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La La La La La, you're standing ...
DariaMorgendorfer is offline
Old 09-16-2012, 09:42 PM

Banner by Captain Howdy!

An avatar contest hosted by Daria Morgendorfer & Linnea

Welcome to the official avatar contest of Celes Paradi 2012! There will be four categories this time around: Celestial, Create-Your-Own God/Goddess, God/Goddess Cosplay and Celestial Colors.

Your Hosts:

Yo, Linny here, your friendly neighborhood color coordinator. I've been around Mene for a while now and have come far in terms of colors and layers and I have learned from the best Mene has to offer. Now it's time to put my eye to good use! Show me colors and show me creativity! Do it and reap the rewards!

Helpful hints from Linnea: Please remember to follow the directions! That being said, I really like to see clever ways of using items and things that are eye catching. Doing what everyone else is won't benefit you at all. Now, let's get colorful!

Hey folks! You may have seen me on such shows as "Beavis and Butthead" and MTV's "Daria". Now, I make my happy little home here on Menewsha, bring sarcasm and humor to all it's good little girls and boys. I am really looking forward to seeing what you all come up with!

Helpful hints from Daria:
Be creative! Originality goes a long way with me. I have a huge sense of humor, so if your avatar makes me giggle, you probably have a winner. This should be fun so, above all else, have fun!

Read the rules and follow 'em. That's all I ask! XD Make sure you read them all too, because there may be something in the rules that's necessary for your entry...
  • First and foremost, make sure you follow the Site Rules.
  • Be respectful! Constructive criticism is fine, but please don't be rude to other entrants.
  • You can only enter once in each of the categories, and you may not enter on a mule account. If you do try to enter on a mule, we'll know, so just don't bother. XD
  • Please be sure to use the entry form when you post your entry. Failure to post the form will result in your avatar not being entered into the contest.
  • You may use your own inventory and the DAC to make your outfits.
  • Please be sure to save your entry to an outside image host like Photobucket or imageshack. What we see is what we'll judge, so be sure that the avatar you enter is saved and won't change.
  • If you want to change your entry, you may edit your submission up until it is posted on the front page. Once it is posted on the front page, you'll have to PM Linnea or Daria if you want to change anything.
  • Entries must be submitted by the end of the event. Click here to find out what time it is in Central Time Zone right now! Winners will be announced in the Community Discussion forum shortly after the event ends.
We'll choose first, second, and third place winners in each of the categories. Other prizes might be added as the event goes on, depending on the amount of entries received.

Prizes are as follows:
First place: 5,000g
Second place: 3,000g
Third place: 1,000g

Last edited by DariaMorgendorfer; 10-29-2012 at 01:12 AM..

☠ ☠ ☠

Linnea is offline
Old 09-18-2012, 02:34 PM

Celestial Avatar Contest
Entries in this category should look like a celestial body. Whether it's a star, planet, galaxy, it's up to you! Just be sure your entry has a celestial theme.

Celestial Entry Form

Image of My Entry:
Reference Picture:
(if needed)

[size=4][color=navy][b]Celestial Entry Form[/b][/color][/size]

[b]Image of My Entry:[/b]
[b]Reference Picture:[/b]

maidenroseheart Ted D Ber Closet Shadow

monstahh` Death_to_the_Reaper KatMagenta

Antagonist Nephila neller

Saravi Boo Shadami Vickyll3

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa xuvrette blueblackrose

Cora Lorington star2000shadow Kat Dakuu

DivineHeart Seito GwenaHikari

ascadellia EirianHikari Arinia Dreamdancer

Dystopia spicedroses Ferra

Last edited by Linnea; 10-01-2012 at 05:20 PM..

La La La La La, you're standing ...
DariaMorgendorfer is offline
Old 09-19-2012, 02:22 AM

Create-Your-Own Deity Avatar Contest
In this category, you can create your own deity. Please be sure to explain who your deity is, and what they are in control of, WHY they are a god or goddess etc. Yes, I am expecting you to be creative and make up a nonexistent deity. There is a MINIMUM 3 sentence (not word, SENTENCE) criteria for this contest. YES, I read each entry and you are judged on BOTH the originality and quality of your avatar AND your written submission

Create-Your-Own Deity Entry Form

Image of My Entry:
Explanation of Your Deity:
((What are you the deity of, what you wearing and why?))

[size=4][color=deepskyblue][b]Create-Your-Own Deity Entry Form[/b][/color][/size]

[b]Image of My Entry:[/b]
[b]Explanation of Your Deity:[/b]
Username: Death_to_the_Reaper
Image of My Entry:
Explanation of Your Deity: This is Sikura, the goddess of Aqua/Water Magic. Her blue wings help her to relate to the creatures that live in the pond where she resides. She uses her water magic to help these that pray to her for help. People who want cleaner water, people who want more fish to feed their family, or people who need safe passage for their ship. Also the people who use water magic for healing or protection. Although, she does not take kindly to those who use water magic for evil.

Username:Ted D Ber
Image of My Entry:
Explanation of Your Deity: It was the 1920's and mining was at its peak. Labor Unions were not quite as well established and the miners of the 'Diamond Cavern' were treated quite unfairly. It had been a year of digging and picking and still not one diamond was found. The boss increased hours over and over in frustration eventually making it so the miners couldn't leave. After weeks of mining and no social contact the miners began to go mad. A few tried to leave but the other miners wouldn't let them. They blew out the cave entrance forever trapping them with in the cavern. Months went by, the miners forever searching for a diamond. It became their life, their everything, their religion. Their god was an image of their skeevy balding boss. He would be the bringer of wealth and the almighty diamond. His skin the rock they'd pound in to each and every day, his eyes the coal that would give them hope of that tiny diamond that would never be. eventually food supplies ran scarce and they had died out, as they died they'd all talk about the diamond they could see from beyond... the bringer of wealth had finally come.

(I'm not the best writer, but the basic story elements are there > 3<)

Username: monstahh`
Image of My Entry:
Explanation of Your Deity: This is Monmon, the Pirate Goddess. She is the goddess of all things rum and spicey. And piratey. Allll of the piratey things. Like booty, and wenches, and rum, and gold, and um, did I mention all the wenches? :D She's the reason why the rum is gone (and she's the one who makes the rum tasty, so usually the Earth-lubber pirates forgive her).

Username: Star Valo
Image of My Entry:
Explanation of Your Deity:
"No!" Cried the man, backing up to get away from the faceless vision of black and red before him. Time had stopped, nothing moved except him and the woman. She stepped forward, hand outstretched, black fingerless gloves covering the palms of her hands so her long white fingers beaconed him toward her.
"Come..." She said, no lips moving, just an echoing, disembodied whisper, resounding in his head. "Come..."
The man was terrified, She could see this clearly despite her lack of eyes. Slowly her face morphed, her flowing black cloak turning whispy behind her as a gentle wind blew, kicking up the whirls of black behind her as the bells adorning her waist tinkled softly.
New lips smiled comfortingly on her face as she continued to beacon the man towards her, her face now mimicking that of someone he knew. His mother, his wife, sister, grandmother, she was not sure, but this was the face of someone he trusted.
"Come..." Said the whisper again as their surroundings darkened, old film reels flicking around them instead as if someone was projecting them around the two. Fond memories from the man's life now played out around them. An attempt to reassure him further, this one seemed to work.
Another smile graced the borrowed lips of the woman as the man tentatively took her outstretched hand.
"It is done..."

She is the Deity of Death, She appears to those as they die and transports them to the afterlife

Username: Closet Shadow
Image of My Entry:
Explanation of Your Deity: Sister to the Sandman, The Star Fairy is responsible for bring the stars out into the sky each and every night. She and her brother make their rounds together; as he dusts his sand of dreams over the sleepy eyes of children, she lights up the stars so the children have a nightlight no matter what. Some people confuse the Sand Fairy with the North Star, who is a completely different Deity, and the two girls laugh about it all the time. The Sand Fairy is a sweet and kind deity who always has a smile on her face. It brings her great joy to see humans star-watching as she sits in the heavens talking with the Constellations every night. For, without the humans, what reason would she have to bring the stars out every night?

Username: neller
Image of My Entry:

Explanation of Your Deity:
Arrepta Sidera, whose name is "Seizing Stars," is a goddess whose skills go unacknowledged, yet if it were not for her, our world would be no more. It is a golden, fiery net that she bares by her side, the weapon she chooses to capture stars falling towards Earth, setting ablaze to the celestial objects before they collide with our home. It is rare that an object slips through her net, though not any god, goddess or mortal is without flaw.

Image of My Entry:
Explanation of Your God/Goddess:*Maniacal laughter can be heard before the air suddenly felt electrified. And then Poof* Gosh, DARNIT. I singed a hair again! UGH! Oh... uh, hi! Let me introduce myself. Ahem, I am the Goddess of Lightning, friends call me Nyina..if I had any friends they would at least..Heh, and I am like the Queen of Lightning. Mmhm.. I mean, I am much better than that so well known Zeus guy. Bah, I mean, seriously? Why, why does that guy get all the fame? He just sits up there on his throne at Mount Olympus. I have my own sky! I sit up here in the clouds, MY clouds and drift around in my nice, soft cloud castle. Yeah, and MY castle changes colors. It can be blue, or white. Green sometimes, and gray to almost black. Which is obviously way better than Mount freaking Olympus. Ha, I am glad I wasn't invited to live there. Pssh. And plus, I have better fashion. Yeah, I went there. My lightning is even better! Zeus, the almighty, or whatever, just shoots out boring ole, yellow lightning and he is a total man wh...player! Why is he so awesome? What about me? Look at my colors! I am purple and teal and blue. How amazing is that? I create purple lightning, blue lightning, green lightning. Any lightning other than yellow, pssh, was created by me! That's right! Yeah, see? I told you how awesome I am. Oh, and get this! I am in charge of the night storms. Yeah, that's why I wear a crescent moon on my head and have an emblem shaped like a moon around my neck. Talk about cool right? So I might have accidentally sunk a couple of ships... and caused some major damage to important places, but have you ever tried controlling lightning? Huh?! It isn't easy. One day... one day I will be glorified. One day I will be better than you Mr. Great and Powerful Zeus. BAHAHAHAHAHA!
Crazy Face Nyina.. she might be insane! I hope she didn't hear that..

Username: Liztress
Image of My Entry:
Explanation of Your Deity: Born from removal of the heart of the Father of all gods and goddesses, Agia is the fire goddess that is worshiped for by those who walk the flames in hopes to purify their sins. It is said that Agia was a mischievous goddess in her youth, causing wildfires to spread across the world and nearly wiping out humanity. Only when the fire destroyed her only companion, a small red bird, did Agia should remorse for her actions. Walking into the very blaze that consumed the body of her companion, Agia emerged as a grown woman and the small red bird had became a mighty phoenix. She dresses in the chosen ritual garments for the young handmaidens of the Father of all gods and goddesses.

Username: maidenroseheart
Image of My Entry:
Explanation of Your Deity: This is the Goddess of the Night Butterflies. Before modern science took away her powerful abilities, she would give birth to billions of fireflies each night. However, they were magical creatures of healing and beauty. Spreading her caring heart across the land, Mene would wake up each day refreshed and happier. Those who were willing to stay up to watch their flight were so enchanted by them that they would either sit there in peaceful wonderment or join in the night air dance these winged creatures enjoyed. The butterflies of the night lit up the sky so that it seemed as if the stars themselves had come down to play. If you are really lucky, they might still show themselves to you today.

Username: Maria-Minamino
Image of My Entry:
Explanation of Your Deity:
Rapidly, the skies grew dark, lightning shooting from the gathering clouds unnaturally. In the midst of rain and smoke, Quenya, the Goddess of Earth and Weather, made her appearance.
"You have been destroying the Earth! Now prepare to be punished!" She yelled at the gathering humans beneath her. The humans trembled as her power manifested itself as scarlet ribbons across the sky; giving the appearance of blood. The lightning in the sky became harsher and the rain became cold. The humans stood no chance.

Username: llonka
Image of My Entry:
Explanation of Your Deity: *Thunder cracks across the sky as llonka, the toilet paper goddess storms out of the bathroom* WHO USED UP ALL MY TOILET PAPER AND FORGOT TO BUY MORE?!?! -she's wearing all white because that is the color of toilet paper, the lighting bolt because she's really mad that she is out of TP. haha.

Username: vickyll3
Image of My Entry:
Explanation of Your Deity: This is goddess of Revenge; she has the abilities to bend time and space. She often travels back in time to eliminate everyone who cause caused her any type of pain. Her trusty shotgun helps her get the job done. She has a weakness because she is blind; she travels with her owl Bobby who helps her aim for the right victim. If you have done her any wrong make sure you run for cover because she doesnt easily forgive. She doesnt say much when she blast you to a pool of your own blood!

Username: Nephila
Image of My Entry:
Explanation of Your Deity: This is Froid. Like her name sake she's a cold biotch. She represents winter death and the promise of rebirth. Every year she steals the heart of the summer god and stomps on it and tells him to try and impress her next year. Her colors are white red and light blue. Her favored adornments to her alters are diamonds and lamb hearts.

Username: Antagonist
Image of My Entry:
Explanation of Your Deity: Dremnior is the Patron God of Assassins. Those in his favor would have a sharper mind to plot the deaths of their targets, more agility, strength, and stamina to carry out their plans, and receive a boost to their luck in avoiding detection and captivity. When he manifests a physical form upon the mortal world, he carries a constant stench of rotten blood and decaying flesh. His clothes are woven from the finest strings of tendons and flesh, and sometimes, hair.
Those attempting to gain his favor should prepare a ritual, consisting of a circle of four lit candles and two incense, one dead raven in the middle of the circle, one sharp knife or blade crafted out of bone, and the heart of a warm-blooded animal. Kneel before the body of the raven and use the knife to stab the heart through the body of the raven, and whisper the name of the intended assassination target. If Dremnior deems the assassin worthy, they will receive his favor in the form of a single black feather. Once the assassination has been completed, or if the assassin has been caught and killed in the process, the feather will disintegrate into a powder of fine ashes.

Image of My Entry:
Explanation of Your Deity: Goddess of The Blue Flame : The Legend Goes that She watches from the Haven's, and that if any flame gets hot enough, that you can see her dancing in said flames, enjoying the warmth. it also State's that heal's all who come to her for aid. all though if you've earned the wound by harming another in any way, Be wary. because she is not a forgiving goddess. fire after all while it can bring warmth, can also burn down a persons entire existence. and the blue flame is the hardest of all to put out. it is said that if a person has been BAD enough..the blue flame is sent to destroy everything they own.

Username:Popcorn Gun
Image of My Entry:
Explanation of Your Deity: The result of a sexual encounter between a Chaos goddess & a lesser god of feast, sex and an overall good time. Neither was especially a favorite among the other gods, for pretty much the same reason, but in different ways: both of them caused men to lose their heads, often to the displeasure of the other gods. As such, they found themselves alone frequently…and due to some chain of events…together. The Chaos goddess invited the god of feast to an active volcano, and not one to turn down an interesting party, the god obliged. Some wine was spilled, a golden apple rolled, and juices flowed into the volcano. During the romp, the volcano began to rumble and shake. What erupted was the goddess now seen above you. A fire elemental, she can manipulate magma…but only magma. Once it has reached the surface, thus ends her control. What happens next, is anyone’s guess. However, mortals have been successful in persuading her to quell the magma, with tributes of gold & red wine, a favorite of the goddess.

Username: KatMagenta
Image of My Entry:
Explanation of Your Deity:
While many have heard the phrase "Necessity is the mother of invention" fewer are aware that Necitia is the Mother Goddess of Inventors.
However, Necitia doesn't simply hand out blueprints for new discoveries. Instead, she encourages the creativity and intelligence of her subjects. They may find themselves more likely to notice potential in the world around them or to have that all important "Eureka!" moment.
While her appearance has evolved through the ages, in terms of human fashion, her current look might be described as being influenced by "steampunk". Indeed, the industrial revolution was a prosperous time for inventors. Even with the advent of computers and modern technology she still finds her trusty hammer comes in handy to get things moving along!

Image of My Entry:
Explanation of Your Deity: She brings back the colors to the dark lands. The rainbows represents the happiness she gives to the poeple around her. She turns rainy days into something beautiful.

Username: Cora Lorington
Image of My Entry:
Explanation of Your Deity: Elruna is the Goddess of Hope and Joy. She chose long ago to step down from her home in the heavens and live amongst man kind, guiding them along the path of righteousness. She lives in a beautiful garden not to be found by any but those with the purest of hearts. She has the most compassion out of all her fellow gods for mankind. Although most of the gods believe they have become wicked. Stronar, ruler of the gods made the decree that mankind was to be slaughtered for their wickedness. Elruna, who believe that the humans could change if given the proper guidance plead with the gods and offered her own life for them.

Stronar swayed by the passion of Elruna spared the humans but also banished his beloved Elruna to live among them. To teach them passion and hope. To change their wicked ways.

Username: blueblackrose
Image of My Entry:
Explanation of Your Deity: With her silver eyes she watches the world from the edge between the darkness and the light. She is Maiara the Goddess of Fate. It is her duty to keep the balance of this world and to shape the course of it and it’s creatures destiny. Her scythe is her tool of choice and has the power to bring life or death, peace or destruction. In the end only her decision matters.

Username:Whisper Invictus
Image of My Entry:

Explanation of Your Deity:
This is DeusYumeh, the Diety of a special mischievous cat from this online world of Menewsha. She finds herself in need of restoring the world to supreme cat rule, where tuna is the top dish and ear scratching is the top job for any petty human. The story of how she came into existence is fishy enough, for one dark night, a large black cat was said to have jumped over the clouds, leaving a mythical rainbow trail! All the prophecies say that one day, cats will take over the world, and DeusYumeh will be the one to lead the cats in supreme rule!

Image of My Entry:
Explanation of Your Deity: Ameliana the partier loves to be the center of attention. She proudly wields her pillows to get wild parties started everywhere she goes. Unconventional, she chooses to be comfortable rather than stylish, and goes against the typical garb of her fellow deities. Beware, she may try to join a party you throw and bring it to loud music, wild feather flying fun!

Image of My Entry:
Explanation of Your Deity: Kage-Hime goddess of the shadows, the mistress of the night lurking in the dark shadowy areas of trees, shrubs, and the underside of your bed. Blending in with her surroundings dressed all in black with only bright red lips and the light, fair skin of her face showing. Powerful and mighty: able to walk through solid objects, read minds, teleport, mild control over lightning piercing her surroundings with it when angered, she carries multiple weapons used to eliminate anyone she desires. If you walk through a dark eerie forest she'll be there but you'll never see her and if you do- her dark, gorgeous figure will probably be... the last thing you ever see. The goddess that is loved by all who love the dark: Kage-Hime, they come to the edge of a dark street just to hear her menacing laugh "Muahahahaha.....!" which gives strength to all her dare to enter the dark.

Username: ascadellia
Image of My Entry:
Explanation of Your Deity: This here is Kamila. She's a goddess of festivities. Her main thing is, dancing, and wine. Alright, she's a Young goddess. She Loves to dance and show off to the humans, letting them shower her with gifts. In return, she'll let people have the joy of watching her perform, and a bit of her special wine. Her favorite color is purple, so she tends to dress in purple, she even went as far as dying her hair purple! She loves birds, but her favorite is a owl who can help her out with keeping an eye on the humans while she's off tending to her needs.

Username: Seito
Image of My Entry:
Explanation of Your Deity: Descriptions are so mainstream...
But if you must know I’m what you people call the ‘Hipster God’. You mortals have been so insistent on copying my style of life. That is so midtown. (So is calling me hipster).
Now if you excuse me I have to finish my book on CMOS VLSI Design.

Username: Saravi Boo
Image of My Entry:
Explanation of Your Deity: BEHOLD!! Yan the Destroyer!! And his faithful mommy, Boo. Yes, he's just a baby godling, who still needs his mommy to take care of him, but that doesn't mean he can't bring civilization to it's knees while crawling on his. Mommy loves her tiny terror dearly...she's just worried what his teen years will bring. O_o' Puberty! The end is nigh!!

Username: Ferra
Image of My Entry:
Explanation of Your Deity: Lostma Sawks, along with her brother Wherezma Kees, are collectively known as the "Magpie Twins". They're among some of the lowest ranking deities, but this status does not prevent them from causing strife to mortals in abundance. While her brother favors shiny things, Lostma has a soft spot for soft and fuzzy objects. She's especially attracted to fresh, warm laundry, socks being her favorite of all. Lostma enjoys variety, so often she'll help herself to just one sock or mitten rather than a complete pair. Use fabric softener sparingly to keep her at bay.

Username: Dystopia
Image of My Entry:

Explanation of Your Deity:

Malaise, the Goddess of Disease

As the Goddess of Disease, Malaise claims dominion over physical diseases, but also mental diseases, such as madness.

Malaise is not a human goddess. She is a parasitic insect. Without a host, she takes the form of a swarm of pestilence.

Every year, the Cult of Malaise sacrifices a beautiful virgin woman. During the ceremony, the swarm invades from every orifice. The still-living sacrifice gargles and spasms. In the course of several hours, Malaise transforms the tortured host into her grotesque "human" form.

As a "human", Malaise wears a crown of pestilence. She has a human exoskeleton above her diseased, rotting flesh and a pair of wings protruding from open rips in her back. She produces a constant, monotone buzz that never stops or changes in pitch or volume.

From the moment of infestation, the human host begins to decay. At the end of the year, the body falls apart. If Malaise is not offered a human host, she remains in swarm form and terrorizes the mortal world.

Username: EirianHikari
Image of My Entry:
Explanation of Your Deity: Serenity, The goddess of friendship and compromise.
Peaceful, beautiful, and somewhat mysterious, Serenity resides over the friendships of people, keeping them strong and tight. She encourages compromise in others, and longs for them to live peacefully with each other. She know only through compromise and understanding of each other, can we form a bond.

Username: Jezriel
Image of My Entry:
Explanation of Your Deity:She-of-the-dew-and-fish. Patron goddess of a small obscure island, she rules over transformations and the balance of good and ill between the waters of life. If she feels like it, she'll grant your prayers for sweet water. If not, you might just get slapped with a fish.

Image of My Entry:
Explanation of Your Deity: There is a deity, know as the Baq'taal, or World Eater. She is all but forgotten about by most. But those who know of her, fear her most since the Baq'taal knows only destruction and death. She knows nothing beyond her base instincts of hunger, and once summoned will consume everything. Not one plant will survive, not one animal, until the planet is no more than a pitted rock, floating in space. And even then she eats.
In the youth of the universe, the Baq'taal destroyed countless civilizations. And still she waits still in dark places. Waits to try and sate her gnawing lust.

Username: Anglie
Image of My Entry:
[B]Explanation of Your Deity: She's a Goddess of War on one of the distant planets. Using her pudao she strikes down those who oppose her. She is a kind and caring Goddess as long as you do not cross her and she cares for her people and will do anything to protect them.

Image of My Entry:

Explanation of Your Deity:My deity is a bouncy fairy deity of all weird creatures (still in training unfortunately)! My power is to take normal animals and turn them into weird animals by morphing few animals together... Sadly, my powers aren't really that great and I seem to create really funny combinations. Not many people can accept my creations so they tend to flock around me... I morphed golf balls with chicks... Hence the ball looking yellow chicks at my feet and roosters with bunny so far... Please look forward to what I can do in the future... Maybe I am able to morph a 1970's disco dancer with a donkey or a whale and a cow!!! Who knows what those may look like!

Last edited by DariaMorgendorfer; 10-02-2012 at 03:50 AM..

La La La La La, you're standing ...
DariaMorgendorfer is offline
Old 09-19-2012, 02:22 AM

God/Goddess Cosplay Avatar Contest
Entries in this category should be cosplays of traditional gods/goddesses. You may choose from any myth base, from Greek/Roman to Indian or African. YES, you can do group entries here OR individual entries. Please include a reference picture.

God/Goddess Cosplay Entry Form

Image of My Entry:
What god or goddess are you are representing?:
Reference picture:

[size=4][color=indigo][b]God/Goddess Cosplay Entry Form[/b][/color][/size]

[b]Image of My Entry:[/b]
[b]What god or goddess are you representing?:[/B]
[b]Reference picture[/b]
Username: Antagonist
Image of My Entry:
What god or goddess are you representing?: Loki, God of Mischief (Norse Mythology)
Reference picture:

"...Brother, what are you doing?"
"I am not your brother. I'm Appleton, God of Pie. I am burdened with glorious desserts and have come to smite you with holy strawberry tarts."
"I have come to- oh for the love of all things pie-related, nevermind." *throws pie*

Username: monstahh`
Image of My Entry:
What god or goddess are you representing?: Amaterasu
Reference picture a blend of: and and

* the sword in her hand is the Ame-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi. c:
Username: Death_to_the_Reaper
Image of My Entry:
What god or goddess are you representing?: Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth
Reference picture

Username: Star Valo
Image of My Entry:
What god or goddess are you representing?: Anubis
Reference picture xx<3

I'm on a roll today, Anubis was an easy God to cosplay with Mene's items ^^
I love Anubis anyway, have done since I was small
This is actually a mix of several pictures of him i've found, some he's holding his Staff, others he's holding and Ankh :D

Username: Nephila
Image of My Entry:
What god or goddess are you representing?: Ishtar/Lilith/Ereshkigal
Reference picture

There is a lot of debate among scholars as to which of these three ladies this ancient stone cutting is depicting. All were known for prostitution and death, love and hate as well as being part owl in appearance. They are also often pictured with snakes or riding on the back of lions and are described as having both water and fire in their control.

Username: BellyButton
Image of My Entry:

What god or goddess are you representing?: His Noodly Appendage, The Flying Spaghetti Monster
Reference picture:
, but more precisely, this one.

Yes yes, we're having a bit of a bad noodle day. Hard to keep one's lordly locks out of one's eyestalks and from obscuring one's fluffy meatballs.

Username: Saravi Boo
Image of My Entry:
What god or goddess are you representing?: Jesus Christ
Reference picture Umm...really? Well, I didn't base my cosplay off of this image but this one was the closest thing I could find. I pulled from descriptions and imagery in the bible mostly (overflowing cup, pearly gates, rainbow, crown of thorns, wound locations, etcetera)...hope that is alright.

Username: Closet Shadow
Image of My Entry:
What god or goddess are you representing?: Xochiquetzal
Reference picture Xochiquetzal, patron goddess of love.

Image of My Entry: ]
What god or goddess are you representing?:Hera, Goddess of Marriage
Reference picture: Click on thumbnail for full view Click on thumbnail for full view
*note the fruit is a pomegranate. Peacocks are her symbol because she took the eyes off her dead 100 eyed monster and put them on the feathers of a bird we know as the peacock.

Username: Woodlandnypmh
Image of My Entry:
What god or goddess are you representing?: Artemis/ Diana, the Silver Moon Goddess and Goddess of the Hunt. She's the sister of Apollo and daughter of Zeus and Leta. Her bow and quiver was a gift from the Cyclops on the isle of Lipara. Annnnnd she's also kinda my favorite Greek goddess.
Reference picturereference

Username: Roxxxy
Image of My Entry:
What god or goddess are you representing?: Baby Krishna
Reference picture

Username: Mageling
Image of My Entry:
What god or goddess are you representing?: Pele
Reference picture

Username: Vickyll3
Image of My Entry:
What god or goddess are you representing?: Hemera; Goddess of DayLight
Reference picture

Username: Velvet
Image of My Entry:
What god or goddess are you representing?: Maia, Goddess of Spring and Growth
Reference picture

Username: Cora Lorington
Image of My Entry:
What god or goddess are you representing?: Thor, Norse God of Thunder
Reference picture

Username: Whisper Invictus
Image of My Entry:

What god or goddess are you representing?: Zeus! Supreme God of the Sky
Reference picture
Something like this, or whatever, it's my imagination of Zeus~

Image of My Entry:
What god or goddess are you representing?: nyx greek goddess of night
Reference picture

Username: maidenrosheart
Image of My Entry:
What god or goddess are you representing?: Eris the Goddess of Discord/Chaos
Reference picture I have three pics...

Username: Ferra
Image of My Entry:
What god or goddess are you representing?: "God"
Reference picture
With some implied walking on water, thrown in.

Username: GwenaHikari
Image of My Entry:
What god or goddess are you representing?: Selene/Selena/Luna- greek moon goddess
Reference picture Mostly this: but slightly this too

Username: Kilia |Ted D Ber | neller | Seito | PapillonCameo | bloodstainedwings | Fiona_Watergate | Ascadellia | Death_to_the_reaper

Image of My Entry:

What god or goddess are you representing?: The Nine Greek Muses
Kleio| Thalia | Erato | Euterpe | Polyhymnia | Kalliope | Terpsikhore | Ourania (1) | Melpomene

Reference picture:

Some of us had a specific version in mind when creating. They're linked in the names above. :3

This is in one of the pictures but just incase it's hard to see.

The information is from wikipedia

Username: EirianHikari
Image of My Entry:
What god or goddess are you representing?: Aphrodite; goddess of love.
Reference picture

Username: R a n d e h
Image of My Entry:
What god or goddess are you representing?: Greek Goddess of the Moon - Selene
Reference picture
I based it mostly off of what she was described as, since all the pictures were very different:
Selene is most often presented as a beautiful young woman with a pale face and long, silver hair. She often wears a horned crown that looks like a crescent moon and is frequently depicted driving a silver chariot drawn by white horses or white bulls. She has been been referred to in poetry as "far-winged" and "long-winged" and is sometimes shown with long, white wings.

Read more: About the Moon Goddess Selene | About the Moon Goddess Selene |
Username: Arinia Dreamdancer
Image of My Entry:
What god or goddess are you representing?: Uzume
Reference picture

Usernames: Momochan
Tate Icasa
Emma Corrin

Image of My Entry:
Amateresu Surya Helios

What god or goddess are you representing?: The Sun gods of multiple cultures

Ra, Sunna, Inti, Liza, Amateresu, Surya, Helios

Reference picture

Momochan - Ra Reference
BBR - Sunna Ref 1 | 2 | 3
Shadami - Inti ReferenceTate Icasa - Liza Reference Dystopia - Amaretsu Reference 1 | 2Emma - Surya Reference
Kent - Helios Reference

Last edited by DariaMorgendorfer; 10-01-2012 at 06:31 AM..

☠ ☠ ☠

Linnea is offline
Old 09-20-2012, 04:57 AM

Celestial Colors Contest
It's time again for another colors contest! Hope you didn't think we forgot Anyways, this contest is all about keeping it celestial and for this, you need to have: gold and/or silver, but you must have: purple (dark or light), blue (dark or light) and white.

For this particular contest, I will allow teal to be used as a shade of blue... You're welcome
Any of the original skin tones are ok, but if you use an equippable skin keep it in the color scheme.
also please keep eyes and hair within the color scheme.

Good luck and feel free to ask questions should they arise

Celestial Colors Entry Form
Image of My Entry:

[size=4][color=teal][b]Celestial Colors Entry Form[/b][/color][/size]
[b]Image of My Entry:[/b]

llonka Ferra Star Valo

SexualPlacebo Roxxxy Death_to_the_reaper

Nephila neller BellyButton

shadami Ascadellia Divacita

KatMagenta shinigamikarasu Closet Shadow

Liztress Mageling monstahh`

Vickyll3 Saravi Boo Antagonist

GwenaHikari Cora Lorington Fiona_watergate

spunky3 PapillonCameo Superstition

blueblackrose Seito mewmew07

EirianHikari R a n d e h Anglie

Last edited by Linnea; 10-01-2012 at 05:19 PM..

La La La La La, you're standing ...
DariaMorgendorfer is offline
Old 09-20-2012, 05:01 AM


La La La La La, you're standing ...
DariaMorgendorfer is offline
Old 09-20-2012, 05:01 AM


WherededIGo is offline
Old 09-23-2012, 11:27 PM

Ooh. This looks like fun. I might enter this o3o

La La La La La, you're standing ...
DariaMorgendorfer is offline
Old 09-23-2012, 11:43 PM

Hurray! I hope we get a lot of GREAT entries!

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Ascadellia is offline
Old 09-23-2012, 11:50 PM

mmmm.. I might do this. owo Just cause of the myths.. <3 Can I do Zarich?? She's, a sorta daeva. >.>


Velvet is offline
Old 09-23-2012, 11:53 PM

Ironically, yesterday I made this avatar.. I may have to enter..

So, maybe I looked over it in the rules, but where do you post the entries? Do I just post them here or message someone with my form?

My deepest apologies if I looked it over.

Last edited by Velvet; 09-23-2012 at 11:58 PM..

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Ascadellia is offline
Old 09-23-2012, 11:55 PM

It looks great. <3

WherededIGo is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 12:00 AM

Hooray for perfect timing!

Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse...
Fiona_Watergate is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 12:02 AM

can I post up my mules avi?

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Ascadellia is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 12:03 AM

Uh, I think you can post either your main account, or your mule account. Not both.

Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse...
Fiona_Watergate is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 12:11 AM

God/Goddess Cosplay Entry Form

Image of My Entry:
What god or goddess are you representing?: This is my goddess of love. She love to give love, but she also love candy. She's torn between handing out love and handing out candy. So she one day decided to give out love candy.<3
Reference picture


Last edited by Fiona_Watergate; 09-28-2012 at 01:54 PM..

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Ascadellia is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 12:14 AM

Thank you. owo

That's a cute one. <3

☠ ☠ ☠

Linnea is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 12:16 AM

woooo! we got one already! let's keep em coming, ladies and germs

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Ascadellia is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 12:19 AM

lol I'll, try later. v.v

Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse...
Fiona_Watergate is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 12:25 AM

lol Thank you Asc
I think I'm going to do a craft later lol
I'm so excited about the event. <3

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 12:31 AM

Celestial Entry Form

Username: maidenroseheart
Image of My Entry:
Reference Picture:

spunky is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 12:31 AM

i have to build up my wardrobe. *thinks of ideas for contest*

WherededIGo is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 12:36 AM

I should totally do one of me, since I'm immortal, and that's close enough to being a god... XD


Velvet is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 12:39 AM

Create-Your-Own God/Goddess Entry Form

Image of My Entry:
Explanation of Your God/Goddess:*Maniacal laughter can be heard before the air suddenly felt electrified. And then Poof* Gosh, DARNIT. I singed a hair again! UGH! Oh... uh, hi! Let me introduce myself. Ahem, I am the Goddess of Lightning, friends call me Nyina..if I had any friends they would at least..Heh, and I am like the Queen of Lightning. Mmhm.. I mean, I am much better than that so well known Zeus guy. Bah, I mean, seriously? Why, why does that guy get all the fame? He just sits up there on his throne at Mount Olympus. I have my own sky! I sit up here in the clouds, MY clouds and drift around in my nice, soft cloud castle. Yeah, and MY castle changes colors. It can be blue, or white. Green sometimes, and gray to almost black. Which is obviously way better than Mount freaking Olympus. Ha, I am glad I wasn't invited to live there. Pssh. And plus, I have better fashion. Yeah, I went there. My lightning is even better! Zeus, the almighty, or whatever, just shoots out boring ole, yellow lightning and he is a total man wh...player! Why is he so awesome? What about me? Look at my colors! I am purple and teal and blue. How amazing is that? I create purple lightning, blue lightning, green lightning. Any lightning other than yellow, pssh, was created by me! That's right! Yeah, see? I told you how awesome I am. Oh, and get this! I am in charge of the night storms. Yeah, that's why I wear a crescent moon on my head and have an emblem shaped like a moon around my neck. Talk about cool right? So I might have accidentally sunk a couple of ships... and caused some major damage to important places, but have you ever tried controlling lightning? Huh?! It isn't easy. One day... one day I will be glorified. One day I will be better than you Mr. Great and Powerful Zeus. BAHAHAHAHAHA!
Crazy Face Nyina.. she might be insane! I hope she didn't hear that..

Last edited by Velvet; 09-24-2012 at 12:42 AM..

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 12:57 AM

God/Goddess Cosplay Entry Form

Username: Antagonist
Image of My Entry:
What god or goddess are you representing?: Loki, God of Mischief (Norse Mythology)
Reference picture:

"...Brother, what are you doing?"
"I am not your brother. I'm Appleton, God of Pie. I am burdened with glorious desserts and have come to smite you with holy strawberry tarts."
"I have come to- oh for the love of all things pie-related, nevermind." *throws pie*


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