Jodi Picoult
page count: 387 (includes the comic pages)
This is a book, that kind of trials off, it doesn't really end, so much as it fades out.

It's about a family that drifts away from each other, there's infidelity, plenty of lying, and crime.
Despite the ending it's a nice read.

Side note: There are comic pages in the book (the father in the book is a comic artist, he's working on a story based on his own hardships). Later on in the book you find out that tin the pages are hidden letters, and the letters spell out the them of the book. I won't spoil it though. Go read it.

` Keeping the Moon- Sarah Dessen
page count: 228
recommened age: teens (mainly female)

This books tells the story of a girl, who is able to open up (after gaining an undeserved reputation at school) and become comfortable with herself during a summer "get-away". She gains some new friends and learns some life lessons.

` Johnny Tremain - Ester Forbes
page count: ???
Yet another historical fiction book. THis one is set in colonial times about 1773+. During prerevolutionary and during revolutionary times. The books main focus isn't really just the war, it's about coming of age, everyday life, and the change. And even though it happened quick a while ago, it's still relevant.
` Vanishing Acts- Jodi Picoult (done.)
page count ::

` Black Boy - Richard Wright
page count :: 368

` Kissed by an Angel -
page count ::
` Uglies -
page count ::

Last edited by Popcorn Gun; 02-07-2009 at 06:02 AM..

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Old 01-07-2008, 07:20 AM


Avenged's '09 Book list
1. Marked by P.C. & Kirstin Cast - 306 pages

2. Betrayed by P.C. & Kristin Cast - 310 pages

3. Chosen by P.C. & Kristin Cast - 307 pages

4. Untamed by P.C. & Kristin Cast - 338 pages

5. Hunted by P.C. & Kristin Cast - 323 pages

6. The Luxe by Anna Godbersen - 433 pages

7. Rumors by Anna Godbersen - 423 pages

8. Envy by Anna Godbersen - 405 pages

9. Haters by Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez - 451 pages

10. The Heroin Diaries by Nikki Sixx - 413 pages

Total Pages:3, 609

Last edited by AvengedxxAngel; 07-24-2009 at 07:29 PM..

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TheSatah is offline
Old 01-07-2008, 03:43 PM

O: I am most definitely aiming for a hundred. I read that much in a year, anyway, I think. I'm a library fool~ C:

Satah's Book List!
(I'll add page numbers asap)
one. Heave - Kristy Ann Conlin
two. Keeping You A Secret - Julie Anne Peters
three. The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath
four. Bloodletting and Miraculous Cures - Vincent Lam (349)
five. Slaughterhouse-Five - Kurt Vonnegut
six. Spelling Mississippi - Marnie Woodrow (387)
seven. Cell - Stephen King (449)
eight. Lord of the Flies - William Golding (223)
nine. She's Come Undone - Wally Lamb (465)
ten. Furnace - Muriel Gray (360)
eleven. Wrecked - E. R. Frank (247)
twelve. Ten Things To Do Before I Die - Daniel Ehrenhaft (219)
thirteen. A Novel Idea - Aimee Friedman (234)
fourteen. The Principles of Love - Emily Franklin (243)
fifteen. New Rules - Bill Maher (227)
sixteen. Perfect Strangers - Jahna N. Malcolm (217)
seventeen. The End of the World as We Know It - Lesley Choyce (221)

Pages: ?

\ (•◡•) /
Heiyuu is offline
Old 01-07-2008, 04:05 PM

Heiyuu/Somercy's Book List
1. To Stir a Magickal Cauldron, Silver Ravenwolf
2. Path of Honor, Diana Pharaoh Francis
3. The Personality Compass, Diane Turner and Thelma Greco
4. Exalted Second Edition, White Wolf Publishing
5. Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes, Chris Crutcher
6. Solitary Witch, Silver Ravenwolf
7. Witches' Key to Terror, Silver Ravenwolf
8. Lady Slings the Booze, Spider Robinson
9. Mage: The Awakening, White Wolf Publishing
10. Vampire: The Requiem, White Wolf Publishing
11. Vampire Academy, Richelle Mead
12. The Coven, Cate Tiernan
13. Blood Witch, Cate Tiernan
14. Dark Magick [sic], Cate Tiernan
Anyway, I'm shooting for 1oo or so. Maybe more.

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 01-07-2008, 06:18 PM

Awesome, I've got all you guys linked to the first page now.

My roommate is very into the Magyk series, but I've never read any of them. Can someone tell me a little about them?

Last edited by Seridano; 11-01-2014 at 02:42 AM..

Arsenic Cough Drop
Arsenic Cough Drop is offline
Old 01-07-2008, 07:09 PM

I was actually thinking about this last night. I have so many books to read, I don't know how I'm going to do it. I have more than 50 that I want to read...

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 01-07-2008, 07:43 PM

Yeah, my To-Read list is getting pretty long too. I just don't know how I'm going to get my hands on all the novels I want to read through. My college library doesn't carry a lot of them, and even if they did I wouldn't have enough time for them during the school semester. And altogether it would take a lot of money to buy them all, even if I could find them by-chance in a second hand shop.

I hate problems like this...

Toruk Makto
Pearl is offline
Old 01-07-2008, 09:02 PM

Pearl's Reading List. :]

1. A Home at the End of the World
Michael Cunningham, 343 pages.

I read One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest a year ago, it was brilliant.

Wynna is offline
Old 01-07-2008, 09:36 PM

Well I think this challenge is really cool, so I'm going to accept it.

My list.
Now I'll let the challenge begin.
1-Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa see, 288 pages
2- Bloodletting and Miraculous Cures by Vincent Lam. 368 pages.
3- Bang Crunch by Neil Smith, 256 Pages
4- What the Body Remembers by Shauna Singh Baldwin, 528 pages
5- Desirable Daughters by Baharti Mukherjee, 320 pages
6- Angels and Demons by Dan Brown, 608 pages
7- Cabaret: A Roman Riddle by Lilly Prior, 288 Pages
8- The Red Tent by Anita Diamant, 336 Pages
9- The Life of Pi, by Yann Martel. 354 Pages
10- Anna Karenina, by Leo Tolstoy. 819 Pages.
11-June Bug, by Maureen McCoy. 216 Pages.
12- Hominids, by Robert J. Sawyer.444 pages.
13-Dead Until Dark, by Charlaine Harris. 292 pages.
14- Living Dead in Dallas, by Charlaine Harris. 291 pages.
15- Club Dead, by Charlaine Harris. 291 Pages.
16- Dead to the World, by Charlaine Harris. 320 pages.
17- Dead as a Doornail, by Charlaine Harris. 320 pages.
18- Eat, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation, by Lynne Truss. 228 pages.
19- Talk to the Hand: The Utter Bloody Rudeness of the World Today, Or Six Good Reasons to Stay Home and Bolt the Door, by Lynne Truss. 256 Pages
20- The Lost Symbol, by Dan Brown. 528 pages.

Last edited by Wynna; 08-20-2010 at 09:38 PM..

Sir.Spoon is offline
Old 01-07-2008, 09:45 PM

Spoon's List
Book I'm currently working on: At World's End (Ken Follet) 1024 pages

The Almost Moon. Alice Seabold, 291 Pages
I Am America! (And So Can You). Stephen Colbert, 228 Pages
The Poisonwood Bible. Barbara Kingsolver, 543 pages.
The Mosquito Coast. Paul Theroux, 374 pages
The Pillars of The Earth Ken Follet, 976
Total Pages: 2412

Last edited by Sir.Spoon; 02-26-2009 at 02:01 PM..

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 01-08-2008, 12:25 AM

@ Pearl: I loved it too. The ending just tears your heart out.

I just finished reading The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test earlier this year, which is about Ken Kesey's LSD trips with his Merry Pranksters, so I figured it was about time to actually read some stuff by the author. I'm trying to find a few of his other works, but all the bookstores I've visited so far don't carry them. It's a bit disappointing.

kitkat is offline
Old 01-08-2008, 02:48 AM

Magyk is such a great series. Its similar to Harry Potter.
In my opinion it surpasses it. Its set in a different time.
One with dragons, creatures, charms, and alchemy and such.

Flyte and Physik were both disappointing for me because
a few things happened that i wish didn't happen... but
otherwise the they were fantastic.

Cute Things Kill People
Alaunt is offline
Old 01-08-2008, 02:57 AM

Alaunts Book Shelf of 2008
This is everything from January 1st.

126 Books Read-----12 Books Not Read-----2 Books Re-Read-----14 Mangas-----2 Mangas Re-Read-----2 Books Currently Reading



.1. Wild Magic (The Immortals #1) by Tamora Peirce

.2. Wolf-Speaker (The Immortals #2) by Tamora Peirce

.3. The Emperor Mage (The Immortals #3) by Tamora Peirce

.4. The Realms of the Gods (The Immortals #4) by Tamora Peirce

.5. Child of a Dead God by Barb and J.C. Hendee

.6. Christy by Catherine Marshall

.7. The Secret Hour (Midnighters #1) by Scott Westerfeld

-.8. The Stranger by Albert Camus

.9. The Silver Bough by Lisa Tuttle

.10. Across the Face of the World (Fire of Heaven: Book One) by Russell Krikpatrick

.11. In Earth Abides the Flame (Fire of Heaven: Book Two) by Russell Krikpatrick

.12. Right Hand of God (Fire of Heaven: Book Three) by Russell Krikpatrick

.13. Touching Darkness (Midnighters #2) by Scott Westerfeld

.14. Hawksong (The Kiesha'ra: Volume One) by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes

.15. Snakecharm (The Kiesha'ra: Volume Two) by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes

.16. Falcondance (The Kiesha'ra: Volume Three) by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes

.17. Wolfcry (The Kiesha'ra: Volume Four) by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes

.18. Faerie Wars (Faerie Wars Chronicles #1) by Herbie Brennan

.19. The Purple Emperor (Faerie Wars Chronicles Series #2) by Herbie Brennan

.20. Ruler of the Realm (Faerie Wars Chronicles Series #3) by Herbie Brenna

.21. Blue Noon (Midnighters #3) by Scott Westerfeld.

.22. A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray

.23. Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

.24. Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning

.25. Bloodfever by Karen Marie Moning

.26. New Moon by Stephanie Meyer

.27. Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer

.28. Raising Dragons (Book One of Dragons in Our Midst) by Bryan Davis

.29. The Candlestone (Book Two of Dragons in Our Midst) by Bryan Davis

.30. Circles of Seven (Book Three of Dragons in Our Midst) by Bryan Davis

.31. Tears of a Dragon (Book Four of Dragons in Our Midst) by Bryan Davis

.32. Taming the Star Runner by S.E. Hinton

.33. Sandry's Book (Book One of The Circle of Magic) by Tamora Peirce

.34. Tris's Book (Book Two of The Circle of Magic) by Tamora Peirce

.35. Daja's Book (Book Three fo the Circle of Magic) by Tamora Peirce

.36. Briar's Book (Book Four of The Circle of Magic) by Tamora Peirce

.37. Magic Steps (Book One in The Circle Opens) by Tamora Peirce

.38. Cold Fire (Book Two in The Circle Opens) by Tamora Peirce

.39. Street Magic (Book Three in The Circle Opens) by Tamora Peirce

.40. Shatterglass (Book Four in The Circle Opens) by Tamora Peirce

.41. The Saint of Dragons by Jason Hightman

.42. A Gathering of Gargoyles (Book Two of The Darkangel Trilogy) by Meredith Ann Pierce

.43. Out of Sight by Cherry Adair

.44. Kotuku by Deborah Savage

.45. Kiss and Tell by Cherry Adair

.46. Scent of Darkness by Christina Dodd

.47. Hide and Seek by Cherry Adair

.48. In Too Deep by Cherry Adair

.49. Unlawful Contact by Pamela Clare

.50. On Thin Ice by Cherry Adair

.51. Guilty Pleasures (Anita Blake Vampire Hunter #1) by Laurell K. Hamilton

.52. Born to be BAD by Sherrilyn Kenyon

.53. The Great Gatsby by F. Scotts Fitzgerald

.54. A Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass, An American Slave by Fredrick Douglass

.55. Left Behind by Tim LaHaye & Jerry B. Jenkins

.56. Tribulation Force by Tim LaHaye & Jerry B. Jenkins

.57. Nicolae by Tim LaHaye & Jerry B. Jenkins

.58. Soul Harvest by Tim LaHaye & Jerry B. Jenkins

.59. Apollyon by Tim LaHaye & Jerry B. Jenkins

.60. The Plague by Albert Camus

.61. The Fall by Albert Camus

.62. The First Man by Albert Camus

.63. A Happy Death by Albert Camus

.64. Vampire Diaries: The Awakening and the Struggle (Vampire Diaries #1 & #2) by LJ Smith

.65. Vampire Diaries:The Fury and Dark Reunion (Vampire Diaries #3 & #4) by LJ Smith

.66. Brisingr by Christopher Paolini

.67. Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer

.68. Kingdom's Dawn (Kingdom's Series #1) by Chuck Black

.69. Kingdom's Hope (Kingdom's Series #2) by Chuck Black

.70. Kingdom's Call (Kingdom's Series #3) by Chuck Black

.71. Kingdom's Edge (Kingdom's Series #4) by Chuck Black

.72. Vampire Knight Volume 1

.73. Vampire Knight Volume 2

.74. Vampire Knight Volume 3

.75. Vampire Knight Volume 4

.76. The Pearl of the Soul of the World by Meredith Ann Pierce

.77. Marked (House of Night #1) by P.C. Cast & Kristin Cast

.78. That Was Then, This Is Now by S.E. Hinton

.79. Tex by S.E. Hinton

.80. Rumble Fish by S.E. Hinton

.81. Fairest by Gail Carson Levine

.82. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

.83. 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey

.84. Frostbite (Vampire Academy #2) by Richelle Mead

.85. Slightly Wicked by Mary Balogh

.86. Slightly Scandalous by Mary Balogh

.87. Touch of Darkness by Christina Dodd

.88. Betrayed (House of Night #2) by P.C. & Kristin Cast

.89. Uninvited by Amanda Marrone

.90. Chasing Silver by Jamie Craig

.91. Succubus Blues by Rachelle Mead

.92. Hamlet by William Shakespeare

.93. Othello by William Shakespeare

.94. How To Study by Ron Fry

.95. How To Get Organized by Ron Rry

.96. Kingdom's Quest (Kingdom's Series #5) by Chuck Black

.97. Kingdom's Reign (Kingdom's Series #6) by Chuck Black

.98. Dragonheroes by Blake Garret Anderson

.99. Vampire Knight Volume 5

.100. Glass House (Morganville Vampires #1) by Rachel Caine

.102. The Dead Girls Dance (Morganville Vampires #2) by Rachel Caine

.103. Midnight Alley (Morganville Vampires #3) by Rachel Caine

.104. Feast of Fools (Morganville Vampires #4) by Rachel Caine

.105. City of Bones (Mortal Instruments #1) by Cassandra Clare

.106. City of Ashes (Mortal Instruments #2) by Cassandra Clare

.107. Chibi Vampire Volume 1

.108. Black Cat Volume 1

.109. Ceres: Celestial Legend Volume 1

.110. Ceres: Celestial Legend Volume 2

.111. Ceres: Celestial Legend Volume 3

.112. The Queen's Knight Volume 1

.113. The Queen's Knight Volume 2

.114. Canterella Volume 1

.115. Rayearth Volume 1 Book 2

.116. Rayearth Volume 1 Book 3

.117. Cast In Fury by Michelle Sagara

.118. The Awakening (Vampire Huntress Legend Series #2) by L.A. Banks

.119. The Hunted (Vampire Huntress Legend Series #3) by L.A. Banks

.120. Keeper Of The Winds (Daughters Of Destiny #1) by Jenna Solitaire

.121. Keeper Of The Waters (Daughters Of Destiny #2) by Jenna Solitaire

.122. Keeper Of The Earth (Daughters Of Destiny #4) by Jenna Solitaire

.123. Nightlife by Rob Thurman

.124. The Summoning (Sisters of Isis #1) by Lynne Ewing

.125. Ragnorok Volume 1: Eve of Apacolypse

.126. The Dream Theif by Helen A. Rosburg

.127. Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead by Tom Stoppard

.128. Thigh High by Christina Dodd

.129. Into the Shadows by Christina Dodd

.130. Into The Flame by Christina Dodd

.131. The Prince Kidnaps A Bride

.132. Wicked: Witch & Curse by Nicole Holder &Debbie Viguie

.133. The Summoner (The Chronicles of the Necromancer #1) by Gail Z. Martin

.134. The Initiation & The Captive by LJ Smith

The Forbidden (Vampire Huntress Legend Series #5) by L.A. Banks

The Damned (Vampire Huntress Legend Series #6) by L.A. Banks

.137. The Forsaken
(Vampire Huntress Legend Series #7) by L.A. Banks

The Wicked (Vampire Huntress Legend Series #8) by L.A. Banks

The Cursed (Vampire Huntress Legend Series #9) by L.A. Banks







Total Pages: 48,887

The Total number will be updated when I have actually finished a book or series. It will never be accurate with what is listed.

*Doesn't include the Manga pages.
Haz Left Menewsha

Last edited by Alaunt; 01-01-2009 at 08:47 PM..

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 01-08-2008, 03:14 AM

Isn't there a fourth book in the Magyk series coming out? I remember seeing posters for it around town awhile ago.

And geez, why does everyone read so much faster than me? I thought that I was going at pretty fast pace for the year already, but some of you have half a dozen books already.

Cute Things Kill People
Alaunt is offline
Old 01-08-2008, 03:18 AM

@Knerd - What is the Magyk series about?

Sorry, to make you feel sad. It's just that I'm a huge book worm. I know this may sound either extreme or exaggerated, but I read Harry Potter 7 three times in the first day it was out. You may believe me, you may not. But, that is basically what little life I have.

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 01-08-2008, 03:22 AM

I've never read Magyk or it's sequels, so I've been asking everyone else to tell me a little bit about it. I'm still kind of in the dark.

And I'm just feeling slow lately because of all the books I have left to read. I've got a stack sitting in the corner of my room, waiting for me. So no matter how fast I go, I still have 20 more to get through. And I don't want to lug them all back to college with me, so whatever reading I want to do has to be finished at home. It's a bit frustrating. :?

Cute Things Kill People
Alaunt is offline
Old 01-08-2008, 03:31 AM

Aw. I would give you more books to read, but now I feel bad. I'm still waiting for more books to come out. Other than that, I'm just re-reading or picking up random books off the self because all the good ones, I've already read, and nothing else seems interesting.

If you don't mind my asking, where do you go to college?

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 01-08-2008, 03:40 AM

In Upstate New York, at one of the SUNY schools.

It's a good 4 hour drive from my house, and I have to rely on friends to get me there, so I try to pack as little as possible.
And that means leaving my library at home. =(

kitkat is offline
Old 01-08-2008, 03:49 AM

I just tried to explain it and you are still confused?
xD you should still read it.

muwahaha i have the biggest list so far xD but that is all
the books i've read from 6th grade, and now i'm currently in 8th grade.


Cute Things Kill People
Alaunt is offline
Old 01-08-2008, 03:52 AM

@Knerd - It's late where you are. You should be in bed. Anyway, I would die were I to leave my books behind. I have to take atleast half with me to college just to survive. But, that is just me.

@kk - (do you mind my calling you that?)lol. You should see all the books I've read since three years ago.

kitkat is offline
Old 01-08-2008, 03:59 AM

alaunt everyone calls me that, i don't know where they
got the idea, well i do, but why would they think of a
nickname like that xD yes you can, i have to go, see you
all some other time.

I haven't even got the whole list there D; i am sooo

Cute Things Kill People
Alaunt is offline
Old 01-08-2008, 04:38 AM

Oh. Okay.

lol. That is sad. I look forward to the entire list should you ever complete it.

I need more books to read! *goes hyper off books*

Sir.Spoon is offline
Old 01-08-2008, 11:22 AM

Man I finished Stephen Colbert last night. It was hilarious. Satire at it's finest.


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