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Cora 05-10-2014 01:24 PM

Cherry's Spring Posting Extravaganza- Results!
Banner by BellyButton

So you all know that our dear Miss Cherry has stepped down from her position on the staff, and I'm sure you all were wondering what was to become of the results of her contests. Fear not! I am here to clear up another of her contests with the Posting Extravaganza!

Cora 05-10-2014 01:25 PM


Most Interesting Topics
All Winners in this Category shall receive 500g

Link to Thread: Disgusting Human Truths

Link to thread: Becoming a fictional character

The Wandering Poet:
Link to thread: ~*~ TECH SUPPORT - Looking for tech support volunteers! ~*~

Kat Dakuu:
Link to thread: Real or Made Up World?

Link to thread:Manga/Anime... bad for health?

Link to thread: The User-run Menewshan Webcomic

Most Engaging Conversations

All Winners in this Category Shall receive 400g!

♥what do you think will help mene be more active?♥

User-ran Menewshan Comic- Design phase - Get your say!

Link to thread:I met Tamora Pierce
Quality Poster

Anyone who has fallen into this category will receive 2000g!

The Wandering Poet:
Kat Dakuu:
Most Engaging Conversations II
This winner will receive 300g!

♥what do you think will help mene be more active?♥

Top Secret Topic Winners!
Winners in this category will all receive 300g!

Secret Topic ListX

Charles Dickens
Sci Fi Books
Bodies of water
Rocks, minerals, metals
Snakes, lizards, turtles, frogs
Mickey Mouse
Interior Design
Bikes, skateboards, roller skates
Martial arts
Sports (played not watched)
Diseases, disorders (physical)
Chuck Palahniuk
Poetry, poets
Zombies, ghosts
Youtube, vloggers, video projects
Tumblr, blogging
Webcomics, comic artists, creating comics
Arrested Development
Cooking, food
Gender, sexuality
Feminism, sexism
Cleaning, organizing
Punk bands
Folk bands

Link to the Thread: Foreign Languages
Topic: Culture

Link to Thread: ♥how does your garden grow♥
Topic: Gardening

Kat Dakuu:
Link to thread: Youtube Cover Artists
Topic: Youtube

Link to thread: Then and Now, Have You Changed At All?
Topic: Fashion, style

Link to thread: The User-run Menewshan Webcomic
Topic: Webcomics

Link to thread:
Topic: Web Comics

Link to thread: Poetic Forms and Why We Like Them [A Poetry Help and Discussion Thread]
Topic: Poetry

Whisper Invictus:
Link to thread: Mynarski Forest and Other Hidden Treasures
Topic: Web Comics

Link to thread: ♥comic book collections♥
Topic: Collections

Link to thread:~Meaning of Dreams~
Topic: Psycology

Cora 05-10-2014 01:36 PM

Thank you all for playing this game. You all are very creative people and everyone should be proud of the flawless effort you all put forth. Winners should expect to see there prizes over the next day or two. I will be sending out prizes by category so if you won more then one category prize be patient, the rest will be following shortly.

maidenroseheart 05-12-2014 04:53 PM

Oh wow, I have to be honest, I assumed that this was forgotten by everyone but me. Thank you Cora. And Cora, you have a lovely avatar. I like how you did your avi's outfit and combined to make it such a pretty dress.

Cora 05-12-2014 04:55 PM

Yeah, it wasn't forgotten there was just a little bit of changing hands that went on which delayed it a bit.

And Thank you ^.^

Nephila 05-12-2014 05:04 PM

Oh I did forget about this. Yay goldies!

Thanks for handing out the prizes Cora.

maidenroseheart 05-12-2014 05:11 PM

Hello Neph sweetie :) You look... hmmm

The Wandering Poet 05-12-2014 05:19 PM

Totally forgot about that. It's a shame the tech support thread never survived.

maidenroseheart 05-12-2014 05:23 PM

It is a shame several of the threads never survived. I was looking forward to reading more in a few of them.

Kat Dakuu 05-12-2014 05:28 PM

I didn't forget but I figured I just missed the results or something. Its real nice to see all this stuff again! Great results.

maidenroseheart 05-12-2014 05:32 PM

It is a nice to see this again. See the threads and titles... nostalgic :)

Nephila 05-12-2014 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by maidenroseheart (Post 1772698885)
Hello Neph sweetie :) You look... hmmm

Like a drunks rat? XD Yup say it it's ok.

Your looking marvelous!

Velvet 05-12-2014 07:24 PM

Wow, I forgot about this, well kinda. :P

But thanks for the gold and congrats to everyone that received some. :)

Those are some great threads and are all very interesting. I remember looking through several of them.

Shadami 05-12-2014 07:49 PM

*stares at list of secret topics* .... *specifically stares at pokemon*

MAN !!! I chose not to make yet another pokemon thread >.< I even thought about it. and than went wait no i shouldn't. xD oh well. this was great fun ^-^

Chexala 05-12-2014 07:51 PM

Oh! I totally forgot about this. [sweat] Thank you so much for the gold!

maidenroseheart 05-12-2014 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by Nephila (Post 1772699057)
Like a drunks rat? XD Yup say it it's ok.

Your looking marvelous!

haha, yeppers, pretty much


Originally Posted by Shadami (Post 1772699111)
*stares at list of secret topics* .... *specifically stares at pokemon*

MAN !!! I chose not to make yet another pokemon thread >.< I even thought about it. and than went wait no i shouldn't. xD oh well. this was great fun ^-^

heck why not? I would do a mix and match... which combination of which two pokemons would make the most awesome kids ever?

Cora 05-12-2014 09:28 PM

All Prizes should be out! Please let me know if I missed anyone, I'm only human ^.^

hummy 05-12-2014 10:20 PM

Gotta love surprises
thanks, Cherry♥Cora!

Antagonist 05-13-2014 12:36 AM

Oh wow, thanks! I'd forgotten about this. [:O]

RoadToGallifrey 05-13-2014 01:21 AM

I'd completely forgotten about this too [lol] Thank you so much c:

Shadami 05-13-2014 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by maidenroseheart (Post 1772699123)
haha, yeppers, pretty much

heck why not? I would do a mix and match... which combination of which two pokemons would make the most awesome kids ever?

pokefusion go!!
i have some of those i'm working on actually ^^;

xuvrette 05-13-2014 02:17 PM

oh, GOLD~~!
by the way, when did this posting extravaganza happened?
I seemed to forget. ?.?

Cora 05-13-2014 02:36 PM

Last year about this time ^.^

Shadami 05-13-2014 07:57 PM

i waited for the results for about two months and than got to busy to worry about when the results would come out xD

lunanuova 05-17-2014 10:25 PM

Thank you. The recognition for having an engaging conversation makes me very happy :)

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