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Glitter Golgotha
lonesome and loathsome
Glitter Golgotha is offline
Old 03-03-2011, 07:27 AM

My dreams are almost always ridiculous and often kind of violent. I've had several dreams where I'm fighting/killing monsters, aliens, or people... and a few where I was some sort of monster or animal that was eating people, too (and then one where I was just a person doing that after some people blew up in this fiery explosion and turned to jerky). o__o
And then a LOT of my dreams take place in either a Halloween store (or a store that's been decorated/stocked for Halloween) or a haunted house.

Seafarer is offline
Old 03-03-2011, 09:19 PM

I had a dream that crashed my dad's car.

rainB0Wstorm is offline
Old 03-09-2011, 02:23 AM

Hey people! I'm rain_bow_storm. ^~^ I'm here to ask what was the best/favorite dream that you've ever had. what was it about, and if you've had any other similar greams to that one. thnx >.< :poke:

Chingcha is offline
Old 03-12-2011, 05:17 AM

My dreams happen like a short story infused with plot twists full of nonsensical randomness. And I also am not usually able to tell I am dreaming while i am dreaming, and it does not help that I can not only see and hear in my dreams like i can in real life, but also have touch, taste, and smell.

and to make it easier for a select but broad variety of people out could say that that my dreams happen similar to an episode of bobobo bobo bobo.

watercrystal1000 is offline
Old 03-13-2011, 09:20 PM

I always have sexual dreams like for example i would like a boy then i dream about them!
But not all the time i like to have dreams with zombies in them i have zombie dreams and i would be fighting them off its cool then i would be able to love i love having dreams!

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Kalium is offline
Old 03-13-2011, 11:46 PM

My dreams are usually fairly realistic, but I tend to dream of wacky things when I play videogames far too much or after watching something trippy.

InkBleeder is offline
Old 03-19-2011, 05:59 PM

I was having an awesome Digimon themed dream this morning. >-> And I've noticed my dreams are very much sensory overloads at times; where ever sense is heightened and awesome XD. But, alas, I was awakened from the dream by my cat hacking up a lung next to me. >-< I was hanging out with the Royal Knights too.


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