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thecrazytofu is offline
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Old 12-26-2009, 05:04 AM

Although my family has no Christmas traditions, my boyfriend's family has a huge one. Each year they rotate hosting a family party on the 24th and all members who live close enough drop everything and gather regardless of the situations. :D

I think it's sweet and wonderful to have a family tradition, especially during the holidays. I believe it really brings a family together and is just a fantastic way to spread the love we hold for one another.

the antitwite
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Old 12-26-2009, 05:10 AM

awesome :) our only set thing we do is lunch at home and dinner with mums family. My favourite tradition we have is the family brainstorming of which foods we luuurv the most, then we just get heaps of that and go nuts!!!

We had massive bowls of chinese food and spring rolls this year haha

not overly traditional but damn tasty!!

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Old 12-26-2009, 05:14 AM

Haha, that's amazing. I really wish my family had some sort of tradition. Yours sounds like it'd be so much fun. I LOVE eating, so I'm sure I'd love that tradition. On a side note, I LOVE SPRING ROLLS. And Chinese food. Not that I'm biased since I'm Chinese or anything. xD We had zhajianmian, jjang myun, whatever you may call it just for the heck of it. :D

the antitwite
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Old 12-26-2009, 05:18 AM

lol i cant pronounce that! and yea we have weird christmases.
But I live in australia so christmas is kinda weird anyway, like everywhere else has snow, whereas we have a forty degree celsius, total fire ban day!!
We have the air con on and three fans going.
And the non-traditional food is mainly because my brother and I are fussy and dont like roast anything :)
Oh and my brother only put our chrissy tree up at eleven thirty on christmas eve hahahahaha last minute much?

Which country/continent do you live in? Do you gots snow?

Last edited by the antitwite; 12-26-2009 at 05:31 AM..

thecrazytofu is offline
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Old 12-26-2009, 05:26 AM

Haha. That's okay. It's really good though. :D AHHH. I would sooo take a warm Christmas over a freezing one. Although weather here in California's been nice. :) Haha. Roasting stuff takes so long. And that's not even counting prepping the bird or ham or whatever. xD I think that's epic win. My mom and brother put up the tree while I was still in classes. D:

the antitwite
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Old 12-26-2009, 05:33 AM

Yeah but its not warm... its sweltering, I ducked outside for a few minutes to feed my cats and had to sit in front of the aircon after it almost killed me! oh and the flies *anger*

So is it freezing there? Did you make a snowman lol

thecrazytofu is offline
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Old 12-26-2009, 05:46 AM

D: I take it back. I like the weather here. xD FLIES?! Better than mosquitos in China. -shudders- They're unbearable.

No, not where I live. It was sunny and mildly cool today. It felt like autumn. It was rather strange.

Mehimaru is offline
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Old 12-26-2009, 05:50 AM

Hi y'all! How's it going? I'm currently trying to figure out what 40 degrees Celsius is in Fahrenheit cause 40 degrees sounds pretty cold to me!! Or it would if it was 40 degrees here.
*takes a quick look outside at temperature and I do mean QUICK...its COLD!!!!)*
Ok so its 30 degrees (and very wet) here which is below freezing. And I see that 40 Celsius is 105 Fahrenheit, so that's not cold at all!! Man, just no one ask me to go back outside. Sad thing is I could have looked on my computer to see the temp...but I forgot I could. Silly me, lol!!

Last edited by Mehimaru; 12-26-2009 at 05:52 AM..

A Clever Username
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Old 12-26-2009, 06:28 AM

We open our presents on Christmas Eve then go to our grandma's Christmas morning for breakfast and moar present opening. :D

Robard is offline
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Old 12-26-2009, 06:36 AM

My uncle's house used to be a church, so it has ridiculously high ceilings. Our whole family convenes there on Christmas day for delicious stuffed shells around the fourteen-foot Christmas tree.

Mehimaru is offline
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Old 12-26-2009, 06:39 AM

For Christmas Traditions, mom hosts a party/dinner every year at our house which includes the whole family. So I have to spend all day helping her cook the day before. And it's never on the same day. We have to find a day when most of the family will be able to come. My dad's a paramedic, his brother is a truck driver, and their sister's husband is part of an oil rig crew. One aunt and one uncle work nites so it has to be early in the day. This year it was on the 23rd. And we never, ever have a real tree. Not after what happened the first ad only time we did. *shudders at the thought* Other than that and a few other odd bits, we don't do much for Christmas. Well, except that my dad likes to spend around $500 buying clothes and toys for kids' charities. We kinda really get into picking out toys for the kids. It's kinda fun!!

Bonnie is offline
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Old 12-26-2009, 06:43 AM

My family hands each other one present at a time and we take turns unwrapping until each person is finished. Then wait to get another one.

Whereas my fiance's family grabs and tears all at once.

-My sister and I started a tradition of the "grapefruit gift"
Our grandma used to live in Florida so we always had plenty of citrus fruit sent to us. We would cut a hole in the top of a grapefruit, hollow it out, eat the deliciousness that came out. We'd let the grapefruit rind "bowl" dry for a few weeks, sometimes putting it in the oven to speed it up so it wouldn't mold.
We would then get each other one gift that couldn't be bigger than the grapefruit so it would fit inside.

pinkii is offline
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Old 12-26-2009, 06:55 AM

My family and I usually just go to church on the 24th and eat a big meal.
My boyfriend's family holds a huge family get-together and go to midnight mass - same goes for one of my good friends (I've been to both parties this Xmas eve and they were both very lovely).

A Clever Username
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Old 12-26-2009, 06:59 AM

@Bonnie- That's pretty cool! Very creative.

JadeXHime is offline
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Old 12-26-2009, 07:00 AM

Usually For Me,
We Go Have A Little Family Get Together At My Aunts House,
Usually We Get A Lot Of Junk Food And Fooood Delicious Food<3 ;3

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Old 12-26-2009, 07:05 AM

Originally Posted by A Clever Username View Post
@Bonnie- That's pretty cool! Very creative.
Thanks! I love your avatar by the way. Makes me hungry for those cookies.

thecrazytofu is offline
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Old 12-26-2009, 07:16 AM

Oh my goodness. Everyone's traditions are amazing. I really liked Bonnies and Mehimaru's. :) And I agree with Bonnie. Those cookies. They're tempting me.

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Old 12-26-2009, 07:18 AM

Open presents
Hug an' give thanks.
Te me christmas has no other meaning then te give te those ye love.

Me ma has a few christmas things she does as a christian, like attending services along with some of me other family members.

But I'm th' odd one out who is stuck unable te celebrate Yule. D:

A Clever Username
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Old 12-26-2009, 07:20 AM

Aww, thank you. I need some proper clothes to go underneath the cloak...any suggestions?

shinjuuchan is offline
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Old 12-26-2009, 07:37 AM

The only tradition I really have is going over my grandma's.

Ebony Mist
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Old 12-26-2009, 08:57 AM

When my grandma was still around she used to take the bows off of all her presents and stick them on her head...

I told myself I'd do that this year...

But none of my presents had bows. >:

Tigermirage is offline
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Old 12-26-2009, 09:13 AM

We always have christmas crackers, but you all join together and help each other pull them! Then we all put on the silly hats and have lots of fun with the little prizes that come in them.

RisikaFox is offline
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Old 12-26-2009, 12:58 PM

Not so much a family tradition as a little tradition me and my sister had growing up. We would take turns waking each other up at three in the morning Christmas Day to open our stockings together. ^^ It was fun. Now that we're older though, we don't always do it.

x P i k a c h u
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Old 12-26-2009, 01:43 PM

usally the tradition is to open the presents at like 7 in the morning.
but this year i had to wait for the boyfriend and oliver brother. so i didn't open mine until like 7pm.

Popcorn Gun

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Old 12-26-2009, 02:06 PM

We used to, but ever since our move about two years ago, it's never been super traditional, which is just fine.
Like, this year, we got about three presents-physical presents, and we were all really pleased. Because this year, we (my sister & myself) actually went out and bought Christmas presents for the people around us, and it was lovely.
To watch someone tear into a present that you gave a lot of thought to, about the person it was for and what they needed, and to see them like it...It's lovely.

So sometimes new traditions are very lovely.
:' 3



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