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NiccaWoodStar is offline
Old 04-21-2009, 03:35 AM

Renee winced when Victoria called her nice.
Dan turned to her angrily.
"That girl--" He took a deep breath.
"A few years ago, my brother, Pete, found her sitting in the streets. I went off to buy a Coke while Pete talked to her in a nice conversation. I thought she was a nice girl so I didn't watch 'em."
He gritted his teeth.
"When I came back--Pete was lying--dead." He spat the word. "He had a bite on his neck and he looked drained of all his blood. That nice girl," he said sarcastically, "drank all his blood and left him dead."
"I was thirsty!" Renee cried. "I hadn't drank anything for weeks! I couldn't help it! If I was able to choose, I wouldn't have killed Pete!"
"Shut up, you liar!" Dan shouted.

Arc Angel
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Old 04-21-2009, 03:49 AM

Xander and Victoria both cringed at his story.
Victoria turned to the man, sympathetic. "A vampire's thirst can be really strong... especially when you haven't had blood in a while.. I'm guessing she didn't know she was going to attack him until it happened. It happens a lot.. I'm sorry about your brother, but it really could have been a complete accident. In that case, revenge won't change anything.."

Xander nodded in agreement."It's happened to both Victoria and I once.. We both live with that guilt every day, and I'm sure it's no different with this girl you're after."

NiccaWoodStar is offline
Old 04-21-2009, 04:06 AM

Renee nodded strongly.
"Forgive me, Dan!" she pleaded. "I regret what I did. I really do!"
Dan stared at her furiously. Renee stared back pleadingly.
With a sigh, he turned around, thinking he should forgive her. Renee sighed in relief.
Then thoughts of his time with Peter came to him. They were such, such good moments.
And this girl, who he doesn't care about, took them away.
He turned around, his face full of hate once more.
"I'm letting you go this time," he said slowly. "But I will find you. And when I find you, I'll be more prepared."
He gave her one angry look and stomped away.
Renee was not happy yet. What did he mean by more prepared?

Arc Angel
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Arc Angel is offline
Old 04-21-2009, 04:18 AM

Xander paid no attention to the change of expression on Dan's face. He didn't know the girl, but if Victoria had taken a liking to her... well, he wasn't going to let her down. As he expected the man was still angry, though he doubted he would follow through and kill the girl.

Victoria on the other hand, looked a bit worried. Turning towards Renee, she frowned a bit. "Do you have a safe place to hide? Until he calms down a bit?"

NiccaWoodStar is offline
Old 04-21-2009, 04:22 AM

Renee nodded. "Sure, I do. I live with my adoptive parents. I think I"m safe there."
A terrible thought entered her. "Oh no! What if my parents get hurt? I can't let get hurt on my account! I can't!" she said, tears streaming down her face. "They were the only ones who accepted me. Everyone else -- thought I was a freak. A weirdo. I can't let them get hurt!"

Arc Angel
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Arc Angel is offline
Old 04-21-2009, 04:30 AM

Xander inhaled sharply when she mentioned adoptive parents. If they were human, there's no way she'd be safe there... and that would mean..

Victoria gently patted the Renee's back. "It's alright.. Tell your parents you will be sleeping over at a friend's tonight. We will keep you at our house until that man calms down. You will be safe there, and he won't hurt your parents... Right, Xander?"

With a sigh, Xander nodded. He didn't like company much, but heck, why not?

NiccaWoodStar is offline
Old 04-21-2009, 04:46 AM

"Erm, okay. I guess so. Thank you for the offer, Vanessa and Xander." Renee smiled at the both of them. She didn't really know them but they seemed nice.
"I'll go tell my parents now."

Arc Angel
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Arc Angel is offline
Old 04-21-2009, 05:04 AM

Xander turned to leave, but Victoria hesitated to let Renee go alone. "Alright.. We'll be watching." she said, smiling. With that, Xander and her left. Well, at least appeared to have left. Like she said, they were watching... from the rooftops.

Xander sighed, looking at Victoria. "She's your responsibility." To that, Victoria just rolled her eyes. "She has adoptive parents ya know... we're just... baby sitting. Besides, how hard could it be?"

NiccaWoodStar is offline
Old 04-21-2009, 05:19 AM

Renee went to her home and explained to her parents that she was going to sleep over with her friends. They didn't let her go at first but they finally gave in. Renee quickly packed her bags and headed for Victoria and Xander's home. She stopped. She had no idea where their home was. "Shoot," she muttered.

Meanwhile, Dan was already in his bedroom, pretending to sleep. He knew the vampires would kill him if he tried to attack Renee at that time. So he walked away. But he'll catch her. Alone. When his wife was deeply asleep, he crept out of the bedroom and did a sketch on Renee. He was a really good artist and he copied her face realistically. All he'll have to do is ask around where this girl lives. The rest is for later. For now, he has to concentrate on finding where she lives.

Arc Angel
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Arc Angel is offline
Old 04-21-2009, 01:38 PM

Victoria leapt from her spot on the roof when she saw Renee come out, with Xander appearing next to her a few seconds later. "Ready? Xander's gonna stay here.. watch your house. The man may find it.." She immediately stopped what she was saying, then gave her a smile. "Anyways, let's go."

Xander nodded at them before going to take his spot on the roof again. If the man tried hurting the girl's parents, he'd be there. He wasn't exactly sure if he was planning to do so, though.

NiccaWoodStar is offline
Old 04-21-2009, 11:02 PM

"I hope he doesn't harm 'em," Renee murmured as she walked with Victoria. "Are you sure Xander can hold him off? I mean, I know he's a vamp and Dan's just a human. But he's very strong."

Arc Angel
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Arc Angel is offline
Old 04-21-2009, 11:07 PM

Victoria lightly chuckled. "Xander is very strong.. do not underestimate him. He will take good care of your parents." She may sound confident, but she was actually very worried... the man did seem pretty strong. And, yes, he was a human, but he sure had a lot of rage,

Xander had to keep occupied so he wouldn't doze off, so he started pacing. They didn't even know if the many as coming, so he might be bored all night... He paused to yawn, then continued pacing.

NiccaWoodStar is offline
Old 04-21-2009, 11:35 PM

Dan groaned as he pulled himself up from the bed. It was around midnight and still, he could not sleep. Finding the girl was a great achievement. But now he has to find her. Immediately.

Now Dan was a smart boy and he knew what to expect. Most likely, the girl wanted to protect her parents from him. So she went away to go with the vampire woman or the guy. Most likely the woman, since they seem to be closer. The guy was probably left to stay guard in her house, since he's the man and is like the -- guard. Whatever.

He frowned. He wasn't sure of this theory. I mean, it was the most obvious thing they could do. They might have pulled out some wise thing that he didn't know about.
But this is most likely what they did. So now there's two things to do. Find the girl's home and figure out a way to face the guy vampire.

"Where do you live?" Renee said. "Do you live near my home? I'd like to still see my parents, even if Xander is guarding them."

Arc Angel
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Arc Angel is offline
Old 04-22-2009, 03:28 AM

Xander knew better than to leave the parents in the girl's home alone. He was planning to make them leave, make up some excuse, but seeing as he had none, he took extreme measures. Sneaking into their home, he spotted both of them. A second later, with a quick blow to the back of their necks, they were unconscious. He quickly dropped their unconscious bodies off in a his room in his and Cara's apartment, then left to go back and watch over the house.

Victoria nodded. "Yes, I live in this building, actually." It was a rather large apartment building, just around the corner from Renee's house. "And, uhh.. not to scare you, but we couldn't leave your parents in their house alone."

NiccaWoodStar is offline
Old 04-22-2009, 04:12 AM

Renee frowned. "I don't...get you. What do you mean?"

Arc Angel
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Arc Angel is offline
Old 04-22-2009, 04:20 AM

Victoria laughed a little. "My brother brought them to our apartment. The man would easily figure out where they lived, and we didn't want to risk Xander not being able to stop him. So, right now they're in his room, sleeping. Don't worry, he didn't harm them, and they won't remember a thing." She only knew this because she had seen Xander climb into the apartment from the balcony on their walk over. she led Renee into the building and started walking up the stairs.

NiccaWoodStar is offline
Old 04-22-2009, 04:28 AM

Renee followed, shrugging. She was comforted by the thought that her parents were safer. Smiling, she followed Victoria up the stairs, eager to see her apartment. She was excited to see how other vampires lived.

Arc Angel
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Arc Angel is offline
Old 04-22-2009, 04:58 AM

Victoria stopped going up at the third floor, leading Renee down a hallway. At the end of the hallway, she opened her apartment door, walking in and turning on the lights. It was painted a light creme color with red and black furniture. The walls had a couple mirrors, along with different styles of paintings. The door opened up into a living room, from there there was also a connected dining room, and a door leading out of that and a hallway off to the side. She turned to Renee. "Uhh, well, this is it." she said, smiling.

NiccaWoodStar is offline
Old 04-22-2009, 06:14 AM

Renee gasped. Her family wasn't really rich so their home was rather dull. "WOW!" Renee exclaimed. "I love this apartment! It's so cool!" she squealed. She beamed at Victoria. "Thanks for letting me stay here." [color=#a0dc00]

Arc Angel
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Arc Angel is offline
Old 04-22-2009, 01:27 PM

Victoria smiled. "Thanks.. And no problem." She walked in, hanging her jacket in a nearby closet and setting her bag down on the floor. She looked at her apartment for a moment, now happy that she'd cleaned it so thoroughly earlier.

NiccaWoodStar is offline
Old 04-22-2009, 11:08 PM

Renee yawned. She may be over a hundred years old but she still has the body of a twelve year old.
"I'm sleepy," she murmured. "Where can I sleep?"

Arc Angel
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Arc Angel is offline
Old 04-22-2009, 11:15 PM

Victoria smiled. "Already? Okay, ill let you have the guest bedroom.." she led her down the hallway, stopping at a door on the right. She opened the door up to reveal a decent sized room, painted the same creme color. It looked like a normal bedroom, all the furniture matching the rest of the house. The bed was full sized, and that's where Victoria walked over to. "This room good enough? I'm right next door."

NiccaWoodStar is offline
Old 04-23-2009, 02:20 AM

"It's better than good enough!" Renee exclaimed. "You guys are rich!"
She eagerly went into the bed and pulled the blanket over her. She sighed in content.
"Good night, Victoria!"
Renee frowned inside. The truth is, she wasn't sleepy. She's never sleepy. She only wanted to get some peace and try to move away from the troubles she put herself and her loved ones in.
She squeezed her eyes shut, and tried to go into her deep sleep.

Arc Angel
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Arc Angel is offline
Old 04-23-2009, 03:29 AM

Victoria laughed a little, smiling. "I suppose we are.." Those centuries of hard work and private savings accounts had assured them a nice amount of money. She then smiled an Renee. "Good night, Renee." She couldn't help feeling that she wasn't really tired, but shrugged it off, flipping the light off for her and gently closing the door.

NiccaWoodStar is offline
Old 04-23-2009, 11:43 PM

Renee couldn't sleep. She kept on having nightmares about the day she killed Pete. She imagined she was the helpless young man, who wanted to do something good for her. And instead of getting something nice back, he lost his life. She remembered the look of terror and grief on Dan's face.
She woke up, only to figure out it was already morning.

Dan's eyes flew open. It was already morning. He immediately kissed his wife and his son goodbye, even though they were still asleep.
He planned to transform into his wolf form. It would help him sniff out Renee and her family better.
He was about to do so when his common sense returned. No normal human being would act normally when they see a wolf roaming the streets and sniffing out objects. No, no, he couldn't do that. He would just have to wait for night. Well, he had no choice anyway. It was a full moon tonight.
He took his coat and walked outside. With a deep breath. He walked around and started showing people his sketch of Renee.


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