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Getting your dreams, its strange...
Eiiri is offline
Old 03-24-2011, 05:19 PM

Ly & Lynn

'Lynn, why are we returning to this place?' Ly asked his sister through the mental channel they shared. He looked down on the girl, no longer the innocent child she had been when this war started. He wasn't either. The war had tainted them, everyone really. They had been running for five years, stay in a place until one of them slipped up and revealed what they were. They looked so normal, to humans and to others of different species. It wasn't until they messed something up, revealing what they were did anyone suspect them. It was like what people said about serial killers, "they looked so normal."

"It's where we started. Maybe here we can ascertain some information about methods to ending this war,"
Lynn responded aloud. She wasn't as comfortable with speaking in her mind. More times than she wished to admit to, it had appeared that she talked to herself. It never bothered her, there were plenty of other oddities that people found peculiar about her.

The siblings walked down a deserted street, only a light wind making sounds through the trees. Many of the houses here were deserted, this being one of the focal points of the war. People did not tend to linger in places such as these. Finally, they stood in front of a house. It was boarded up like many on the block, but Lynn could feel something good about it. "Here, this one I like. It has good feelings to it," she said, looking up at it.

The house looked no different than many of the others but Ly did not question his sister's judgment. Her feelings were not ones to be questioned, after all she was a stronger empathetic than him. They entered the house, taking down all signs of abandonment they could find as they made their way up to it. 'This will do,' Ly told her as they looked through the house, her nodding in agreement.

It's 11PM, do you know where you...
Hresvelgr is offline
Old 03-24-2011, 05:30 PM

Alika looked up to the werewolf who had grabbed her. He was far taller than she, standing probably more than double her size. The moon was just behind his head, casting a large shadow over the aswang's body. His eyes were a gleaming bright red. Alli, who at this point was probably as strong as a human child, knew the wolf-man thought she was some sort of snack. Probably thought she was a human. She backed up, crushing a few twigs on the way. "Leave me be." She asked of the wolf. Who seemed too consumed by rage to see she was no real human.

Suddenly in the background of the part a man and woman started to scream for their lives. The wolf, hearing this turned and ran. For his own reasons. Alli on the other hand decided to head towards the screaming in the park. She never liked to hear others in pain, and when she came upon the sight, her heart seemed to stop. A couple fighting for their lives. One clawing at her head, and the other rolling around in sticks. She could smell the blood from there, which would only drive her slightly mad. But Alli fought off the instincts to hunt. Shoving the starving pain in her stomach down to its deepest hallow.

Her eyes caught a glimpse on someone in the distance. Someone she had not scene since school. As the Wizard, whom Alli once called a friend, seemed far enough from the scene. Alika would attempt to dispel the spell the wizard had put on them. A dispel was simple after all. She lifted her hands, muttering a few words as hopefully the spell would lift. Which it did. but only wore Alika down even further..

The couple stopped. The woman had tears in her eyes as the man right away rushed to her side. Holding the woman. The two then realized Alli was standing right there. "I can heal-" Alli got cut off by the man yelling,

"Get the hell away from us you monster!" He said, moving his girlfriend behind him as they started to back away.

"But I just.."
Alli stopped herself of coarse. Realizing it did not matter.

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Old 03-24-2011, 06:41 PM

"Tch" Tylic flipped her hair in the wind upon noticing her own spell was dispelled. What was the fun in torturing people if the spell she had used to torture them was dispelled. She would have to go down there and tell the wizard off. Quickly, she made it seem that she had disappeared off the hill that she had been standing on and made her way through the town like any normal human would, only of course, she wasnt human. As she walked, chaos ensued on those that were near her. They would trip and fall or they would run into something. Anything to amuse her.

When she finally got to where Alika was, she was surprised to see that it was her that had stopped her magic. Ally always seemed like such a sweet little thing. To shy to do anything for other people, especially face to face. She stood behind the building until the couple was fully gone from her then she stepped out from the shadows, clapping her hands together as if to say well done her. "Well done... Im impressed Ally.. You actually went up to someone and helped them out. Now you look like a monster to the world." She said as if she were mocking the girl.

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 03-29-2011, 01:57 AM

[[I'll make a profile for the brother later. Well, maybe. XD]]

Meeting DEATH
Deka's eyes were buried beneath a layer or red hair. He was sitting in the park just watching as people passed by. He stuck out more than he usually did. His brilliant red hair flopped about in the wind like a dead fish does out of water. The bright red pants he wore were also a dead giveaway to the fact that someone was sitting alone.

His eyes lost their light years ago. Sitting there in that darkened state of his, Deka looked up at the man that appeared out of nowhere. He stood somewhat sloppily as he looked down at Deka. Reaching out a hand, the purple-haired male placed a heavy hand on Deka's shoulder.

"What are you doing, brother?" Lawrence said while keeping his back to the people passing by.

Lawrence's entire body was covered from head to toe with clothing. The only visible aspect were those lips of his and his purple fringe. His eyes were hidden behind a large pair of shades, and his hands were adorned with gloves. However, with the darkness setting in, Lawrence would soon be able to free his body of all the UV protection. He would be able to walk without the chains of clothing.

With the sun setting just beyond the horizon, the vampire's eyes lit up as a devilish grin slid onto his face. "It's time," he said half drooling with bloodthirst. "Tonight, I'm going to sink my teeth into something sweet."

"Now, now, Lawrence. I cannot have you killing off potential recruits. You can kill anyone that turns DEATH down. Okay?" Rising to his feet, Deka placed a hand on Lawrence's back. "Let us put your nose to good use. Hunt them down."

[[Just so everyone knows, Deka is the leader of DEATH. Lawrence is now Deka's right hand man. It is currently sun-set and the two of them are looking for victims, as Lawrence needs to drink fresh blood.]]

It's 11PM, do you know where you...
Hresvelgr is offline
Old 03-29-2011, 01:51 PM

Alika simply turned, letting a small smile grace her delicate face. The girl who had casted the spell on the humans was now standing in front of her. Alika knew she could not do much of anything against the girl. Nor would she really try too hard at this point. Even if messing with innocent humans was completely wrong in Alli's eyes, Without her proper feedings she was very useless herself.

"Of coarse I am a monster. That is no insult." She said to the girl. It was true after all. To humans, they were all monsters. "I don't have a need to be recognized. Just as long as I know What I did was right. You should know that too. Or have you forgotten?"
((Fail post!))

The 'Boy Who Lived' has come to ...
Lightning_Serah is offline
Old 03-30-2011, 03:41 AM

Lexi hummed as she skipped happily down a random trail she had found. One hand swinging at her side, the other holding up an umbrella, which protected her skin from the strong rays of the sun. Lexi really couldn't stand being the creature that she was. Not only were they all known as evil creatures, but they couldn't be out in the sun. She groaned slightly while she impatiently checked her watch every few seconds.

Lexi noticed when the sun started going down. Not only did it mean that she could stop carrying around her stupid umbrella, but it also meant her twin would be done working shortly. After she was done exploring for a bit, she headed back towards where her brother worked. She sat down in a patch of green grass, which was where her and her brother had always met up. She continued to hum to herself while she waited for Kyle.

(Gaaah. I just needed a way to get back into this roleplay >_< Sorry that it sucks)

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Old 03-30-2011, 02:04 PM

Tylic felt like taking her old friend in to be a recruit to DEATH, but what she wanted more was to let her friend rot in this abyss of the weak going against the strong. It was no secret that this is what she thought. The whole WORLD knew about her kind, the ones that call themselves death. They hated the humans. They hated them for being weak. They hated them for going after the witches and wizards though they never did much harm to them.

When her friend started talking, it pulled Tylic out of her trance. A smile crossed her face. "So your going to protect those that hunt us and say that its the right thing to do. OF COURSE YOU ARE... But you dont see them like i do. The humans are weak and they are trying to KILL US. Dont you understand? Im working towards a better life by killing or recruiting these imbeciles." She began to walk around a little bit. "I wish you of all people could understand what me and the others in DEATH are trying to do."

She began to lose herself in the shadows again. It was time to go back to see Deka, maybe even kidnap more of the weakened mages and students of the old Ipswich. "I hope you know what your doing. You will die Ally whether its by the hands of DEATH or by those that you protect from us. Think about it for a while." And with that she was gone, enveloped in the shadows only to go all the way back to Ipswich. Hopefully Deka wouldnt know that she had let her old friend go instead of recruiting her. He would be so upset with her if he found out.

In order to get to Ipswich, Tylic had to pass through the park. She hadnt been expecting to see Deka until she got to Ipswich, but he seemed to be there with his right hand man and brother, Lawrence. She hid so that they wouldnt notice her. Not night was coming so she had plenty of time to get a catch but she had wanted to get to Ipswich first. Hopefully the red haired man wouldnt notice her presence as she passed through.

Mystic Crystal
Paranormal Expert
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Old 04-01-2011, 01:06 AM

{ Jayden Lambert Halliwell }

I happen to be a vegetarian. I only drink from animals, not humans.

The sky was painted with color as the sun set in the distance. A lone figure walked along an alley way, shrouded with clothes. A wide brimmed baseball cap sat atop his head, sunglasses covering his eyes, and a scarf covering the rest of his face. He had on a rather old fashioned suit, with the ruffled collar attachment and everything. The suit jacket was done up currently, and he had black gloves covering his hands. Dodging into another alley, though this was slightly darkened, the male stopped to catch his breath. He was slightly out of breath, due to having been exposed to the sunlight earlier on in the day. As the light from the ball of fire in the sky grew dimmer, his thirst grew stronger. I must not feed... not now, he thought.

The male walked through various alleys and side streets until at once he found that there were no more to walk through. Sighing silently, the male strode out onto the busy main street and stood there for a moment. He looked off into the horizon, and debated on where to go for a moment. He really had nowhere to be in particular at the moment. Deciding to walk in a random direction, he picked left. He picked up the pace he had been walking at prior. He got various looks from people, and heard a few murmured words of "Freak", and "What does he think this is?". All of which he just simply ignored. Though, one thing happened that he just couldn't simply ignore. A cry for help, though faint as it was he was probably the only one who had heard it. Slinking into the shadows of the streets in the now quickly fading sunlight, Jayden made a dash toward the sound of distress - and oddly enough, whimpering.

What he found in a darkened alley way that led to a dead end was three street guys, and a young woman with her child crying out for help. The child was sobbing in fear, while the woman was whimpering. Just as who seemed to be the leader went to hit the mother, Jayden stepped out of the shadows. "Knock it off you thugs.." His voice carried despite the softness of it. The thugs turned around and smirked. "Well what do we have here? A freak who thinks he can save the day and be appreciated for what? Nothing. What's your name, Kiddo." Jayden smirked behind the scarf that hid his mouth - and his fangs. "Jayden... And that's all you'll need to know. I'm not here to save the day because I want to be accepted and appreciated. I'm just here to do the right thing..." His voice trailed off as one of the thugs charged him. Swiftly dodging the blow to the head he would have otherwise connected with, Jayden brought up his knee and knocked the wind out of him before dealing a swift blow to the head. All in one swift, graceful movement.

When the other two charged him, Jayden just merely blocked one blow and jumped the other. Grabbing the two's heads, he knocked them together and smiled lightly. He took off his sun glasses for a moment before hearing a terrified scream. He looked to the Mother and her child to find them backed against the brick wall and shaking. "I'm glad I could hep you ma'am." He said, and with that, he put the glasses back on and left the alley. Whistling softly, he continued on his path and tuned out his surroundings. When he finally tuned back in, he was aware that he had taken his path to the library. How curious... he thought. Entering the quiet library, he gave a slight nod to the library who just gave him a warning look. Walking down one of the aisles, he unwrapped the scarf from his head and took the sunglasses off. In here the light was dim enough so that only his cap was needed to protect him from the sun's harsh UV rays. Not wasting any time, he approached the only section of the library that interested him. The mythology section. Although, in it, he found a pleasant surprise. A very pretty young lady whom he recognized as a student from Ipswich. Sauntering up to her, he greeted her, "Hello there, my valiant flower. May I inquire as to why a pretty lady such as yourself is in the library, rather than outside catching some of the suns marvelous rays?"

[[That's the longest reply you'll get from me at the moment probably. I'm brain dead now, after typing all that out.]]

spooky scary skeletons
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Old 04-01-2011, 01:36 AM

"...Hm..." Cherie just happened to catch sight of Tylic disappearing into the shadows in that way of hers. Her gazing eyes landed on a girl she recognized from Ipswich. It was Alli, and knowing her, she had probably generously helped someone and been mocked by Tylic. Not wanting to be seen or recognized, she quickly turned around and hid in the shadows of a building. Cherie had kept pretty low profile at her years at Ipswich, keeping track of students' behaviors and monitoring them, so she could figure them out. Cherie liked knowing things, and was a tad bit too curious....Deka would probably be somewhere with Lawrence. Cherie blinked a few times, not really sure what she should do next. Head to Ipswich? Find Tylic? Meet up with Deka and Lawrence? Take a walk? Stay hidden in the shadows? Kill some more people?

Cherie mused for a moment, just staring out into space while leaning on a cold, hard brick wall. Passerby would've thought she was mentally retarded or had fallen asleep with her eyes open, but she was simply thinking. Snapping out of her trance, Cherie frowned and shook her head like a wet dog. She tended to space out, the side affect to whenever her brain went overload. Propelling herself off the wall, she headed towards Ipswich. Perhaps other DEATH members were there too?

{{Wow...That was kinda sucky. I just needed to get back into the RP >.>}}

Heey. ^___^ ~♪♫
RainbowMuffinage is offline
Old 04-01-2011, 06:57 PM

Skye peered up at the rows upon rows of books lining the shelves around her. The music on her iPod had changed to a far more subtle melody. She breathed in, inhaling the dusty scent of the paper pages of the old manuscripts. She loved the feeling of being surrounded by so much knowledge, and in such a concentrated amount, such a small space.

"And don'tcha know, I'm not your ghost any more," she sung quietly, closing her eyes as the words rolled off her tongue. "you lost the love I loved the most."

Smiling, she reached out to a random shelf above her head and plucked a book from it's wooden bed. Disturbing the old book, a million dust mites spilt out from the shelf and into the air around her. Sneezing quietly, Skye giggled to herself. Shaking the dust from her flaming hair, she stole a quick glance of the cover. 'Mysteries of the Deep'. Hmm. Marine Biology. Again. Sweet.

Suddenly, she heard footsteps. Not too far away. Getting closer. Curious. Usually, other library-inhabitants feared approaching the human rainbow, with her flaming hair and her strange shoes. Placing the book back on the shelf, she hugged her vibrantly inked arms. Turning her head towards the source of the noise, her hair flicked around her, illuminated by the dusk sunlight pouring down from the glass dome above her. She was greeted by a well-dressed male wearing a baseball cap. Soft face. Paint-splattered eyes. Odd colours. Ever so slightly pale. Familiar. Curious. She pulled down her headphones, resting them around her neck and listened to his soft voice. Silk. She blushed ever so slightly at his compliment, giggling again.

"Sunlight doesn't exactly agree with me." she replied, battering her ridiculously long eyelashes. "What's your excuse ?"

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Old 04-14-2011, 02:11 PM

(I DONT WANT THIS RP TO DIE!!! but i dont know what to write :()

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 04-14-2011, 04:57 PM

[[Sorry everyone, I've been away from the internet for the past week and most of this week. Moreover, my desk location has changed which prevents me from posting during the day. :\ Hopefully I'll be on more next week, but I can't make any promises.]]

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Old 04-14-2011, 05:14 PM

(its ok Wavi... we love you anyways <3)

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 05-10-2011, 04:42 PM

Just a head's up. I'm going to be limiting myself on Mene. I have other things to concentrate on right now. Feel free to PM me for more information.

Needless to say, I'm going to have to close this roleplay. Sorry.


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