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Linnea is offline
Old 04-13-2013, 11:57 PM

Banner made by Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa!

An avatar contest hosted by
Neller & Linnea

Welcome to the official avatar contest for Phoenix Jubilee 2013!
There will be three categories: PJ Colors, Robots, & Duvalian Defenders (Group)

Last edited by BellyButton; 04-15-2013 at 04:45 PM..

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Linnea is offline
Old 04-14-2013, 12:01 AM

Your Hosts:

Hey there, I'm neller and I'm all for a greatly themed avatar. I can be found searching Menewhsa for those avatars that make me laugh, gawk and wonder "how did they do that?" I love to learn what Menewshan's offer creatively and can't wait to see what ideas you guys can come up with! Creativity counts!

Helpful hints from Neller: I love to see items used in ways that they have never been used before! There is more to an avatar than the avatar itself, so always consider a background to match your theme! Item flow, consistency and layering are important, so make sure your items are in theme and look nice together!

Yo, Linny here, your friendly neighborhood color coordinator. I've been around Mene for a while now and have come far in terms of colors and layers and I have learned from the best Mene has to offer. Now it's time to put my eye to good use! Show me colors and show me creativity! Do it and reap the rewards!

Helpful hints from Linnea: Please, please, PLEASE remember to follow the directions! That being said, I really like to see clever ways of using items and neat ways of layering. Doing what everyone else is doing is boring. Be bold!

Read the rules and follow 'em. That's all I ask! XD Make sure you read them all too, because there may be something in the rules that's necessary for your entry...
  • First and foremost, make sure you follow the Site Rules.
  • Be respectful! Constructive criticism is fine, but please don't be rude to other entrants.
  • You can only enter once in each of the categories, and you may not enter on a mule account. If you do try to enter on a mule, we'll know, so just don't bother. XD
  • Please be sure to use the entry form when you post your entry. Failure to post the form will result in your avatar not being entered into the contest.
  • You may use your own inventory and the DAC to make your outfits.
  • Please be sure to save your entry to an outside image host like Photobucket or imageshack. What we see is what we'll judge, so be sure that the avatar you enter is saved and won't change.
  • If you want to change your entry, you may edit your submission up until it is posted on the front page. Once it is posted on the front page, you'll have to PM Linnea or neller if you want to change anything.
  • Entries must be submitted by the end of the event. Click here to find out what time it is in Central Time Zone right now! Winners will be announced in the Community Discussion forum shortly after the event ends.
We'll choose first, second, and third place winners in each of the categories. Other prizes might be added as the event goes on, depending on the amount of entries received.

Prizes are as follows:
First place: 5,000g
Second place: 3,000g
Third place: 1,000g

Last edited by neller; 04-15-2013 at 06:10 PM..

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Linnea is offline
Old 04-14-2013, 12:01 AM

Phoenix Jubilee Colors Contest

It's that time again, my little cabbages! A colors contest, aw yea! And just in time for spring cleaning, so let's get cleaned up... or something... Please read all the directions because this colors contest is a little different from it's predecessors.

For this contest you MUST have silver, gold, brown and green. Any shade will do just fine, even the teals, tans, creams, and off whites. No yellows or oranges in place of gold though. You must have all FOUR colors on your avatar entry and I will refuse entries as I see fit.
Due to the incessant crabbing from everyone I've decided to try something a little different this time around; white and black can be used, but SPARINGLY like on the little things such as purse strings, zippers, watch faces, small buttons and the like. IF YOU HAVE TOO MUCH WHITE OR BLACK I WILL NOT ACCEPT YOUR ENTRY and you will have the chance to change it. If you give me grief about it I will not hesitate to toss you in the monkey cage! and this adjustment will not be acceptable in future contests.

***here is the big change*** In the true spirit of the Phoenix Jubilee, for this contest you also need to have just ONE item (contribution item or common) that is floral. Plants and trees and the like do not count as a flowery item. The flower(s) can be any color you wish, but it's just ONE item, this includes poses, just ONE pose! (flower head wreaths, flower hair pins, flower corsage, flowery backgrounds, etc. If you aren't sure, please ask! Remember though, if it's just ONE item you should be all set )

Let's sum it up...
You must have all FOUR colors and a single flowery item for this to be accepted.
As usual, any of the original skin tones are ok, but if you use an equippable skin please keep it in the color scheme.
Oh, and please keep eyes and hair within the color scheme.

Good luck and feel free to ask questions should they arise

Phoenix Jubilee Colors Entry Form
Image of My Entry:

[size=4][color=sienna][b]Phoenix Jubilee Colors Entry Form[/b][/color][/size]
[b]Image of My Entry:[/b]



zigbigadorlube Kiarielizabeth_mazur





NephilaMythosR u b y

SabiirWoofie267Kamikaze Kendra

Whisper Invictus Velvet dragoness129

Rochiel SilverfireshadamiKent

Last edited by Linnea; 05-18-2013 at 03:43 AM..

The Lover of UNICORNS
neller is offline
Old 04-14-2013, 06:41 PM

Sell Your Robot Here! (Avatar Contest)

The residents of Duval are always searching for the best and newest of the steam-powered technologies! Their eyes have been set upon the dream of building self functioning ROBOTS for a long while now! They see the visiting Menewshans as an opportunity to get a new light on this dream and have asked us to create robot prototypes! The only things they require is that the robots have a specific task for the daily grind of Duval and that we entertain them with our creative sales pitches to help them decide which robots they want most!

1. Your avatar must resemble a robot as much as possible.
2. There is a limit on which skin tones are accepted. Any other skins shown will be unacceptable.
Check here to see which skins are allowed!
3. Your avatar must be designed to meet a specific task or daily function. (Please nothing icky or inappropriate!)
4. You must submit a description within 3-7 sentences trying to persuade Duvalians why your robot is perfect for them.
*(hint: The base of your sales pitch should answer these questions: "What is it?" "What does it do?" "How does it do it?" "Why do they need it?" Do not include these questions in your pitch, just answer them. Have fun and be lighthearted with this! Funny is good here!)

Be creative, be funny, be persuasive!

Sell Your Robot Here!
Image of My Entry:
The Sales Pitch:

[SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Trebuchet MS][B]Sell Your Robot Here![/B][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[B]Image of My Entry:[/B]
[B]The Sales Pitch:[/B]

Username: bloodstainedwings
Image of My Entry:
The Sales Pitch: Come one, come all! See the feat of magic and science! The Perfect Airship Robot! From fixing your airships to Piloting your airships! From outside the ship to inside, while in flight or not. It can pilot and fix your airship at the same time! and the style and sophistication just cannot be beat! Yours Duvalians for only 1,000,000 gold! what a steal! *comes complete with tool belt, batteries and airships not included, see stores for details*

Username: LaVida
Image of My Entry:
The Sales Pitch: Introducing the R-D.J.! This revolutionary robot is the next generation of music. R-D.J. mixes different tracks of music by knowing exactly what he is playing from reading the vellum just by touching it and it also knows all the transitions needed in the modern age to make switching songs clean and clear like a steam whistle. R-D.J. is powered by 100% pure steam power and comes in multiple colors, wigs, and costumes. R-D.J. will be the next must have for all music parties!

Username: Q U E E N
Image of My Entry:
The Sales Pitch: Hey you! Yeah, you there, with the face and the body. Have you ever wanted to search for gold...wanted to find a hidden treasure...wanted to find priceless amounts of ancient artifacts...or do you just really like digging? Well, look no further, because the Diggy-Dwarfbot 2000 is here and in your nearest retail store now, just waiting for you to take her home! Not only can it dig and find gold with its ulta-super-duper scanning rays, it can also cook and clean for you, if you turn on the housewife setting! Now, isn't that just lovely? The Diggy-Dwarfbot 2000 can be bought for a cheap amount of 1,500,000 pieces of gold! And, if you also buy the customized Diggy-Dwarfbot 2000 household and kitchen appliances set, it'll only cost you 500 easy, small payments of 4,000!

Username: KatMagenta
Image of My Entry:

The Sales Pitch:
It has come to the attention of KM Industries that the people of Duval are excellent inventors! However, it is also come to our attention that you are often too caught up in your brilliance to notice that your latest gadget is somewhat more... explosive than predicted.

This is why you (yes, you over there with the singed beard) need our new and improved Extinguish-bot. No fire too big or small! Here, let me show you an action shot from our extremely glossy brochure. The Extinguish-bot is equipped with the latest in fire fighting technology- water/foam/steam fired from every orifice- and is constructed from 100% well, close enough guaranteed non-flammable components. Never lose a project again! Or your eyebrows.

Username: elizabeth_mazur
Image of My Entry:
The Sales Pitch: Step right up and see the amazing Grave-Bot! Are you sick of dealing with the deceased? Just wish there was another way to get them in the ground? Well here she it! Grave-Bot will not only dress up your deceased loved ones and make them presentable, but she will also provide their sermon and place them in the grave herself. Her little bug bots will help her keep watch over the graves at night and keep them clean at the same time! Doesn't every respectable grave yard need a Grave-Bot? Of course they do! So why wait any longer!? Pick yours up today!

Image of My Entry:
The Sales Pitch: Need someone to watch your kids while you work on your inventions? I've got the perfect robot for you! Meet Nanny-bot! She cooks! She cleans! She even changes those stinky diapers and deals with the naughty kids! Get yours NOW!

Image of My Entry:
The Sales Pitch:

Problems with pirates and other nasties kidnapping your beloved Mayor? Well fear no more! This is TurboMayor, the very best in Mayor protection and decoy money can buy. It Flys, Reloads, Autoshots, protects, kisses babies, set up re-election posters, tells time and makes a heck of a beverage! This wonderful device also has a nifty feature called "Important Decision mode." In case of missing Mayors Turbomayor can take over until the beloved one is returned.

Username: Kiari
Image of My Entry:
The Sales Pitch: Are you tired of all that backbreaking work out in the fields, but love the taste of home grown veggies? Well, we have solved all your problems with our new "FarmBot." The Farmbot is programmed to do all your work for you. From planting, to growing, to harvesting. There is also a pre-installed recipe book, so Farmbot can even cook up a delicious meal for you. All Farmbots are very humanlike in appearance so they can practically be a part of your family. Buy one today, and we will throw in a bonus pitchfork.

Image of My Entry:
The Sales Pitch: Are you tired of sweating while mowing your lawn, are you craving a beautiful garden or wanting to completely show off? Want to out do you neighbors and have the most amazing yard? Do you love gardens, flowers, and trees? What about fresh fruits or vegetables? Then this Robot is for you! Here at Robotronics we have created a brand new type of Robot for you at home! Introducing:The Gardening Bot! The Gardening Bot will water your flowers, plow and till your gardens, plant trees, seeds, mow your lawn, and even feed the birds! You will have perfect gardens and perfect lawns in no time!

Username: blueblackrose
Image of My Entry:
The Sales Pitch: Tired of getting all hot, sweaty and sticky while making repairs that involve wielding? Well then this robot is for you. The Blue Flame 3000 isn’t just a wielder robot my friend. The Blue Flame 3000 can take care of all of your repair needs whether it’s around the home or on your airship. With the variety of attachments available for the robot’s right arm it can do anything from hammering nails, sawing wood, wielding, or even vacuum. It truly is the do it all robot of the future and the best part is that it is purely steam powered! Yes, you heard me right steam powered. Order your Blue Flame 3000 today and get the nail gun and saw arm attachments free!

Username: Kent
Image of My Entry:
The Sales Pitch: Is your busy work schedule not allowing you enough time to clean up messes in your household? Are you too exhausted to get your chores done after a hard day's work? Then you need the Manly Maidbot! He'll do laundry, cook meals for you, and even take care of your children! But most of all, he'll keep your house spic-and-span with his built-in vacuum cleaner. Maid outfit sold separately.

Username: Antagonist
Image of My Entry:
The Sales Pitch: Unable to decide whether to get an task-assisting robot or a machine that protects you? Finding that getting and maintaining one of each is expensive beyond your abilities to acquire? Fear not! Presenting the Multitask Android 9000, the ultimate piece of AI of your dreams! It can learn and perform new jobs every day, assist you in all your daily tasks, and instantly turn into your very own personal bodyguard with six combat modes at the first sign of danger! With just twelve hours of recharging on any electrical socket in the house, the Multitask Android 9000 can operate for a month! It will even talk to you, and can act as a portable radio or television (images displayed through visor)! Get one now for only $6,000,000 gold to receive a free laser arm, an additional skill package and body color of your choice! Deluxe laser protection wings and anti-burn cigarette lighter sold separately.

Username: Vickyll3
Image of My Entry:
The Sales Pitch: Best Bank in America. The Most trusted Bank in America. We care about our Customers, we live for our customers, come in today and get your own lock Bot. Your lock Bot stores all your gold, and personal items in a unique deluxe safe box. Are you tired of spending to much on candy and chocolate? Well this is the bank for you! Come in Today!
Warning! Your lock Bot may or not spend your money on fine dinning on the bot friends.

Username: vampire_bill
Image of My Entry:
The Sales Pitch:Have a problem imagining the book your reading? Do you wish it played more like a movie? Well now here is your chance. X093D is the robot for you. When she red she project the image to any screen in your house. For a small fee of 60000 dollars you can upgrade her to adventur mode where she will project the book threw out your house so its like your there.

Username: Whisper Invictus
Image of My Entry:
The Sales Pitch: The finest hand-me-down equipment you can come across, Rebotco introduces the Grime Reaper to the Duvalians of Seaford and Towanpool! This Black and Silver beauty may look scary, but it get's the job done, whether it be scaring your neighbors annoying children (or pets) or de-greasing those pesky turbines on your Duvalian Sky Cruiser, its high-pressure water blaster can get rid of anything! You can get this wonderful refurbished Grime Reaper robot for no money down and no interest until October, because Rebotco knows you can't live without THIS deal! Disclaimer** we are not liable for actions or incidental damages this bot may take while in your employment ; note: this robot comes with a 14 day return policy. Warranty void if self-destruct mechanism removed. After that, she's alllll yours!

Username: fireprincess
Image of My Entry:
The Sales Pitch:
Are you stressed out from work, tending to your air craft, driving the kids everywhere? Do you find it hard making time just for yourself to escape to the spa? Well why not bring the spa to you? Introducing the ever wonderful, Relaxa-bot! She'll perform facials, massages, aroma therapy, she'll even draw you the perfect relaxing bath, and so much more! The Relaxa-bot can be yours for just five easy payments of $20,000! Stop by your closest Robo Chic store, and pick one up today!

Username: Kamikaze Kendra
Image of My Entry:

The Sales Pitch:
Soup scalding your mouth? Not quite sure if you've got enough spice in your spicy pickle? Afraid that someone might have poisoned your martini? Whether you're temperature sensitive, insecure about your cooking skills, or just super paranoid (or highly important and poisonable) the Taste-Bot 4000 is for you! The ultimate achievement in high-tech taste testing can not only detect the temperature of foods using thermal sensors inside of it's mouth, but after studying some of the finest cuisines of the world - and some of the strangest - we've given the Taste-Bot 4000 flavor-sensitive nodes near it's throat! It can detect just what kind of "oomph!" your food is missing and will send you an email of suggestions on what to add to give your meal the perfect balance of seasoning to wow the guests at your next dinner party! Now, for the royal or just plain paranoid, we've updated the Taste-Bot to detect a variety of poisons - even those claimed to be "undetectable" to common folk - so that you'll never have to worry that your guests are trying to usurp your throne, steal your fortune, or just be rid of you again!
For three easy installments of 10,000 gold, the Taste-Bot 4000 can be yours! Call today and get a free spice rack of the most commonly recommended ingredients!

Username: M i n u x e
Image of My Entry:
The Sales Pitch: Iiiiiintroducing the top-of-the-line, luxury pillow fluffing robot, the FLUFFINDIFEROUS!!!!
The Fluffindiferous is guaranteed to provide you weary and tired inventors with the BEST night of sleep you have ever had or could imagine! It is a scientifically proven fact that the best inventors are the well-rested ones because you come up with the best ideas in your dreams, and work the most efficiently after a great night of sleep.
The Fluffindiferous is equipped with two high-powered arms capable of extremely rapid movement so it can fluff at a rate of 240 fluffs a minute, that's 3 fluffs a second! It also has eye scanners that can automatically assess whether or not your pillow requires fluffing, as well as tell when the fluffing is complete. It is also equipped with wheels so it can zip through your house in a flash to reach the next uncomfortable pillow in mere seconds! Lastly, it comes with the softest and furriest gloves made out of faux Chilly the polar bear fur, so it will always leave your pillows feeling as soft as possible.
The Fluffindiferous can be yours for only 20 000 gold! That's right, it will only take 20k for you to get the best night of sleep possible! Trust me when I say this is an investment in your life that you will NEVER regret!!!

Disclaimer: The Fluffindiferous requires a 50 000W power source due to its extremely high power needs. We also warn you that weak or old pillows will likely be torn apart by the Fluffindiferous due to its rapid fluffing capabilities, so please only have very well-made pillows in your household before buying this robot.

Image of My Entry:
The Sales Pitch: Robotress! Needs no tips and needs no pay! But boy can she deliver fast. No more messed up order either. You order a hamburger, you get a hamburger. With no pickles? No problem, she'll make sure those pickles are no where near your plate. How about a dinner like your mother makes? It will be on your plate and at your table in minutes! Robotress! The most efficient waitress you could ever not have to pay!

Username: Rochiel Silverfire
Image of My Entry:
The Sales Pitch: Does your hand get tired from all that writing to your sweetheart? Have too many art projects to do and not enough time? Well here's the answer! The Robartist 3000X comes programmed with over 2000 different fonts and a 'smartart' AI program that records your concept for a drawing or painting and automatically creates a rough draft for you to review and make changes before creating a finished work of art that looks exactly as it did in your mind! And with 'spectrovision', a special feature that uses diodes attached to your forehead to read your brainwaves, the Robartist 3000X can mix any color you can imagine. Nevermore will you have to experience the frustration of a head full of images that your hands lack the skill and knowledge to bring to life. So get your Robartist 3000X today! A Darksun Laboratories Product.

Username: Seito
Image of My Entry:
The Sales Pitch:Are you working in potentially unstable mines? Does the fear of cave-in plague you at night? Then be at ease for I now present to you the Miner-Bot 1000! The Miner-Bot works fast in even the most unreasonable conditions, toiling away digging for you all day and night. Equipped with the latest x-ray goggles, the Miner-Bot can easily locate the veins of rich crystals, gold, silver and other precious metals in the ground without having to mindlessly dig around! Plus for the low low price of $50, if there ever is a cave-in they're cheap to replace and no one will ever lose their lives in those dangerous mines! Buy one now!

Sell Your Robot Here!
Username: dragoness129
Image of My Entry:
The Sales Pitch: Tired of getting dumped and getting your heaet broken over and over again? Not anymore! With the Love-O-Bot you will always feel loved! She is designed to show love in any kind of way that you desire. Come buy a Love-O-Bot today for the low price of $99! That's right, for under $100 you could forever feel loved! Warning: Love-O-Bot may become overly obsessed, overheated, or explode. Manufacturer is not responsible for fires, injuries, or breakdowns associated with or caused from the Love-O-Bot.

Last edited by neller; 05-18-2013 at 02:31 AM..

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Linnea is offline
Old 04-15-2013, 02:00 AM

Duvalian Defenders Group Contest

So as you all know, we are visiting Duval for this event and you should also know that it was Duval's Air Patrol who found Nalin!
Since everyone is in deep appreciation of this deed, we thought it'd be great fun to give the Duval Air Patrol some new uniforms... as a thanks for all they've done, of course! Next time they come to our aid, they'll be able to do it in style.

The challenge of this contest is to gather your friends and dress up as the different positions of the Duval Air Patrol! There are commanders, pilots, gunmen, engineers, and so on! There is a lot of information scattered around Menewsha about Duval and it's peoples, so it might be worthwhile to do a little research.

Show us your best defense (and fashion)!

The requirements for this contest are as follows:
At least three people per entry, but no more than eight.
You can use your main OR mule, but not both.
Your entries must be 'steampunk' in nature.
All entries per group should not be exact replicas of one another. You will not win if you do this.
Uniforms of one position may be represented multiple times within a group, however they must vary greatly.

Duvalian Defenders Contest
Images of Entries:

[size=4][color=silver][b]Duvalian Defenders Contest[/b][/color][/size]
[b]Images of Entries:[/b]

Duvalian Defenders Contest
Usernames: Maria-Minamino, Falconwing, Seiki Nova, bloodstainedwings, Seridano, Nephila, star2000shadow
Images of Entries:

Duvalian Defenders Contest
Usernames:blueblackrose (commander), llonka (navigator), Shadami (pilot), Pa-pancake (gunmen), Mageling (quartermaster), Antangonist (engineer), LaVida (medic), Woofie267 (cook)
Images of Entries:

Duvalian Defenders Contest
Usernames: Seito (Captain) | Ferra (First Mate) | Velvet (Engineer) | fireprincess (Navigator) | TophatGalore (Medic) | M i n u x e (Cook) | Kent (Soldier 1) | Kasakir (Soldier 2)
Images of Entries:

Last edited by Linnea; 05-18-2013 at 03:35 AM..

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Linnea is offline
Old 04-15-2013, 02:01 AM


Since it worked so well the first time, we will have a Monkey Cage for all you unruly hooligans and cranky-pants who disturb the peace.
Yea, I'm talking to you there, with the face and the eyes.

Trust me, you don't want to end up here because if you do then you will not be able to enter in the contest you were cranky about until... we feel like letting you out again.

Just look at this handsome devil... do you really wanna be locked in there with him? No? I didn't think so!

Last edited by Linnea; 04-15-2013 at 05:57 AM..

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Linnea is offline
Old 04-15-2013, 04:51 AM


The Lover of UNICORNS
neller is offline
Old 04-15-2013, 05:32 AM


Last edited by neller; 04-15-2013 at 06:10 PM..

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 04-15-2013, 06:56 PM

Ahh yes one of my favorite event threads!! LOVE IT! I can't wait to start figuring out what to wear.

spooky scary skeletons
Send a message via AIM to Q U E E N
Q U E E N is offline
Old 04-15-2013, 07:19 PM

Wooot wooot, an avi contest thread!
~ o 3o
I gotta start planning and stuff~

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 04-15-2013, 07:20 PM

I know! *looks threw the shiny new commons first*

Oooo Shiny. XD

☠ ☠ ☠

Linnea is offline
Old 04-15-2013, 08:12 PM

i can't wait to see what you all come up with!

Send a message via MSN to Ascadellia Send a message via Yahoo to Ascadellia
Ascadellia is offline
Old 04-15-2013, 08:14 PM

Ooooo.. Bring it!

I'll start working on this tomorrow. >w<

Seiki Nova
Wishing on Shooting Stars
Seiki Nova is offline
Old 04-15-2013, 08:43 PM

So for the colors contest, no additional colors allowed (unless on flower items) than those mentioned? Like say, purple/plum? >>

☠ ☠ ☠

Linnea is offline
Old 04-15-2013, 08:44 PM

yes, the only different color that is allowed for the colors contest is whatever you want your flowery item to be. purple/plum is acceptable


bloodstainedwings is offline
Old 04-15-2013, 09:03 PM

Sell Your Robot Here![/COLOR]
Username: bloodstainedwings
Image of My Entry:
The Sales Pitch: Come one, come all! See the feat of magic and science! The Perfect Airship Robot! From fixing your airships to Piloting your airships! From outside the ship to inside, while in flight or not. It can pilot and fix your airship at the same time! and the style and sophistication just cannot be beat! Yours Duvalians for only 1,000,000 gold! what a steal! *comes complete with tool belt, batteries and airships not included, see stores for details*

Seiki Nova
Wishing on Shooting Stars
Seiki Nova is offline
Old 04-15-2013, 09:03 PM

Dang. I was going to try to pass off my current avatar (minor adjustments required) for the colors contest XD

Kamikaze Kendra
Music Guru

Send a message via AIM to Kamikaze Kendra
Kamikaze Kendra is offline
Old 04-15-2013, 09:07 PM

Eee! I can't wait to start putting some things together for this...


bloodstainedwings is offline
Old 04-15-2013, 09:09 PM

i got one down and one left to go! the next one is going to take me a while though...

Kamikaze Kendra
Music Guru

Send a message via AIM to Kamikaze Kendra
Kamikaze Kendra is offline
Old 04-15-2013, 09:11 PM

I like your first one a lot, bsw! Your steampunkish looks are always so freaking amazing!

On Semi-Hiatus
LaVida is offline
Old 04-15-2013, 10:22 PM

Phoenix Jubilee Colors Entry Form
Username: LaVida
Image of My Entry:


Kent is offline
Old 04-15-2013, 10:44 PM

I totally can't wait to make a robot. > w>
But first need to do something for class. > A>

On Semi-Hiatus
LaVida is offline
Old 04-15-2013, 11:19 PM

Sell Your Robot Here![/COLOR]
Username: LaVida
Image of My Entry:
The Sales Pitch: Introducing the R-D.J.! This revolutionary robot is the next generation of music. R-D.J. mixes different tracks of music by knowing exactly what he is playing from reading the vellum just by touching it and it also knows all the transitions needed in the modern age to make switching songs clean and clear like a steam whistle. R-D.J. is powered by 100% pure steam power and comes in multiple colors, wigs, and costumes. R-D.J. will be the next must have for all music parties!


Assistant Administrator
BellyButton is offline
Old 04-16-2013, 12:05 AM

Ooh, these categories are neat.. I wonder what to make..

Momma to the Crazies!

llonka is offline
Old 04-16-2013, 12:51 AM

Can we be holding the flower? Like a bouqet or the sunflower from the Golden Harvest CI?


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