Menewsha Avatar Community

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p o p p e t ♥ 07-15-2014 06:53 PM

► Are you here for role-play? Add yourself to our player listings! ◄
Do you have a question? Look here and see if you can find the answer first!

Q: How do I add myself to the listings?
A: Simple! Copy the Listing Form, paste it into a reply to this thread. Remove all CAPS by replacing them with the information requested by said CAPS, and hit enter!

Q: How do I update my listing?
A: Ahh if only all of life were so simple! Simply copy the Update Form, and paste it into a reply to this thread. Remove all CAPS by replacing them with the information requested by said CAPS, and hit enter! The only difference between this form and the original form is the title, letting me know that it's an update. Easy peasy!

Q: I quit role-playing. Can you remove my listing?
A: Of course I can! I hate the clutter, and it would save people the trouble of contacting you. Simply post a reply to the thread, pinging me, and let me know you would like it removed.

Q: Am I supposed to put my information in CAPS?
A: No, please please please no. The CAPS are horrible. I had to use them because people were getting confused. Please do not put your information/responses in CAPS!

Q: I have really good/bad things to say about a player for future partners.
Where can I add those things?
A: Sometimes we strike gold in a player, and we want to shout our love from the top of a mountain. Sometimes we get a real disappointing dud. Unfortunately, you can no longer rate those listed in the listings, and there isn't a way to share with the Mene world that information you want to share. You're welcome to post things in replies to the thread, so long as you are not being rude or attacking anyone. Constructive criticism is okay, but harassment and drama absolutely is not. Please consider posting criticism via Personal or Visitor Message to the person before publicly in a thread like this.

Q: I see an inaccurate listing, what do I do?
A: If you see a listing for someone that you know isn't right, ping them to the thread with the information in question. I will allow you both to work it out peacefully, as perhaps their listing simply needs updated, or there is a miscommunication. If I have to look into the issue myself, I will do so, and determine then if the person's listing includes lies or not. If they are lying, their listing will be removed and they will be added to the naughty list. I do not foresee this happening, considering it doesn't help anyone to lie. But in the event that it does, this is the resolve.

Q: You aren't responding and haven't added my listing!
A: Bear with me feisty pants. I have a life. Sometimes my family needs me more than Mene, and sometimes (especially during the Holidays) I get so busy that I can't even log on for a day or two. Don't worry. I'll add your listing as soon as I have time, and respond to your questions or blabbers when I can. Please ping me if you feel that I have missed something, or any other time. Pings are welcome!

Q: Where do I put suggestions or questions?
A: I absolutely adore suggestions, almost as much as compliments! If the FAQ didn't answer all of your questions, or you have a question or comment, simply reply to the thread with whatever it is you need to say. Suggestions will be gratefully considered, and questions will be replied to in a timely manner.

p o p p e t ♥ 07-15-2014 06:53 PM

► Are you here for role-play? Add yourself to our player listings! ◄
Those of you who view this section of the role-play threads probably recall my last thread, Nomination Station. While I'd really love to keep that thread going, it's just too much for me to keep up with these days. But anyone else should feel free to re-create it, or volunteer to help me upkeep it. Until then, this baby will have to be the next best thing!

What is this thread for?
Well look at you with your eager pants on! Settle down, and I'll get to that. Are you a role-player who consistently finds that you have a hard time finding a good partner? Or are you someone who likes to create group role-plays, but never know who to ping or message to see your thread? Well, this thread is for people like you! Simply fill out the form below, and submit it to the thread. I'll then add it to "the listings" and whenever someone creates a play and needs players or a partner, they can search through the listings here to see if there's someone out there who might be interested or qualify for the position!

But wait, there's more!
No there isn't! Got ya'! You used to be able to rate the people listed. But alas, I don't have the time to keep up with that portion of the thread anymore. It's far too much upkeep, and I was finding that ratings were just not based fairly on fact, but on opinion and even miscommunication. On that note, I've removed all previous ratings, and that's no longer an option! But I have added a new form for 'updates'. If you need to update your listing, please do so! I've even added an 'examples' portion to the original form. Please keep in mind while you're searching for a partner, that some of these people may no longer be active, and you should review their last login before messaging them. If it's been many months, they might not be the best of choices. You can also spy on their posts via the "statistics" tab on their profile, to maybe get a look at their writing, if they've not linked an example in their listing. Happy hunting!

1. Follow Mene's rules and TOS first and foremost.
2. No spamming, trolling or harassing or begging, or you'll be put on the naughty list.
3. If your listing changes (your preference or posting frequency/amount changes/your writing gets better/you want to add or remove something) don't ask me to edit your listing. You must submit an update form.
4. No lying. If someone calls you out on not being truthful, you'll be asked to revise and resubmit your listing. If you are dishonest a second time, your listing will be removed and you will be put on our naughty list.
5. Do not edit the forms in any way, such as by font, color, etc. Simply remove the text in CAPS and fill in the appropriate information. If there is something wrong with your form, you will be asked to re-submit it. I don't have time to go in and make edits on your entries.
6. I reserve the right to edit or change the rules at any time.

p o p p e t ♥ 07-15-2014 06:53 PM

Listing Form
This is the form you'll fill out if you want to add yourself to the listings. Simply copy the form and paste it into a reply. Erase the parts of the form that are in CAPITALS and replace them with the appropriate information. (Please do not capitalize your responses and do not edit the forms color, font, etc.) Then submit it here, to the thread, when you're done!

If you need an example, scroll down to the actual listings and view the very first one. While I will alphabetize the listings as they come in, my own listing will remain at the top as an example.

PHP Code:


[B]Are you open to try new things?[/B] CHOOSE ONE: NO I AM ONLY INTERESTED IN THE THINGS I'

p o p p e t ♥ 07-15-2014 06:54 PM

Update Form
This is the form you fill out if you already have a listing, but you need to update it. I will take this form and paste it over your old listing, so be sure you enter all necessary information! If you need to update again in the future, you will need to resubmit this again.

PHP Code:

[CENTER][SIZE="6"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][B][COLOR="Red"]I NEED TO UPDATE MY LISTING POPPY![/COLOR] [illgetu][/B][/FONT][/SIZE][FONT="Book Antiqua"][B]


[B]Are you open to try new things?[/B] CHOOSE ONE: NO I AM ONLY INTERESTED IN THE THINGS I'

p o p p e t ♥ 07-15-2014 06:54 PM

The Player Listings
These are the listings of players on Menewsha who would like you to know that they're out there and up for a good play; maybe even your play! Feel free to contact them in their provided method below!

*Please note that the random slash marks throughout this section of the thread are some kind of glitch in Mene. They can't be removed and are not put there by the listing owners. I'm working on figuring out if I should add more sections and break down the listings into categories to help this. I don't know if it will work. In the mean time, please overlook them!*

p o p p e t ♥

Posting frequency: Once a day, sometimes more and rarely less
Posting length: Minimum of three paragraphs, average of 5+; more in a one on one and varying in a group setting
Gender preference: I prefer to play female but will play male side characters.
Sexuality preference: Always heterosexual
Role-play size: I will play in groups and one on ones.
Role-play genre preference: All genres
Specific likes: Character development and bonding more than friendship, action and fast paced
Specific hates: Sudden and reoccurring disappearances in my partner or players in a group as well as one liners
My request thread: CLICK HERE
Are you open to try new things? Yes, feel free to contact me if you think I might be interested in something
How can we contact you? Ping me or personal message me
Other: I will also role-play on adult sites, but never through e-mail or chat.

Alexander J Luthor

Posting frequency: I am always on at least once a day, but if I don't reply I'm probably having a hard time reacting to the story.
Posting length: 1-4 paragraphs. Anything over and I feel like I'm repeating myself.
Gender preference: I strongly prefer male. I write female characters, but I don't know how well I would do playing one.
Sexuality preference: (you're making this hard, P o p p e t) I'd say 85% of the time my characters are heterosexual, though I don't often go for the romance in role plays.
Role-play size: I will only play in groups. One on ones make me uncomfortable, as do groups under 4, so me and 3 others at least.
Role-play genre preference: All interest me at some point.
Specific likes: Consistency, people who are in it for the story and not the drama, D&D-esque plotting where some member plot via PM and bring that into the role play.
Specific hates: Godmoding (I can't tell you how many OPs I've had break this) Stagnant and congested posting. I cannot stand Ad-lits. I've tried, but people can get so long winded and I find myself reading about the same fly on the wall from three different perspectives.
Are you open to try new things? Yes, feel free to contact me if you're interested in something.
How can we contact you? Ping me, PM me, leave a wall message.
Other: I used to play on Gaia, but I found after a while that things would get painfully repetitive and the only fast paced plays that kept getting post were the single liners. I haven't tried here on mene yet, and I'm hoping I'll find some good plots! If you can't tell, I'm a DC fan. I'm not hugely familiar with the comic book series, but I'm a nut for the TV shows and movies. I also prefer colloquial typing to formal, and often switch between the two, though I try to keep it one or the other in a given play.


Posting frequency: Few times a week. I try to post daily, but depending on work and stuff I can't always post every day.
Posting length: 2-5 Paragraphs or more
Gender preference: I will play both female and male characters, but tend to prefer female.
Sexuality preference: heterosexual (prefer) or bisexual (only if my character is female)
Role-play size: I will play in both one on ones and groups.
Role-play genre preference: Fantasy, sci-fi, futuristic, supernatural, horror, historical, comical, drama, action and romance. Favorites are action/fantasy, drama and supernatural
Specific likes: Mixed genres is always a plus with a good plot. Gotta have some drama, but doesn't have to have a ton, same goes for romance. If it happens it happens. Quality over quanity, always. Really I'm not a hard person to please, as long as we can bounce ideas off each other and things stay interesting it's all good.
Specific hates: Short replies that don't offer much to work with. Impatience, yes I might be on almost everyday, but I can't always reply. Instant or speedy romance, that is a no unless the characters have a prior relationship and things are just moving futher along. Those how leave things for just me to figure out, don't add anything to the story. People who just disappear for a long time without notice.
My request thread:]Mene
Are you open to try new things? Of course I'm open to new things. Roleplaying would be so boring if I wasn't. Meeting new people, creating new worlds and characters it's all so much fun and addicting. I love vareity.
How can we contact you? You can contact me through ping, private message or visitor message.
Other: I roleplay on other sites. I can roleplay above the PG-13 limit and depending on the type of roleplay/plot prefer to. Definitely up for a long-term roleplay and would love to make some new friends. Almost forgot I'm known as MidnightStar on WTF and most other roleplaying sites that I'm on.


Posting frequency: Multiple times a day (if I'm off work) or a few times a week.
Posting length: 1 - 4 paragraphs
Gender preference: Prefer female, but can play both.
Sexuality preference: Sexuality doesn't concern me, I go with the partner. c:
Role-play size: one on ones and small groups
Role-play genre preference: Fantasy (best), Sci-fi, Futuristic, Supernatural, Horror (I'd like to try), Modern, Historical, Fan-Based (best), Drama, Action, Romance
Specific likes: Flexibility to situations.
Specific hates: One liners, constant grammatical errors, BEING A MARY-SUE
My request thread:
Are you open to try new things? Always! :)
How can we contact you? Shooting me a personal message is preferred, but feel free to ping me or leave a visitor message c:
Other: I roleplay on other sites as well, but I keep tabs open and refresh to see if new posts have been made. c:


Posting frequency: A few times a week.
Posting length: 2-3 Paragraphs
Gender preference: I will play both male and female.
Sexuality preference: I prefer my characters to be heterosexual.
Role-play size: I will play in both groups and one on ones.
Role-play genre preference: All
Specific likes: I adore adjective . 3 .
Specific hates: I dislike it when the person is not active
Are you open to try new things? Yes
How can we contact you? Personal message me or Leave me a visitor note
Other: It has been a while since I have role-played, so please be gentle with me . 3 .


Posting frequency: A few times a week.
Posting length: About a paragraph or two normally.
Gender preference: I will play both male and female.
Sexuality preference: I prefer my characters to be pansexual.
Role-play size: I prefer one on one usually.
Role-play genre preference: I don't really have a preference.
Specific likes: People who understands I work a lot, a long enough post that I can reply to, and a good plot.
Specific hates: Rude roleplayers that get mad when I can't reply a lot, small posts, when roleplayers get disinterested and just stop replying without telling me they want to quit, and not much honestly those are the main ones.
My request thread: HERE
Are you open to try new things? Yes feel free to contact me if you think I might be interested in something
How can we contact you? Any way you can get a hold of me.
Other: I work a weird schedule so most of the week I will only post a little bit, weekends I have off unless I go to training so that's when I will usually post more. I'm also starting to volunteer between 6 and 9 so I really probably wont post a lot during the week, for this I am sorry.


Posting frequency: Multiple Times a Day (May miss a day every once in awhile due to school, but am on later at night!)
Posting length: 2-3 Paragraphs (or more)
Gender preference: I will play both male and female.
Sexuality preference: Hetero-, Homo-, Bi-, A-sexual. All :)
Role-play size: I will play in both group and one-on-ones.
Role-play genre preference: Fantasy, Supernatural, Horror, Modern, School Based, Fan Based, Drama, Action, Romance.
Specific likes: - Minimum 2-3 sentence reply!
- Character development. Not the same old bland responses time after time.
- OOC plot/character discussion.
- Realistic romance!
- Please understand that I am not on constantly. I work and go to school full time. Menewsha is my downtime. If it gets stressful, it's not exactly fun. But I am on every day.
Specific hates: - Mary-sues/Gary-stus (who doesn't though?)
- Bland characters. Give them a personality. Give them faults and problems! Make them have different expressions for different scenarios.
- Unless it's in the plot, don't make your character fall in love with mine right off the bat. I will never design a character that makes that possible.
- Don't nag me to reply (unless it's been like 3 days and I haven't given a reason). Nagging and getting angry at me because I didn't respond in 1 hour will only make me not want to RP with you.
Are you open to try new things? Yes, feel free to contact me if you think I might be interested in something!
How can we contact you? PM me or leave a visitor message.
Other: I usually play the more dominant/aggressive role, but I enjoy playing the opposite too. Of course, if both characters are similar, that's even better! I'm very versatile with what I will write. I love exploring different characters and stories from all sorts of angles. And I'm more comfortable putting my RP partner's preferences above mine when it comes to who they want to play/what plot, so don't be afraid to be open about what you want to write! I'm horrible at deciding everything.


Posting frequency: Randomly (Within a week) - Currently I am doing a lot of work travel, so it is spotty when I can reply. I try to reply every 1-2 days, but if I am gone then it could be once a week.
Posting length: Paragraphs, 2-5 - Also depends on the RP. if the group is doing short quick replies, so will I. If the group is doing lengthy, very detailed replies, so will I.
Gender preference: I prefer to play male
Sexuality preference: Heterosexual
Role-play size: Groups or one on one!
Role-play genre preference: Fantasy, SCI-FI, Future, Fan Fiction, Action
Specific likes: Really like combat / fighting. I love super powers and plot twists. Planning RPs are fun, but just having an idea and running with it is fun too!
Specific hates: Everyone hates when players abandon RPs. I also dislike not paying attention to details that other players have said. Grammar / Spelling are important as well, but I am not perfect either.
Are you open to try new things? I will give any idea a fair consideration.
How can we contact you? Pings, messages, or visitor messages!
Other: Hmm more information about me... Well I don't RP on any other sites. My Girlfriend (Libra) got me into this so I have been doing it for a few months now.


Posting frequency: once a day at least
Posting length:A sentence or more
Gender preference:I play either gender.
Sexuality preference: Heterosexual
Role-play size: I will play in either group or onexones
Role-play genre preference: Fantasy, supernatural, horror, modern, historical, school based, fan based, drama, action, romance
Specific likes: Just be yourself I'm up for anything really.
Specific hates: Gomoding
Are you open to try new things?Feel free to contact me I'm up for anything just ask and we'll talk.
How can we contact you? personal message me, or leave me a visitor message


Posting frequency: Multiple times in a day. Usually this depends if I'm busy in life or not. I will let you know though.
Posting length: 2-3 paragraphs but am willing to try 2-4 paragraphs.
Gender preference: I play both male and female roles.
Sexuality preference: heterosexual, bisexual.
Role-play size: I will do one on ones and small groups .
Role-play genre preference: sci-fi, supernatural , horror, modern, fan based, action, romance
Specific likes: I like plotting out roleplays with my partners and plot twists as well. I also love doubling and playing NPCs.
Specific hates: None that I can think of. Spelling errors don't bother me as much as it use to.
My request thread:
Are you open to try new things? I'm always willing to try new things and fandoms.
How can we contact you? ping me , PM me if you want to reach me.


Posting frequency: Multiple times a day ... unless something comes up like im sick or on a midnight shift
Posting length: Depending On How deep the role play is I can post a phew paragraphs or a few lines.Also depends what I get to go off of from partner.Lol also depends on how awake I am
Gender preference:I play multi characters ,most of the time male and female to make things fare
Sexuality preference: Anything really ,except girlxgirl(no idea what that's classified as @_@
Role-play size: I like one on one's better then group RPs.
Role-play genre preference: EVERYTHING!!!!
Specific likes: Just be reliable and understanding :)
Specific hates:Nags about grammar and length of a post/reply
My request thread:
Post example:
Are you open to try new things? I'll give anything a try
How can we contact you? Visitor message or PM me :)


Posting frequency: Once - Multiple times a day (depends on my work hours)
Posting length: One - Fifteen paragraphs depending on my dedication, time, and inspiration.
Gender preference: I can play male, female, or both.
Role-play size: I WILL ONLY DO ONE ON ONES.
Specific likes: I prefer my partner to write a minimum of one paragraph (five sentences), hopefully can play canons (characters from shows), any age, any gender, and hopefully can play up to 2 or more characters (sharing roles). Someone who will be like a friend to me so we can talk about our story and not hold back. Someone who can create plot twists and ideas (you don't have to tell me, that's the fun of writing)
Specific hates: One liners. Mary/Gary Sues (overly done characters). Do not nag me to post (unless its been waaaay too long since I last posted).
My request thread: Click this to find me.
Post example: Crystal Cove - What's the worse that can happen - Festival Of Hope
How can we contact you? PING ME, PERSONAL MESSAGE ME.
Other: I am open for new ideas, I am not always that strict, I might be a girl, but I'm better at playing guys. I loooooove roleplaying male/male more than female/female, and I have to crave a male/female pairing to write about it. I do work from 26-39 hours as a part time in retail so I have my time limited. I do not work Friday evenings and that helps, but, I do have a little brother as he is a pain. My grammar & spelling in my chat posts have nothing to do with my writing posts. I do several things, like fanfictions, shows, movies, etc. I do not roleplay games since I do not play them that much.

Kat Dakuu

Posting frequency: depends on my love for the rp- between multiple times a day and once a week or two
Posting length: 1-3 paragraphs.
Gender preference: prefer male. Will do either
Sexuality preference: homosexual or bisexual. I'm open to everything though.
Role-play size: mainly one/one with rare small groups
Role-play genre preference: romance and modern mainly. Also SciFi, fantasy, historical, school...
Specific likes: uniqueness in plot and character
Specific hates: damsel in distress characters. Not being even half way serious about the story.
My request thread: rp request
fandom request
Post example:
Are you open to try new things? forever and always!
How can we contact you? visitor message or a pm
Other: I'm only looking in brief spurts when my rps die. And yes, I have two requests...

Kilia aka Ameika

Posting frequency:Hmmmm my posting is sporatic at best i suppose. I try to post a couple times a week i am lucky to post once a week. Sometimes i will post at least once a day. It really depends on my schedule.
Posting length: A small paragraph i suppose but it really depends on the other players if i can post more. Ah well and also how much sleep i have gotten the night before and how bad my shift was.
Gender preference: I can play both male and female.
Sexuality preference: *shrugs* eh i don't really care what preference they are sexually. They can be either one of them. I suppose I am just flexable to what the rp needs in this sense.
Role-play size: I prefer to play in groups, large or small. I can do one on ones also but they tend to die a whole lot faster then the group rps.
Role-play genre preference: Hmm All of them though I always have to have some romance in it. Lol. not to big on sci-fy though.....but i like giving it all a try. Not really picky in this sense unless I have no interest in it or if i know i will not be able to do a good job of it.
Specific likes: Hmmm I love to have romance in my rps, oh and ummm i just ask my partners to be patience with me and that if they have a problem with my posts or me to please tell me for i do not like having problems with others.
Specific hates: I hate one liners, not paying attention to all the posts, oh and those really pushy characters that have to have everything about them. But i understand that we all have that one character that is like that and that is just how they turn out in the end. I am sure i have had my fair share of characters that demand to be in the center of attention.
Are you open to try new things? Sure, I think that being able to be flexible and to be willing to try things new is what helps you to become a better roleplayer as is working with those that are far more advance then you are.
How can we contact you? you could ping me, message me, or leave a visitor comment if you want. Doesn't bother me which one.
Other: Hmmm i like to think that i am a fairly easy going person and that everyone likes me but i could be wrong about that. I can work with one liners with people but i would like it if they tried to at least put more of an effort to push for a paragraph. I mean i just want them to learn and develop themselves into a better rper but if they do not put the effort forward at least then that rp with them has a higher chance of dying if i am the one rping with them.


Posting frequency: At least once a day, typically it will be multiple times if I can.
Posting length: A two to three paragraph minimum, though I can write easily six or more on a good day. It depends on what my partners give me to go on, how much I have to work with.
Gender preference: I prefer to play male characters.
Sexuality preference: I typically play bisexual characters.
Role-play size: I have no trouble doing groups or one on ones.
Role-play genre preference: Any genre.
Specific likes: Creativity, I love seeing things I have not seen before. I enjoy seeing romance, but not have it overpower things. I prefer action and substance to a story, something I can get into, as well as my partners. I enjoy sharing ideas and plotting with my partners or groups. I enjoy talking to my partners, making friends outside of the rp. I am pretty easy going and like or can adapt to most things lol. My likes could go on.
Specific hates: I do not like seeing partnerships picked out at the beginning, so it is like the rest of the characters do not exist and they focus on that pair. I dislike constantly seeing the same types of characters used, the same names overused and characters with the constant sob story or poor me attitude. I dislike people taking characters or plot ideas from my roleplays and using them as they will without at least asking first. I have odd little quirks, typically if something bugs me, I'll let you know.
My request thread: Kiyoto's Request Thread
Are you open to try new things? Always. Those who have roleplayed with me can tell you that I am fairly flexable and adaptable. As long as you talk to me and are open with me, I have little trouble adjusting or working with whatever.
How can we contact you? Unless it is serious, do not ping me please. I would rather you post on my pro, or send me a message.
Other: You can find a bit about me in my request thread. I am on a few other sites, though mostly this one. I am around just to chat if need be, and I am always here for a friend. So do not be afraid to just come chat if you need someone to listen to you, or to rant. I typically can get along with and work with whatever, most important thing is communication.


Posting frequency: At least once a week, sometimes more.
Posting length: 2-5 for introductions. 1-3 for normal interactions.
Gender preference: Prefer female, open to both.
Sexuality preference: My characters will be hetero.
Role-play size: Prefer small groups and 1x1.
Role-play genre preference: Fantasy, modern, school based, fan based, adventure, & romance.
Specific likes: Attention to detail, OOC talk outside of thread (profile, PM, or OOC thread), contributes to storyline and setting, creates & controls NPCs, & discussing time skips.
Specific hates: Spelling name's wrong, vague posts that are hard to work off of, love at first sight, small or bright text (I read from my phone a lot of times), & unnecessary walls of text.
My request thread: Libra's Craving Another RP!
Are you open to try new things? Yes, depending on if I get excited about it.
How can we contact you? Any way is acceptable.
Other: I may disappear, and not tell you ahead of time when I won't be replying (I think I'll reply the next day, and something makes it not work out) so just poke at me if you're wondering what's going on. I will not drop the RP, but I may go away for a little while. I generally don't reply on weekends due to work.


Posting frequency: very randomly - not consistently.
Posting length: a small paragraph to 1-2 paragraphs,
Gender preference: I will play both male and female.
Sexuality preference: n/a not usually an issue as I don't focus on romance, but I will play both.
Role-play size: I will play in both group and one on ones
Role-play genre preference: fantasy, sci-fi, futuristic, supernatural, horror, modern, historical, school based, fan based, comical, drama, action, Just about everything!
Specific likes: anyone who will put up with me and my oddness
Specific hates: being forced into romance-centric plots or traintracked.
My request thread:
Are you open to try new things? yes feel free to contact me if you think I might be interested in something
How can we contact you? Ping me, personal message me, leave me a visitor message
Other: I'm a park ranger and occasionally work 50+ hour weeks, on top of life and mod-work. I can be busy, if you feel like I forgot about our rp ping my sad ass back into it!

Penella Goldeater

Posting frequency: At least once a day.
Posting length: Small paragraphs. Longer if inspired.
Gender preference: I prefer female characters but am not opposed to and have been playing more male characters.
Sexuality preference: I prefer my characters to be heterosexual.
Role-play size: I will happily play in either groups or one on ones.
Role-play genre preference: I don't see myself getting too invested in Future Fic and/or Sci-Fi. I like Sci-Fi just not sure I'm up to playing it. In fact I think I'd suck at it. I like the past. I can't think of a past era I wouldn't want to play in. Modern's good too.
Specific likes: You. I like you. Send me a message and I'll like you more.
FANDOMS - HIMYM, BTVS, Supernatural, South Park, Marvel, DC, WWE ...
Specific hates: Terrible spelling. Spam. I don't think it's a problem here.
Are you open to try new things? Yes, please feel free to contact me if you think I might be interested in something.
How can we contact you? PM me, PING me if you wanna reach me.
Other: Most of my role-play history comes from tabletop roleplaying games. I'm still getting my feet wet in online role-play, but I like to write, so we should be fine. Please note: romance is almost completely off the table. It feels false. Implied romance is fine. Flirtation. Nothing serious.

Pandora's Box

Posting frequency:Posting frequency:[/B] A few times a week.
Posting length: 1-3 paragraphs.
Gender preference: I prefer to play females.
Sexuality preference: Heterosexual or Asexual
Role-play size: Both. Both is good.
Role-play genre preference: Fantasy, Sci-fi, Futuristic, Supernatural, Horror, Modern, Fan based, Comical, Action, Romance (sometimes)
Specific likes: Apart from roleplaying, I love drawing anime-style art. Mixing the two of them is something I'd love to do.
Specific hates: Nothing I really hate, just be nice. :)
Post example:
Link #1
Link #2
Are you open to try new things? I like to try new things from time to time. Just ask, the worst I can do is say no.
How can we contact you? Ping me, Message me, Scream my name from the rooftop (that might not be the greatest way, but hey, whatever floats your boat). Say my name three times in front of a mirror in a dark room and I'll appear.
Other: I won't bite... too much, and I'm getting over a bit of social anxiety, so I'll try to be as friendly as possible, all I ask is a bit of friendliness back.


Posting frequency: Once a day, at least
Posting length: 1-2 paragraphs
Gender preference:I will play both male and female
Sexuality preference: Bisexual
Role-play size: Mostly one on one
Role-play genre preference: Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Supernatural, Horror, Modern (basically anything)
Specific likes: I like partners that put in plot twists, and can deal with the ones that I might throw in at random when the inspiration hits.
Specific hates: One liners, and bad grammar, and the discourtesy not to tell me if they get bored with the rp.
Are you open to try new things? Yep, if you have any ideas you want to try out, feel free to contact me.
How can we contact you?Pm me.
Other: I don't really rp fandoms.


Posting frequency: Multiple times a day (This really depends on who I'm interacting with and if they are on).. On average I post once a day.
Posting length: Atleast a paragraph, rarely anything less than that. Sometime/often more than a paragraph.
Gender preference: Prefer to play male but will play female if needed/wanted
Sexuality preference: Heterosexual (but other sexualities are ok)
Role-play size: Both groups (mostly) and 1x1
Role-play genre preference: Anything and everything
Specific likes: I'll like you as long as you don't do one liners.
Specific hates: One liners
My request thread: n/a
Are you open to try new things? Yes
How can we contact you? Any way you like :)
Other: n/a


Posting frequency: Multiple times a day, depending on whether or not the other rp-ers post.
Posting length: Usually 2-5 paragraphs.
Gender preference: I will play either gender.
Sexuality preference: I prefer my characters to be either heterosexual or bisexual.
Role-play size: I role-play in both groups and one x one.
Role-play genre preference: Horror, Modern, Fantasy, Action, School Based, Fan Based, Romance.
Specific likes: Detailed writing, but not so much that I'd be reading a novel.
Specific hates: Gary/Mary Sues and incorrect spelling/grammar.
Are you open to try new things? Definitely!
How can we contact you? Ping me, PM me, or leave me a visitor message.
Other: I've pretty much stopped rp-ing on tumblr, and do most of it here now. I'm a pretty friendly person so don't be afraid to chat me up!


Posting frequency: Honestly, rather randomly and inconsistently. I might not be able to get a reply for a month or so, and then reply multiple times every day for some weeks (however, I'll give warning and explanation).
Posting length: It depends on in-game situation and what I've been given to work with, but usually never under 2-5 paragraphs, often 5+.
Gender preference: I'll play both male and female, no issues there, but I like to play multiple characters so often it'll be one of each gender.
Sexuality preference: Heterosexual only.
Role-play size: I play both in groups and 1x1's, but prefer the latter, since my previously mentioned posting schedule can harm group role play. If I am in an active group role play, I'll make sure to reply at least once a week or so.
Role-play genre preference: Most of these, besides fully comical, school and fan based (but I love good humor). I'd only play historic if it has fantasy elements so there can be few inaccuracies. I don't usually do typical vampire or werewolf role plays and out of the list, I do feel most comfortable in fantasy and sci-fi settings.
Specific likes: I like if I can genre mix and add slow, budding romance that's not the focus of the story (but I can live without it). I like character development, clashing personalities, somewhat consistent story and being able to discuss things with my partner and have us both contribute to the plot. Humor is lovely bonus. The list goes on.
Specific hates: Short and/or unimaginative replies, worse if its in bad English, too cliche characters. Players that are bossy and want me to change my characters for any reason or force speedy romance on them. Those that just don't add anything to the story, depending on me to work everything out alone, players that disappear without any comment for long time (but with explanation, I'll patiently await your return).
Are you open to try new things? I think I adjust rather easily and like to try new things, but that kind of depends what the new thing is, especially since I've already played a lot of different genres and characters so there might not be much entirely new left.
How can we contact you? A ping, personal message or profile message all work.
Other: Hm, well, I think I'm friendly, so you can strike me up for a chat any time, if you'd like. If you ask me if I can RP right now with you and I have too many RPs, I will be honest and tell you so, although there's still chance you might lure me in, just know that I might be slow then. I grow attached to my RPs very quickly and put a lot of heart into them, so, I hate to see them die, so I prefer to see them continue even at snail pace.


Posting frequency: A FEW TIMES A WEEK
Posting length: 2-5 PARAGRAPHS
Sexuality preference: I PREFER MY CHARACTERS TO BE ANY.
Specific likes: Adaptability is a plus, but I will role-play with anyone!
Specific hates: None.
My request thread:
Post example: Pirates of Fantastical Notions
The Apocalyptic Pandemic of the Undead
A Disney Clash of Epic Proportions
How can we contact you? PING ME
Other: I am open-minded and love to try new things! Let me know if there is a specific idea you wanted to carry out. I will most likely be willing and happy to join you!


Posting frequency: At least once a day, probably multiple times a day
Posting length: Usually around 2-5 paragraphs. I've got lots of words!
Gender preference: I prefer to play female, but I could do either.
Sexuality preference: Homo- or heterosexual woman or heterosexual man. I don't think I could do a homosexual man.
Role-play size: I would prefer just to do one on ones.
Role-play genre preference: I would be comfortable doing modern, drama, or romance
Specific likes: Someone who is patient and could lead the way until I get a little more comfortable.
Specific hates: People who don't use spell-check. And I hate bad grammar and text-speech. I need to be able to understand what you're trying to say.
Are you open to try new things? Probably. Just PM me and we can talk about it. ^.^
How can we contact you? Ping me or PM me
Other: I'm really new at this so I might not know exactly what to do. I hope to find someone who can help me with the basics and won't get mad if I screw up...However, I've been writing for at least 10 years now and I've taken countless writing classes and been in groups etc., I've just never done anything like this with another person before. Basically, I have a head full of ideas and I feel like I'm a decent writer but I don't know all the nitty-gritty about role playing.


Posting frequency: Multiple times a day
Posting length: 2-5 Paragraphs,
Gender preference: I will play both male and female.
Sexuality preference: I have no preference. I am willing to play them all.
Role-play size: I will do both group and one on one
Role-play genre preference: fantasy, sci-fi, Futuristic, Supernatural,Modern, School based, fan based, Comical, Drama, Action, Romance, (DnD, and Pokemon)
Specific likes:With all my stories, if romances develop, I want them to develop. I love when the story is well told. I prefer decent sized replies so I have enough to work with in my reply. Multiple characters is enjoyable. Creativity, original characters. Keeping track of the details is a huge bonus for me. I reference back to previous posts to keep details straight, and I love when others do the same.
Specific hates: Incredibly illiterate...bugs me. I understand typos, but when the structure of the 1 sentence drives me nuts, I can't RP with that.
Are you open to try new things? I am absolutely open to new things.
How can we contact you?ping me or personal message me. I will get and see the profile comments, but I don't always answer them as fully as I could.
Other: If I am online, i will reply to a roleplay thread multiple times a day. i just need to see a reply. As of the last 2 years, i've been busy with children, so I haven't had computer time as regularly as I used to. But I tend to go to my subscriptions that are most important to reply to first (like RPs) So I should reply at least once a week.
I'm willing to go off site as well if its some kind of to big to do in menewsha type roleplay. (ex: a massive Harry Potter world roleplay site or perhaps even warriors series, on something like proboards)
For those people I enjoy roleplaying with, and befriend, I may even give my number out so you can text me and say "POST YOU FOOL" or something if you really want a reply immediately. But I do TRY to get on for a couple minutes every day.

Shikabane Hime a.k.a. Gothika_Knight

Posting frequency: Multiple times a day, if I am not distracted by facebook.
Posting length: It depends on my mood, I mostly go from 1 to 5 paragraphs.
Gender preference: I can play both genders.
Sexuality preference: For males heterosexual, my females are pansexual.
Role-play size: I can do both onexone and groups.
Role-play genre preference: As long as the story is good, I am not really picky about the genre.
Specific likes: I'm not really a picky people. As long as you give me a decent amount to work with, then I'm game. All I ask for is a good story, no Gary or Mary Sues and be ready for anything.
Specific hates: The only problem I have is when people disappear without a trace or ignoring my characters existence. Everything else, I don't really care for. Well I do, but just not as much. I understand I could be boring, but I am trying to get out of that.
My request thread: Shikabane's Den: Currently looking
Post example:
Example 1
Example 2
Are you open to try new things? Yeah, I'm pretty much open to new things, come at me if you got something.
How can we contact you? Ping, visitor or PM. I will get to you as soon as possible.
Other: I get on and if you have any questions for me, just come to me and I will try to answer them.


Posting frequency: I post fairly consistently, mainly because I don't do much throughout the day. I haven't been in enough roleplays to prove this to be true, though.
Posting length: Once again, haven't been in enough roleplays to establish this, but I'll go with a few paragraphs.
Gender preference: I prefer to play male, but I'll happily play either.
Sexuality preference: I'm not picky. I love a little romance, and sexuality has yet to get in the way of that. ;u;
Role-play size: I feel a lot of pressure in one-on-ones, so I'll have to go with groups. But if you want a one-on-one, I won't turn you down. Usually.
Role-play genre preference: Sci-fi, sci-fi, sci-fi. Seriously guys, invite me to your sci-fi roleplays. I'm begging you.
Specific likes: I like genuine relationships between characters. I also like genuine relationships between roleplayers. What are the odds? I love criticism and advice on improving myself as a writer, because I really need it. An understanding that I can't provide a novel per post is a good thing, too. As I mentioned earlier, I love romance, so when my character starts to get a little mushy, you'll know why.
Specific hates: This is going to make me lose a ton of potential roleplay partners, but I get really impatient after waiting decades for people to respond. Not impatient enough to constantly bug you about it, but impatient enough to where I have to sigh dramatically in frustration when I see that there is no new post. I understand why people can't always respond, I just have a hard time coping with it.
My request thread: Bam
Are you open to try new things? Always. Do people actually say no here?
How can we contact you? Personal message, ping, visitor message. Which ever way you feel is most effective.
Other: For what ever reason, creating profiles is really hard for me, so sometimes it takes me a bit to develop them and then work up the confidence to actually post them. I don't know why this is, it just is.


Posting frequency: It fluctuates, honestly. Sometimes multiple times a day, usually it's once or twice a week, but I have been guilty of those once in a while posts.
Posting length: Depends on the context, but it'll never be less than 2 paragraphs.
Gender preference: I'm good with both
Sexuality preference: Heterosexual
Role-play size: Recently I've been finding that I like one on ones a little more, because they're a bit easier to handle. Although, I could work with a small group.
Role-play genre preference: Fantasy (Favourite!!), Sci-fi, Futuristic (Favourite!!), Supernatural, Fan based, Comical, Drama, Action, Romance
Specific likes: I've found that in everything (reading, writing, role playing), character creation and development is my favourite. An unique and unusual character can make a bland plot epic, because really they (you!) are influencing the whole thing. Also, I love pre-planning and friendly communication between role players. We should discuss plot points and twists, give each other tips at times and also talk about thins other than role playing. I like to be buddies with my partners. I'm not very picky, but if you give cool characters and constant communication I will love you <3
Specific hates: First thing that came to mind: One-liners. I don't think that needs much explanation. Bad spelling and grammar to the pooint of being painful. Going off topic for no reason. Also, being unrealistic. You can't fall in love immediately. You can't be a master fighter without having trained. Even in unrealistic settings there has to be a little bit of realism.
Are you open to try new things? Oh yes, always! You can't meet new people or learn new things if you don't try something different atleast once. Contact away!
How can we contact you? Ping, pm, visitor message, all is good!
Other: I think that I should mention time zones. I find that when I wake up, everyone else here is going to bed, asleep or staying up late. So if you see me posting at odd hours that's why. I don't like dropping role plays once I've started, but if I'm stuck on inspiration or struggling I will let you know. I'm easy to talk to so I expect the same :D


Posting frequency: Once a day with random spurts of multiple posting in the same day.
Posting length: Couple sentences to a Small Paragraph (The better my partner, the better my posts)
Gender preference: I prefer male characters but can play females.
Sexuality preference: I prefer the characters be homosexual in a male male pairing.
Role-play size: I prefer one on one, but will do a small group of three or four players
Role-play genre preference: Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Futuristic, Supernatural, Horror, modern, school based, action, Romance.
Specific likes: I am not very picky but I do demand that your posts make sence and are not headache inducing trying to read it.
Specific hates: Headache inducing posts that are jibberish, God-moding, taking control of my character
My request thread: My thread, woot!
Post example: Just a Little Crazy
Frozen Steps
And an example of my posts with a partner who does not do large posts.
Are you open to try new things?I am definitely willing to try new things,
How can we contact you? Ping-me, Private Message, Visitor Messaging, posting in my request thread, and any other way on here that you can think of
Other: I do not play on any other sites, but I am 25 and have a little one to take care of and a job to go to. I normally am able tp post at minimum once a day, perhaps if I am lucky more than once, and I am liable to go missing for just a few days around holidays and such.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ aka Gemini

Posting frequency: Multiple times a day
Posting length: Varying, usually a few sentences to a small paragraph depending on what Wolfi's given to work with.
Gender preference: Wolfie prefers to play female, but she can easily play either.
Sexuality preference: Hetero, though Wolfie can be convinced to play male/male.
Role-play size: Groups, small groups and one on ones.
Role-play genre preference: All genres.
Specific likes: At least a once a week frequency. Wolfie tries hard to post frequently and match what her partner(s) put out, so she expects the same effort in return. Spelling, punctuation and grammar aren't deal breakers, but they are a plus. Wolfie would like to be able to understand what you post. Wolfie likes romance and imagination in a roleplay. Also, please clearly mark any OOC with brackets, parentheses or the like.
Specific hates: Any time you disappear without warning for an extended period of time. If you wish to quit the rp, please tell Wolfie. She really hates text speak, and numbers are not an acceptable substitute for letters. God modding and power playing are a huge no-no, and one-liners are a major turnoff.
Are you open to try new things? Yes, feel free to contact Wolfie if you think she might be interested in something.
How can we contact you? Ping, personal message or private message Wolfie.
Other: In case you didn't notice, Wolfie speaks only in the third person, always. Wolfie will roleplay on other sites, but not on any messenger. Wolfie's main account is Gemini, so if Gemini starts posting in a roleplay, don't be alarmed, that's Wolfie. Wolfie is almost always up for new roleplays, so if you're looking for someone to join up, just give Wolfie a shout!


Posting frequency: Random; not consistent. Heavily dependent on workload and time off. Try to post once every other day but am also guilty of once-a-month posts.
Posting length: 300 to 2000 words. Anywhere between three paragraphs and enough to make it seem like a chapter in a novel. Tend to average around 5 to 7.
Gender preference: I prefer to play males though I am capable of playing female, too.
Sexuality preference: Heterosexual. I can play homosexual males though don't expect much loving on my end.
Role-play size: I can do both group and onexones.
Role-play genre preference: Fantasy, sci-fi, futuristic, supernatural, horror, historical, comical, drama, action, romance. Top three? Drama, action/adventure, and crime-based.
Specific likes: Psychological thrillers and dramas. If you can keep me on my toes, props to you. I also love quality over quantity. Only give me posts with meaning and meat. If I have to read a bunch of nonsense fluff about nothing, then I will lose interest.
Specific hates: Lack of patience. I cannot stand being pestered to post. I will post when I want to post. If I'm not interested in the story, I will tell it to your face. I also will not do high school stories or slice of life stuff. I need action and adventure. Too boring and I'll hit the road. I also hate bright colors. Cyan, lime, yellow... please don't use them. Pale colors like silver, light pink, etc. also bother me too.
My request thread: WTF (character dump) and Mene (roleplay wants).
Are you open to try new things? Of course. If I wasn't, I would meet new people and create new, engaging stories. I love the variety and I love a challenge.
How can we contact you? Ping, PM, visitor message, IM (see my profile for options).
Other: I do roleplay on other sites. I can roleplay above the PG-13 limit, especially with horror/gore/violence. I'm always up for a long-term roleplay (I've been in one for several years now) and have no problem befriending partners. In fact, I encourage it. If you're lucky, you'll walk away with my Facebook URL and phone number.

p o p p e t ♥ 07-15-2014 06:55 PM

Fun and Helpful Sites for Writers and Readers!
Telescopic Text
I love this one a lot. It shows you how to be more descriptive
by giving you a sentence, and all you have to do is click on a word!

What Should I Read Next?
Just type the title of a book you loved or an author who's writing you like,
and it will suggest something similar to read! So cool!

15 Words to try and use in your writing this week!
Because sometimes you just want to show off being able to use a rarely used word.

I Write Like
Paste a little bit of your writing into the box and it will tell you which famous author you write like!

This site highlights errors in your writing to help you shorten sentences,
fix grammar, choose verbs, etc.

You Should Write
This site gives you a topic and a minimum number of words to use and
challenges you to write a short story on the random topic.

Get a score/get graded on your writing
Simply paste some of your writing into the box and it will instantly rate your writing
on readability and break the score down for you in categories!

More to come when I have more time!

p o p p e t ♥ 07-15-2014 06:55 PM

The Naughty List
These are the people who have been caught being naughty in our thread; lying, spamming, harassing, etc. They are banned from this thread until their names have been removed from this list. And they'd better hope it's before Christmas, or they're getting coal in their stockings! [illgetu]

p o p p e t ♥ 07-15-2014 06:55 PM

Open! You may begin posting!
Feel free to let me know if I should add anything, or if I've mucked anything up! It's been a while since I organized something like this and well, we're all human!

sadrain 07-15-2014 09:32 PM

Oh this is nice idea. I might add myself up there, although I should probably refrain, but the idea's very nice. Nice set-up, too!


I WANT TO RATE: p o p p e t ♥
My rating is: 5

She's an absolutely amazing, active, patient role player with greatly diverse characters. The way she writes is captivating and in our 1x1, she never ceases to surprise me with some great detail and some fun comment. There is just enough of everything in her, as partner both in writing and someone to talk outside the game and about it. Very creative lady she is!

p o p p e t ♥ 07-15-2014 09:56 PM

Daw. [hug]

You should totally put yourself up there! Why wouldn't you?

Now I get to figure out how I'm going to do the rating thing, lol. I should have put more thought into that already. [sweat] Off to the drawing board!

sadrain 07-15-2014 10:01 PM

Just quote it in the quote about the player? :)
And I am not like, super actively looking for new RPs all the time, so if I did and someone contacted me, I might have to turn down? D: But I'll think about it.

p o p p e t ♥ 07-15-2014 10:24 PM

Ohhh I see I see. [yes]

So I created a star. And have saved an online mean calculator where I can easily calculate ratings, and, I think I'll link to the people's rating noms. If anyone does anonymous ratings I'll just save a doc on my desktop as to not lose track of ratings. It will be easy. Way easier than my old thread. [yes]

p o p p e t ♥ 07-16-2014 01:59 AM

Sorry for the stalk guys! This will be the only ping you get from me. Hope you all enjoy the thread and participate! Please ping or link your friends!

Hidden Cupcake:
sailor star rainbow:
Phoenix of the Immortal:
Q U E E N:
~Wild Spirit Wolf~:
Vinny XIII:
Penella Goldeater:
Shikabane Hime:
ISOS Duke:
Kat Dakuu:
The Dork:

Kat Dakuu 07-16-2014 02:11 AM

I like this thread! I will subscribe and poke around when my laptop has a new charger. I loved that old thread though.

Penella Goldeater 07-16-2014 02:12 AM

Thanks for including me. [squee]

p o p p e t ♥ 07-16-2014 02:17 AM

Kat, I really loved the old thread, too. It was just way too much upkeep. I feel like this is similar enough. And if after a few days I see that people are interested and it's running smoothly. We can start doing like monthly noms or something and still have a sort of contest/prize thread. [yes] I'm glad to see you're into the new one! [hug]

You're welcome Nella! I know you're wanting to be involved in Mene. So hurr ya' go! [hug]

Ever_After 07-16-2014 02:19 AM

This looks like a lot of fun! And I love the links I'm checking out that words to use in your writing site now.

Kat Dakuu 07-16-2014 02:20 AM

This is similar for sure. I just really love rating my friends and I'd very much hope mine would do the same for me. I very much like to known what people honestly think. I like that we can rate anonymously too. Easier to be honest.

sailor star rainbow 07-16-2014 02:23 AM

This looks like it could be a lot of fun. I'm willing to give it a shoot at it so to speak.

Kiyoto 07-16-2014 02:23 AM

o.o ello ello lol

Cheshire_cat 07-16-2014 02:40 AM

Whoa :O This is awesome! :D

Thanks for adding me~!

p o p p e t ♥ 07-16-2014 02:59 AM

I'm so so so glad you're all liking it! Don't forget to ping your friends, and fill out a form to be in the listings please!

---------- Post added 07-15-2014 at 10:00 PM ----------

And hai Kiyo! [hug]

Kat Dakuu 07-16-2014 03:04 AM

Should we only fill out for the listings if we're actively looking for new rps?

Kiyoto 07-16-2014 03:05 AM


Posting frequency: At least once a day, typically it will be multiple times if I can.
Posting length: A two to three paragraph minimum, though I can write easily six or more on a good day. It depends on what my partners give me to go on, how much I have to work with.
Gender preference: I prefer to play male characters.
Sexuality preference: I typically play bisexual characters.
Role-play size: I have no trouble doing groups or one on ones.
Role-play genre preference: Any genre.
Specific likes: Creativity, I love seeing things I have not seen before. I enjoy seeing romance, but not have it overpower things. I prefer action and substance to a story, something I can get into, as well as my partners. I enjoy sharing ideas and plotting with my partners or groups. I enjoy talking to my partners, making friends outside of the rp. I am pretty easy going and like or can adapt to most things lol. My likes could go on.
Specific hates: I do not like seeing partnerships picked out at the beginning, so it is like the rest of the characters do not exist and they focus on that pair. I dislike constantly seeing the same types of characters used, the same names overused and characters with the constant sob story or poor me attitude. I dislike people taking characters or plot ideas from my roleplays and using them as they will without at least asking first. I have odd little quirks, typically if something bugs me, I'll let you know.
My request thread: Kiyoto's Request Thread
Are you open to try new things? Always. Those who have roleplayed with me can tell you that I am fairly flexable and adaptable. As long as you talk to me and are open with me, I have little trouble adjusting or working with whatever.
How can we contact you? Unless it is serious, do not ping me please. I would rather you post on my pro, or send me a message.
Other: You can find a bit about me in my request thread. I am on a few other sites, though mostly this one. I am around just to chat if need be, and I am always here for a friend. So do not be afraid to just come chat if you need someone to listen to you, or to rant. I typically can get along with and work with whatever, most important thing is communication.
Rating links:

p o p p e t ♥ 07-16-2014 03:09 AM

Kat, I'd say no. Fill one out anyway if you'd like. That way if someone just so happens to message you and you absolutely adore the idea, you aren't missing out! It's totally okay to turn down offers for reasons such as, it's really not your thing, or you aren't currently available to take on another rp. So yes, fill one out, and filter through requests at your own discretion.

I'll add yours now Kiyoto!

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