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Chryssta is offline
Old 09-26-2010, 10:06 PM

Brandi's hands were raised a little, almost waiting for Jade to spazz out or something. They were off the side of the walkway, so they had some privacy on the still busy street. "I haven't either, Jade. I've never been on a date before. This is a first for me too. Like Miranda said, Timmy and I grew up together. I've never been single until..." He trailed off, still not able to say it so casually, even though he can talk about Tim without crying now.

He places a hand on either of his date's arms, talking to him from behind, not forcing him to turn around. "I wouldn't do anything to force something that isn't felt by both sides, Jade. I'm not like that. I never thought for a moment you were easy or slutty." He sighs, not really knowing how to continue, but forges on all the same, stumbling as he goes. "I've only ever been with Timothy. This dating thing, it's completely new. If I do something wrong, you have to tell me, okay?"


Miranda looks at Antria like she grew a fourth head. "Brandon wouldn't do anything like that on a first date. He'll have Jade home tonight, probably before eleven. Unlike some, he's a responsible adult." She whips around, her braid flying like a flail, and goes on a walk around the cafe, looking for something out of place.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 09-26-2010, 10:27 PM

Jade felt a little foolish...Some of the color left his cheeks as Brandon spoke. Brandon was just as unsure as he was. Jade was silent as Brandon spoke, nodding slightly. When those hands were placed on his arms though, Jade turned around to face Brandon. Those lips parting slightly as he was about to say something....His phone rang...the same j-pop song as earlier. Just like earlier the color drained from Jade's face. He turned back around, his back to Brandon again as he fished out his phone from the tiny pocket in the front of the little skirt he wore. He stared at the flip phone for a few moments. Chewing that bottom lip of his.

He pushed the button on the side of the phone. Effectively stopping that annoying song and the call as well. An ignore button was so handy sometimes. Jade shivered. Slipped that phone back into that little pocket, turned, grabbed Brandon's hand. "...We should we aren't late." He offered a semi-forced smile to Brandon as he tugged gently on that hand..he seemed to be holding a bit tightly to that hand.

emiko_firecaster is offline
Old 09-28-2010, 01:29 AM

Antria frowns and shakes her head, as she mutters, "it was a joke.... sorry for saying anything..." stares down at the counter blushing in shame


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