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Old 06-18-2013, 06:29 PM

Banner by Neller ~ many thanks! :3

Originally Posted by BellyButton View Post
PLEASE NOTE! If you should need to edit or change anything with your entry, please either repost the entire entry or ping or PM me letting me know you've edited your post -- I won't see your changes if I've already recorded it. Thanks! :3

Last edited by BellyButton; 07-12-2013 at 06:38 PM..


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Old 06-18-2013, 06:30 PM

Hello, fellow island-strandees! Whilst getting our Search Party together, one of our members came across a strange object that looks like it must be an artifact of some sort. We showed it to Jeryck and he's pretty excited, but none of us have the time to deal with it right now.

We thought that, while we're busy out looking for supplies and salvage, you might be interested in helping us get a jump on figuring out what it is? We've got paper for you to jot your notes down on, and you can take some time to study it -- we'll collect your entries when we leave the island. ..if we leave the island..

Last edited by BellyButton; 06-22-2013 at 02:13 AM..


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Old 06-18-2013, 06:31 PM

This thread is both a template art contest (where you will make art using a provided template) and a writing contest. You don't have to do both activities, but you are welcome to if you'd like. Details are outlined below, but please ask questions if I've left something out or anything is unclear. :3

All Entries Due By End of Event
Check the Event FAQ for actual time.


For Art & Writing, each:
First Place - 5500g
2nd Place - 3500g
3rd Place - 2000g

Lots of honorable mentions are possible - grab my attention & you're likely to win something fun!

In addition to the above, once all entries have been submitted, Jeryck himself will choose the three that he feels are the most outstanding & those folks will win a Prize Medal:
Medal of Super Spiffiness for 3rd Place
Medal of Shiny Awesomeness for 2nd Place
Medal of Totally Epic Win for 1st Place

Last edited by BellyButton; 06-27-2013 at 03:51 PM..


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Old 06-18-2013, 06:32 PM

This is the "art" portion of the contest. Design and name the artifact! You may use one of the templates provided below, or create your own from scratch (so long as you maintain the same basic shape shown here). When you're finished, use the form in this post to submit your entry to this thread.

  • Include your username somewhere in the image itself if taking a photo
  • Maximum of two entries per person (regardless of which template you use)
  • You may use traditional media if digital art is not your thing -- sculpting/3-d is okay too -- BUT:
  • If not using a template, it must still be recognizable as the same basic shape.

Artifact Templates (Horizontal)X

Artifact Templates (Vertical)X


Paste this form into the thread to enter:

[COLOR="Purple"][SIZE="3"][B]My Artifact Entry:[/B][/SIZE]
( paste your img or url here )
[B]I call it:[/B] ( what have you named the artifact? )

Last edited by BellyButton; 07-08-2013 at 02:18 PM..


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Old 06-18-2013, 06:34 PM

This is the "writing" portion of the contest. Tell us about the artifact. What is it? What's its purpose? What is its history? How, if at all, does it relate to Menewsha? You have creative freedom here -- your entry can take the form of a scholarly work, explorer's diary, story, legend, epic poem, song, etc. When you're finished, use the form in this post to submit your entry to this thread.

  • Write about your own art entry, someone else's, or write without an art entry.
  • If your writing entry is not based on an existing art entry, take a paragraph or so to describe its physical characteristics (please keep it the same basic shape as the art template, though!).
  • You may submit a maximum of two writing entries per person.
  • Your entry can be any length. It'll be up to you to find the perfect balance between quality and quantity. ;3

Paste this form into the thread to enter:

[COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"][SIZE="3"][B]Artifact Name:[/B] (What are you calling the artifact?)
[/SIZE][B]Is this based on an art entry?[/B] ( if yes, link the entry here )
[B]My Lore Entry:[/B][/COLOR]
( paste your text here )

Last edited by BellyButton; 06-25-2013 at 05:48 PM..


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Old 06-18-2013, 06:35 PM

Q. When will we know the results of this contest?
a. I'm going to make my best effort to have the results posted within a week. I just don't want to rush through the writing entries so if it takes me a bit longer, know that I'm trying to give everyone the benefit of being read with a fresh mind. :3 Keep an eye on the Community Discussion forum - I'll post the results there.

Q. For the art contest, can you clarify what you mean by "sculpting/3-D" - ?
a. By that I mean that you don't have to only do "flat" or digital art. Examples: recreate the artifact shape from polymer clay, sew something, build a model, etc. You may use whatever medium you want, so long as you follow the basic shape in the template.

Q. Why do all the artifacts have to be the same shape?
a. The challenge here is to give life to a specific artifact that is found, not just "any artifact." You have a ton of freedom in how you do that, but there needs to be a central point of similarity that folks work from so that I can judge this thing fairly.

Q. Why didn't you give us a word limit for the writing contest?
a. Confession time.. I couldn't decide on a number. I didn't want to stifle creativity so I opted to leave this open. I may regret doing that, but for now, please enjoy your lack of limits! ;D

Q. But I really don't know how long my written entry is supposed to be! Help?
a. Perhaps this will help: It doesn't have to be a long entry to win. I'm not a person who is dazzled by lengthy entries. For me it's more about how good the writer is at conveying a message or a feeling -- it's about where the writing takes me. Just make your entry as long as you feel it needs to be to express what you want to express.

Q. I would like to show my artifact from different angles - is it okay if I use more than one template for a single entry?
a. Yes, as long as all the graphics pertain to the same entry they can count as "one" - your art will be judged as a whole though, and you won't get extra points for adding a bunch of pics.

Originally Posted by BellyButton View Post
PLEASE NOTE! If you should need to edit or change anything with your entry, please either repost the entire entry or ping or PM me letting me know you've edited your post -- I won't see your changes if I've already recorded it. Thanks! :3

Last edited by BellyButton; 07-12-2013 at 06:39 PM..


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BellyButton is offline
Old 06-18-2013, 06:36 PM

Maidenroseheart's layered entryX

Originally Posted by maidenroseheart View Post
My Artifact Entry:

First Layer of Doll

Second Layer of Doll

Third Layer of Doll

Fourth Layer of Doll

I call it: Story Inside a Story

Originally Posted by GwenaHikari View Post
My Artifact Entry:
I call it: All seeing eye statue

My Artifact Entry:

I call it: The Ancient scissors z
Originally Posted by Vexous View Post
My Artifact Entry:

I call it: The artifact of the Ancients

Originally Posted by EirianHikari View Post
[COLOR="DarkOrchid"]My Artifact Entry:

I call it: Trident Flute

My Artifact Entry:

I call it: Claw Arm
Originally Posted by Nephila View Post
My Artifact Entry:

I call it: The Mother Stone
Originally Posted by Mythos View Post
Finally finished with mine! Woo!

My Artifact Entry:

I call it: Celestial Cloisonné Point

Originally Posted by LYN View Post
My Artifact Entry:

I call it: Eternal Youth

Originally Posted by momochan View Post
My Artifact Entry:

I call it: Demons bane

Originally Posted by Shadami View Post
My Artifact Entry:

I call it: Squid Talisman
Originally Posted by KatMagenta View Post
My art entry has a transparent element, you can click and drag it if you like.

My Artifact Entry:

I call it: The Eerie Stone
Originally Posted by Velvet View Post
My Artifact Entry:

I call it: Luminesis' Disappearance
Originally Posted by Damia Flagg View Post
My Artifact Entry:

I call it: Artifact Ship

Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post
My Artifact Entry:

I call it: The Idol of Mala'aku'nadee

Originally Posted by Seito View Post
My Artifact Entry:

I call it: Primordium Flute

Originally Posted by Seito View Post
My Artifact Entry:

I call it: Anima Se Subducere (Soul Stealer): Mr. Mayor Limited Edition

Originally Posted by Velvet
My Artifact Entry:

I call it: Luminesis' Crystal

This is actually based on my second Lore entry Here, which is based on the first Lore entry and Artifact Entry. :3

Last edited by BellyButton; 07-29-2013 at 03:15 PM..


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BellyButton is offline
Old 06-18-2013, 06:37 PM

Originally Posted by maidenroseheart View Post
Artifact Name: Story Inside A Story
Is this based on an art entry? Link
My Lore Entry:

Dear Diary, my mom found an amazing artifact at the dig today. She brought it back to the camp and everyone is looking it over. I was fascinated by it myself. I figured since everyone could look at it, I would too. It is a most peculiar thing. It has random lines on it and random words. I've copied them to the best of my ability. The overall color is a smoky brown with dark brown etchings.

Dear Diary, we found out it is like those dolls with layers. The first layer was instructions on how to see the rest. The second layer is really neat. I think it is our solar system. But the adults said that this was made long ago before anyone knew about the solar system so that it can't be right. They think it is a map of some kind. I still think it is a solar system showing the between the sun and those big rocks out past Pluto.

Dear Diary, they opened the second doll to see the third layer today. Everyone is so confused about what it means. There is thoughts about a religious ceremony of some sort. But I had a funny dream last night. The sun's flames powered a craft, like a space ship, through time itself. The person inside examined the destinies of each planet and finally chose ours. I didn't say anything to anyone else. They are convinced this is a map to a religious place of some sort for religious ceremonies.

Dear Diary, the lady from the space craft is featured on the final layer of the doll. She is beautiful with shoulder length hair and some sort of mask over her face. She has powerful feelings of love flowing from her heart for those of our planet and guides it through it's early turbulent times. Guess what though, no one else sees this. They say that it is a female who was a religious leader leading out in a religious ceremony. I give up. Adults have no common sense.

(Disclaimer, story is truly written by an adult. I'm not an adult hater!)
Originally Posted by GwenaHikari View Post
Artifact Name: All Seeing eye statue
Is this based on an art entry?
My Lore Entry:

A stone reads: The watchful statue. A dozen tiny gazing eyes, pierce your heart, their ever inquisitive glance makes your skin crawl. The eyes that watch far beyond, this resting place, the ever watchful eyes that never shut, their constant gaze ever steady, their knowledge seeps into your mind and weakens your bones. The watchful statue, with three large eyes at the top of its head, that can see your past, predict you future and haunt your present. Stare into the red jewel, let the trapped eye, numb your mind and ease you into its grasp...."the text become illegible at this point" The bottom of the stone has worn off, from the harshness of time. We may never know what the statue does, are you daring enough to find out?

Artifact Name: The Ancient Scissors Is this based on an art entry?
My Lore Entry:

July 2013 (day unreadable due to water damage): I was digging in the sand, bored out of my mind, so bored I just kept digging. I dug for what felt like hours, the searing heat burning the image of my shirt into my flesh, I felt like I was in a furnace, but I still kept digging, my boredom left no room for a break. Digging, digging, digging, the sound of my pocket knife shovel etched into my brain, digging, digging, still on and on went I. Until finally, my boredom reached an oasis, I had found something in the sand! Yes, maybe its my missing watch, or my car keys, or that gum I lost! My tired aching hands, reached into the remaining sand, I felt the object before brushing it clean, the object felt cold and hard, (definitely not my lost gum!). I brushed off the sand, and what did my eyes behold? Well, I wasn't quite sure, I stared at the object in my hands and it appeared to be very old, older than time itself, the attractive pink figure at the top end (I think it was the top) looked stunning, it was like stone, the bottom end appeared to be a very rough worn metal. I moved it a round and to my amazement it moved! The metal clanged slightly as it shifted apart, could this ancient pair of scissors?! Surely not! To test my thought I tried to cut my shirt with it, (I was hot anyway, so it was about time I got naked), but alas if these are ancient scissors the blade was too dull. I put it in my pocket, and wandered off to find my sister and get a bit of water, I think I might have heat stroke. If I remember later, I really should show it to someone.
Originally Posted by EirianHikari View Post
Artifact Name: Trident Flute
Is this based on an art entry? Trident Flute
My Lore Entry:

July 8th 2013
Well, we've been stranded on the island for over 24 hours now, we found something interesting while gathering supplies however. I took it back by the rocks to inspect it further. It appears to be some sort of instrument, it's has holes on top, kind of like a recorder. It has some beautiful ancient looking art work on it, the images almost seem to tell some kind of unknown story. Orange striping along the end with blue dots, and what looks like it could be grass going up a cone shaped base. The cone comes to a trident like end with 3 prongs. Along the top and bottom prong, there are more blue dots with an orange stripe, and in the middle prong there's a reddish sun painted at the bottom and an eye along the top half. On the bottom of the cone there is what I would assume to be the mouth piece, and at the top and bottom prongs, two holes where sound would come out. I decided to clean it up a bit and try to play it, I found it makes quite a lovely sound, kind of like a trumpet shell. I think I'll take it back to the museum when we get back.....If we get back.

Artifact Name: Claw Arm
Is this based on an art entry? Claw Arm
My Lore Entry:

July 8th 2013
As we are all still stuck on the island, I decided to get together a search party to see if we could find supplies. We came upon a very unique item, it looks to be a weapon. I bought it back to the broken down airship to look at it closer. It has three metal arms that form a claw, and are mounted on a wooded base. It has a leather strap on it, which I'm guessing would fasten around the arm. The arms of it don't appear to be sharp, so I guess it's uses would have been to reach things high like fruit, or used as a grappling hook, since I found a button on it which shoots the arms forward in a grabbing motion. Despite looking very ancient, it still is quite good working order, I think I may put it to use for helping with stuff on the island.
Originally Posted by Nephila View Post
Artifact Name:
Is this based on an art entry? The Mother Stone

My Lore Entry:

This artifact has been found and lost again in mysterious circumstances threw out history. It's often seen as a bad omen when it's found. Powerful magic men and women seek it out for it's powers of divination. Often going mad from the search. Rarely is the person to find it ever looking for it. It's like it's draw to certain people.
Early peoples of the island have a legend about it. It is connected to their creation myth. The great mother fell to earth from the night sky in a silver shell. She was lonely and created the races of this world. When the mother's own people grew to miss her they came back for her. She didn't want to leave her new born people and left a piece of her behind. She promised to return one day but she never has.
The Stone itself has an odd molecular structure. Not found on the island or anywhere else on this world. It hums when close to other magic items and glow when danger is close. If you look into it's opalescent layers under water it almost looks like it changes. As if inside the stone also becomes liquid.

Originally Posted by Vexous View Post
Artifact Name: The artifact of the Ancients
Is this based on an art entry? yes this one: [x] - link to entry post: [x]
My Lore Entry:

It was hot, the scorching sun was high in the sky and the shade of the buildings did little to cool the area.
"Aveyon, we've been looking for days we are not going to find it." Looking up she sighed at her tired companion. "Damon i know it's here, we just not looking in the right place, there has to be more to it..."z
They were both tired; they had been out here for days searching.z
Damon slid himself down the nearest wall of the ruins, his head looking up into the crystal clear sky. He wiped away the sweat that was running down his neck and pulled out his canteen.
"Is this artifact really that important to you?" He asked glancing again at Aveyon.
He knew it was, nothing mattered more to her after all this could be the key to finding out about her past.
She hadn't lost any memories or anything like that, she just wanted to know who her parents had been and most of all what had happened to them- she'd been left at the sanctuary so many years ago, she knew almost nothing of them expect for the journals that had been left behind.
She gave him a look like 'do you really wanna go there?'
His smile made a smirk appear on her face, "You don't have to be here let me remind her that you are the one that wanted to tag along."
He rolled his eyes and held out his canteen for her, "Don't have much of a choice."
As she went to grab the canteen he acted fast and took hold of her hand, turning it the diamond ring she wore caught the light of the sun and began to sparkle, "You're getting sand in it." He pouted pretending to be mad.
"You know i don't care for material things." She answered smiling, they hadn't set a date yet, they didn't feel the need to rush things- they knew they were going to be together for a while to come.
She finally got free to have a drink, "The journal says that there is meant to be a secret temple hidden under the ruins."
"That's descriptive" Damon joked, "Give me the journal for a sec?"
She complied and sat down beside him to watch over his shoulder.
"Something's been bugging me about the thickness of the pages in this section." he added running his fingers along the page she was just looking at.
"Well it's an old book, it has been better days."
"No it's more than that...." He held the book up and let the sun shine though a single page. "Thought so..." He muttered.
Aveyon frowned but didn't intervene; he was the expert in archaeology after all.z
He tore the page clean in half; had her throat not been dry she would have screamed. "What in the world are you doing......"
She fell silent as Damon handed her a small folded piece of paper that had fallen from the book where he had torn the page.
"The temples not the only thing hidden." He added with a smirk.
"Smart ass!" She smiled at him and unfolded the paper.
"Looks like a map to me." She handed it to Damon.
"Well let's see where it leads."

Several hours later they had ended up travelling to the other side of the ruins, an area that they had already searched.
This part of the ruins was the most intact and by far the most detailed- or at least had the most detail left after all the sand storms that would have happened over the years.
"There's a stone on the far wall that's needs to be pushed in to open a door way." Damon pocketed the paper and moved to the wall with Aveyon.
"What are you hoping to find?" he asked concerned.
Aveyon moved her hands over the wall searching for a stone that would move, "I don't know really, anything would be nice. They were last seen out here- and the last journal entries talk about the artifact... then it just stops."
A soft click sounded as she managed to push a stone on the wall, the floor to the left opened up- or rather down, exposing a set of stairs.
"There is the fact that they simply got stuck down there." He added warning her.
"If that were the case then they will get a proper burial, but i don't believe that is the case after all the journal talks about this place- and yet was found in their home."
She didn't say it aloud- but there was no explanation as to how the journal had been found at their home; given that all their belongings for the trip they had made were found in a motel about a half a day's drive from here.
They made their way down the stairs- touches in hand; they had come prepared for this.
Damon had handed her a face mask before they went down, knowing his concerns she had complied; this temple or whatever it was had been sealed for god knows how long, better to be careful then had a repeat of what happen with the opening of TutankhAmun's tomb years ago.

Though as they made their way something didn't seem right, if her parents had been here wouldn't there be foot prints- the dust and rubble would be a little disturbed at least from their visit- but everything was coated evenly with a thick layer of dust. z
"This isn't right..." She muttered as she tore open a large cobweb blocking the path ahead.
"It doesn't take long for a place like this to be recovered din the dust and cobwebs that it was before, they have been missing for years remember.
She knew what he was saying but she couldn't shake the feeling on unease.

The stairs ended and the entered a large room; to the far side stood a pedestal. On it stood the artifact described in the journal. "This is too easy." She said looking at Damon concerned.
He nodded, picking up and medium sized rock he trow it across the room, it bounced a few times before landed beside the pedestal, but nothing happened.
He took a step forward.
"What do you think you're doing!" Aveyon exclaimed trying to reach for him without moving too much.
"There's only one way to find out, you've treated me for far worse; I'll be fine." He added
She rolled her eyes and watched as he inched towards the artifact.
She followed when he'd reached it, still hoping that she didn't trigger a trap of some kind.
"This is amazing!" he said. She knew the look in his eyes, the look when he recognized something that just couldn't be possible.
"This could prove my theories!"
"What is it?" She asked studying the small deceptive looking dagger.
"This artifact could link several ancient cultures together in the same period of time. Egyptian, Mayan, Latin and something I've never seen before."
"Can you read it?" She asked curious.
He nodded, "Some of it, but not all, the basic gist of it it's detailing what the dagger is and who's it was."
Narrowing his eyes he began to read.z
"Ancient dagger of the Ancients or god...... i think it's pronounced 'Vexous'.
The dagger was given as a gift to the tribes of the world when she came to visit there world from another; it was meant to be a symbol of their unity."
"Meant to be?" Aveyon asked.
"Looks like fighting broke out over who should hold the dagger and keep it safe."
He blinked a few times, "it says that the god or ancient one- not sure of the direct translation; tried to take the dagger away to stop the fighting, but instead the tribes banded together and sealed the ancient one away using the dagger."
"That's harsh" Aveyon Added.
Blowing the dust from the pedestal more writing appeared. "How'd you know there was more?"
"Just a hunch." He laughed and continued.
"Sealed here, Vexous the ancient one, never to leave us again."
Aveyon frowned, "They sealed her because they didn't want her to go home?"
"Why her?"
"It just sounds like a girl's name" She shrugged. "Should we take the dagger and run some tests- see how old it is?"
He nodded. Picking up a stone about the same size of the dagger he nodded at her.z
She knew what she had to do. "On three" He said.
Aveyons hands encircled the dagger and to Damon's eyes she simply vanished into thin air.
Damon dropped the rock he was holding his mouth wide open in shock. "Aveyon........AVEYON!"

"Damon! Damon damn it I'm right hear why are you yelling!" Aveyon looked confused, he couldn't hear her- in fact she suspected he couldn't see her ether.
"Guess i know what happen to my parents after all." she muttered.
"In that you are correct." A voice came from behind her causing her to jump.
She spun around to see a figure dressed in white and gold sitting on the wall.
"It's a one way trip for any human." The women smiled sadly, "They did try to get back but the results..... It would have been better if they stayed here as i had suggested."
"Wait what? What's going on?" She looked at Damon who was looking frantically around the room.
"You've crossed over into my so called prison, a dimension parallel with your own; you entered it by touching the dagger.
"Your Vexous?" Aveyon asked.
Her eyes widened, "Your the first ones to truly translate the writing correctly, I havn't heard my name for so long...yes I'm her."
"This is amazing!" Aveyon exclaimed excited, "There is so many things i want to ask you."
Vexous smiled, "You are very much like them, the ones you came looking for."
"You said they tried to get back? Why didn't they make it?" She questioned.
"The key is one way; but there are ways to force ways out of this dimension, unfortunately the human body cannot make it through the ordeal, they were good people, they tried hard to get out of this dimension, but their bodies couldn't stand the pressure."
"I was pretty sure they were gone, but it's good to know how i guess." She glanced at Damon.
"Is there no way i came tell him I'm here."
"I've been tiring for centuries to have people notice me, sometimes they can feel that we are here, or sometimes think they are hearing voices, but nothing that comes through strong." Vexous added.
"I have to try." Aveyon put a hand to Damon's face. "I'm not sure i can get out of this."
Damon head shot up, he shivered as he felt a slight brush on his check. "Aveyon?" He whispered, "Your here aren't you?" His heart was in his throat.
He turned and went to place a hand on the dagger.
"NO DONT!" Aveyon yelled.
Damon's hand halted a few inches from the dagger, had he heard something?z
His hand clenched into a fist as his let it fall to his side, he knew the voice he had heard though it was faint it was her.
He looked around at the air; he knew she was there somewhere, somehow. "I'm going to get a team; I'll be back, hang tight we'll get you out." He paused and looked straight in the direction Vexous was sitting. "Both of you."
Vexous's head tilted to the side, "Interesting...."
Aveyon looked at her and frowned, "What is?"
"Not only did you get through to him somehow, he knew you were with another, you must care for each other deeply."
Aveyon played with her engagement ring and smiled. "We'll get out of this, just you wait, Damon's a smart man."
Vexous stood and walked towards her dagger.
"I actually..........believe you..... i may be going home after all."
That peaked Aveyon's interest. "Where are you from?"

Vexous smiled, she couldn't hide her happiness. "It's a world called Menewsha."

To be continued! DUN DUN DUNNNNNN!
(this is the end coz hey i like leaving things on cliff hangers- perhaps i'll continue the story in another writing comp yeah!)
Originally Posted by momochan View Post

Artifact Name: Demons bane
Is this based on an art entry? hurr yer gooo
My Lore Entry:

This is a mere legend. The creator of this blade is unknown. The Demons Bane, it's called. It's a blade that demons supposedly hate, just the name strikes fear in the creatures. The blades, the two t the top and the large one at the bottom, are made of silver. The hilt of the blade is covered in a flesh-like material that sometimes oozes a red, blood like liquid. It's covered in eyes and toothy grins, The Demons Bane blade was made to strip demons of their soul. The top blades up top are used to gouge out the demon's eye, the user would chant "pectora volcanus cinis, EXSILIO lac tuum lemos mihi!" and the demon's soul would be trapped in the little mouths located on the hilt. The eye of the demon would then be added to the hilt of the blade. The big blade at the bottom has an unknown use. It is perhaps used to torture the demon while they are preforming the ceremony? Carvings and stories of the blade have also stated that the blade talked. You could hear the voices of the demons trapped inside coming form the blade. Sometimes the mouths on it would open up and start screaming. It was said it could drive one mad.

Originally Posted by Shadami View Post
Artifact Name: Squid Talisman
Is this based on an art entry? talismin
My Lore Entry:

An old journal is next to the artifact, some pages are smudged and worn from age, and water damage. And zyou can't find any readable dates. But this is the information you can ascertain from its pages.

An explorer discovered this island many years before and stumbled upon a small society of fisherman. He would watch as they hunted, and was amazed by their skill at hunting boars, and foraging for fresh fruit, but it was nothing compared to when they went out into the water. A hunter might go out and bring home a boar, but every time the fisherman went out they would bring home piles of fish that would feed the entire village.

The children would help their mothers weave baskets than the men could bring the fish home in, than they were allowed to go and enjoy themselves in the forest, or playing in the center of the village. Some of the older ones would go out with the hunters on hunting trips; but they seemed to crave for their first chance to go out into the water.

It would seem though that no one, male or female, could go out into the water until they met certain requirement. One such man the explorer watched had been designated as a hunter because he was one of the best in the village. But he stumbled upon the bride he wanted for his own. She would not have him until he gave her 'the one gift required.' A small blue gemstone that was dangerously deep within the jungle. He was madly in love with her though and returned triumphant.

She than pulled out what at first appeared to be a sculpture of a female body out of a rock. It seemed that once girls became of age, they would go out to find 'the perfect rock' and would carve and impression of themselves onto it. Once a man fell in love with them, and they with him, and he had given them the gem stone; the new couple would than paint the rock with berries and flower pigment. The explorer could not figure out exactly how they did it, it was something they would not allow him to see.

What the new couple did was go into a hut for several days. Children that were part of their family might bring them food occasionally, but no one else ever entered. Several days later, they would come out and the man would have the rock around his neck on some kind of twine. The explorer believed it was a stripped vine. And it now resembled the appearance of a squid.

He went to the man who went through this ritual who had become like a friend to him over his time on the island. The man allowed him to look at the necklace and explained the importance of it. It was like a wedding ring between two people, tying them together. But it was also a protection talisman. When he looked down at his chest what he would see was the shape of his love. Her head ablaze with a brilliant gem, because she is his gem. Reminding him to be careful when fishing because he has someone to return home to.

And for the evil spirits that would alert any sea monster, they would see a great sea squid and would leave the man alone. The explorer stated in his journal that when he looked at the gem stone, it seemed to shift and move, just like the surface of the ocean. The societies belief in the power of it,and what he saw in the stone that day, made zhim wish he had one of his own for when he tried to return home.

Nothing in the journal has any indication of what happened to the Explorer.

Originally Posted by KatMagenta View Post
Artifact Name: The Eerie Stone
Is this based on an art entry? Link
My Lore Entry:

The following is an excerpt from personal records kept by Dr P. [REDACTED], archaeologist, 1859. All official records were destroyed with the expedition camp and its personnel.

The latest find has been officially catalogued as #189 but some of the boys in camp have taken to calling it 'The Eerie Stone' and I'm afraid the name has stuck. This is both due to its strange properties and the unease some have mentioned when in its vicinity.

On the face of it the artefact appears to be made of stone but is far heavier than any mineral previously discovered- all but the strongest require assistance to move it. The decoration is crudely carved and features a series of runes or glyphs in an unknown language and a face (presumably that of an ancient god or idol).z

Another unusual aspect exhibited by #189 is that its surface temperature has remained consistently below that of its surroundings even when exposed to direct sunlight for several hours. Those touching #189 report what they describe as "invisible tendrils" that radiate a short distance from the surface.z

As for the feeling of unease, that is unquantifiable but has affected even the most steadfast of the troop. Some have even suggested we should have made heed of the warnings of the natives who told us not to explore this deep in the jungle. Poppycock, I say, we are men of science and our research will shed light on this strange (dare I say 'eerie'!) object.

Originally Posted by Velvet View Post
Artifact Name: Luminesis' Disappearance
Is this based on an art entry? Here
My Lore Entry:

Expedition Update: Luminesis

Today on an expedition through the strange temple, we have named "Luminesis' Temple", zfound on this island zwe discovered a rather strange artifact. We named the temple based on the wall carvings that indicated that Luminesis was a great leader that ruled for decades. We all found it strange that Luminesis seemed to live for an extraordinary amount of years according to the Native's writings, but this artifact we found continues the legacy of Luminesis and his long years in leadership.

According to the story carved into the artifact, Luminesis was a great prince of the people. He was loved by all and considered brilliantly intelligent. He never seemed to age and lived peacefully within the temple for over 200 years. Then one day, Luminesis disappeared. The only thing left of him was a shining crystal that lay neatly on top of the clothing he was last seen wearing. The Natives said that it was all that was left of their glorious leader and built another temple for him which is where the crystal was stored away at.

No such temple has been discovered yet! This excitement is over bearing and I yearn to learn about this.. this crystal myself. My teammates believe this is just a story blown out of proportion and that there is no way Luminesis lived for so long. But what if there is truth in the story? And what if this Crystal holds the answers I am now craving so badly! There must be some truth... I mean this artifact with the story seems to be made from some sort of stone that feels wet, cold, and warm at the same time, yet it is none of those things. It also appears to emit some sort of strange glow. The others say they cannot see it nor feel the things I do. How peculiar...

Originally Posted by Blahtastic View Post
Artifact Name: Soulkeeper
Is this based on an art entry? No
My Lore Entry:

"Marge, come take a look at this."
The woman turned around to see her partner archaeologist Jackson stooping over the hole he'd dug. "What? Ugh, this had better not be some rare beetle again, Jack." She strode over and eyed the empty hole suspiciously. "This is a trick, isn't it?"
"It isn't!" the man exclaimed indignantly. "Here, see?" He reached carefully into the hole to brush off a bronze-ish lump seemingly embedded in the dirt.
Margaret could hardly believe that such a beautiful object could be buried beneath the sands. It had been carved into a human-like shape, like that of a woman's, indented with unrecognisable symbols and hundreds of small multicoloured jewels on the sides. The golden object emitted a beautiful bluish glow which left both explorers mystified.
Cautiously, Jackson took his spade and scooped it out. Margaret reached out and clutched it with a soft grip, as though afraid it might break in her hands.
She turned to Jackson and grinned. "I think we've got a new discovery!"
(2 weeks later) - Margaret's Journal
I simply can't understand it. By now, we should have a lot of info on that thing Jack and I found. It's been a fortnight... this is impossible. We don't even know what it's made of - the material carved is unrecognisable even through thorough tests. It's the same with the jewels and the marks on the statue. A few of the junior explorers have reported seeing it glow as well but after thorough inspection, we have not found any logical source.
But I've been doing some research and apparently the bay we found it at was previously the location of various ancient rituals held by shamans. They were reportedly held to lure people into dark caves where the shaman would absorb their soul as a rejuvenation to cause temporary immortality. Eerily enough, they were said to store souls in little golden figurines for when innocent passersby were scarce. Apparently every jewel embedded in it symbolized one victim, and it would glow a beautiful azure whenever the shaman was nearby, so as to attract victims...
Is it just me, or is that description too similar to be a coincidence?

Originally Posted by Woodlandnymph View Post
Artifact Name: The Mother Figure
Is this based on an art entry? to be linked later....
My Lore Entry:

The Legend:

Way back, when the Earth Mother was young and fair, Father Moon looked down on her with a gnawing lust. Earth Mother spent her time bent over in fields, sowing the ground and planting the land with her bounty. Father Moon came down from the skies, coming before Earth Mother and dazzled her in his splendor and bright glory. zShe became with child, and Father Moon left her behind to bear the Children of the Land alone. The children ate of her fruit, and reaped her crops, and lived off her tears.z

The Song:

Mother gone down to rest
In the cold deep earth
Mother gone down so deep
Down in the caves till rebirth
Mother gone down to sleep
Till the ground crumbles at her feet
Mother will wake, they say
And pay back Father for that day

The Scholars:
Excerpt from A Study of Primitive Cults and Cultures zby Dr. James Tillage

On a lonely island, it is said, somewhere off the coast of Menewsha, had a cult of the Earthen Goddess. These islanders worshiped this maternal deity as a bringer of life and harvest, but also as a bringer of death and the end of stars.z

Every full moon, the islanders put out offerings at the wide mouth of the Mother Cave, hoping to please her and distract her from taking her vengeance on the Man in the Moon. According to their myths, he came down when the earth was new and raped the Earth Goddess, leaving her behind to give birth to humans.

It is a rudimentary creation myth, circling around this vengeful Goddess, creating a deep fear of her capabilities to end the world. But, also a love and veneration of her as their true mother, and creator of the fertile lands they sow.z

After time, the cult popularity waned, and the younger members of the tribe went off to find their fortune elsewhere, leaving only the elders to guard the cave and place their offerings. These remaining islanders are thought to have died off 200 years ago, after the diaspora of their tribe left them without a next generation to carry on the traditions.

The Discovery:

It was the third day since Jane’s fishing boat had run aground in the storm. Three days of patching, hunting for items she could use for repairs, and gathering up supplies from the island’s natural resources.z

Thank goodness it seemed to have plenty of those. Tall palms weighted down by clusters of coconuts, plenty of crabs and critters that she could trap on the beach with a basket from the boat, and a cleverly rigged mechanism, a fresh water source near the center of the island hidden in the thick vegetation. zWith those resources and her own emergency kit from the boat, she could last comfortably for a long time.z

But she knew she had to hurry. It was the start of typhoon season, and unless she wanted to wait out strong winds and torrential rains for months, she had to find a way off the island.z

With her machete to cut the dense jungle foliage, she made her way deeper inland, looking for the thin vines she wove together as a rope substitute. zShe paused to wipe away the sweat dripping off her brow with the back of her hand. zUp ahead there was a tall cluster of dark boulders, and on it what looked like a thick tangle of water vines.z

She grasped one, and tapped it with the backside of her machete, hearing a hollow thud that meant water was trapped inside. She cut away at a large section, checked to see if it oozed deadly milky sap, and tilted the thick vine back, letting the water from it drip into her mouth.z

After sating her thirst, she leaned up against the rocks, only to discover the vines had covered an opening in them. She fell back, catching her fall on those same vines that tangled around her. zAfter a few minutes of cussing and working her way out from the mess, she tried to focus her eyes in the dark space around her. The light from the opening only reached back 10 feet or so into the abyss.z

Jane dug through her rucksack and produced a lantern run on batteries. It was a precious commodity, the light, but she wanted to see how far back this cave went, and if was a suitable place for shelter in a storm. zSwitching on the light, she saw the cave walls stretch back, wet and dripping with moisture, till it curved to the right some thirty feet back.z

Carefully stepping on the damp floor, which was littered with nuts and debris, Jane made her way down. After about ten minutes or so, the tunnel opened up to a cave. Her light bounced off the water that was gathered in pools around the vast floor, and coating the massive stalactites and stalagmites. zShe uttered, “whoa,” and heard her voice carry and bounce off into the distance.z
In the center of the cavern, was the largest body of water, and by far the deepest. She couldn’t discern the bottom as she carefully picked her way around the perimeter until… trip… Her foot caught on something and she sprawled forward again, this time skinning her knees on the rough floor.z

Sitting up, she flashed her lantern to see what she tripped on. Odd. There was a sort of reddish figure wedged in between two rocks. Carefully, Jane grasped it, and rocked it back and forth till it came free in her hands. She turned it over, examining it. It looked a bit like a curvy woman with her arms raised up over her head. Clearly, it was man made and not just another rock in the cave…and, she rubbed it softly, made of clay or mud.z

It was cool, even cold in the cave, but the figure felt warm. zHot. Hot, it definitely felt hot. Jane dropped it into the water, shaking her hand. The water began to glow a dull green light that got brighter and brighter with every passing moment. zJane stumbled back, frightened. Suddenly, the entire cavern was a-wash with light.

Blinking, she saw was finally able to see every nook and cranny of the cavern. On the ceiling, the constellations and stars were painted, and they seemed to glitter like the real night sky. zSwirling up, the clay figure was suspended in the air, rising upright and hovering above the water.z


Jane stumbled out of the cave, scraped up and bruised. Her hair was a rat’s nest of tangles, and her eyes were unfocused and her pupils dilated. zA sly grin spread across her face. Slowly, she tilted her head up and laughed at the full moon.z


Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post

Artifact Name: The Idol of Mala'aku'nadee
Is this based on an art entry? Yers. :B (Here) and (Here)
My Lore Entry:

These are the notes of Captain Howdy… the III, Esq., PhD, LMNOP.

I am writing this now on some salvaged scrap paper I received from Belly. My own rhinestone-studded One Direction diary was lost in the crash. A pity, really.

We’ve been stuck on this god-forsaken island for what seems forever. It’s unbearable. There’s absolutely no place to charge my iPad, and i’m still not caught up on the Real Housewives of Siberia. -- My spirits are low. The others manage to keep themselves preoccupied. Some salvage for food. Some have gone off on a search party. Even Jeryck keeps busy by flirting with that old castaway, Madame R. I mean really, get a room.

But me? I’m far too pretty for any of that kinda stuff. -- But this morning jelly emerged from the jungle and tossed something at my feet. “Here,” she said, “see what you can make of this bollocks.”

It was an old stone, caked with soil. Wiping off the dirt, it revealed itself to be some sort of relic. Jeryck, managing to tear his eyes away from his disheveled damsel, was highly interested. “Aw,” he proclaimed, “then this island must have been home to some long gone peoples!” I inquired if he was going to search for clues as to what the relic is, but he replied that his day was full. Beginning with a roast seagull luncheon with Madame R.

So the task was left to me. I asked jelly where she had located the object. It was, as she eloquently put, by some cave where she was taking a wazz. After some searching, keeping mind where I stepped, I managed to locate the cave and its entrance. Inside was dark, damp, musty all the other adjectives you’d associate with a cave. Switching on the flashlight I had swiped from Lance, I ventured further and further into the blackness, all the while trying to remember which were stalagmites and which were stalactites.

Seeing little to nothing, I was about to give up and turn back when I spotted something that gave me a shock. It was a skeleton, wearing a pith helmet. Faced with the situation, I did what any normal person would do. I removed his skull and used it as a ventriloquist’s dummy.

Howdy: Hey Skully, you mad that you’re dead?
Skully: You bet I am! I’m pithed off!

It was only then that I noticed a notebook at his side. Tossing Skully over my shoulder, I picked up the book and began to read.

It was a journal, belonging to a Professor Sedrick James Haverston. He was an explorer who came to the island back in the 1920s. He was searching for evidence of a people, called the Ohloga, who had once lived on this island. He fervently believed that they carried the secret of turning plum pudding into gold. “Sounds like you were barmier than an outhouse rat.” I called back to Skully.

After perusing the journal, stopping briefly to read of the love affair between Professor Haverston and a medicine ball named Wilson, I found what I was looking for. He had discovered and translated some old text pertaining to the relic. His notes read:

“The stone in question is called the Idol of Mala’aku’nadee. To understand its purpose, one should first know some of the mythology of the Ohloga.

Long ago, in the time before creation, the Ohloga believed there was only Grandmother Sky. She encompassed all things. Her left eye was the sun and her right was the moon. For countless ages she existed on her own, until she began to lament her solitude. So opening her womb, as the story reads, she gave birth to Mother Earth and Father Ocean.

Now created, Grandmother Sky commanded the two to populate the land. From this union, first came the gods. It was they who filled the world with plants and animals. Next, Mother Earth bore humankind. This pleased Grandmother Sky greatly, and she loved them dearly.

At their inception, humans were born fully grown and incapable of reproducing. When one died, Mother Earth and Father Ocean would copulate and create another. But as the world became more and more populated and more peopled died, the two became weary from their constant mating. So Grandmother Sky, taking pity on the pair, reached down and touched the top of a tanagu tree.

A tanagu, a fruit reminiscent of an apricot, began to swell and grow larger. The fruit split, and from within emerged Mala’aku’nadee. It was she who gave humans the ability to bear offspring and became the goddess of children, birth and motherhood.

The tanagu became Mala’aku’nadee’s sacred fruit and only children and expectant mothers were allowed to eat of it.

Having no knowledge of the young, the people were ill prepared to care for them. The goddess attempted to teach the men and women, but they were impatient and neglectful. So in her anger, Mala’aku’nadee stole her gift back. Soon mankind began to die out. They grew repentant, and begged for her forgiveness.

Knowing that humans were beloved by Grandmother Sky, Mala’aku’nadee gave them a second chance. But to forever remind the people of how precious children are, she would demand offerings.

This is where the idol fits in. One side represents Mala’aku’nadee’s generosity and the other represents her wrath. Once a generation, all the children of the Ohloga villages were gathered and forced to play a macabre game of heads or tails. Flipping the stone into the sand, those who gained her generosity were spared. Those who gained her wrath would flip again, continuing until there were two children left. The unlucky youth who remained at the end was chosen. They would be fed, bathed, then taken to the sacred fire pit at the center of the island and sacrificed to Mala’aku’nadee.”

All was silent in the cave. Putting the notebook down, I turned to Skully and commented, “Those Ohloga were pretty f’ed up.”

My task now accomplished, i’ll return this information to Jeryck and maybe he’ll let me keep the stone as a paper weight.
Originally Posted by Seito View Post
Artifact Name: Primordium Flute
Is this based on an art entry? Yes here
My Lore Entry:

From the Journal of Jane Thorn

July 7th
I cannot believe it! Today while exploring this island we have crashed on I found an amazing artifact! The red, blue and green coloring, the peacock feathers, the worn holes. This is a Primordium Flute, also known as the Elemental Flute! There have only been pictures of it, never has such a rare artifact been found intact before! I even found the wore pieces of paper that contain the basics of songs! This is an amazing find!

For those who don't know, the Primordium Flute is an unique magical object created by the talented magicians of Gwydion long ago. The smooth, blue-green, glass like back of the Primordium and the peacock feathers are homage to the Merak the Peacock God who resides in Gwydion. This is proof that it originated from famous island of magic.

The blue, green and red on the front of Primordium are the three elements which the Priomodium can summon: water, plant and fire. This is what makes Primordium so miraculous and dangerous. By blowing into one of the three mouthpieces and playing songs, one can summon these elements. Fire will ignite, water will spring forth and plants will grow from barren ground. Needless to say we won't have to worry about food or water on this island with this magic flute.

The songs we have found with the Primodium give us the very basics of songs. The high pitches of the fire song, the rolling deep of the water song and the neutral winding plant song. The songs are simple enough that anyone with the smallest gifts of magic should be able to play, which is quite fortunate as many of the stranded Menewshans present possess this gift, even without any formal training.

Of course that being said, it should still be entrusted to our magic expert and former Gwydion resident Abel. There were records how powerful Primodium were. While the most basic of songs provided a method of food and warmth, there exist complex more songs, entire pages, that were very capable of destruction. From earthquakes, tsunamis and meteorites the more complex the song the more powerful the effect as long as the person had the magic for it. There was time in history where the Primodium Flute was used as a weapon and not as a means of survival which lead to the destruction of the remaining Primodium.

I must report this and turn the magic flute over to Abel. But perhaps if we survive getting off this island, he'll let me examine it more closely at a later time before the flute is destroyed.


Originally Posted by Seito View Post
Artifact Name: Anima Se Subducere (Soul Stealer): Mr. Mayor Limited Edition
Is this based on an art entry? Yes here
My Lore Entry:

Shipwrecked on this island! How horrible!

Mr. Mayor looked around; most of the Menewshans seem in good enough mood. Despite being crashed this island, everyone had jumped into exploring, repairing the ship and searching for food. The meeting of Madame Rousseau was a pleasant surprise to find they were not completely alone on the island. There was still no sign of the Duvalian Air Patrol but he knew better then to give up hope so soon.

"We found treasure!" Aimee shouted in glee. The blond hair girl came bouncing back into their makeshift camp with a giant chest. Behind her trailed Tesel with a scowl on her face. Clearly she didn't appreciate spending her time searching the island with Aimee. While Aimee was a terribly sweet girl, her bubbly personality could be quite tiresome and could wear out anyone within a few hours. Much like another little girl.

"Go show it to Mr. Mayor," Tesel instructed.

Aimee bounced over to Mr. Mayor and put the chest down. "Look look!"

Mr. Mayor opened the box, hesitant. Inside was not gold or jewels but strangely shaped rocks. "What are these?" he asked, picking up one. He felt a sharp pain and then the world shifted. Everyone became towering giants standing around him. He opened it his mouth to ask why but no words formed.

"Mr. Mayor got his soul taken by the rocks!" Aimee screamed. Gone was their mayor and in his place was a rock with his appearance on it.

That gather the attention of Lise and Abel who came running over.

"Interesting," Lise said.

"No one touch those rocks," Abel instructed. He kneel down to look at the Mr. Mayor rock. His scowl grew deeper the longer he looked.

"This is a powerful curse," Lise said, peering over his shoulder. "It will be difficult to break."

Abel sighed, irritable. "First he gets kidnapped, then traumatized and now he has his soul sucked into this rock. Why does he always make things difficult?" he grumbled.

"It is not a good year to be Mr. Mayor," Aimee agreed with a nod.

Originally Posted by Velvet View Post
Artifact Name: Luminesis' Crystal
Is this based on an art entry? Yes, but I haven't uploaded yet.
My Lore Entry:

Expedition Journal:

I found it! I finally found it! I knew that this artifact was not just a fairytale and I knew that the story written on the similar artifact held more truth in it than the others believed.z

After days of searching, I discovered a gorgeous waterfall with a stunning spring surrounding it. Upon further investigation I learned that there was a small cave entrance hidden behind the waterfall. The opening was nearly completely covered with moss and vines, but with luck I noticed the gaps and hacked away at the vines and moss. Once inside this place was amazing. That word cannot begin to describe it. The small opening turned into a huge room were strange glowing rocks hung from the ceiling, illuminating the entire cavern. I was confused and unsure of the location I discovered, but once I saw the carvings on the wall in the same language as the Native's used I was certain I was in the right place.

And then I saw it. There, delicately placed on a well preserved statue in the hand of who I could only assume to me Luminesis, was the crystal. It is the most glorious discovery I have ever made. I almost didn't want to remove it from its holder, but I felt the world needed to see such wonder. Upon touching the crystal I knew of its power, its greatness. Perhaps the world need not to know of it.. I hid the crystal in my pocket, for it was no wider than a banana and no taller than a can. It felt warm, cool, wet, dry - all at the same time. The outline of the crystal also radiates with a cool blue light that when placed in my hand, the light is so unique, so radiant that I can see the outline of every bone in my hand.

But that isn't the most amazing part. Once I touched this crystal, I gained the knowledge of its previous owner. I saw through his eyes, learned of his leadership, saw it.. I experienced it. This crystal holds such immense power that no one, but me, could ever understand now. This crystal shares the thoughts and the memories of the previous owners. It also gives me immortality while I possess it. If the crystal were to be removed from my possession, it would call to me and find me on its own. This power I do not understand. Luminesis didn't understand this either. This crystal is mine... Mine alone. No one else can know the existence of it. No One..z

I told the others of the cavern, but not of the crystal. Once I leave this island, I will never part with this crystal. I will wear it as necklace, perhaps. I have called it, Luminesis' Crystal"
Originally Posted by Dystopia
Artifact Name: The Artifact of the Ancients
Is this based on an art entry? Yes
My Lore Entry:

The Artifact of the Ancients is carved into a slate of white stone. The centerpiece is a decorated hourglass with three glass bulbs. The top bulb is empty, but the middle and bottom bulbs contain a glowing cyan liquid. The liquid is steadily dripping from the middle bulb to the bottom bulb, but neither bulb seems to be emptying or filling.

We also note that no amount of turning or vigorous shaking will disrupt the liquid in the middle and bottom bulbs.

The writing at the horizontal edges of this artifact seem to be a more primitive form of the oldest known written language. This would mean that the Artifact of the Ancients predates the legendary creation of Menewsha.

According to mythology, the God of Fire and the God of Water often had destructive arguments. The distressed mortals appealed to Mother Earth, the Great Mother to All Things Alive. Mother Earth scolded her reckless sons. Then she placed a strange hourglass on one of the islands her sons had created. She sent the God of Fire and the God of Water onto two separate islands and told them to reflect upon their actions. When the hourglass ran out, they would be able to leave their respective islands.

If this myth is to be believed, the Artifact of the Ancients is actually the world's very first time out timer.

Last edited by BellyButton; 07-29-2013 at 03:14 PM..


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Old 06-18-2013, 06:37 PM

Last edited by BellyButton; 06-22-2013 at 10:01 PM..

A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Mak...

fireprincess is offline
Old 07-06-2013, 08:32 PM

This looks like a lot of fun!!! I'll definitely be doing the art portion

the one and only

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Old 07-06-2013, 08:34 PM

*has an idea already* Oh this might be really fun!

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Old 07-06-2013, 08:46 PM



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Old 07-06-2013, 09:11 PM

I don't plan on murdering anyone, don't worry.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Old 07-06-2013, 09:19 PM

-looks at your pick axe, murderous looking snake, and suspicious rope-
....mhhhm >.>


Kent is offline
Old 07-06-2013, 09:33 PM

The template looks really interesting. X3

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Old 07-06-2013, 10:21 PM

I'm definitely participating in the writing aspect. ^__^

l u n a

lunanuova is offline
Old 07-06-2013, 10:51 PM

Ooh an artifact? I'm slightly confused as to what kind of theme it should look like though. But I guess that's up to us to decide. Can't wait to see the entries.

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Old 07-06-2013, 11:19 PM

I've got a few different ideas. more than will take up two entries. >.< crap

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Old 07-06-2013, 11:21 PM

I'm formulating in my head while I post elsewhere. We have time, so I'm gonna take my time. ^__^

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Old 07-07-2013, 12:40 AM

I want to shoot my ideas past you.

That's not against the rules in here right? o.o

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Old 07-07-2013, 12:42 AM

Past me?

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 07-07-2013, 02:25 AM

Yessss this looks like fun. * -*

Will have to come up with a design for the artifact. o wo

Flowery Pit
Come fall into my abyss
Flowery Pit is offline
Old 07-07-2013, 03:28 AM

Ah.. I have a question and I hope it makes sense. It states that the artifact should be recognizable of the basic shape but I'm unsure in what context. So I made an example what I mean:

Basically, can it retain its basic form in one viewpoint but be a bit altered in another perspective? The example is minimal but like if I made a larger extrusion.

I has a question.

Last edited by Flowery Pit; 07-08-2013 at 03:47 AM..

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Old 07-07-2013, 03:32 AM

That's a good question since my writing submission would be based on the same type of deal.

Cardinal Biggles
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Old 07-07-2013, 04:46 AM

That's a really interesting yet traditional shape. There's so much you could do with it, hmm...


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