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deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 10-16-2013, 07:12 PM

Welcome to the NaNoWriMo 2013 Hangout and Support thread

NaNoWriMo or National Novel Writing Month is a yearly event which occurs throughout the month of November that challenges you to produce a 50,000 word novel in the space of a month. Sound daunting? Don't get me wrong, it will be a push at times but the reward is enormous! (Let's take a deep breath and remember that 50,000 words work out to about 1,666 words over 30 days!)

Still curious? Give the event website a look-see and then let us know if you're going to take part by filling out the following form, post it in the thread and get on to chatting and brain storming with everyone else! You don't have to wait until November to get the ideas and juices flowing.

NaNoWriMo website

HTML Code:
[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]I'm taking up the NaNoWriMo Challenge![/COLOR][/SIZE]
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In following the examples of previous NaNoWriMo yearly hangouts made by Silenia, Knerd and Lavinia the next few posts will contain a range of things that will help you reach your goal and in ensuring your time in this thread is as fruitful as intended so please do read them!

Last edited by Mythos; 10-18-2013 at 07:18 PM..

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 10-16-2013, 07:15 PM

Originally Posted by Knerd View Post

Obey all Menewsha Site Rules and TOS

This thread is not the place to post excerpts. We're all exciting to share what we have written,
but all parts of your novel should be posted within a personal thread (of your creation) in the Lit Spot

There is a difference between constructive criticism and bashing.
Please don't cross that fine line.

Not everyone even wants criticism. Unless it is asked for,
please do not make it your duty to "correct" anyone's writing.

There is no right or wrong way to NaNo. Even if you only plan on writing 10k, you will be accepted here!

We're all stressed and busy. While it's always nice to have a place to vent
and rage, let's all do our best to keep this a positive experience. :)

(Taken from Knerd's NaNoWriMo 2011 thread)

Last edited by Mythos; 10-16-2013 at 07:32 PM..

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 10-16-2013, 07:17 PM

Originally Posted by Knerd View Post

Don't know where to start? These links should help!

Official NaNo Website


Baby Names
Top Baby Names
SSA Most Popular Names


Fantasy Questions
30 Day Plan

Character Development:

Character Profile

Writer's Block:

Writer's Tips
Plot Generator
Disaster Generator
Angry Birds for Chrome


Word Count Spreadsheet
2011 Report Card

(Taken from Knerd's NaNoWriMo 2011 thread)

Have any additions to the resources list? Let us know!

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 [SIZE="5"][COLOR="DarkOrange"]I think I have something that'll help you!![/COLOR][/SIZE]
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Last edited by Mythos; 10-16-2013 at 07:32 PM..

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 10-16-2013, 07:20 PM

Meet the Writers!

Username: Mythos
Intended Genre: Adventure
NaNoWriMo account name: Valesse
Username: nemo.love_22
Intended Genre: romance
NaNoWriMo account name: nemo.love_22
Username: numerica
Intended Genre: Fantasy
NaNoWriMo account name: Numerica
Intended Genre: Surreal/Urban fantasy
NaNoWriMo account name: SameAsLastTime
Username: Seridano
Intended Genre: Modern Fantasy
NaNoWriMo account name: Seridano
Username: Kat Dakuu
Intended Genre: fantasy, lit fic, romance, psychological...possibly etc.
NaNoWriMo account name: Kat-Dakuu
Intended Genre:realistic fiction
NaNoWriMo account name: Narret
Intended Genre:Fantasy
NaNoWriMo account name:Writing With a Smile
Username: Bearzy
Intended Genre: Young Adult I guess.
NaNoWriMo account name:HexNettle
Username: Knerd
Intended Genre: Literary Fiction
NaNoWriMo account name: Knerd
Username: Wyrmskyld
Intended Genre: Urban Fantasy
NaNoWriMo account name: Wyrmskyld
Username: Roxxi Shiagami
Intended Genre: Romance
NaNoWriMo account name: Kyn Rydan
Username: CADFND
Intended Genre: YA Contemporary Fantasy
NaNoWriMo account name: EternalCADFND

Last edited by Mythos; 11-02-2013 at 09:51 PM..

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 10-16-2013, 07:29 PM


Let's get on to brainstorming and ice breaking!

xuvrette is offline
Old 10-16-2013, 07:32 PM

ahhhhh!!! *screams*

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 10-16-2013, 07:36 PM

x3 Xu! Glad you found it then!
I wanted to take part last year but didn't have the time... I remember cheering you on, though! :D

xuvrette is offline
Old 10-16-2013, 07:45 PM

I forgot who cheer me on. and I forgot who join with me last year. XD

I can't wait for November to start to add another 50k+ words to my Nano project. It is stuck with 120k words... I need some boost.

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 10-16-2013, 07:48 PM

Woo! 120k words? Are you writing a series? :O

xuvrette is offline
Old 10-16-2013, 07:53 PM

no... It is still one plot. I have seven cards. Now on the third half of the card... I think... had been months since I last see that card stack. I finish first two cards with close to 50k each... anyway, all add up to around 100k last Nano. Then I write on and off at the beginning of this year.

I do have ideas for so call 'sequel' or 'series', but I try not to think too big to make the writing too daunting to do.
Besides, I have no idea what is the 'appropriate' lengths for one book. *shruggs*
I have the tendency of writing long stories, I can't write short stories.

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 10-16-2013, 10:51 PM

Hooray for NaNo!

I'm undecided about whether or not I'll be participating again this year. If I am, I probably won't be starting a new novel - I'll just work on beefing up one of my current projects. I really like the community atmosphere of NaNo, so I like to take advantage and get everyone to read my stuff/offer suggestions/bounce ideas back and forth. That might just be the encouragement I need to edit and fix up my work.

So we'll see!

nemo.love_22 is offline
Old 10-16-2013, 11:36 PM

I won last year, at 108k words, on top of 5 classes (which I got A's and B's in...)

I'm taking up the NaNoWriMo Challenge!
Username: nemo.love_22
Intended Genre: romance
NaNoWriMo account name: nemo.love_22

I am going to attempt it, I am scared though that I'll not be able to handle my course load on top of writing this year... we'll see. I may drop out part way through. Because I don't know if I'll be able to handle all that's expected of me with classes plus writing. we'll see.

\ (•◡•) /
numerica is offline
Old 10-16-2013, 11:45 PM

I'm taking up the NaNoWriMo Challenge!
Username: numerica
Intended Genre: Fantasy
NaNoWriMo account name: Numerica

I'm being a rebel though, and continuing a story I'm already working on, and only counting the words written after November 1rst.

I thought what I'd do was, I'd p...
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Kayxx is offline
Old 10-17-2013, 01:52 AM

I'm taking up the NaNoWriMo Challenge!
Intended Genre: Surreal/Urban fantasy
NaNoWriMo account name:SameAsLastTime

@nemo.love_22 What's your major? School plus WriMo is hard.

I am silly person and I don't know why I'm doing this again. I must be a glutton for punishment.
Last year I failed. If there had been a Feb. WriMo I would have failed that too. At the same time, the end of the last year's WriMo I wanted more...? I do not understand.

nemo.love_22 is offline
Old 10-17-2013, 01:56 AM

Originally Posted by Kayxx View Post
I'm taking up the NaNoWriMo Challenge!
Intended Genre: Surreal/Urban fantasy
NaNoWriMo account name:SameAsLastTime

@nemo.love_22 What's your major? School plus WriMo is hard.

I am silly person and I don't know why I'm doing this again. I must be a glutton for punishment.
Last year I failed. If there had been a Feb. WriMo I would have failed that too. At the same time, the end of the last year's WriMo I wanted more...? I do not understand.
I'm a Deaf Studies major.
It's hard, but doable (I just don't get it when people complain about doing NaNo with school and/or work and that they don't have time... if that is true, how have I won 2 years in a row while going to school full time and managing to win plus pass all of my classes? I just want to slap those people upside the head.. yes it's hard, but it is TOTALLY DOABLE! )

Who knows. Maybe you'll succeed this year? :] <33 Think Positively!

I thought what I'd do was, I'd p...
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Kayxx is offline
Old 10-17-2013, 02:05 AM

@nemo.love_22 No positive thinking. I will end up thinking positively into a word count of zero. No thinking at all. Just writing. Fast, continuous writing. Yes. Only this, and nothing more. /nods until head falls off

nemo.love_22 is offline
Old 10-17-2013, 02:07 AM

Kayxx: But it is totally possible!
Yeah, just don't give yourself cramps or hurt your hands... last year I had like 8 or 9 10k days, and omg, my hands were hating me. D: LOL

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 10-17-2013, 02:10 AM

Xu: Wow... I'm sure it's amazing! Are you planning on publishing it when you've gotten through all your cards?

Knerd: I'm sure we'll all be more than happy to help you out anyway you ask.

Nemo: Oh wow! Congratulations! Hopefully you won't have any issues getting to 50K (Or more if you have a personal challenge set for yourself) this year. We'll all be rooting for you. :D

Numerica: Sounds a bit like what I imagine Xu has been doing? It looks like a great way to get a larger novel written, though! Best of luck! :D

Kayxx: Heehee, probably! But we'll all be gluttons together. ; )

I thought what I'd do was, I'd p...
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Kayxx is offline
Old 10-17-2013, 02:11 AM

@nemo.love_22 I had my share of 10k days last year but no cramps. Definitely possible yes.
@Mythos I think WriMo is my only form of masochism.

nemo.love_22 is offline
Old 10-17-2013, 02:11 AM

Mythos: Oh, I'm going for 50k+ this year, because to me, there is no way to have a novel finished at only 50k... but if it looks like writing is getting in the way of my school work, I'm just going to throw in the towel, and focus on school...

Kayxx: Oh, the cramps really came around 80k to 90k. It was just the pace that I was writing that made my fingers start to hate me, seriously. Hands in general, not just fingers. I was icing and bracing my hands/wrists almost every night to get them to cooperate with me.

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 10-17-2013, 02:26 AM

Kayxx: Well it turns into something lovely, doesn't it? : )

Nemo: That's very responsible thinking. I knew a girl who tried to do it all and was really suffering by the end of the month from lack of sleep.

I thought what I'd do was, I'd p...
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Kayxx is offline
Old 10-17-2013, 02:26 AM

@nemo.love_22 That sounds painful. Luckily, only my larger joints ever really hurt me. But they are very painful when hurting, all the same.
@Mythos I guess? I simultaneously despised it and loved it by the end. Loved because hi there new people I made up. Hated because everything was wrong with it. Everything.
Who needs sleep anyway. :P

Last edited by Kayxx; 10-17-2013 at 02:29 AM..

nemo.love_22 is offline
Old 10-17-2013, 02:30 AM

Mythos: Haha, well I don't sleep much anyways, so that'd not be an issue here. >.< Plus last year, I was normally done with homework and my word count for the day before midnight. So I was asleep before 12:30 most days. :] Not bad. And those were even for the 10k days that I had (which I had multiple days of)

Kayxx: Yeah, it was, but it was worth it, to say that I did manage to win NaNo and officially say that I manged to complete a first draft (something I've never done) at 108k words. AMAZING feeling.

I just feel like I'm hearing you be all negative about it. You need to THINK positively... that is how I get through it. It's all worth it in the end!

Last edited by nemo.love_22; 10-17-2013 at 02:33 AM..

Disaster On Legs
Seridano is offline
Old 10-17-2013, 02:50 AM

I'm taking up the NaNoWriMo Challenge!
Username: Seridano
Intended Genre: Modern Fantasy
NaNoWriMo account name: Seridano

There is no doubt in my mind that I am going to regret this. xD

I thought what I'd do was, I'd p...
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Kayxx is offline
Old 10-17-2013, 02:51 AM

Originally Posted by nemo.love_22 View Post
Mythos: Haha, well I don't sleep much anyways, so that'd not be an issue here. >.<

Kayxx: Yeah, it was, but it was worth it, to say that I did manage to win NaNo and officially say that I manged to complete a first draft (something I've never done) at 108k words. AMAZING feeling.

I just feel like I'm hearing you be all negative about it. You need to THINK positively... that is how I get through it. It's all worth it in the end!
We are different kinds of people. We also had different WriMo experiences.
Thinking positively tends to shoots me in the foot, generally speaking. It fails to lead to the result I need.
I didn't win WriMo last year, and I don't know if I'll win this year. The plan is to participate.
It is all worth something in the end, yes. And previously, I was pleased to have gotten as far as I did. That was then.
I have nothing but encouragement for anyone else, mind. I am me, and that is all. My WriMo experience and my personal response to it will stay contained to my self flagellating ways of describing things I do or that happen to me. :P
Everyone else has their way of doing things and different ways of thinking and that is fine too. I have no intention of discouraging anyone else from thinking positively. My brain train runs on different tracks, that's all.

@Seridano Hello hello. You may regret it but you may also become addicted, and happy you decided to do it. Like riding a rollercoaster, WriMo is terrifying but also fun. It is quite the ride, anyway.

Last edited by Kayxx; 10-17-2013 at 03:01 AM.. Reason: terrible superfluous puns needed to be made.


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