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Old 09-03-2011, 05:46 AM

Dragon Cave Addicts Anonymous
Version 2.0*

Table of Contents

Post 1: Intro and Topic Rules
Post 2: Links: Hatcheries, ERs, and FYI Links
Post 3: Newbie Guide
Post 4: Frequently Asked Questions
Post 5: Siggy Icons and Banners


Welcome to Dragon Cave Addicts Anonymous! This is a topic dedicated to growing the evolving pet dragons which can be adopted from the Dragon Cave website. Come on in and help each others' dragon eggs grow by clicking on them. Post your own eggs in your signatures, or post them in quotes in this topic. (See below for more detailed topic rules.) Chatting and and general fraternization is encouraged, so hang out and have some fun growin' those eggs and hatchlings!

Other evolving pets are welcome here, too. Just post 'em and help each other out!

*This is the second version of DCAA; the original thread can be found here. We loved the original, but because the original creators are either no longer active on Mene or are no longer active within the original topic, we needed a new place within which we could flesh out the first page and update things in general. A great big "thank you" goes out to the original topic owners for creating such a great little community where DC addicts can hang out. ^_^

Topic Rules

These rules are in place for your benefit and for the benefit of other users who frequent this topic. Please be considerate and follow them along with all of Menewsha's Main Rules as well as The Menewsha Nation's forum rules. ^_^
  1. Flobs and other post decorations.
    Adding a flob or extra images/text to the beginning and end of each of your posts is a form of spam and is not permitted. If you are found to be adding these to your posts, you will be first warned and if you continue to add flobs to your posts, you will be reported. Sorry, this rule is against Mene ToS, so we kinda have to adhere to it. xP
  2. Posting your eggs.
    If you are going to post eggs and hatchlings in your posts, they must be posted in [quote ] [/quote ] codes as to avoid the Mods giving you an infraction for posting a flob.
  3. Event DCAA topics.
    If there is a special holiday event on Mene, and nobody else has already done so, you may create an event thread. Be sure to post a link here so that everybody can join you. Please also post a link in your event thread that points here so that any new addicts can continue to hang out with us after the event ends.

Last edited by June; 09-12-2011 at 12:08 PM..

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June is offline
Old 09-03-2011, 05:09 PM

Info and Resources


Enter your scroll name or multiple codes at once to add/remove dragons to a hatchery.

June's Tips: If your eggs are fresh out of the cave or have just been bred, you may add them to two hatcheries. If your eggs are a day old or older, you may add them to two more hatcheries (or even more, though I haven't tried more than four total since that number works well for me). Using this method, dragons will usually hatch within three or four days. Alternately, you may choose to simply wait a day to add them to any hatcheries at all and then just add them to four all at once. After they become hatchlings, it's just a waiting game until they grow to adulthood. ALSO when you use this method, there is really no need to post your eggs in forums, so it's good for when you're going out of town and you have eggs that need taking care of while you're away.

June's five favorites are at the top of the list.

Separate (use a dedicated ER scroll/code-add) and Integrated (use the site's regular scroll-add) options for saving your emergency eggs and hatchlings.

June's Tips: When you have an egg that is down to a low amount of time, you can add them to many ER sites. In my experience, Jaemeia provides the most views no doubt because it is a dedicated ER site, but regardless of that I tend to stick to my "rule of four" and add my emergency eggs to four ERs. I haven't lost one yet due to not enough views.

June's six favorites are at the top of the list.
FYI Links

Useful tools and informational sites for your perusal.
  • DC Live Chat Rooms
    • DC Trade Chat - Enter in your scroll name and DCTRADES as the channel.
    • DC General Chat - Enter in your scroll name and DC as the channel.
  • Useful Tools on The Allure of Neglected Dragons site (other DC fansites offer these tools as well; this is just the one that I happen to use)
    • Inbred Checker - An Inbred Checker makes it easy to check a dragon's lineage for inbreeding.
      It is also possible to compare multiple dragons' lineages to see if their potential offspring will be inbred.
    • Lineage Viewer - The Lineage Viewer and Generation Counter provides an easy way to view lineages.
      There is also an option to test potential pairings, and if desired, the total number of generations can be counted, or inbreeding can be highlighted.
    • Action Trackers - The Action Trackers allow you to see how long it will be until action cooldowns end.
      Record each use of an action/BSA, and you'll know when you used them and when they can be used again. Available dragons are also listed on top for easy access.
    • Scroll Statistics - Check your Scroll Statistics to see how many dragons you have.
      There are also sections for gender and lineage breakdowns, record-setting dragons, and much more!
    • Scroll Banners - Personalized Scroll Banners can be used in signatures, as profile pictures, and more. Available in several different formats, they display basic scroll statistics and the current scroll-lock status.

Last edited by June; 09-10-2011 at 05:17 PM..

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Old 09-03-2011, 11:02 PM

Newbie Guide

There are two main places where you can get an egg. First is the dragon cave, which is the front page of the game website (DragCave.Net). After registering you will be able to pick up one of the three eggs with a ? on it.

Remember that other people also see these eggs, and that they will be grabbing them too. So if you like the description of one, you should click quickly. You can check which egg is which on the dragon cave wiki entry here.

Another way of getting an egg is to go to the abandoned area where you'll find the eggs that for many different reasons others have abandoned. You can see the look of the egg in this area, but you can’t see the description. The previous wiki link shows the egg images, thus you should have no problem learning which is which.

Next you need to remember that if you're just starting out, you can have four eggs at a time, and once you have those four eggs it is time to grow them!

Dragons grow based on views, unique views, and clicks on the image of the dragon. Thus you need to get the image out for people to click on and see. There are many ways of doing that, but one of the best and easiest is to add your dragons to the fan-made hatcheries (see Post 2 of this topic).

On many of these hatcheries you can simply add your new eggs [and hatchlings] by typing your username into a designated area. Once you submit your username, you will oftentimes be given the choice of which dragons you want to add. Many hatcheries that let you submit your dragons this way will automatically select all the eligible dragons.

A few things to keep in mind:
  • Eggs take at least three days before they hatch. They can take longer depending on the number of views, but never less than that.
  • Hatchlings grow based on views and clicks.
  • If your egg/hatchlings has less than four days left to hatch it, you may need to add them to an ER site (see Post 2 of this topic). This gives it more views and clicks, enough to keep it alive.
  • If a dragon has a great deal of views, but they are a lot more than clicks or unique views (round ten times]), it is possible for the dragon to get sick and die! If your egg/hatchling is sick (you will receive a notification at the top of your Dragons page), you can go to that egg/hatchlin's Actions page and choose to Hide it for a while; after about a day, you may un-hide it (you may need to re-add an egg/hatchling to some hatcheries after un-hiding it).

That is all you need to know! Good luck growing your Dragon Cave dragons!

Last edited by June; 09-06-2011 at 03:36 AM..

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Old 09-04-2011, 04:06 AM

Frequently Asked Questions

Please keep in mind that this list of FAQs is mostly an overview of need-to-know stuff that I thought was most useful. For a more complete resource to frequently asked questions, please visit the official FAQ on the DC Forums.

Cave FAQs

Q: What are views, unique views and clicks?
A: Views, Unique Views, and Clicks are statistics that determine if your egg will hatch and if your hatchling will grow. Views are accumulated every time someone views the actual image of your egg/hatchling/adult. Unique Views are obtained in the same way as views, except only one unique view is given per egg per IP/person. A "click" occurs when someone clicks on your egg in your signature or wherever you place it, and views the page that contains all of the information about your creature. Just like Unique Views, clicks are only given once per IP/person.

Q: How do I get my dragons into my post/signature?
A: Click on your egg/hatchling, then click 'Get Code' for that dragon. Then you can pick your code from 3 different types: HTML, BBCode, and BBCode with TinyURL. Chances are you'll want the BBCode versions for use on forums. Take that code then go to your signature editor. Paste your code in there, and your eggs/hatchlings will appear in your signature!

Q: How do you get the tinyurl code? It's not on the getcode page!
A: You can only get the tinyurl code by going to your account settings and clicking the box that says “Display TinyURL Codes” next to it. After that the tinyurl code will appear when you go to the getcode page.

Q: What does accepting aid mean?
A: Accepting aid means just that. If you have the option checked (found under account settings) it makes it legal for people to post your dragon on other sites to help it live. If you are posting someone's dragon that is accepting aid on a forum, be sure you post the whole code, and not just a direct link, as that could kill it. If you're posting it to fansites, just the five-letter code is perfectly fine.

Q: How do I share my username on my dragons page?
A: Click your account settings and check the box where it says: "Display Username on Dragon Info Page". Then save and voila!

Q: Can two different people have scrolls on the same computer/IP?
A: Yes, as long as they are different people. There are many cases of siblings, parents and children, etc, having scrolls on the same IP. The same person having multiple scrolls is not allowed.

Q: Is there a limit to the number of adult dragons you can have on your scroll?
A: No, there is no limit to the number of adult dragons you can have on your scroll.

Q: When will I get a trophy? When will my trophy upgrade?
A: There are three trophies: bronze, silver, and gold. The bronze trophy is for having 50 dragons, the silver for 200, and the gold for 500. Only one trophy shows up on your scroll; when you have enough dragons for the silver, it will replace the bronze trophy, and when you have enough for a gold, it will replace the silver trophy. Trophies should come/update when you reach the specific number for the trophy (50/200/500), but in a lot of cases, you seem to need one over the number (51/201/501). Eggs and unfrozen hatchlings do not count towards the limit; Leetle Trees, frozen hatchlings, and adults do.

Breeding & Egg-Obtaining FAQs

Q: How/When do I get eggs?
A: Eggs are randomly produced every hour on the hour. A small amount of eggs may also appear every 5 minutes after that (x:05, x:10, etc.). To get an egg, click on the "mystery egg" with the description that you like. If someone else gets the egg first, just keep retrying. Depending on the type of egg you want, you'll have to visit a certain biome/habitat. For a list of what dragon is found in which biome, see the wiki list (linked in Post 2 of this topic). Rares can be found in all biomes and may show up in any of them at any time. Many other dragons can be found in multiple biomes, though not necessarily all of them.

If there are abandoned eggs (which can appear at any time), you can also take one of those. The abandoned page (often shortened to AP when referenced in forums) does not show up on biome pages; only on the main cave page. You can take an abandoned egg when you see this text:
"Near the entrance to the cave, there are some abandoned eggs. If you don't want the dragons inside to die, you can take one of those instead."
Abandoned eggs may have less time left than normal eggs, but by taking one, you gain a 1-day bonus if it's never been dropped before.

Q: Why does the AP block the cave sometimes?
A: It's not something done maliciously or to ruin your cave experience. It's done as incentive to pick up AP eggs when there is a backlog, so the eggs don't keep piling up and eventually just die there.

Q: Why can't I get another egg?/What is scroll lock?
A: You may not be clicking fast enough to get an egg from the entrance. There is also a limit to the number of eggs and hatchlings you can have at any one time, as follows:
  • With no trophy (less than 50 dragons):
    4 eggs/12 total
  • With a bronze trophy (50-199 dragons):
    5 eggs/15 total
  • With a silver trophy (200-499 dragons):
    6 eggs/18 total
  • With a gold trophy (500 dragons or more):
    -7 eggs/21 total
The first number is how many eggs you may have at one time. The second number refers to the total number of growing dragons you can have. This means you could have (with no trophy, as an example):
  • 4 eggs and 8 hatchlings,
  • 3 eggs and 9 hatchlings,
  • 2 eggs and 10 hatchlings,
  • 1 egg and 11 hatchlings, or
  • 0 eggs and 12 hatchlings.
This limit can be taken up by dragons grabbed from the cave, the AP (abandoned page) or bred from your own scroll. There is no "secret" or "extra" slot available anymore. The egg limit posted here is the full egg limit available to you.

Killed eggs (manually killed, vamp bite failures, eq failures) count to the egg limit for a day to prevent people from killing an egg in order to free up a slot, thus making the five-hour wait to abandon a caveborn egg more desirable than killing said egg.

Being scroll-locked means that your scroll is "locked" from grabbing/breeding new dragons.

Q: How do you breed dragons?
A: The "Breed" action is available on the actions menu for adult, breedable dragons. If you click it, you will be presented with a list of eligible dragons of the opposite gender from your own scroll - you cannot breed with dragons from other scrolls. Select one of those and breeding will be attempted.

Breeding is not always successful, however, and may fail to produce an egg. If it is successful, it may produce up to one egg. For holiday events, holiday dragons may produce up to four eggs. If multiple eggs are produced, then you must select one egg to keep and the rest will be abandoned for others to take. You cannot keep more than one egg from a clutch.

Q: Can a bred egg be the breed of a grandparent rather than the parents?
A: No. It doesn't matter what the parents' parents or grandparents are, the bred egg can only be the breed of one of the parents.

Q: Why can't I breed?
A: You cannot breed more than once every seven days per dragon (both males and females). You also cannot breed if you don't have any eligible dragons of the opposite gender. Some dragons can only breed with certain kinds:
  • Pygmies can only breed with pygmies (pumpkins count as a pygmy).
  • Drakes can only breed with other drakes.
  • Splits or 2-heads can only breed with other two-heads.
  • Other dragons can all breed with each other, but not pygmies, drakes, or splits.
Remember that a failed breeding still counts as a breeding and you have to wait a week to try again.

Q: My breeding failed. Will that pair ever breed successfully?
A: The only breeding message that means the pair is incompatible is the message of "the dragons refuse to go near each other". The rest of the messages are simply a fail for that attempt. If dragons refuse each other, they will be removed from each other's breeding lists so that you don't accidentally try to breed them again.

Q: When do the seasonal eggs switch to the next season?
A: The seasonal dragon eggs always switch on the first day of the new season. To see what day that will be, please see here.

Q: Can you trade dragons? How do you trade dragons? How does teleport work?
A: Yes, teleport is the official trading system. Only growing dragons can be traded, and only up to four at a time. To teleport, one needs a magi dragon. Only the person initiating the trade needs a magi. See this brilliant comic by Sinsdaemn for a quick and entertaining overview of how to use the teleport feature. (For a more in depth explanation of how it works, visit the full FAQ on the DC Forums.

Last edited by June; 09-08-2011 at 04:08 AM..

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Old 09-04-2011, 11:55 AM

Siggy Pics and Banners
Show your support for DCAA!

PHP Code:

PHP Code:

PHP Code:

PHP Code:

PHP Code:

Last edited by June; 11-04-2011 at 01:43 PM..

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Old 09-04-2011, 12:11 PM

Reserved Just in Case

Last edited by June; 09-04-2011 at 12:14 PM..

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Old 09-04-2011, 12:11 PM

And now we're open!

Feel free to chat and post your dragons while I continue to set up the other reserved posts.

Last edited by June; 09-04-2011 at 12:16 PM..

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 09-04-2011, 12:52 PM

Yay! It's open!! :eager: *celebrates*

Giant butt

Elirona is offline
Old 09-04-2011, 04:16 PM

Yay for being open! :U

Rika Crab
Paprika is offline
Old 09-04-2011, 07:54 PM

-rubs shiney new thread-

xXMCRAngel2107Xx is offline
Old 09-04-2011, 07:57 PM

hello peoples

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June is offline
Old 09-04-2011, 09:03 PM

It feels so... fresh, ya know? lol x3

Giant butt

Elirona is offline
Old 09-04-2011, 09:07 PM


LeannaAnne is offline
Old 09-04-2011, 09:23 PM

Mreow, i found a fresh thread :3

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 09-04-2011, 09:36 PM

woohoo, lookin' snazzie!

LeannaAnne is offline
Old 09-04-2011, 09:40 PM

*puts eggs in an ER D;

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 09-04-2011, 09:43 PM

*gives all the little eggies some good old clickieluffs*

LeannaAnne is offline
Old 09-04-2011, 09:51 PM

So how are you Hummy? :D

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 09-04-2011, 09:54 PM

doing good today LeannaAnne, how are you?
i just love your shiney eggie.
i can't wait to see what he grows up to be.

LeannaAnne is offline
Old 09-04-2011, 09:57 PM

Shiny? You mean the 3rd? :o

They're currently in 1 ER, if they dun crack tomorrow ill look up some more xD

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 09-04-2011, 10:26 PM

LeaanaAnne ~~ i love your username by the way.
yeah the thrid eggie.
i love it.
i have clicked on it every day since i first saw it.
you should post in a bunch of different threads today.
i'm sure he'll be okay.

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Old 09-04-2011, 10:26 PM

They're a'crackin'! :D

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 09-04-2011, 10:27 PM

woohoo i see one crackin'!

Giant butt

Elirona is offline
Old 09-04-2011, 10:36 PM

Woohoo, hatchlings!

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 09-04-2011, 10:38 PM

wow the ER's must really work, huh?


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