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Seito 12-24-2011 05:07 AM

Project Fandom: Winter Edition
Welcome to Project Fandom! This is our festival winter thread! Come on in!

What is Project Fandom: Prompt and Write?
Project Fandom is the idea of spreading Menewsha as a fandom by writing fanfics and drawing fanart. The concept is similar to anon/kink memes on LJ. The basic idea is prompt an idea you have of Menewsha or its NPCs and hope that someone will write you a story based on your idea. Possibly return the favor as well.

Our normal threads can be found here!
Project Fandom: Prompt <- All prompts/ideas go here!
Project Fandom: Write and Draw (and Discuss) <- All fills and discussions go here!

Seito 12-24-2011 05:12 AM

Let's kick things off!

Here's your prompt! You have 2 choices: Easy and Advance! Now mind you this is just for fun and games but Seito might give out something nice for the ones she really really really loves and adores. Be creative! Fills can be anything, funny, horror, adventure, action, drama, angst but remember to keep it PG-13!

It's Winter time! So what is Mene doing at this time? How are the NPCs celebrating the holidays? What about your avatar?

Give me anything related to Winter! Playing in the snow, cuddled together around the fireplace, celebrating Christmas or maybe a kiss under the mistletoe?

An NPC woke up to the sounds of Santa (or any Christmas Spirit of Past/Present/Future) invading their house. Their reaction and thoughts!
This a long one. Ever heard of 100 theme challenges? This is something similar to it. Write/Draw 12 stories/pictures before the end of the event!

General Rules of this Challenge
1. Follow theme list. 8D One Theme = One Story/Picture
2. One drabble a day. (Optional but to qualify for my prize you need to finish before the event is done!)
3. Must use Mene NPCs (adding your avatar is optional)

Theme List:
Snow, Mistletoe, Present, Angel, Decoration,
Shopping, Lights, Candy Cane, Hot Chocolate, Wrapping Paper
Christmas Songs, Feeling Generous/Secretly giving

Seito 12-24-2011 05:12 AM



The Wandering Poet
M i r o

M i r o
PapillonCameo 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |

Seito 12-24-2011 05:13 AM


Already did the 2 prompts? 8D Or maybe you have an idea that you want to see done?

Fill free to prompt/fill something!

Seito 12-24-2011 05:16 AM

Prizes and Stuffies and Mysterious Gifts

Oh what are these? 8D Seito has a few gifts laying around. She'll give out something small for....

The first person to write/draw a semi decent for two prompts (that is something that actually has some effort in it)
The person with the most posts in this thread (Seito likes company you know. Still wants a 1000 pages. *cracks whip*v Well it depends. :P Maybe. Haven't decided on this prize yet. )
The people who finish the Theme Challenge
Or something else~

Fauxreal 12-24-2011 05:18 AM

Are you open?! *stalk stalk stalk*

Seito 12-24-2011 05:20 AM

Hai~ Hai~ Go ahead 8D

Fauxreal 12-24-2011 05:24 AM

This is something I want to try! I'm hoping for a new pretttyfull art set for x-mas! So ~ it could be the first new thing I draw on it! Now ~ So we write /draw as per your promt - but are we suppose to come up with another one?

Seito 12-24-2011 05:27 AM

Hmm? Another one?

Oh in regards to the prizes thingy? No there's two prompts up: Easy and Advance. There will be a third one up as well shortly as soon as I figure out how to word it properly. However you're welcome to fill any prompts in the regular Project Fandom: Prompt thread and come up with your own prompt for other people to fill. :3

Ascadellia 12-24-2011 06:59 AM

You know I'm going to be chatting up a storm, as always, right Sei Sei? >.>

Seito 12-24-2011 07:01 AM

Good. xD This thread needs to live! The Halloween one died.

Ascadellia 12-24-2011 07:02 AM

The halloween one? You had one of these in that too?

hummy 12-24-2011 07:04 AM

i didn't see the halloweenie one.

Seito 12-24-2011 07:04 AM

Yup. And it died a horrible horrible death. D:

Ascadellia 12-24-2011 07:05 AM

Shoulda told me. >.>

Seito 12-24-2011 07:07 AM

:P Thought you knew!

Ascadellia 12-24-2011 07:07 AM

I didn't!!

Seito 12-24-2011 07:08 AM

Pfft. You no check forum then! xD

Ascadellia 12-24-2011 07:10 AM

I was busy with crazy posting in the others!!

Seito 12-24-2011 07:11 AM

pfft D: No excuse!

Captain Pains 12-24-2011 07:12 AM

I'm actually in a writing mood, too. o:
It's a shame I'm so sleepy. I'll have to do this tomorrow. xD;

Ascadellia 12-24-2011 07:13 AM

Hey hey, I did participate a lot in the Halloween thing. XD You shoulda pinged me. >.>

Seito 12-24-2011 07:13 AM

<33 Yay! 8D That's okay we always need more stories filled and more fandom love spread!


Fine Fine. Next time I will ping people! xD

Ascadellia 12-24-2011 07:15 AM

Sei sei... My fingers hurt!! XD

Seito 12-24-2011 07:16 AM

Soak them in warm water!

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