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Thunder is offline
Old 04-29-2008, 05:14 PM

I've never been to a theater by myself. It seems to me that it would be more boring. The road home would be killer because you wouldn't have anyone to talk to the movie about. I just have to talk about a movie after I see it. xD Especially if it's a good one. However, if something that looked really good was out, and no one wanted to go, I'd probably just deal and go by myself. It would be weird, and I'm sure quite a few people would think I was creepy, but I'm good at ignoring things.

Sleep is offline
Old 04-29-2008, 07:40 PM

I don't really go to the movies with friends. Partly because I lack many real life friends. xD I need to join some club or something, I guess.

When I go to the movies I usually go with my mother. I don't like going alone because then you don't get to gossip about how awesome/sucky it was and say how that one person kept coughing and everything. 8D;

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Old 05-05-2008, 09:57 PM

I'd feel self-conscious going alone, but I don't see anything wrong with it. However, I don't think I would mind if I knew that the theater wouldn't be busy. I just really hate having to sit next to people I don't know. XD

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xXMidnaXx is offline
Old 05-05-2008, 09:59 PM

I can't even remember the last time I've gone to the movies, I'd rather wait to rent it on DVD or watch it on TV instead of pay outrageous movie theater prices.

Fabby is offline
Old 05-09-2008, 07:17 AM

I don't go to see movies unless someone invites me along. Movies aren't something I really care about, so... no. I really prefer to just watch it at home. So I don't do it for social reasons, just because I never think to go to the theater (not to mention I almost never feel motivated to see a movie)...

Alchemy for Life!
xXMidnaXx is offline
Old 05-09-2008, 05:50 PM

Also not going to the movies and waiting for it to come out on DVD saves you some cash and from a crappy movie.

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MrsGrape is offline
Old 05-10-2008, 01:48 AM

I've never been to the movies alone. I think I should try it. Sounds like it would be extremely relaxing. Now I realllly wanna do that ... hmm. *ponders*

[ pancakes ]
[ pancakes ] is offline
Old 05-11-2008, 07:40 PM

I go alone sometimes, but not all the time. I don't go the threatres that much these days, since tickets cost so much.

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Old 05-11-2008, 09:24 PM

No, I wouldn't particuarly want to anyway, it's fun to have a friend/my sister with me. x3

Mint Car
Mint Car is offline
Old 05-12-2008, 03:18 PM

I go to the movies on my own at least once a week. There are a lot of movies that I want to see and very few people to go with so I just go on my own on a weekday when there is no one else in the theater usually and enjoy the day. I find it a lot nicer actually than going with a bunch of people. It becomes relaxing alone time rather than an outing that you have to prepare for.

L o x
L o x is offline
Old 05-12-2008, 08:33 PM

Not normally because I woudn't have any way of getting there if I went alone.
I actually just went to the movies last Friday with my boyfriend, and only paid 2$ to see 10,000 BC. I've wanted to see it for awhile. Surprisingly one of the movie theaters here was still showing it.

Sethirius is offline
Old 05-18-2008, 08:35 AM

Well, I've really only ever went to the movies alone once, but that's because I was in a new town, and didn't know anybody. Ahaha.

Though, now I'm back in my old city so...

I would go to them alone more often, if the theaters weren't so far out. xP

Kiwii Yamz
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Old 05-18-2008, 10:18 AM

I hate going places myself so i usually go with my husband

Ritz is offline
Old 05-18-2008, 02:08 PM

I've never gone to the movies alone, but I have nothing against the idea as my friends are rarely in town. It's moreso just timing that has prevented me from doing so. Buuut, that's a good idea and I might try to find some time to do so soon if something strikes my interest.

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Old 05-18-2008, 04:41 PM

Until they had VHS and now DVD people didn't have a choice... either go alone, or miss out. (if you had no option, as someone to go with) But still I really love the experience of going to a theater... so I don't mind going alone if no one is available. You can't worry what people think or the 'looks'...just like anything else in life, you just do it. Sometimes it's really nice to be alone... to have that experience to yourself.

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Old 05-26-2008, 06:49 PM

I don't really like going to the movies by myself, i usually try and ask one of my friends to go with me to the movies. If not then I'll probably wait til it comes out on DVD being as I don't really go out to the movies that often anyway.

For-Chan Cookie
A Cookie for Fun
For-Chan Cookie is offline
Old 05-26-2008, 08:42 PM

I've gone to a few movies alone. They're usually ones I really really want to see and know that no one will go with me. There was no way I would have been able to drag a friend with me into the Digimon movie XD

The last movie I saw alone was Brokeback Mountain.

I don't go to the movies alone anymore because I hardly ever go to the movies and lately, nothing has come out that I needed to see and no one would go with me. My mother is a shop-a-holic and buys like every movie in existence so I don't need to go see them when they just come to me. XD

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Lips.Like.Morphine is offline
Old 05-27-2008, 05:11 PM

I have never gone alone but I'd love to.
I find it kinda awkward when I go with friends... I don't know why. :XD
But yeah, I think it would rock to go see a film all by myself. =3

iAlkemy is offline
Old 05-28-2008, 02:03 PM

If there's a film I really want to see, but none of my family or friends want to see it, I'll go alone. It doesn't bother me, because most of my friends like to chat during the movie, and I prefer paying attention to the plot, and not some hot guy in the middle row. |:

Blackout is offline
Old 05-28-2008, 04:08 PM

Ive only been to the movies alone once or twice but when i do go alone, I find its cheaper!! haha

smolder is offline
Old 05-31-2008, 07:13 PM

I never have gone to the movies alone but thats mainly because my sister and I have similar tastes so if I want to see a movie chances are she does as well so we just go together, makes it more fun.

TelstelNSG1 is offline
Old 06-13-2008, 03:37 PM

hey there
i go to the cinemas alone
i don't care what people think, if i want to see the movie badly enough i'll see it lol
but the last few movies i saw i watch them with friends
movies these days are getting way worse than they use to be
nothing is tasteful anymore, i don't know it just me i suppose

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Old 06-13-2008, 04:02 PM

I don't think I've ever gone to the movies alone.

I wouldn't be afraid to or uncomfortable to or anything like that, but I normally don't plan to see a movie unless I have someone to see it with. It's just more fun that way, for me. O:

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Old 06-21-2008, 06:41 PM

Ack. not when i watch scary things, then i get all paranoid. xD.
so, i guess i will, just nothing horrid or anything like that! :).

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Violet_Beauregarde91 is offline
Old 06-24-2008, 03:13 PM

I don't go to the movies alone. I'm too young to drive, so I go with my parents, maybe a friend or my siblings if they say it's ok.


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