Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   Hallowe'en 2009 ~ Day of the Dead (
-   -   Under the Covers - A Story Writing Challenge :: CLOSED! Thank you for participating! :: (

Iro 10-14-2009 03:18 PM

Under the Covers - A Story Writing Challenge :: CLOSED! Thank you for participating! ::
Art by ToriKat; Banner made by Sizzla

In the darkness of the night, illuminated by the weak light of the moon and stars... acquaintances, friends and family members alike group together on this day known as the Day of the Dead. Huddled under the layers of sheets and covers with only a candle as the source of light, shadows leaping off the walls, spooky tales of all kinds were told, some simply terrifying, sending chills down the spine, some mild and silly, prompting amusement. Now, it is your turn to tell your story...

Iro 10-14-2009 04:10 PM

What is this challenge about?
Basically, you are to give us the spookiest and most horrifying stories you could come up with. It must be original and written by you and not by anyone else.
Whether they are witty, satiric or down right scary, it doesn't matter so long as the main theme is also incorporated together in the stories. They could be anything and do not have to be Halloween related. It could even be something you have been through yourself!
Any word limits?
Yes, of course. The maximum number or words allowed in an entry is 400 words. Less words used are fine, entries past 400 words will be rejected.
How many entries could we enter?
You could enter a maximum of two(2) entries. If you have many ideas brimming, pick your best two to give us!
ONLY stories in nicely written sentences are allowed?
You could also submit poetry in addition to stories. Stories typed in script format should be avoided.
Anything else to note?
While I am not so particular about grammar and spelling errors so long as the entry could be read and understood well, it is preferable that there are as few mistakes as possible. Poor grammar and spelling does affect the impact, mood and flow of what could otherwise be a good story.

Challenge Requirements in a nutshell
  • The main theme is horror, which must be incorporated in every submission.
  • There is a 400 words limit per entry. Yes, I will check every one of them.
  • You may submit up to two entries, but you can only win once.
  • It must be your own work. Submitting a story written by someone else is not allowed and you could be punished for plagiarism.
  • Poetry and poems are allowed. Scripts are not.
  • Please check your grammar and spelling before submission!

Iro 10-14-2009 04:27 PM


Story Category
Best Entry:
8, 000 gold and Oct 09 CI set

2nd Best:
4, 500 gold and Oct 09 CI set

3rd Best:
1, 500 gold and Oct 09 CI set

Poem/Poetry Category
Best Entry:
8, 000 gold and Nov 09 CI set

Runner Up:
4, 500 gold and Nov 09 CI set

The Most Creative: 6,000 gold
The Most Chilling: 6,000 gold
Personal Favourite: 6,000 gold
Staff's Choice: 6,000 gold

Simply post your entry using the form below in this thread. PMs will not be entertained.

HTML Code:

[B][I][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][SIZE="5"][B][COLOR="DarkRed"]What is that behind you...?[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/B]
[B]Word count:[/B]

Iro 10-14-2009 04:37 PM


1. IHateTests 1 || 2
2. exeno chan
3. Moxie 1 || 2
4. daemon_lucifer 1 || 2
5. Mehimaru
6. Little Miss
7. Iltu
8. End of silence
9. Cemetery
10. Pietro
11. InevitableDisaster
12. Suzhi Mix
13. m00finsan 1 || 2
14. ♥Martyr♥
15. Remaro 1 || 2
16. pprmint
17. M i r o
18. KarKarIsAStar
19. Goblin Maiden 1 || 2
20. shadowfoot
21. Reeny
22. Silver Crusnik
23. Heruuna
24. Captain Howdy
25. [3P1C_F41L]
26. Rogue imp
27. Yamiko
28. Beliar
29. KitsuneTsuki
30. xsayhellotosunshinex
31. BitterBlue
32. Alexz
33. RetroTV
34. LittleMissSick
35. laniparis
36. Ikami-San
37. bloodstainedwings
38. Nanami Ugachi
39. Ananas à Pois 1 || 2
40. Briseis
41. Risque
42. IxchelSantanos
43. E Lao Bah
44. Dyenasaur
45. shadowfoot
46. Gemini 1 || 2
47. TunaFishSalad 1 || 2
48. Lune Selet
49. T-Redback
50. Zilithandria Moonlight
51. kemii 1 || 2
52. Elmira Swift
53. neller 1 || 2
54. KageShio
55. Fushigi no kaosu
56. ToriKat

Iro 10-14-2009 04:42 PM


None yet.

Iro 10-14-2009 04:44 PM

*ribbon snippity*

raeofsunshinelove 10-31-2009 11:04 AM

time to get my brain thinking

cheng 10-31-2009 11:10 AM

well i might as well think tonight
maybe i'll stick to poetry xDD

Iro 10-31-2009 11:12 AM

Get your thinking hats on, and have fun writing your entries! ;)

Gary Stargazer 10-31-2009 11:19 AM

400 word or less? ouch... it would be tricky to write something so short for me ... then again it will be a challenge to write something that is not adult rated as well ... Xd

Maybe i will think on it and try entering, Horror is certainly not at the top of my list of subjects but we will see. >:3

IHateTests 10-31-2009 11:40 AM

Hmmm i think i may participate in this though when is the closing date for this

Iro 10-31-2009 11:46 AM

Oh, yes. I forgot about the closing date because I was unsure about when the event would start. Thank you for reminding me, IHateTests. :lol:

The last date should be on the 7th of November, maybe about 6 hours before the event ends. :)

@Gary Stargazer:
Challenge yourself! That's the way. ;D

IHateTests 10-31-2009 11:52 AM

It was no problem... I was reading the posts and was like when is the closing date for this

Facade 10-31-2009 11:57 AM

I'm so working on this later! :yes:

I love to write, so I hope I'll score high up there. C:

Or well, at least entertain a few people! I find that my writing style's witty and satirical, so I hope everyone's in for a treat - teehee, get it? Treat?


Iro 10-31-2009 12:02 PM

Okay, the ending date and time has been edited in. :yes:

Haha That's not a bad thing. xD
The reason I open it up to other genre in the first place is because if all the entries were merely horror and spooky, then it would be a narrower scope for the writers to write. Not as fun. ~_^

lol Puns!

Facade 10-31-2009 12:12 PM

Yeah, I've never attempted horrifically spooky stuff, so I'm pretty sure I'd be an instant fail. <w<

Although I'm an ENORMOUS fan of Stephen King's work, and will probably be watching every movie based on his work that I can find on TV today. :lol: And probably tomorrow, too...

:hug: I'm really grateful that all of you lovely staffers kept us chained to the Leash of "I WANT MY EVENT NOW. D:<!" and kept us wanting the flipping thing to start! I'm so proud of you all, no matter what part you worked on to bring us this amazing event. I seriously mean it. :heart: I was getting all teary-eyed earlier, because I've been here in the past and have expected the same-old sort of event... BUT MAN! Was I SHOCKED or WHAT!? :lol:

I love the board-specific layout, the banner up top, the theme, the amazingly unconventional commons... everything.

I'm so proud to be a Menewshan, however corny that sounds. xP :heart:

Ivvy 10-31-2009 12:47 PM

Ahh Iro.. I am going to have to try and do this, I haven't written anything in ages. :) You have inspired me. :)

exeno chan 10-31-2009 12:49 PM

Guess I'm out of the challenge before it started, I'm not a very good speller.

Iro 10-31-2009 12:58 PM

You never know till you try. ;)

I've never read Stephen King though I know of him. Perhaps I should pick up one of his books. =O

I'm really glad you feel so! :hug:

Good luck and have fun, Ivvy! :yes:

@exeno chan:
Your post looks error free, exeno. ~_^
That is not so much a requirement, though. It's more impression.
If you still fret, you can always ask a friend to help spell check for you. =D

Ivvy 10-31-2009 01:00 PM

@ Iro.. thank you love. Ohh and a good King Book one of my favorites in fact is Gerald's Game.. the concept was interesting. :)

exeno chan 10-31-2009 01:01 PM

I am the only one where I am.

Iro 10-31-2009 01:07 PM

What is the book about, generally? =D

@exeno chan:
Well, surely there is someone who could help you online if there is no one physically there to help you out? :)

IHateTests 10-31-2009 01:08 PM

Ok, so here's my entry I hope it is enjoyed and follows all the rules..

What is that behind you...?
Username: IHateTests
Word count: 400 exactly
Entry: It was Halloween and I was home alone. I had been grounded so I couldn't do anything for the holiday which was a shame because I love Halloween. There had been no trick-or-treaters yet. I was getting bored.

While I was watching TV, I finally heard the doorbell ring. I was happy that someone had finally come to the door. I head over to it with the bucket of sweets for the kids. Looking out the window, I didn't see anything or anyone which was odd. Maybe it was just some punk kids trying to scare me, I wasn't sure. I placed down the bucket I was holding and went to open the door. On opening the door, I look outside and around the front porch, but there wasn't anyone there.

Just as I was about to got back in I spotted a man dressed in all black walking along the side of the house. He was looking down at the ground as if he was looking for something he dropped and was walking away from the porch and to the driveway.

“Hey!” I called, “Only kids can trick-or-treat!!!”

I shook my head. I turned back to head inside, but then I hear footsteps behind me. Turning I hoped the trick-or-treaters had come at last, I was shocked to see the man dressed in black standing right in front of me at the threshold of the house.

I was starting to panic a little. I backed away slowly, my hand groping behind me for the phone so as to call the police, “What do you want?” I said.

The man’s face was covered by a rubber mask. He slowly moved a hand up, putting a thumb over the right eye of the mask, and his middle finger over the left eye of the mask. As he slowly started to pull it down from his face, he reveled two dark red eyes.

“I want your soul.” He said. Fear made me unable to move as the man advanced ever closer.
When he reached me that was when everything went black.

I was cold and I couldn't see a thing. I was dead, but I could hear sirens blaring and the dogs barking. The pounding on the ground above me, and then I hear the sound of shovels, digging.

After that, I don't know what happened.

Iro 10-31-2009 01:14 PM

It's actually less than 400 words. :D

Thank you very much for your entry, IHateTests!

IHateTests 10-31-2009 01:44 PM

@ Iroase Delschatten: It was no problem really..

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