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Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 12-14-2014, 05:16 AM

I know, I really should, but it's so hard to pick good examples to use.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 12-15-2014, 04:45 PM

You're welcome Salv!

Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 12-19-2014, 02:10 PM

*dances into the thread*

Shoot to kill
CycloneKira is offline
Old 12-26-2014, 10:48 AM

*dances with Kiri*

Any more dancers?

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 12-28-2014, 01:50 AM


i'm roleplaying again.!! god that feels great.

Shikabane Hime
So...tired....just...let me....d...
Shikabane Hime is offline
Old 12-28-2014, 11:26 PM

Welcome backto the roleplaying world ^W^

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 03-18-2015, 06:11 PM

Have I missed the dance? Lol *dances solo*

Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 03-21-2015, 10:49 PM

I still need to add myself to the list.

But first, coffee.
Junabelle is offline
Old 03-31-2015, 04:09 AM


Posting frequency: Multiple times a day. Or if I'm busy, I can do my best to post at least once a day, which doesn't really happen often.
Posting length: 2-3 paragraphs, but it normally depends on what my partner gives me to work with. My opening posts will always be my biggest, which can usually be up to four paragraphs. But my bases can usually be up to two, half of the time.
Gender preference: I prefer to play female, but if you can negotiate with me well enough, I may think about playing male.
Sexuality preference: I prefer my characters to be: Heterosexual, but only as of currently. Down the road I'll, for sure, want to branch out.
Role-play size: I will only do one-on-ones. Group RP's just get so confusing and a jumbled mess to me.
Role-play genre preference: Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Futuristic, Supernatural, Horror, Modern, Historical, school based, fan based, drama, action as long as they all include romance.
Specific likes: I've always loved a roleplay partner that's mature, open-minded, literate, patient, and communicative. I like knowing I can talk to them about almost anything, that I can tell them days I won't get to post, and they can do the same. I also like honesty. If they want to quit, don't like something in a reply, have personal issues keeping them from posting, I'd like them to tell me so. Literacy is important for me. Without it, my brain hurts and I just want to close up from the person, even though I understand not everyone here has English as their first language. I also like the idea that I can get to do multiple rp's with the same partner, and the idea that we can brainstorm crazy rp ideas.
Specific hates: Illiteracy, random disappearances (it's highly disappointing), dishonesty, no communication, one or two liner posts, no openness.
My request thread: Juna's Official RP Request Thread [OPEN]
Post example: Juna xXx Serenity
Are you open to try new things? Yes, feel free to contact me if you think I might be interested in something.
How can we contact you? Ping me, pm me, or leave me a visitor message on my profile.
Other: I play on f-list and I'm open to roleplaying on Skype (since I'm more active there.) But I will prefer to rp on here via a created thread.

Briar Rose
Professional Procrastinator
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Old 04-07-2015, 10:53 PM

Awesome! I've been looking for more partners, now that my main buddies are having babies/getting married/have no time for me lol


Posting frequency: Once a day to a few times a week. Just starting a new job with long hours; once I get used to it my replies will be more frequent.
Posting length: Average is 2-3 paragraphs, but I've been known to make humongous posts.
Gender preference: Either.
Sexuality preference: It says 'choose one' but I'm bisexual myself, so I have no qualms about sexuality for either gender.
Role-play size: I prefer one on one.
Role-play genre preference: In no particular order: Fantasy, romance, steampunk, supernatural, sci-fi
Specific likes: I like dynamic conflict, dramatic love/death scenes, and partners who can think outside the box. I also generally use third person unless another view is agreed upon before starting a story.
Specific hates: I dislike posts that don't leave an opening for my characters to reply or act.
Post example: One of my favorite RP's
Close second :)
Are you open to try new things? Absolutely!
How can we contact you? PM or Ping; either way :)
Other: I love being able to talk to my partners about the story we're creating; I enjoy befriending new people!

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 04-08-2015, 02:32 AM

Looking for role players who are active but understand I'm moving and only on my phone! Have a request thread, up for almost anything pg-13 with a little bit of romance at least... But blossoming romances! Please message me or comment on the thread or on here if you're interested!

InsaneArtisticNerd is offline
Old 04-09-2015, 12:52 PM


Posting frequency: I'll check rps twice per day. Once in the morning and once in the afternoon.
Posting length: 2-5 PARAGRAPHS, depending on what material other people gives me, unless I freeball it and make it longer. I'm a literate role player, but I'm a bit rusty when it comes to rping and I make a lot of punctuation mistakes.
Gender preference: I can play guys and girls, whichever age too.
Sexuality preference: I usually play straight characters.
Role-play size: I like roleplaying in groups.
Role-play genre preference: High fantasy, modern day, fantasy, sci-fi, apocalyptic...I tend to like to explore genres. I don't like school roleplays though, since I'm in college and the idea of becoming a classroom-trapped student makes me want to climb up the walls.
Specific likes: Meeting interesting characters and scenarios. Playing off of other people and myself.
Specific hates: Boring characters, posts or scenarios. Love relationships where the other party initiates.
Post example:
This is something I did in a private pm on Comicvine, I'll post it here. I'm good at world building when called upon it.


Home Planet: Planet Xenitria(which has four orbiting moons)

Origins: An species of genius, technology-minded aliens who grew their empire just by being so driven, that they quickly grew to outstrip their neighboring planets in terms of mind and strength.

As a society, they were originally separated into clans that each specialized in a different field. One clan might specialize in medical technology, the other aero-science and another would be renown for their advancements in deep-space mining technology. Before long, the clans came together inside the enviro-domes, mingled and mixed until they just accepted themselves as one united society of advanced thinkers and innovators. Which was a great relief to their children, since there would be no lingering sense of shame when they abandoned their clan's chosen field of study to pursue something which better interested them.

Once they reached the apex of their culture in terms of never-before seen achievement, they found that due to their all-consuming involvement with building, improving and all-around enhancing, has brought their reproduction rate to near-standstill. Since both males and females were more absorbed in creating technological achievements that would carry on as their legacy and less absorbed in the idea of creating a family to carry on as a living legacy, they soon arrived at a birth-rate that would certainly doom their entire species. Or so it would appear, as geneticists collaborated programmers, architects and inventors to build buildings to house artificial wombs, required that all able-bodied citizens donate the necessary tissues to create a genetic library that sorted and selected the best genetic material and matched them to each other to create better and brighter young generations. Children were born in artificial wombs, and brought up by adaptive and intelligent robots that were programmed for child rearing.

They start engineering/building/programming exercises since infant-hood, and their following childhoods are spent immersing themselves in the broad fields of scientific/technological study. As artificial technopaths, they're capable of downloading a vast amount of knowledge on any subject. From there, each individual Xenistrian either narrows down on whatever subject that they find the most consuming, or tries their hand at each field until they find something that they can be obsessive about. Once old enough to think, tend to and fend for themselves, they are brought into the general society and are tasked with finding themselves mentors and seniors in whatever field that interests them. They are usually accepted into whatever sub-community they find and form a bond with these people that can only be described as familial.

A Xenestrian is active in both body and mind until he or she dies. That means, the elderly population on Xenestria are always up and running about, up to date with every small development in science and technology, and working their asses of on their own glorious retirement projects, which are usually entertainment or fun related, which is why the elderly in Xenestria is so very much loved. In fact, every Xenestrian corporate or state worker who harbors ambition to create some whimsical knick-knack of a machinery plan to create their great wonders when their retired, because no-way no-how is the state or company going to approve of anything that isn't utterly useful and efficient in whatever task the Empire needs it to do. However, do to this constant work-pace that Xenestian elderly live in, it is not uncommon to see an elder fall over and die while in the middle of his work. As a form of mourning and honor, after the burial, the elder's friends(who are usually colleagues), students and successors usually work together to finish their friend's last project according to their friend's blue prints(which is this civilization's version of a last Will and Testament).

Their drive is solely focused on improving things. From the use of resources on different planets(which they always see as being better used under their guardianship), to other civilizations/cultures, to bionic enhancements to themselves and building robots who can build better robots than themselves. And then striving to one-up the robot-built robot with their own innovation.Once they reached utopia on their planet and there was nothing left to improve, they started eyeing their neighbors and making diplomatic suggestions. When said aid/suggestians were rejected because the other planet wanted to deal with its own problems, Xenestria decided that it was too far invested in said planet's problems to stand by and watch. So they invaded the planet so that they could 'fix' the problem, and ended up colonizing it and improvingre-working the planet until it resembled its own. And while this was the first time that their planet had gone to war, it turns out that, whatever Xenestrians do, they do really well. And that includes intergalactic warfare. that was the start of their colonization of other planets, and before you knew it, their OCD had landed them with an empire. But they didn't mind, and decided to rule properly and to show that their idea/empire was the best by continuing to beat, invade and improve other planets and eventually solar systems.

Are you open to try new things? Feel free to pm me.
How can we contact you? Just pm me or ping me.
Other: I used to roleplay a looong time ago, on another forum called One Manga. Did a pirate roleplay there before it got shut down. I came to Mene a few years ago, but never did anything much with this place(I was just curious). Now that I'm starting to pick up the pen and paper again(for drawing comics), I felt that I should have some practice with writing and decided that rping would be a good way to give my somewhat neglected imagination a stretch. Hope to see you all in an rp!

Last edited by InsaneArtisticNerd; 04-09-2015 at 01:18 PM..

Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 04-13-2015, 12:22 PM

WHy do I always remember this thread when I can't do anything with it?

Professional Napper
SeaSaltEyes is offline
Old 05-01-2015, 02:37 AM

Sorry for the inconvenience but I need to remove myself from the listings! So busy, not enough time! p o p p e t ♥:

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-11-2015, 12:20 AM

I absolutely adore this idea!

Emma Corrin

Posting frequency: Preferably a few times a week or more, once a day would be wonderful but not required. Schedules will have to be coordinated, though, as I am a full time college student so there are times when we have to put a pin in our roleplay and decrease posting frequency.
Posting length: At least 1-3 paragraphs, no one liners. I need something substantial to work with without the post becoming full of filler sentences to get length.
Gender preference: I prefer female in certain situations, male in others. I'm open to both roles.
Sexuality preference: I prefer heterosexual, but I'm not against male / male pairings.
Role-play size: Private One on One only
Role-play genre preference: I'm open to many genres. Please see my request thread for specific genres I'm craving.
Specific likes: Partners who discuss plot, character development, twists, etc. I love being able to talk things out and know where we're going. I don't mind surprises as long as they fit with the story, but please talk with me about it after in an OOC thread so we can get onto the same page.
Specific hates: Short hand, misspellings (majority of your post), misuse of grammar, walls of text, etc. If I have trouble deciphering your sentences or am faced with a wall of text with no spaces, then I will most likely address it with you and talk about how things could be adjusted. Also, please only move and speak for your specific characters. I do not like it when people take control of my personal characters.
My request thread: Emma's Sitting Room
Post example: One | Two | Three
Are you open to try new things? Yes, I am open to trying something new if it's within my spectrum to do so. Please feel free to approach me with any ideas you may have! I will note that futuristic/technologically heavy themes are not within my spectrum so I can't agree to those genres.
How can we contact you? I would prefer all communication to be done in my request thread so that it's all in one place. If you're unsure of my availability and want to pose an idea you had without posting it, you may private message me with your proposal.
Other: I only roleplay on Menewsha and am primarily available during the months of May-August and December-January due to being a full-time college student. Months in between (September-December and February-May) are hard for me because of college, but that doesn't mean that I will be 100% unable to post. It just means that posts will likely drop to once a week, or once every other week, and primarily be on the weekends. You may catch me online and we may be able to do a little more if we're on at the same time, but other than that it will be harder to commit to a higher frequency during the semester.

Last edited by Emma Corrin; 05-11-2015 at 12:36 AM..

Did you know the sparrow flies s...
Skulduggery is offline
Old 05-19-2015, 01:53 AM

I'm not sure if my links will work like I want them to, but oh well- Better to have tried and failed than never to have tried at all.


Posting frequency: Not entirely consistently- I will post a whole lot in one day, and then life will drag me away and I'll post maybe a couple times a week.
Posting length: While it depends on my partner's length, I'd say somewhere between 1-5 paragraphs. Sometimes more, not usually less.
Gender preference: I'm more practiced with males, but I enjoy playing as both male and female. Oft times, I'll have more than one character.
Sexuality preference: 100 percent of the time, my characters are heterosexual. Willing to try otherwise, but I've never had a gay/lesbian character before and I don't know if it makes it much different to roleplay them.
Role-play size: Willing to do both 1x1 and group.
Role-play genre preference: Romance, Drama, Mystery, Supernatural, Historical, Modern, Rarely Action
Specific likes: Partners who are understanding of disappearances, romance, crossovers, oc's, partners who aren't afraid to pester me into replying(but not too much!), Grammar/Spelling aren't dealbreakers, but totally appreciated, and as more of a warning to those rping with me; Secrets. I like to keep secrets in an attempt to make the readers/my partners shocked when I want them to be.
Specific hates: God-modding and all that, using numbers in place of letters, no controling my character(Big, big no-no.), randomly changing the topic for no reason, you can't fall in love immediately(But you can like somebody pretty darn soon. There's a difference.)
My request thread:
Post example: (A slow moving Dragon Age RP) (An Avengers RP) (An original RP with smaller posts.)
Are you open to try new things? Of course! If you think I'd be interested, feel free to ask me.
How can we contact you? In any way you want. Ping, PM, Visitor Message, whatever.
Other: While I have things I like and things I don't, I'm not very picky at all. Feel free to bug me about replying, it'll probably make me do it quicker. If you've got any questions, feel free to answer because I feel like I'm leaving something out.
Also, you can find me on Facebook. My main roleplaying account on there is

---------- Post added 05-18-2015 at 10:15 PM ----------

SeaSaltEyes: It's been so bloody long since I've actually pinged somebody, I'm not sure if this is going to work. But if you're still interested in a roleplay, and you're alright with my form right there, you seem really cool! Would you like to roleplay?

Last edited by Skulduggery; 05-19-2015 at 02:11 AM..

Rip Van Winkle
Sarahbelle is offline
Old 08-06-2015, 09:35 AM


Posting frequency: Once per day (can be more or less frequent depending on health issues)
Posting length: 1-5 paragraphs
Gender preference: Female, but I can play both
Sexuality preference: Heterosexual, but may be talked into f/f or m/m
Role-play size: I prefer Groups, but can be talked into 1x1
Role-play genre preference: Fantasy, sci-fi, supernatural, modern, historical, comical, drama, romance
Specific likes: I like silliness and plot twists and tension. I also like tormenting my own characters (emotionally, mostly) - not that my characters are emo or dark or edgy, but it's more fun when things go horribly wrong for them. I will go for the darker rp on occasion, but I have to be in the mood for it to keep it up. I also love surprises and secrets about characters, so I will likely have them because the reveal is half the fun! Also, character depth and character growth are big things for me.
Specific hates: People who take it too seriously. Not giving me anything to respond to. No conflict to keep plot moving. Overly sexual romance.
Post example: Anything I could link to would be severely old. If you need an example, PM me or check out my FictionPress link in my signature. I will also start putting up some sample profiles in my Mene blog.
Are you open to try new things? Yes
How can we contact you? PM me or leave a visitor message
Other: I have been roleplaying for seven years now in one form or another, but it has been about five since I last touched a forum. I don't mind rps with battles and fights, but I am terrible at hand-to-hand combat posts, so I prefer to play either magic or ranged weapons or non-combatant characters. I would also be alright with glossing over fights if we can decide on an outcome that makes sense. I also love playing the shy and awkward characters, but I am aware of the stigma that carries. I promise that I am quite capable of making them deep and useful and injecting them into scenes, so you would not have to carry the weight of the rp. Also, I am currently dealing with a lot of health issues, so if I just disappear, it might have to do with that, but I will try to give notice first if I can.

Last edited by Sarahbelle; 09-07-2015 at 08:59 PM.. Reason: Wanted to make some changes and haven't been added to the first page yet, so why not?

Hiqui Comore
Hiqui Comore is offline
Old 10-01-2015, 05:41 AM

Hiqui Comore

Posting frequency: Once a day, or a few times per week.
Posting length: 1 - 3 Paragraphs, on average.
Gender preference: I will play both male and female roles.
Sexuality preference: I don't have a preference. It depends on the type of roleplay and the people I'm roleplaying with, really.
Role-play size: I do both, groups and one on one.
Role-play genre preference: Fantasy, sci-fi, futuristic, supernatural, horror, modern, historical, school based, drama, action, romance; hit me up, fam.
Specific likes: I'm pretty open for anything really. I do enjoy character depth and development, discussions with plot, and plot twists.
Specific hates: Anything that's hard to read, like brightly coloured texts and extremely small fonts. No plot. Not giving me a chance to respond. Expecting me to know what you want without discussing with me.
Post example: PM me if you want me to show you some of my older examples.
Are you open to try new things? Yes.
How can we contact you? PM me.
Other: I'm open to trying things out. Contact me if you want to try out roleplaying with me. Or not.

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 10-07-2015, 11:14 PM

It's a fantastic thread. if only i could be online more!! To many responsibilities >.<

Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 10-11-2015, 12:11 PM

oh i think i still need to do my profile thingy.

Kyanite20 is offline
Old 10-11-2015, 05:13 PM


Posting frequency: At least once/twice a day (I usually reply as soon as I get a reply but sometimes life happens3
Posting length: 1-3 paragraphs
Gender preference: No preference
Sexuality preference: Heterosexual, but will do m/m
Role-play size: 1x1 or group
Role-play genre preference: Fantasy, Romance, Adventure, School
Specific likes: Humor, Clumsy characters, Cheesy lovey dovey stuff.
Specific hates: People who are too picky about rp format and structure. It's cool to want things to be a certain way but you ain't gotta be a rp-nazi about it.
Post example: Sighing, Yanna walks to the closet in the far right corner of the room, opening it to find a few sheets and a duvet. She grabs them and spreads them out over Mielle, then she gives her sister a soft kiss on the forehead.

Mielle: "M-mm"

Yanna held her breath and remained still for a minute. When Mielle seemed to be quiet enough, Yanna went over to the end of the bed and crouched on her knees to place a thin hand between the mattress and the bed frame, pulling out three vials of purple liquid. With determination, she walked back over to Mielle, and forced her lips open. Opening the first vial, Yanna pours the warm liquid down Mielle's throat, causing her to cough violently. Yanna then opens the second vial, and she forces it down into her stomach.

Yanna: "i'll save the last one for Brent, if he'd ever need it."

She tucked the vial underneath her robes and jumped when someone knocked on the door.

Are you open to try new things? Yes
How can we contact you? PM me
Other: Uh...I've been roleplaying since...2008 maybe? I really love magical stuff too...yeah.

ghostPastry is offline
Old 12-26-2015, 02:10 PM


Posting frequency: A couple times a week, but several times a day on those days.
Posting length: A small paragraph.
Gender preference: I'll play any, but I prefer male/nonbinary.
Sexuality preference: Gay or bisexual.
Role-play size: 1on1 or group.
Role-play genre preference: Supernatural, sci-fi, romance, futuristic, horror, modern, fantasy.
Specific likes:
•m/m & f/f romance
•love triangles
•sci-fi, weird science (eg. body swap, truth serums, superpowers)
•monsters, aliens, ghosts, etc.
•unique characters & multifaceted personalities. flawed characters.
•saving the world.... or destroying it.
Specific hates:
•Length requirements. :/
•Mental hospital/patient RPs
•Anime fan-RPs (sorry)
•trying to brainstorm an RP when my partner will only offer the most vague of suggestions or put the onus on me to decide what story we're telling. this is a team effort!

Post example: I don't have any recent RPs on Mene, so I'll share some of my solo fiction:

Example 1X

I’m sitting in my 6th period history class, and the teacher is talking about the hundred year old war, or something. I’m not really paying attention, and this time I can’t even blame it on a ghost. This is the class I have with Adrian Johnson. Adrian is gorgeous, with sharp cheekbones, full lips, thick frizzy hair shaved at the sides, and big, dark, sleepy eyes. We’ve been friends since freshman year, but every time I talk to him, I become someone else. All my words come out clunky and clumsy if I can even say them at all, and sometimes I get so distracted by the way his mouth moves when he speaks that I can’t even understand the things he’s saying.
We have an assigned seating chart in this class, and I’m sitting across the aisle from Adrian, so we never get to work together, but I get to stare at him all class long, and sometimes I catch him looking at me, too. I always take just enough time packing up my things after class that I walk out the door at the same time he does, and I walk with him to his next class, even though it usually makes me late for my own class. I tell Adrian that my class is just past his, down the same hall, but it’s actually the opposite direction down the hall and two floors down. It’s worth it, though— somehow I can never manage to run into him any other time, and I don’t know how I could ever ask for his number.
He’s twirling a bit of hair between his fingers, completely engrossed in the lesson— history is his favorite subject. I don’t have any feelings one way or the other about history, but if it were Adrian teaching the class, I’d ace every assignment. When he talks about history, it becomes fascinating. He can turn a mind-numbing list of dates and names and land acquisition into something the likes of fairytale. As I’m staring at him, he is engrossed in the lecture, leaning slightly forward in his seat, a slight smile playing at his lips. I’ll have to ask him after class what the lecture was about; he makes it look enthralling.
At first, I just thought he had a crush on the teacher. He wasn’t half as rapt in any of the other classes I’d had with him. But it became clear almost immediately that the object of his affection was the subject, not the teacher. I wish he would look at me the way he looks when he’s thinking about history.
The telltale rustling of papers and unzipping of bags indicates the last minute of class, and I start to pack up my bag, trying to match Adrian’s pace. He stands, then smiles at me. I smile back as I’m hastily shoving the rest of my shit into my backpack, trying to ignore the staticky feeling of
“Hey, Elliot,” he says, with a crooked smile, his dark features sublime.
“Adrian, hey! I’m, uh, I just…” Between the ghost and my pounding heart, it’s almost impossible to think. “Um, how are you?”
“Good, good!”
There is an awkward silence where he is just smiling at me, and I’m probably looking like I just walked through a wind tunnel, or something.
“So, uh,” he starts, flicking his eyes away from me, and back, and away again as though it hurts to meet my gaze for too long. “Do you wanna, like, walk to class, or?”
“Oh, yeah! Yeah, for sure, definitely, I do. Sorry.” I shove my notebook the rest of the way into my bag, wincing as I feel it crumple, zip the bag and sling it over my shoulder, then do a kind of half-hop half-speedwalk thing over to where Adrian is now waiting, by the door.
We walk in silence for the most agonizingly endless moment I’ve ever endured, and I spend the whole thing trying to think of something to say, with no luck.
“So… Joan of Arc was amazing, huh?” Adrian says finally, breaking the silence.
“Oh, yeah definitely! Uh… who, uh… what did she do again?”
Adrian laughed, giving me this look that was probably meant to be chastising, but only made me want to shove him against a locker and start kissing him right then. I bit my lip.
“Were you listening at all in class?”
I shrugged and shook my head.
“You know how I am with that teacher…”
“Yeah, yeah. Ok, well, Joan of Arc was this French peasant girl who started seeing angels when she was twelve years old, ended up leading the French army and bringing about the end of the Hundred Years War—” Ohh… “—when she was fuckin’ seventeen. She’s the youngest person in history to lead an army. Even Alexander the Great was twenty or something.”
“Wait, she saw angels?” I ask. “I thought she just heard voices or, like, the Voice of God…”
“Um, well, most people say that, yeah, but historians dug up some of her writings about it, and her visions were way more than just voices. She had entire conversations with her visions, she could see them, she could even touch them! As far as I know, she never saw God, but I think it was exclusively angels that appeared to her. Um, let’s see, it was… Michael, Gabriel, Saint Catherine, Saint… Margaret, I think? Oh, and sometimes she would see a bunch of angels, all at once, but I don’t know if she talked to all of them or not.”
“How did she know they were all angels? Couldn’t they have been ghosts, or maybe even demons?”
“Yeah, that’s what the Catholic church thought. They burned her at the stake, and it was a while after her death when she was finally proved innocent and made a saint. I’d rather believe that it was angels, wouldn’t you?”
I smile, and look around at all the ghosts passing through the halls in front of me.
“Yeah. I really would.”

Example 2X

You can't tell exactly where he's looking because of the dark shades hiding his eyes, but it feels like he's looking directly at you.
"What are you staring at, Thomas?" you snap. You're certain his answer will be no less evasive than his shades, but breaking the silence eases your self-consciousness at least. He is silent for a moment, continuing to stare at... you? But then he shrugs and turns his face away.
"Iunno," he says, and you're surprised by the fact that he can make even a mumble rhythmic and almost eloquent. "Just spacin', I guess."
"Well, can you 'just space' in somebody else's direction? You're really distracting." Thom's face breaks into a slow smirk in the silence after you speak, and it only dawns on you what that must have sounded like after his grin has become an unbearable amount of smug. "I don't mean it like that. I mean. I'm not even looking at you, I barely even notice you're there! It's just weird. I can feel you looking at me." He continues to smirk. "I mean, I don't even know if you are looking at me! It's weird! Are you looking at me?" you pause for half a beat to let Thom respond, but get too frustrated by that damn smirk to wait. "I don't care! It just feels like you are, but I can't tell, and--" Thom interrupts you.
"Do you want me to look at you, Jay?" he asks in a slow, steady drawl. He sounds so calculatedly laid back that you can't help but think he's plotting something.
"Wh-- what? No, what? No." you splutter, so enraged you can hardly speak. "Fuck no, that's exactly what I'm saying, I want you to stop staring at me. If you are staring at me." Thom just continues to smirk. "And if you're not staring at me, I want you to make it stop feeling like you are!" You can't stand his arrogance, the way he seems completely unaffected by your words, as if you hadn't spoken at all. The way he takes everything you say and only hears exactly the opposite. You brood for a moment, then spit out, "Fuck you," and move to turn away. Something stops you from turning all the way around. Before you have time to figure out what it is, something warm and soft and slightly wet is pressing against your mouth. Thom's face is right in front of yours. So close you can see his eyes closed behind his shades. You're kissing back before you realize that kissing is what you're doing.

Are you open to try new things? Yes, feel free to contact me if you think I might be interested in something!
How can we contact you? Ping, PM, or visitor message.
Other: I've been on Mene since 2009, but I haven't really been active since 2012, and I've just been missing it! I'm a Linguistics major-- formerly English education-- and I like to RP to blow off steam. I'm not terribly serious about it, and I'm not the type who can really abide by 3-paragraph-long-post rules. If I've written all that needs to be written, I'm not going to pack in fluff just to meet a length requirement, that seems silly. I'm most often free on weekends, and I prefer to shoot several responses back and forth in one day and then one every couple days for about a week, and so on.

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 06-26-2016, 01:15 AM

//Needs to update my stuff but totally sucks doing it on the iPad, also needs to go through old role plays and see which are still willing to Roleplay after my hiatus from mene//

RinLin is offline
Old 07-08-2016, 04:08 PM


Posting frequency: I try and be as active as possible, but I have more things to do than hang around on a forum all day. :'3 I tend to have many things on my plate at once, but I will be active and post several times daily as much as I can.
Posting length: I'll mirror most of the time, but my minimum is three paragraphs with three rows each.
Gender preference: Any.
Sexuality preference: Any.
Role-play size: I prefer one on one, but I can do group rps if we are a small group, and there is a posting order.
Role-play genre preference: Anything goes. I like to evolve in my writing skills.
Specific likes: Anything that isn't in the dislikes. If unsure, just ask me. :)
Specific hates: Any form of blood-related incest, toilet play, gore, vore, any form of rape, micro/mini.
My request thread:
Post example: Eh, most of my rps are at Elysium, a yaoi rp site, but okay; Login and Login
Are you open to try new things? Of course. :3
How can we contact you? Ping, pm or visitor message. :)
Other: Let's have fun together! :D


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