Julianna's Profile

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 127
  1. Siipu
    11-12-2016 02:31 PM
    You should come back.
    Like, now.
  2. `F o a m
    12-24-2013 10:49 AM
    `F o a m
    I can't get enough of reality TV!!!
  3. Suspense
    12-11-2013 07:18 PM
  4. Foxxi
    12-09-2013 09:54 PM
  5. Seiki Nova
    12-09-2013 02:30 AM
    Seiki Nova
    Juli! Long time no see! <3
  6. tigerangel
    12-09-2013 02:00 AM
    Well, I was still getting emails from them and just decided to come back and see if it changed much.
    I was happy to see that it hadn't. So many of our old friends seem to be gone, but I have reconnected with some and made new friends too..
    In real life, I got married and bought a house.

    I hope school and life is going well for you.
  7. tigerangel
    12-09-2013 01:42 AM
    Oh my gosh!
    Welcome back, my friend. Thanks for the gold gifty.
    How are you?
    I just came back at the end of September, after being gone since 2009.
  8. `F o a m
    04-08-2013 02:52 PM
    `F o a m
    *pokes head in*
  9. Tyge
    01-23-2013 09:57 PM
    Been so long. We both forgot about Mene for so long lol
  10. iSpam~
    07-05-2012 04:00 PM
    LO JULI.


About Me

  • About Julianna
    I think it's finally time to write a bit about myself here.... four years after being on Mene XD

    Well, my name is Julianna! I clearly still love the colour pink. I'm not very good with change, so I've probably had the same avatar for a long time now! >w<

    I don't go on as much anymore.... Mene was such a big part of my life for what seemed like so long! I've made soo many amazing friends! Sorry I haven't kept in touch ): Feel free to msg me~ (I included my email in the 'msn' area) miss all my old friends! <3
    Marshmellow, CandyLand.
    Building CandyLand TreeHouses.
    CandyLand Construction Builder.
  • Signature
    bi rain <3 donkey kong! michael jackson ;D
    quest thread with mikey <3 click hereee!


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  • Last Activity: 12-09-2013 01:48 AM
  • Join Date: 03-09-2007


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Posted 12-09-2013 at 01:02 AM by Julianna Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
[CENTER][COLOR="hotPink"][SIZE="1"]It's so weird reading my old blog entries here~
The last time I posted, I mentioned a bunch of things including how I was still in high school and almost done school.

Now I am in my third year of university to become a registered nurse! o___o Isn't that crazy? I feel old~ lol xD I've worked in multiple hospitals throughout the years and I still get scared giving people their injections, IV medications, or medications in general. I'm such a scaredy-cat! The scary thing is that after I graduated after 4th year, I will get my degree (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) but I still need to write an exam in order to even get my license to be a RN ): hope I pass! Otherwise my degree will have been for nothing...

Anyway, there's not much else that has happened in the past few years!
I'll just lurk the forums again and see what has changed around here. :3 <3[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]

Posted 03-24-2010 at 06:36 AM by Julianna Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="deeppink"] [CENTER]I enjoy seeing that the two blog entries where I talked about jiu-jitsu and my injuries has about 300 views compared to my other ones that only have in 100-200's~ xD I'm wondering who has been reading... I don't really post about interesting things! > o < I guess getting hurt is interesting!! xD

Not sure what to talk about...
eight months have past since I last made an entry! [/CENTER]

Small update maybe? Will just list things!
♥ Still love pink, girly things~
♥ I didn't join touch football or rugby again... just not enough time to dedicate to daily practices!
♥ Joined Student Council, Graduation Committee, Environmental Club
♥ Happily involved in school with pretty friends!!
♥ Left jiu-jitsu... (Sorry! No more injury blog entries xD) I really liked the guys there, still talk to some of them but they are ages 20+, mainly in late 20's and couldn't relate to them that much... some guys I could tell liked me so it was uncomfortable sometimes... ; o ; I will spare the details!
♥ Working in hospital in my afternoons! Only one more credit to finish! So with free afternoons, at hospital for school, the interviews were scary!! But I was accepted to both hospitals I chose! Ended up choosing geriatrics in this one hospital~
♥ Want to become a nurse! ^^
♥ Ahh~ the patients are sooo kind to me... first day and onwards made me feel very happy! Always greeting me with "pretty girl", "lovely", etc! and they all like me!! So I'm super happy with hospital(♥^ o ^♥) /
♥ Applied to university and colleges, accepted to a few so far... still few more months to wait for others! D:

[CENTER]Uhmm, not sure what else to mention but talking to myself through this blog is odd... not used to it xD It's hard to try to explain how life is now~ It's currently 2:30am-ish and still awake, was trying to finish hospital clinical diagnoses assignment! Then thought to check Menewsha again! Will not be fun in morning class~ O: But I guess will update bit more, just for myself first~ nice to keep note of what life was like and when?

It feels like Menewsha has not changed since I last left, still see some same old friends! But I just checked on Ella and her account was probably inactive too long... will need to email her!!♥ I wonder where everyone else went, maybe will send message to everyone! And get everyone's email~ or can message me if want mine!

Posted 06-27-2009 at 01:36 AM by Julianna Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized

"34 ] one sensei tells the girls to do pushups from our knees instead
35 ] i think he's sexist now, so i keep doing them the proper way" xD
from old blog post i made last year on menewsha too! [URL="http://www.menewsha.com/forum/blogs/julianna/613-scary-kicks-painful-pushups.html"]click here[/URL] for original post~
i should say though that my jiu-jitsu class only has maybe three girls max!
there's me, one of my best friends i got to join and another girl..

ooh! but i was just reading my old blog posts ^^
i didn't realize you can see how many times a post has been viewed!
how odd i have some views but not many comment?
i'm not a scary person.. [IMG]http://i588.photobucket.com/albums/ss325/babylapin/Graphics/smile.gif[/IMG]
but i'm guilty of this too! if i don't know someone too well..
its a bit weird announcing to them i was just reading a personal post xD

anyways! today i just came back on mene after a long time..
actually, i visited once awhile ago but i didn't do much at all!
just lurked around [IMG]http://i588.photobucket.com/albums/ss325/babylapin/Graphics/yaplogjp-lovelogicgif1.gif[/IMG] ahah~ xD but excited i came back today!
and mene seems a bit slower than what i remember!
-slow as in not much activity going on- so it was good ^^
i don't think i could've handled so much happening at once!

UNFO made a comment on how in his active days,
and that he could post in five threads at once! [img]http://i588.photobucket.com/albums/ss325/babylapin/Graphics/yaplogjp-lovelogicgif8.gif[/img]
ooh~ the olden days xD i don't think i can do that again!
i'm not sure if i will continue going on menewsha again and again..
right now i feel like it is likely! especially since now, summer is starting and i won't have much to do!
i like being homebody despite friends going on trips/ hanging out/ etc xD i'm opposite of them!

anyways! ^^ i will end this post [IMG]http://i588.photobucket.com/albums/ss325/babylapin/Graphics/yaplogjp-lovelogicgif2.gif[/IMG] byee for now any readers!


Posted 08-03-2008 at 06:11 PM by Julianna Comments 2
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[color=deeppink][size=1]my right wrist is sprained.. >.<
but apparently its very common with the sport/martial arts i'm doing? Dx
ahh~ the pain hurts very much.. but i just need to ice it for 15mins, three times a day~

but yesterday night was super fun though! ^^ i met up with friends; kasey, alisa, shawnna and candice<3 there was a rock and roll picnic/festival at the huge park! *____* and yess! i was at rock and roll shows xD i love that park though x) <3 but sooo many people were there! it was very fun! much more fun than the other festival in june.. though i use to love ____, they weren't that good live.. Dx i didn't know any of the bands that played yesterday.. but the two we seen ______ _____ and ___ _____ , were actually very amusing to watch! ^^ <3 even though the music was very loud.. xDD ;; i ended up listening to my own music~ which included Fahrenheit, Jay Chou, Jolin Tsai, Rainie Yang and more.. XDD yay for asian music! <3 ~ before we sat down and watched the shows, there were carnival rides! so we went on the "Berry Go Round" which is where we sat in big strawberries and it spins in cicles once you turn the wheel? -hopes that makes sense- xD but we got very dizzy! x___x ~ then onto the Spiderman inflatable obstacle course thingy! xDD i'm very sure it was for little kids.. but it was soo much fun! it rained a bit before we got there, which means.. inflatable thingy = was wet! xD we only stayed until only 10pm though because shawnna had already left, and alisa had to get home early.. >.< ~ me and kasey wanted to stay until midnight like during the last festival, but there is another festival coming up soon! so we will just stay late then xD

* i didn't include band names.. which are the ____ ! >.<

Posted 06-25-2008 at 11:51 PM by Julianna Comments 4
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[color=deeppink][size=1]in jiujitsuuu~

✔ skinned toee ] :
☆ ts very painful.. when i was grappling,
somehow it was skinned across the mats >___< ''
✔ really hugeeee bruises on my right hip~
☆the guys in jiujitsu seem to prefer hitting on just on side xD
but its painful~ their kicks are very lethal D:
✔ bruised elbows and knees
☆ from grappling, i should get some elbow and knee pads? O:
or are we not allowed that in jiujitsu.. xD
✔ broken nail ~
☆ much more painful than it seems! and it wasn't my finger nail~
about half my nail ripped off when i was doing jiujitsu rolls x___x
☆ the most pain i have ever been in was from grapping
and being thrown into an arm bar, wrist throw,
or anything else that involves my wrist being twisted >.<
the senseis are very scary when they show wrist moves..
-shivers- the painn! xDD
✔ not falling properly
☆ x___x which is my own mistake.. but it still hurts!
i will forget to slap the mat with my arm when i fall,
or i forget to keep my neck in Dx or i fall instead on my partners' feet xDDD ''
✔ big bruise on my right forearm.. ]:
☆ i'm not exactly sure how i got it,
but using that arm to block punches didn't help the bruise go away xD
✔ right wrist hurts when bent! </3
☆ its been armbarred, pulled and grabbed!
now its pretty much limp.. xDD ;;

;____; thats about it for my injuries.. so far! xD
Recent Comments
@_____@ uhm.. my injury was not "kool"
i'm sorry you have also hurt your wrist too
but your comment does not sound too polite,
you really shouldn't compare people's injuries..
Posted 07-08-2009 at 12:40 AM by Julianna Julianna is offline
okay sounds kool i i skate board and broke my wrist before it hurts alot more
Posted 07-08-2009 at 12:22 AM by orochimaru166 orochimaru166 is offline
[color=deeppink][size=1]D: awwh! <3 did you get bandaid for it? <3 ooh! apparently you need to disinfect it before using a bandaid.. x___x -shivers- the pain of a cut being disinfected hurts more than an actual cut? xD
Posted 06-26-2008 at 05:47 PM by Julianna Julianna is offline
I have a little knick on my left middle finger that I have no idea where it came from. I just looked down at my hand and saw blood on it and I was like T________T because I don't like blood haha.
Posted 06-26-2008 at 06:04 AM by Seiki Nova Seiki Nova is offline
[color=deeppink][size=1]ooh! and i discovered more bruises on my left elbow just a few minutes ago when i was brushing my teeth D: .. i was wondering why i was in pain whenever i was lending my elbow against things xDD

awwh but its okay though! <333 it will only make me stronger? 8DD [ doesn't that sound like lyrics from kanye wests' song? xD <3 ] but all my injuries didn't happen in one class! x] so most of the pain was very little! ^^[/size][/color]
Posted 06-26-2008 at 04:16 AM by Julianna Julianna is offline