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La La La La La, you're standing ...
DariaMorgendorfer is offline
Old 09-16-2013, 06:10 AM

banner by Seridano


Last edited by BellyButton; 10-25-2013 at 03:19 PM..

La La La La La, you're standing ...
DariaMorgendorfer is offline
Old 09-16-2013, 06:11 AM

Your Hosts:

Hey folks! You may have seen me on such shows as "Beavis and Butthead" and MTV's "Daria". Now, I make my happy little home here on Menewsha, bring sarcasm and humor to all it's good little girls and boys. I am really looking forward to seeing what you all come up with!

Helpful hints from Daria:
Be creative! Originality goes a long way with me. I have a huge sense of humor, so if your avatar makes me giggle, you probably have a winner. Please no icky avatars (i.e. pain, torture, bloody, etc.) This should be fun so, above all else, have fun!

Hey there, I'm neller and I'm all for a greatly themed avatar. I can be found searching Menewhsa for those avatars that make me laugh, gawk and wonder "how did they do that?" I love to learn what Menewshan's offer creatively and can't wait to see what ideas you guys can come up with! Creativity counts!

Helpful hints from neller: I love to see items used in ways that they have never been used before! There is more to an avatar than the avatar itself, so always consider a background to match your theme! Item flow, consistency and layering are important, so make sure your items are in theme and look nice together!

Yo, Linny here, your friendly neighborhood color coordinator. I've been around Mene for a while now and have come far in terms of colors and layers and I have learned from the best Mene has to offer. Now it's time to put my eye to good use! Show me colors and show me creativity! Do it and reap the rewards!

Helpful hints from Linnea: Please, please, PLEASE remember to follow the directions! That being said, I really like to see clever ways of using items and neat ways of layering. Doing what everyone else is doing is boring. Be bold!

Read the rules and follow 'em. That's all I ask! XD Make sure you read them all too, because there may be something in the rules that's necessary for your entry...
  • First and foremost, make sure you follow the Site Rules.
  • Be respectful! Constructive criticism is fine, but please don't be rude to other entrants.
  • You can only enter once in each of the categories, and you may not enter on a mule account. If you do try to enter on a mule, we'll know, so just don't bother. XD
  • Please be sure to use the entry form when you post your entry. Failure to post the form will result in your avatar not being entered into the contest.
  • You may use your own inventory and the DAC to make your outfits.
  • Please be sure to save your entry to an outside image host like Photobucket or imageshack. What we see is what we'll judge, so be sure that the avatar you enter is saved and won't change.
  • If you want to change your entry, you may edit your submission up until it is posted on the front page. Once it is posted on the front page, you'll have to PM Linnea, neller or Daria if you want to change anything.
  • Entries must be submitted by the end of the event. Click here to find out what time it is in Central Time Zone right now! Winners will be announced in the Community Discussion forum shortly after the event ends.
We'll choose first, second, and third place winners in each of the categories. Other prizes might be added as the event goes on, depending on the amount of entries received.

Prizes are as follows:
First place: 5,000g
Second place: 3,000g
Third place: 1,000g

Last edited by Linnea; 10-23-2013 at 02:53 AM..

☠ ☠ ☠

Linnea is offline
Old 09-16-2013, 06:11 AM

Fire and Water: A Colors Contest

For starters, this particular contest is going to be a little different this time around, in fact, unlike any other colors contest I've had the privilege of hosting! This will be two separate contests, one for FIRE and one for WATER. You have the choice to do one or both. Which means double the prizes!

The most important thing is the colors, yes? So how's this for a twist; you get to decide! Well, within reason The fiery entries need to have fiery colors and the watery entries need to have watery colors, but what that specifically looks like is up to you.
A word of caution: remember, if you want to win I have to be able to tell that your entry is fire or water so don't get too abstract. I'm looking for creativity here, but if you have green in a fire avatar or red in a water avatar the chances of you winning are slim at best. Use common sense and you'll all be ok!

Per usual colors contest requirements, the eyes and hair should match.
Any skin color is acceptable, unless it's an equippable skin and then it has to match.

Good luck and feel free to ask questions should they arise

Fire and Water: A Colors Entry Form ::FIRE
Image of My Entry:

[size=4][color=green][b]Fire and Water: A Colors Entry Form ::[/color] [COLOR="hotpink"]FIRE[/COLOR][/b][/size]
[b]Image of My Entry:[/b]
Fire and Water: A Colors Entry Form ::WATER
Image of My Entry:

[size=4][color=green][b]Fire and Water: A Colors Entry Form :: [/color][COLOR="cyan"]WATER[/COLOR][/b][/size]
[b]Image of My Entry:[/b]

FIRE Entries:





blueblackroseRochiel SilverfireEmma Corrin

VelvetR a n d e hGwenaHikari

Whimsical SadistEirianHikariKatMagenta


fireprincessKamikaze KendraWoofie267

shadamiCaptain HowdyKent

WATER Entries:

Kat DakuuWoodlandnymphnike13

maidenroseheartshinigamikarasuEmma Corrin


NephilaSadrainRochiel Silverfire


Velvetblueblackrose R a n d e h





Last edited by Linnea; 11-05-2013 at 03:24 AM..

La La La La La, you're standing ...
DariaMorgendorfer is offline
Old 09-16-2013, 06:12 AM

I am feeling like....A cosplay contest! How bout it guys?

Make me a FIRE OR WATER related cosplay! Your cosplay has to be a recognizable character, and has to incorporate EITHER fire or water as your main element.

All entries must include at least one reference picture, so if I don't know who you are cosplaying, I can look them up.

You may only enter once.
One Last Rule:
If a particular cosplay has been done already, you can't do that exact same character in the same picture again. You can use that character in a different way/picture (I.e. a different costume, a different picture).

Do you need an example? Okay I am cosplaying Firestarter, from the old Steven King Horror Flick done in the 80's. Isn't baby Drew Barrymore cute? Haha! So here is my reference picture.

Now someone else could if they wanted, do Firestarter 2, and use this reference picture

WOOHOO! This is going to be fun! How bout some entry forms?

Fire, the Cosplay! Entry Form
Image of My Entry:
Name of what you are cosplaying (you can include information if it is something obscure):
Reference picture:

[size=4][color=darkorange][b][COLOR="red"]Fire,[/COLOR] the Cosplay! Entry Form[/b][/color][/size]
[B]Image of My Entry:[/B]
[B]Name of what you are cosplaying (you can include information if it is something obscure):[/B]
[B]Reference picture:[/B]
Water, the Cosplay! Entry Form
Image of My Entry:
Name of what you are cosplaying (you can include information if it is something obscure):
Reference picture:

[size=4][color=darkorange][b][COLOR="deepskyblue"]Water,[/COLOR] the Cosplay! Entry Form[/b][/color][/size]
[B]Image of My Entry:[/B]
[B]Name of what you are cosplaying (you can include information if it is something obscure):[/B]
[B]Reference picture:[/B]


Fire Entries:
Image of My Entry:
Name of what you are cosplaying (you can include information if it is something obscure): I'm Cosplaying Sailor Mars her main gift, or at least in my view is fire. She's a sailor scout from Sailor Moon.
Reference picture:

Username:Rochiel Silverfire
Image of My Entry:
Name of what you are cosplaying (you can include information if it is something obscure):Flame Princess from Adventure Time!!!
Reference picture:

Username: Kent
Image of My Entry:
Name of what you are cosplaying: Ifrit (from FFX)
Reference picture:

Username: maidenroseheart
Image of My Entry:
Name of what you are cosplaying: Hikari from the anime show Magic Knights Rayeath
Reference picture: [/QUOTE]

If the reference picture isn't showing... maybe you can see it with this


Username: blueblackrose
Image of My Entry:
Name of what you are cosplaying (you can include information if it is something obscure): Melisandre from Game of Thrones
Reference picture:

Username: Roxxxy
Image of My Entry:
Name of what you are cosplaying: Sexy Firefox :3
Reference picture:

Username: Death_to_the_reaper
Image of My Entry:
Name of what you are cosplaying: Natsu, the Fire Dragon-Slayer of Fairy Tail
Reference picture: Normal Natsu:
Pissed off (Fired Up) Natsu:

Username: ascadellia
Image of My Entry:
Name of what you are cosplaying : Starfire
Reference picture:

Water Entries:

Username: KatMagenta
Image of My Entry:
Name of what you are cosplaying (you can include information if it is something obscure): Abe Sapien (from the Hellboy series)
Reference picture:

(Abe in water reference: screencap)

Image of My Entry:
Name of what you are cosplaying (you can include information if it is something obscure): Mera (DC Comics)
Reference picture:

Image of My Entry:
Name of what you are cosplaying (you can include information if it is something obscure): Murloc! These World of Warcraft denizens of the deep have been pushed onto the coast lines of Azeroth by the Naga. They use net and spears to guard quest items (such as supply crates) and are know for swarming you in groups.
It's hard to see their colors in the water so I posted 2 picture of them.
Reference picture:

Username: Woodlandnymph
Image of My Entry:
Name of what you are cosplaying : Gi, The Water Element Planeteer from Captain Planet, summoned to defend the world from polluters and various other disasters. She's the ocean loving marine biologist of the group! *Runs off singing the Captain Planet theme song*
Reference picture:

Username: Antagonist
Image of My Entry:
Name of what you are cosplaying (you can include information if it is something obscure): Cthulhu!
Reference picture:
Unfortunately we don't have tentacle faces yet, so black will have to do.

Image of My Entry:
Name of what you are cosplaying (you can include information if it is something obscure):Princess Ruto (Zora Princess) - Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time by Nintendo
Reference picture: Under water in the water temple: Full figure:

Username: R a n d e h
Image of My Entry:
Name of what you are cosplaying (you can include information if it is something obscure): Ursula from The Little Mermaid
Reference picture:

Username: EirianHikari
Image of My Entry:
Name of what you are cosplaying (you can include information if it is something obscure): Watery card from Cardcaptors
Reference picture:

Username: fireprincess
Image of My Entry:
Name of what you are cosplaying: Ariel from The Little Mermaid
Reference picture:

Last edited by DariaMorgendorfer; 11-02-2013 at 07:41 PM..

The Lover of UNICORNS
neller is offline
Old 09-18-2013, 10:48 PM

Trick or Treat: Create a Monster!

Halloween is a time of good cheer and fun! But it is also a time of trickery and monsters. For this contest, you'll be creating a creature of your own creation that either tricks or treats people! Anything from gift giving to prank pulling is accepted!

1. Your monster must be of goodness or badness...nothing in between!
2. Please write a paragraph (3-5 sentences) about your monster! How are they good/bad? (Be funny or creative!)
3. NO GORE or horrific trickery! I'd like this to be clean humor!
4. No preexisting creatures! (Anything from religions, myths, legends, stories and so on will be declined)
5. Make your entry inhuman! I don't want to see your mom or sibling!
6. Only one entry, please. You can do either trick or treat but not both.

Trick Entry Forms:

TRICK or Treat: I've Created a Monster!
Image of My Entry:
How am I a Trick?:

[SIZE=4][COLOR="purple"][FONT=Trebuchet MS][B][COLOR="Red"]TRICK[/COLOR] or Treat: I've Created a Monster![/B][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[B]Image of My Entry:[/B]
[B]How am I a Trick?:[/B]

Treat Entry Forms:

Trick or TREAT: I've Created a Monster!
Image of My Entry:
How am I a Treat?:

[SIZE=4][COLOR="purple"][FONT=Trebuchet MS][B]Trick or [COLOR="DarkOrange"]TREAT[/COLOR]: I've Created a Monster![/B][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[B]Image of My Entry:[/B]
[B]How am I a Treat?:[/B]


Username: Kenome-Chan
Image of My Entry:
How am I a Trick?: Well I am a fox, and I trick people into following me into the woods. When I get them in there I act all nice still and then I trick them more by taking them even deeper into the woods. Eventually though I just leave them in the woods to be lost forever. /giggles/

Username: Antagonist
Image of My Entry:
How am I a Trick?: Formerly a beloved toy, Mirmir was abandoned and tossed aside when newer, more 'pretty' toys began arriving. Left to gather dust and forgotten, over time Mirmir became bitter and vowed 'revenge' on all toys and their owners. He became a gremlin-like spirit, and would destroy new toys in households. He wouldn't tear them apart, as he wasn't so malevolent to the point of being evil, but he would smear them with paint, candy, or other undesirable substances, causing the children owners to be distressed because the parents would deem the sullied toys too 'dirty' and unhygienic to play with, and eventually the toys would become unwanted and discarded, just like he was. In a household plagued by Mirmir, parents are often baffled by how quickly the toys became so dirty when their children are generally clean and tidy.

TRICK or Treat: I've Created a Monster!
Username: KatMagenta
Image of My Entry:
How am I a Trick?: Ever followed a recipe down the to letter but the finished product just tasted plain wrong? Maybe you've been a victim of the Kitchen Goblin! This sneaky monster likes nothing better than adding it's own special ingredients to the work of honest chefs. Putting them off their food means more for the Kitchen Goblins to munch. You see, the Kitchen Goblin has a very- let's say- refined palette and a whole tray of pickle-cupcakes really hit the spot!

Username: Mageling
Image of My Entry:
How am I a Trick?: You may have heard of the Missing Link? I'm Missy, Link's little sister. Where my big brother is a horrible sea monster, I'd rather just prank ships by moving their anchors around! Let's see how far their lines let them drift this time...

Username: PrincessKasumi
Image of My Entry:
How am I a Trick?: I'm the Masquerader. I mask myself as a beautiful woman and lure men away from their families and wives. Akin to a Succubus in beauty no male can resist. The only difference is I'm after their family jewels ^_~ ( and gems people nothing else! ). And I will take everything they have leaving them poor and their families distraught.

Username: sadrain
Image of My Entry:
How am I a Trick?: Seen by hunters who hunt down does and other animal mothers with babies, not caring that the babies will be left to die, she lures them with her laugh and beauty deeper into the forest, until they reach ancient runes where she finally turns out and the joy of chase turns into horror as the hunter realizes she has horns, inhuman eyes and smile. When hunter attempts to run, he cannot as she closes in and then, finally, the place - or she - lets the hunter bolt down straight home, followed by soft, haunting laughter. The 'victims' usually do not think of hunting for quite a while.

Image of My Entry:
How am I a Trick?: The Smelly Garblin earns is reputation by the foul odor that seeps from its buttock glands. Garblin's are known to love gold. They hoard it, smell it, lick it, and who knows what else. But their cousin, the Smelly Garblin not only loves gold, but also loves sweets. The best time for the smelly beast to get itself some sweet savory treats? Halloween, of course. The Smelly Garblin will stalk innocent trick or treaters, release some foul smelling farts which knock out the surprised targets and steals their goodies. They are even known to invade the candy givers home's and steal all the sweet goodies before they even have a chance to be handed out.

Username: Kamikaze Kendra
Image of My Entry:
How am I a Trick?: Maven likes to sneak up on unsuspecting hikers and other nature-lovers, often bringing a shroud of mist with him. He unnerves weary travelers with the clops of his hooves or a low growl until they drop whatever it is they're carrying. Really, Maven has a taste for human food - not human flesh - and is always looking for some goodies. Halloween is his favorite because, well, there's candy! But he does get a bit sour when people spill their goodies, such as the punch at his feet.

Username: blueblackrose
Image of My Entry:
How am I a Trick?: Ever hear of the Mothman? Well I’m the Butterflywoman and believe me the Mothman has nothing on me hunny. Oh sure he might strike fear and predict disasters. I on the other hand can cause those who get tangled in my web to get lost in their worst nightmares. If one isn’t careful they could just go insane or be trapped within their nightmare forever. Here’s fair warning for you never cross the path of a butterflywoman unless you’re ready to face what terrifies you the most.

Username: Woofie267
Image of My Entry:
How am I a Trick?: Well you know reapers, right? Those funny people who take you when you die off to wherever you go? (And who knows, really, I don't know where they go, they're just freakin' creepy.) Well I like to mess with them. I like to steal their charges before they can get there. I might help induce a heart attack a bit early and get the soul before they can. I'm sure I'll be seeing you sooner than you think...

Image of My Entry:
How am I a Trick?: "mommy mommy! Look what i found in the closet!" The innocent, sweet little girl came running down the hall to show her mommy the awesome witch hat she had found. He mother looked at it confused, not remembering it at all, perhaps her husband had bought it and hid it for her. "It looks amazing hunny, are you going to be a witch for Halloween tomorrow?"

Little did they know how much of a witch it would make her. The next night the little girl was no longer sweet and innocent. She had turned into a nasty little monster. Pushing over other kids, budging in line at houses. Her mother got some calls that she had even been out egging houses. But how could that be?! That was not like her little girl at all.



Image of My Entry:
How am I a Treat?:
This is well meaning but clumsy critter is Ninnie, better known as The Tea Snorting Mess Maker. She helps young and old alike by acting as a scapegoat for running out of tea and accidental messes. They say if her eye blinks at you you'll get dry biscuits in the mail.

Username: Woodlandnypmh
Image of My Entry:
How am I a Treat?:
Don't let her looks or the fact that she's floating about in an abandoned house fool you. Albino Sanguine-eyed Sprites are actually a very rare, and very lucky creature to come across. Sure, her bloody eye sockets are a turn off, but come on....look at that coy little smile she's got for you. If you should ever stumble upon one of these sprites, just tickle their belly and she'll vomit up a pile of gold for you. They're partial to marshmallows, white chocolate, and any other white treats you can get your hands on. They're also very hand if you're lost, since their skin emits a pale glow, and they'd be happy to lead you to the nearest public rest stop if you ask nicely.

Username:Rochiel Silverfire
Image of My Entry:
How am I a Treat?: The Liantubus travels through the dream realm in a silvery ship that leaves trails of multicolored smoke in its wake. It is said that this smoke has a smell like wildflowers and will settle on the souls of children and artists as they sleep, bringing them sweet dreams and inspiration. The Liantubus uses the scythe it carries to battle nightmares and demons, protecting dreamers from the horrors of the darkness and the night, leaving them free to see its beauty instead.

Image of My Entry:
How am I a Treat?:Cellise the cat monster, is a kind sweet monster not mean or nasty, she hates illness and seeing people sick. Because of this Cellise started visiting towns with lots of sick individuals, during her visits she leaves get well candy. She made this candy with her healing magic and it not only cheers up the recipient but makes them well again. She leaves the candy on the sick persons doorstep, runs away and hides in the bushes nearby and waits. Cellise is happy when the humans eat of her candy and are made well, to this day sick people find her candy on their doorsteps.

Username: EirianHikari
Image of My Entry:
How am I a Treat?: The mashinal monster is a mix of different animals. Fox, bird, wolf, lion, bunny, and cat, it knows the forest area well. A lot of people think she's scary, but she actually rescues people in trouble. Whenever someone is in the forest and gets lost, the mashinal will help them find their way out of the forest.

Username: Kent
Image of My Entry:
How am I a Treat?:Kaibutsu Kensuke dislikes disorderly households and though he is reluctant to clean for others, wishing that humans would be more organized and sanitary, cleaning is his livelihood. He likes to clean--he's actually quite passionate about it. However, many people are afraid to hire him due to his grotesque features and stony one-eyed expression. Who would hire a monster to tidy up, after all? Around Halloween time, he loves to see people dress up as monsters, but despises the mess they make after Halloween parties, which is why he sneaks into peoples' houses after parties are done with and everyone is asleep to clean every room until they're spotless and shining.

Username: Ascadellia
Image of My Entry:
How am I a Treat?: Now, this here is a prime example on not judging by looks, or, suspicious looking actions. Sure, most people say 'don't follow strange things', but they don't realize, you may just be rewarded for your bravery(or stupidity)!! Our little missy here lures children to the dark forest; Not to try and lead them astray, but to let them partake in her bounty of sugar and sweets. Now ain't that sweet? Don't mind her staring at you, she's just excited to have company and can't control her emotions. [COLOR="lightseagreen"]

Username: Dystopia
Image of My Entry:
How am I a Treat?: The teddy bear is the classic favorite childhood toy. Many young children grow up with their teddy bears as their best friends. Sometimes, lonely good spirits are attracted to this close bond. These spirits possess teddy bears and become the tireless guardians of children. Although these good spirits are weak, they often come to life in times of need to battle for their chosen child's safety. They protect the children from anything from earthly dangers to unnatural horrors, from spiders to monsters under the bed.

Last edited by neller; 12-03-2013 at 01:52 AM..

La La La La La, you're standing ...
DariaMorgendorfer is offline
Old 10-13-2013, 05:58 PM

Don't be a monkey!
Once again we will have a Monkey Cage for all you unruly hooligans and cranky-pants who disturb the peace.
Yea, I'm talking to you there, with the face and the eyes.

Trust me, you don't want to end up here because if you do then you will not be able to enter in the contest you were cranky about until... we feel like letting you out! Buhahahahaha!

Last edited by DariaMorgendorfer; 10-26-2013 at 06:06 AM..

☠ ☠ ☠

Linnea is offline
Old 10-14-2013, 12:01 AM


Last edited by DariaMorgendorfer; 10-26-2013 at 06:03 AM..

The Lover of UNICORNS
neller is offline
Old 10-16-2013, 05:41 PM


La La La La La, you're standing ...
DariaMorgendorfer is offline
Old 10-26-2013, 06:02 AM

One last reserved for the record books!


Velvet is offline
Old 10-26-2013, 09:23 PM

This looks really exciting!

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 10-26-2013, 10:00 PM

This contest has very interesting idea! I will surely think on this.

Kamikaze Kendra
Music Guru

Send a message via AIM to Kamikaze Kendra
Kamikaze Kendra is offline
Old 10-26-2013, 10:01 PM

Oooo!!! I love the themes this time around! This is gonna be fun and exciting!!


bloodstainedwings is offline
Old 10-26-2013, 10:05 PM

oh wow these are going to be awesome! im going to start on mine right now!!


Send a message via AIM to star2000shadow Send a message via MSN to star2000shadow
star2000shadow is offline
Old 10-26-2013, 10:16 PM

YAYA 'prepares to do outfits up the wazzoo'

---------- Post added 10-26-2013 at 03:57 PM ----------

Fire, the Cosplay! Entry Form
Image of My Entry:
Name of what you are cosplaying (you can include information if it is something obscure): I'm Cosplaying Sailor Mars her main gift, or at least in my view is fire. She's a sailor scout from Sailor Moon.
Reference picture:

Fire and Water: A Colors Entry Form :: FIRE
Image of My Entry:

Last edited by Linnea; 10-30-2013 at 12:26 AM..


Kent is offline
Old 10-27-2013, 12:34 AM

Oh! This is the first time I've felt like entering all of the official avi contests. o wo
A question for the colors contests, does the background have to be fiery or watery as well? O:


shinigamikarasu is offline
Old 10-27-2013, 12:45 AM

Great themes! I can't wait to work to start working on these.

(。´∀`)/ Pets...

X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 10-27-2013, 02:37 AM

Can I be a monkey? huehuehue

kiralight16 is offline
Old 10-27-2013, 02:40 AM

Oooo. Now, I would love to enter this.

the one and only

Send a message via Yahoo to Shadami
Shadami is offline
Old 10-27-2013, 02:40 AM

the need to enter this makes me want to get back out of bed...

am I allowed to comment on others entries. or is that like aiding the competition and therefore not allowed. they can edit their entry I believe had been an option in the past..


Assistant Administrator
BellyButton is offline
Old 10-27-2013, 02:45 AM

Neat categories, guys! I'll try to make something for this.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 10-27-2013, 04:07 AM

Fire and Water: A Colors Entry Form :: WATER
Username: Kat Dakuu
Image of My Entry:

and out comes Kat from the farthest depths of the ocean.
code seems to be missing the end for the green color?

Master Debater
Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 10-27-2013, 04:09 AM

Fire and Water: A Colors Entry Form :: WATER
Username: Woodlandnymph
Image of My Entry:
She's as cooooold as ice!


Fire and Water: A Colors Entry Form :: FIRE
Image of My Entry:

Last edited by Woodlandnymph; 10-27-2013 at 04:29 AM..

Irishrain is offline
Old 10-27-2013, 04:34 AM

Sorry to sound like a lame.. but DAC.. is dream avatar creator right? So we can make a dream avi with a theme and post it as our entry? >.> How many contests are there it looks like three? One regular Halloween one and another for fire and ice.. and then another for cosplay? Or.. are they all in one you have to choose what category to enter in to?

Master Debater
Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 10-27-2013, 04:41 AM

DAC is indeed the Dream Avatar Creator, Irish. You're usually free to use it unless otherwise written. :D

Look carefully at each contest post by Linnea, Daria, and Neller. Linny allows you to enter the Fire AND Water categories while Daria and Neller ask that you only enter one or the other. So, two entries with the Fire and Water Color contest, only one entry for the Cosplay, and one entry for the Trick or Treat.


Kent is offline
Old 10-27-2013, 04:47 AM

Yes, you can use the DAC to make an entry~ There are three contests: a fire and water colors contest, a fire and water cosplay contest, and a trick or treat monster contest. X3 For the colors contest, it seems you can enter twice--once with a water entry and once with a fire entry. And you can only enter once in the other contests, each which have two categories to pick from.

I hope I was of some help. X3

EDIT: Oh. O: Woody was faster than me. XD

Last edited by Kent; 10-27-2013 at 04:56 AM..


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