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The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 01-19-2011, 06:11 AM

Katima smiled and laughed at that, "I really don't care how long it takes. I mean I'm in the presence of someone intriguing and quiet frankly I don't want to go home." Sighing she rested her head on the window watching the scenery pass by her. 'I don't get why you can't hold a conversation with him like others? You always get so quiet! 'Oh hush Daarar, it's not important." Rolling her eyes at the conversation that continued in her head for a bit longer she finally pulled her head up and looked at Madara. "I didn't know that there was another hole in the mask." Chuckling slightly, little things amuse her.

Kakashi smiled as he turned to Kurodo and cleared his thoughts. "Na, if I sleep now I wont wake up in the morning. The more sleep I have the less likely I am to wake up. So, what would you like to talk about now?" Kakashi pulled off the mask that was annoying him and grunted slightly as it fell. Smiling at him now, "I hope you don't mind Kurodo, I really hate the dang thing."

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 01-19-2011, 03:10 PM

"You find me intriguing?" Madara smirked lightly in Katima's direction. True, he was often considered an enigma by others, but that hadn't happened so much on the Naruto cast yet as he hadn't had many parts on screen so far. He was only just starting his silly antics with Deidara. "And there's a lot you don't know about my mask." He laughed. Reaching a red light, he stopped and turned to face Katima. He tapped the lower half of his mask, and with a small click! it dropped off into his other waiting hand, revealing the lower half of his face. He now looked as though he was wearing a large, swirly, bright orange skull-mask. "So I can eat." He explained, grinning.

He laughed. "We can talk about your mask, then. Why do you wear that thing, anyway? If you hate it so much?" Kurodo asked, amused. Especially when the man looked so much better with his mask off than on, in his opinion.

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 01-19-2011, 05:46 PM

"Yes, you are very intriguing my friend." Smiling and nodding she listened to him intently and watched his movements. "THAT IS SO COOL! Then again I highly doubt you got it to do that for just that reason." Chuckling she winked at him, "Bet you get a lot of girls huh?" Smiling at him, she meant ever word she was saying.

Kakashi smiled up at him, "Well as you can see I am very handsome, I wish that Katima would do the same sometimes, but that's not the point. My point is it's so tiresome having annoying women trying to rape me every time they see me." Smiling sweetly he rubbed the back of his neck. "Well besides the fact that they are annoying I don't normally like women unless they are intriguing which is rare. Thought you might want to know this." Silently he wondered if Kurodo wouldn't understand that Kakashi was bi, and that stuff may happen if he stayed for to long, It has been a while since Kakashi had done ANYTHING. If you catch my drift.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 01-20-2011, 02:26 PM

Madara laughed. "Hardly. Most women don't like old, wrinkly men." He said, smirking. "No, the mask is for acting purposes, and avoiding the authorities. I'm almost never seen without my mask, so much that even my Wanted poster is that of my Tobi alias, and not 'me'." He explained. He rather prided in having almost no photos of himself that existed. There might be a few left, but he was confident that they were at least over twenty years old, and thus very out of date.

"...And here we are." He said a few minutes later, pulling into a parking space in front of a middle-sized restaurant that read, 'Chuang's Chow'. "I wonder if they have stewed octopus..." He murmured as he got out of the car and waited for Katima. He had always liked seafood.

Kurodo couldn't help it. He laughed, and he laughed hard as he sat down onto the couch beside Kakashi. "Heh, very handsome indeed." He shook his head. "I'll give you that. You have a huge fanbase, it's second only to Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto according to that last poll they did." There was a strange glint in the older man's eyes, but he didn't think too much about it.
((Blargh, brain fart. x___x))

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 01-20-2011, 07:20 PM

Katima laughed and smiled at him. "Ah I see, personally though, masks suck. That's why I stopped wearing mine!" Laughing again she thought of the very pissed Kakashi when he found out she stopped wearing them. "Mine were for different reasons though." Nodding her head she looked at the restaurant. "I kind of want shrimp!" She giggled and stepped out of the car waiting for him to do the same.

Kakashi nodded his head acknowledging the fact that Kurodo was correct about this. Sighing out loud he looked at the man with a small interest in the tv. "I hear you have quite a fanbase as well, am I wrong?" Kakashi was almost never wrong with information, actually, he was hoping that some more people would excel his own fan base just to have a somewhat normal life like Katima's was. Sure she had fans, however, she could go out without a mask and not get raped. Well that and the fact she had a demon that scared almost everyone away. Kakashi didn't care though, he was happy with just reading and sleeping. "Quite a shame if you don't though, I think you should have a rather large one, and if not. I hope you have at least a larger fan base than Hidan, you seem so much better than him." Kakashi chuckled at how weird that sounded.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 01-23-2011, 04:14 PM

"Different reasons?" Madara asked curiously as they stepped into the restaurant and he held up two fingers to the waiting waitress who began to lead them towards a table in the back, as most were occupied already. The elder Hatake wore them to avoid fangirls, if he remembered correctly. Although his hair was pretty much a dead giveaway, so he didn't really know why he bothered. At least his hair was the pretty average, every-day type you'd see a lot on the streets, so that he could actually blend in if the circumstances required it.

When they reached their seats he pulled out the chair for Katima before sitting down himself on the other side, nodding to the waitress to dismiss her for the time being while pulling out the menu and handing one to Jinchuuriki. Oh good. They do have stewed octopus...
Kurodo made a small face. "Nah. The idiot's got a larger fanbase. Something about the combination of 'loud idiot' plus 'immortal' must've clicked the right button for the masses; they practically worship the ground he walks on." He leaned back on the couch, sparing a glance at the news, now onto something about rising gas prices. "Although I really don't envy him. Fans are a pain in the rear, as I'm sure you'd know what I mean. And it's even worse when they become stalkers..." His voice trailed off as he thought of the time where a pair of twins had somehow gotten into their heads that he and Hidan each belonged to one of them and they kept on following them around for weeks on end, where it ended in an unpleasant surprise of Hidan walking in on the older sister hiding in his and Madara's apartment...inside the showers. Naked. Kurodo shuddered. He was glad he had not been the one to run into that particular incident.

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 01-23-2011, 07:05 PM

Katima fallowed them in front of her as they made it to the table. Seeing Madara pull out her chair she smiled and sat down looking through the menu. 'Ohhh get the fried Kalahari and is that beef ramen!?''This restaurant is way to nice for you to be ordering beef ramen!''No fair! I never get to eat what I want!''You do when we go to a steak house or such.''. . . Only because you love meat about as much as me.' Sighing to herself she finally gave in looking up at Madara. "So, I eat a lot, which means I will be paying for my half. I even have enough to pay for you if you want. It's just normally I want something different from Daarar, and despite popular belief, he does eat the stupid food." Katima never really knew exactly how he did it or if it was even possible but he did. Finally she decided on beef ramen, fried Kalahari, and a shrimp platter. Well with sake of course.

Kakashi sat there listening intently to the man beside him. When Kurodo told him about the fan thing being to much sometimes he knew exactly what he meant. "I nearly get raped with the mask much less when it's off, however, they normally tend to be stunned and don't do anything. It pisses off Katima though because she always has to fight off the girls for me." Sitting for a second he chuckled. "In fact, Katima has a huge fan base, it's just they are all terrified of what she can and will do to them." Noticing he talked a lot about Katima he blushed and hoped that Kurodo couldn't see it through the mask. "Sorry I keep talking about her, it's just she is more like my child, and I make sure she is safe because of it. It's probably a real bore for others to listen. I just never know what to say though about me." Rubbing his hair through his soft yet spiked hair he sighed and wondered why he spoke so much around the man before him. No one ever had this affect on him.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 02-02-2011, 09:23 AM

"But it's rude to ask a lady to pay for her meal..." Madara mumbled, being old-fashioned like that. His mother had always taught him to be a proper gentleman to ladies. "Besides, I'm sure you don't eat nearly as much as the Uzumaki brat does." The boy could eat anyone to death with that bottomless pit he calls a stomach. He had had the very unfortunate experience of offering to pay for the Jinchuuriki's lunch one day. Something that almost forced him to ask Hidan, of all people, to help pay his half of the rent that month.

For some reason, he had a feeling that even if Katima ate him to death, he probably wouldn't mind at all.

Looking down at his menu again, he thought about his choices. Hm...steamed fish, stewed octopus, and maybe some squid...?

Kurodo smiled. "I don't mind at all. It's pretty nice to see you caring about someone, actually. You're usually always so nonchalant on screen." Also amusing, to picture the poor man running down the street with a flood of screaming fangirls chasing after him...but of course, he didn't need to tell Kakashi that.

((Ugh...major brain fart on Kurodo...))

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 02-02-2011, 04:27 PM

Katima looked up at Madara and smiled gently at him, "I would feel bad if you do though, I mean, I'm use to paying! No one expects me to not pay, that or they are all just incompetent." Her face went blank as she said this then she rolled her eyes, "Really, I swear that no one has manners in our cast, I was rather surprised knowing you did!" Katima laughed quietly as not to disturb the tables around her. 'What are you going to drink? I want water please!''Perfectly fine with me! Hmmm what should I talk to him about?''I could care less, I just want food!' Katima rolled her eyes as she smiled, he was always saying things like that.

Kakashi blushed slightly and chuckled, "No one is of intrest to me there besides Katima, why should I care about the others when they are self-centered. Katima wasn't raised like that though. . . She could be dying and she would still help someone before she helped herself. I'm such a hypocrite!" Laughing he shook his head and looked up at Kurodo, "It's just, I don't meet a lot of people that I can care about."


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