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akinmytua is offline
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Old 12-25-2009, 11:42 PM

Neat! So it's like Sunday service? I went to a protestant church and somehow always ended up in the plays. I think I have been an angel, and cat in the hat, a tree, a "cool" angel(we had sunglasses), a snowman, a wise man(very few boys in choir), a shepherd, and maybe a sheep once.

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Old 12-26-2009, 03:27 PM

This is all very interesting!

I was just over in France for four months, and during my time there I helped teach English to middle school students. My last lesson with the kids was on Christmas. It was interesting to hear all the similarities and differences between Christmas in France and Christmas in the States. Quite honestly, I think Christmas is a bigger deal here in the States than in France. Yes, the French hang lights in the streets, and set up "marches de noel," or Christmas Markets, all over the city, but there's just not as much hype over the holiday. Even in Brittany, which is generally considered to be the most Catholic area of France.

I was told by my students that they put out slippers for Santa instead of stockings, that they don't go Christmas caroling or really sing Christmas carols at all, and that Christmas dinner is always on the 25th. The only thing that happens on the 24th is Mass. A lot of students were getting together with the rest of the family, and they were all excited to have school off (of course). It was also interesting to find out how much they actually knew about how Americans celebrate Christmas. Really makes you realize just how much attention is paid to the United States!

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Old 12-26-2009, 05:12 PM

My family always waits till around 11:30 pm - midnight on christmas eve and then we open our presents then.
It's really fun with all the decorating before christmas and the making a mess all over the house xD
As for new years, my family celebrates on january the 1st and Chinese New Years although I'm not from china, I'm from Vietnam >>
I guess it's called Chinese New Years cause China's really large but it's celebrated on the same day. The only difference is the way we celebrate it.
Like, for instance, instead of the hanfu from china or the kimono from japan, we wear the traditional au dais and celebrate with a really big feast. It last for 3 days and lucky money (the money given on new years) is usually given on the 1st day in my family.

akinmytua is offline
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Old 12-27-2009, 12:39 AM

@ okamimyst I remember in my french class in high school there was this calendar thingy with windows and chocolate... Does that have something to do with Christmas?

@ Angelz What is lucky money? And when is the Chinese new year this year... er... next year?

XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
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Old 12-30-2009, 08:49 PM

I think the way the Germans celebrate Christmas is cool.



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