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Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 12-03-2011, 02:33 AM

Al frowned as he couldn't read the colonel's expression at all. He wasn't sure if the older man felt anything for Ed or not. Edward screamed as water was poured all over him. "You jerk!!!" he yelled and jumped onto Roy, still butt ass naked. He wrapped his legs tightly around Roy's waist so he was stable. He hit him over the head repeatedly with his real hand. Ed's long hair fell into his eyes as it was soaked. He kept giving Roy a beating until he finally relized he was kn Roy naked. His face turned red and he was mortified. He had morning wood from hell and it was pressed up against Roy's abdomen so the older man could, no doubt, feel Ed's erection. He coughed and got off, still red and now shaking like a leaf. He fell to the floor and pulled his legs so the colonel couldn't see his most private parts. "Get out.." he hissed.

spooky scary skeletons
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Q U E E N is offline
Old 12-09-2011, 01:19 AM

"....." The colonel stayed still as Edward jumped onto him, beating him repeatedly. "....." He could feel Edward's legs wrapping around him, which was quite uncomfortable. "....ahem."

Roy blushed a bit as he felt Edward pushing up against him, and hoped it didn't show through. "Well...I'll be waiting outside, then." He walked to the doorway where Alphonse was still standing with a dazed expression.

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 12-09-2011, 03:06 AM

Al smiled on the inside as he thought he relized Roy may like Ed at least a little bit. He was glad he couldn't make facial expressions, cause if he could he'd be smiling so much Ed would be able to tell something was up. He looked at his wet, naked brother who seemed small compared to other people, but he said nothing of Ed's shortness. "Take a shower brother."

When Ed Amd Al came downstairs, Ed was still embarresed and picked at his food nervously, not really eating any of it.

spooky scary skeletons
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Q U E E N is offline
Old 12-12-2011, 01:11 AM

"You better eat up, we've got a big day ahead." Roy took a fork, stabbed some of the food in Ed's plate, and shoved it into the blonde's mouth, ignoring the stares from Riza and Alphonse. "Chew and swallow. Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?" He gave a fake smile and returned to sipping at his coffee and going over some documents with his Secretary.

{{BTW, I really love your Avi. :drool:}}

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 12-12-2011, 02:10 AM

Ed was so surprised he nearly choked. "Did you just? What the hell?!!" Al shook his head, which made a good deal of noise since he was a suit of armor. "Brother, he didn't mean anything by it, he just wants you to eat." Ed frowned. "Yeah, I know that Al. It's not like he's a faggot." Ed tried to make it seem like he hadn't been wishing for it to mean anything else. Al really couldn't believe his brother had said that. He had made a direct insult on gay people. "B-But're gay!" Edward's face contorted as his younger sibling spilled his biggest secret. His body tensed and he stood, slamming him plate down and leaving. "Brother...I'm sorry. I really am. I didn't mean to say that out loud." Ed turned on him. "Well you did." he turned around, his blond pony tail swishing behind him as he stalked out. Al stared at the table and his hands, feeling horrible. Those words had just slipped out.


((well thank you dear :) Kyo-kun is my new favorite anime charactor. I like your avi too, but then, I always like your avi. It's so cool and you change it up a good bit.))


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