Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   Contests and Giveaways (
-   -   Cherry's Spring Posting Extravaganza! - ALL DONE! Prizes to be delivered soon. Watch CD for a results summary! (

Cherry Who? 04-25-2013 04:54 AM

Cherry's Spring Posting Extravaganza! - ALL DONE! Prizes to be delivered soon. Watch CD for a results summary!
Banner by BellyButton

Well, the Phoenix Jubilee is over... Now what? Don't you miss the excitement of the event? Meeting new people and having great discussions? Don't scurry off to your hiding places in Nations just yet! I've got an exciting new contest for you!

So you all love Menewsha, right? And you want it to grow and prosper and shine pixel love onto the lives of all? Well guess what! Our discussion forums are snoresville. They're so slow! This is super boring for new users, lurkers, and even regular members who just want to branch out a little bit. Have you tried to find some threads to post in and had trouble finding anything interesting? Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. So here's the deal! You guys start being more active in the discussion forums and I'll reward you. I'll reward you like whoa. Make fun new topics and take part in interesting conversation, and I'm gonna dump a bunch of gold in your lap!

So let's recap. How does this benefit you? You're helping the site you love, having fun discussing things, meeting new people, getting lots of gold for posting, and I'm gonna give you gold if I think you're doing great? Niiiiice.

Cherry Who? 04-25-2013 04:55 AM

How it Works
  • You make a new thread with a unique topic or discussion point in one of the qualifying forums listed below (and only those forums)
  • You submit the thread here, with the submission form in post #4
  • If your thread qualifies for a prize, you'll receive it after the contest is over!
  • Check out the list of submitted threads in post #5
  • Take part in engaging, on-topic discussion (not post-and-runs or small talk) in those threads
  • If I notice you being super great, you'll get a prize after the contest is over!

  • Qualifying threads must be made after this contest has started (April 29th)
  • Qualifying threads must be made in one of the following forums:
    Community Discussion, General Discussion, Critical Thinking, Media, Music, Books, Comic Books and Web Comics, Manga/Anime, Computers & Gaming, Avatar Chat (Only threads discussing avatars. Contests, games, advice, rating, etc. threads do not qualify.), Art Discussion, Writing Discussion/Story Help (only applies to writing discussion, not story help. This is a lit spot subforum)
    Forums not listed do not qualify.
  • All forum rules still apply!
    This includes repeat threads! No repeating an exact topic on the most recent 2 pages of any given forum. You may, however, make a thread for a new take on an old topic. For example, if there is already a thread about The Hunger Games, you could not create a thread just about The Hunger Games. You could, however, create a thread for discussing sexist themes in The Hunger Games. Whether or not your thread is "different" enough from the previous topic will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Post in the thread or PM an online moderator if you have any questions!
  • There is no limit to the amount of threads you may submit or prizes you may win.
  • Please do not hassle other people to come into your thread. This includes the use of individual pings, myfriends pings, profile comments, private messages, or mentioning it in other threads. You may occasionally ping an individual if you are actually talking about/to them. You are, however, encouraged to ping people you are directly replying to (who have already posted in the thread).
  • Please use your main or your mule, not both. Makes it easier on me!
  • The contest ends on 11:59 PM, May 16th, CST. Threads and posts made after this date do not qualify.

Cherry Who? 04-25-2013 04:56 AM

Prize Categories

Thread Makers
  • Most Interesting Topics - This prize goes to any person who has created a thread with a topic I feel to be interesting, unique, thoughtful, or potentially engaging. How many replies or the sort of replies the thread gets does not matter.
    Prize: 500g per thread
  • Most Engaging Conversations - This prize goes to any person who has created a thread that spawned engaging, interesting conversation. Whether or not this thread also won Most Interesting Topic does not matter.
    Prize: 400g per thread
  • Secret Topic List - I have a super secret list of topics that someone might make threads about (ex: the beach, The Hunger Games). At the end of the contest, everyone who has made a thread whose original post pertains to something on this list will receive this prize.
    Prize: 300g per thread

  • Quality Poster - This prize goes to any user who takes part in many engaging and thoughtful discussions in multiple qualifying threads, and/or makes many thoughtful and interesting posts in multiple qualifying threads, regardless of if those posts received replies or not. Please note: This is quality over quantity. Numerous post-and-runs, pointless small talk, etc. will not win you this prize. This is subject to my own interpretation.
    Prize: 2,000g per person (note: this is in addition to, not in replacement of, any Most Engaging Conversation II prizes you qualify for)
  • Most Engaging Conversation II - This prize is awarded to anyone who plays a large part in a thoughtful and engaging conversation in a qualifying thread. Please note: This is quality over quantity. Numerous post-and-runs, pointless small talk, etc. will not win you this prize. This is subject to my own interpretation.
    Prize: 300g per thread conversation takes place in

IMPORTANT NOTE! All threads/posts will be reviewed for prize eligibility after the contest has ended. You do not need to wait to submit your thread until discussion has taken place. You may submit your thread as soon as it's made, if you like. Again, when you submit your thread will have no bearing on your prize eligibility.

Cherry Who? 04-25-2013 04:56 AM

How to Make the Best Discussion Thread

Threads of all sorts can be successful and spur lots of neat discussion, but a lot of the most successful ones share a few things in common. I'll list below some common factors, but of course you're free to make your thread however you want!
  • No "set up" posts. Lots of reserved posts for information works great for quests, stores, and contests (hey, like this one!) but it's a bit much to take in for a discussion thread, and can even look overwhelming and intimidating! OPs of just a brief paragraph or two work best. Try to strike a good balance between brevity and supplying plenty of information to discuss.
  • A relatable topic. If lots of people have their own thoughts, stories, and opinions on your subject, they'll want to share them! That being said, the subject should be one that people have a lot of differing opinions on. We all breathe air, sure, but I don't think anyone will have much to say about it that differs from the next person!
  • Don't be too broad! Let's take a forum classic, "do you have any pets?" for example. This is so broad that it may not actually elicit any interesting posts that discussion can happen over. We say what our pets are, share a picture, and that's about it. There's a lot that can be discussed about pets, though! So try to narrow your topic to, say, "crazy things your pets do." Now you're jogging people's memories of something specific, so you'll get a lot more interesting, unique posts.
  • But on specific, narrow topics, think big! A common problem with media-related threads (about books, bands, etc.) is that they often don't go far beyond "do you like this thing?" "yeah I do!" Add a few specific elements about the thing to your OP to give people more to talk about. To use an example I gave above, instead of just "Do you like The Hunger Games?" you might ask people to discuss whether or not certain elements of the series are sexist.
  • Pick topics you could imagine having a conversation about with a friend. If you can't even imagine having a conversation about it, you're going to get a lot of hit-and-run "yeah, me too" posts and not a lot of discussion. (You could even think of great conversations you've had recently to get inspired for a thread subject!)
  • Ask questions that make people think, things they may not have thought much about before. A lot of conversation can happen when people aren't already dead-set in their opinions on something!
  • Stick around! Don't expect your repliers to do all the discussion work for you. As thread creator, do your best to keep up with the topic and reply to people's posts. Sometimes all someone needs to bust out the big discussion guns is a little prodding in response to their first post.
  • But on the flip side... know when to let a conversation die. Not every post needs to be replied to, and every conversation goes stale eventually. If it's getting to the point where you're struggling to figure out how to reply to someone and all that's coming out is "yeah..." go ahead and let it go. Stretching it out is awkward and won't breed real discussion. If you want to keep the posts going, try asking a new question relating to your topic!

Cherry Who? 04-25-2013 04:56 AM

Thread Submission Form

HTML Code:

[b]Link to thread[/b]:

Cherry Who? 04-30-2013 02:36 AM

Submitted Threads

Peruse the threads below for fun conversation and a chance at prizes!

Community DiscussionX

Link to thread:~Menewsha Questing~ Goals, Achievements, Organization, Ect
Forum: Community Discussion

Link to thread:♥what do you think will help mene be more active?♥
Username: hummy
Forum: Community Discussion

Link to thread: The User-run Menewshan Webcomic
Username: Mythos
Forum: Community Discussion

Link to thread: ~*~ The Distribution Center (Open) ~*~
Username:The Wandering Poet
Forum: Community Discussion

Link to thread: Run ins with NPCs - user stories of those celebrity run ins.
Username: Shadami
Forum: Community Discussion

Link to thread: Marketplace Deals
Username: XxZombie.Mama.NephxX.
Forum: Community Discussion

Link to thread:
Username: Seito
Forum: Community Discussion

General DiscussionX

Link to thread: Why is the sky blue? Myth Buster style
Username: Protagonist
Forum: General Discussion

Link to the Thread: Foreign Languages
Username: PWEEP
Forum: General Discussion

Link to thread: Then and Now, Have You Changed At All?
Username: Kenome-Chan
Forum: General Discussion

Link to thread: What is your idea of a date?
Username: spunky
Forum: General Discussion

Link to Thread: Disgusting Human Truths
Username: PWEEP
Forum: General Discussion

Link to thread:Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happieness
Username:Kirin Rosenbaum
Forum: General Discussion

Link to Thread: ♥how does your garden grow♥
Username: hummy
Forum: General Discussion

Link to thread:Coffee Religion... not science
Forum:general discussion

Link to thread: Independent/"Work at home employment" - A hangout for those who are, have, or are interested in this type of work.
Username: Izumi
Forum: General Discussion

Link to thread:Dreams and Desires~ Where Personal Aspirations and Mene Meet
Forum:General Discussion

Link to thread: Here Come the Brides and Grooms-A Thread about Weddings
Username: Silver Storm
Forum: General Discussion

Link to thread: Do you get that feeling?
Username: dragoness129
Forum: General Discussion

Link to thread: Deja Vu: Has this happened before?
Username: ~Wild Spirit Wolf~
Forum: General Discussion

Link to thread: Letters for Soldiers
Username: nemo.love_22
Forum: General Discussion

Link to thread: Is Wolfie alone here? Might need therapy...
Username: ~Wild Spirit Wolf~
Forum: General Discussion

Link to Thread: ♥coupons♥
Username: hummy
Forum: General Discussion

Link to thread:
Forum:General discussion

Link to thread: Lucid Dreaming!
Username: Vox
Forum: General Discussion

Link to thread: Cool News
Username: LaVida
Forum: General Discussion

Link to thread:Environmental Awareness~ What You Can Do
Forum:General Discussion

Link to thread: Do Insomniacs Dream of Sleep?
Username: Seridano
Forum: General Discussion
Link to thread:What kind of wildlife/nature is around you?
Forum:General Discussion

Link to thread:~Meaning of Dreams~
Forum:General Discussion

Link to thread: Want to move to Mars?
Username: Vox
Forum: General Discussion

Link to thread: Do you believe in unicorns?
Username: Zombie Pixie
Forum: General Discussion

Critical ThinkingX

Link to Thread: ♥trust♥
Username: hummy
Forum: Critical Thinking

Link to thread:
Username: Whimsical Sadist
Forum: Critical Thinking

Link to thread:Animals~ Can They Sense Things We Can't?
Forum: Critical Thinking

Link to thread:The Enviroment, Animals, Hunting, Deforestation, Testing, Ect (Picture Heavy)

Forum:Critical Thinking

Link to thread: The Relationship of the Flesh to the Soul
Username: Seridano
Forum: Critical Thinking

Link to thread: The "Banking" Concept of Education
Username: Seridano
Forum: Critical Thinking


Link to thread:DVDs or the Internet?

Link to thread: ♥PSYCH♥
Username: hummy
Forum: media

Link to thread: Star Trek Universe:Chat about all things Trek!
Username: XxZombie.Mama.NephxX
Forum: Media

Link to thread:cartoons, what happened to them?
Forum: media


Link to thread:Underrated or Unknown Bands

Link to thread: Youtube Cover Artists
Username: Kat Dakuu
Forum: Music

Link to thread:Earphones... considerate or unsafe?

Link to thread:Plague Rats
Forum: Music

Link to thread: Justin Timberlake
Username: Ling
Forum: Music
Link to thread:♥ fav new artist ♥
Username: hummy
Forum: music


Link to thread: Becoming a fictional character
Username: Vinyl
Forum: Books

Link to thread: Warriora: You Will Never See Your Cat the Same Way Again
Username: Annabeth Rowanna Cullen
Forum: books

Link to thread:Mary Sue... Is there a place for her?

Link to thread: The Guardians of Childhood Series by William Joyce
Username: Seito
Forum: Books

Link to thread:I met Tamora Pierce
Username: shadami
Forum: Books
Link to thread:Nightshade, Wolfsbane, and Bloodrose

Comic Books and Web ComicsX

Link to thread:
Forum:Comic Books and Web Comics

Link to thread: Mynarski Forest and Other Hidden Treasures
Username: Whisper Invictus
Forum: Comic Books and Web Comics

Link to thread: ~*~ Looking For Group ~*~
Username: The Wandering Poet
Forum: Comic Books and Web Comics

]Link to thread:Comic Book Preferences~
Forum:Comic Books and Web Comics

Link to thread:
Username: Dessertdesiert
Forum: Comic Books and Web Comics

Link to thread: Smack Jeeves - a webcomic host [post some gems]
Username: Seridano
Forum: Comic Books and Web Comics

Link to thread: ♥comic book collections♥
Username: hummy
Forum: Comic Books and Web Comics

Link to thread:~Bravest Warriors~
Forum: Comic Books and Web Comics

Link to thread:MouseGuard
Username: Ling
Forum: Comic Books and Webcomics

Comic Books - Golden, Silver, Bronze or Modern Age:
Username:Damia Flagg
Forum:Comic Books and Web Comics


Link to thread:Manga/Anime... bad for health?

Link to thread: Star Driver
: Seito
: Anime/Manga

Link to thread: Narutards gather! What's your opinion?
Username: ~Wild Spirit Wolf~
Forum: Manga/Anime

Link to thread:Sword Art Online

Link to thread:
Username: The_Crow
Forum: Manga/Anime

Link to thread: PSYCHO-PASS: "The law doesn't protect people, people protect the law."
Username: Seridano
Forum: Manga/Anime

Computers & GamingX

Link to thread: ~*~ TECH SUPPORT - Looking for tech support volunteers! ~*~
Username: The Wandering Poet
Forum: Computers and Gaming

Link to thread:Has anyone played Elsword?
Username:Micki Chiba
Forum:Computers & Gaming

Link to thread:Mafia on the computer
Forum:Computers & Games

Link to thread: Geek and Gamer Boys/Girls: What draws the line?
Username: Shiverpass
Forum: Computers & Gaming

Link to thread: The Sims 3 PC - Come show your Love for the Sims - NOW OPEN
Username: Vickyll3
Forum: Computers & Gaming

Link to thread: MTG: Magic the Gathering
Username: dragoness129
Forum: Computers and Gaming

Link to thread: Guild Wars 2!
Username: XxZombie.Mama.NephxX (Nephila)
Forum: Computers & Gaming

Link to thread:i can't believe there's no spyro!

Link to thread: Indie Gaming
Username: EverlastingRitz
Forum: Computers and gaming

Avatar ChatX

Link to thread: ♥DAC♥
Username: hummy
Forum: avatar chat

Link to thread: How Do You Use It? [An Avatar Discussion]
Username: dragoness129
Forum: Avatar Chat

Link to thread: Dust Collection - [Discussion]
Username: Vickyll3
Forum: Avatar Chat

Writing Discussion/Story HelpX

Link to thread: Real or Made Up World?
Username: Kat Dakuu
Forum: Writing discussion/story help

Link to thread: Poetic Forms and Why We Like Them [A Poetry Help and Discussion Thread]
Username: alonegirl-rocks-the-world
Forum: Writing Discussion/Story Help

Link to thread: Getting in touch with your characters.
Forum: Writing Discussion/Story help

Art DiscussionX

Link to thread:Art Classes, like them or hate them?
Forum:Art discussion

Link to thread: Self taught or Schooled?
Username: Nephila
Forum: Art Discussion

PWEEP 04-30-2013 03:06 PM

I was wondering when you were going to open this. ^^ Good luck to everyone, and a very clever way to promote good, quality posting.

Kenome-Chan 04-30-2013 03:11 PM

Oh yes.
I am so into this.
Time to get posting.

Protagonist 04-30-2013 03:12 PM

Sure, why not :D

xuvrette 04-30-2013 03:17 PM

... sounds like a something that require hard work checking for the staff.
*pets staff*

dessertdesiert 04-30-2013 03:18 PM

I will have to participate in this later >.>"

Protagonist 04-30-2013 03:20 PM

Link to thread: Why is the sky blue? Myth Buster style
Username: Protagonist
Forum: General Discussion

PWEEP 04-30-2013 03:21 PM

Link to the Thread: Foreign Languages
Username: PWEEP
Forum: General Discussion

RoadToGallifrey 04-30-2013 03:24 PM

Link to thread: Becoming a fictional character
Username: Vinyl
Forum: Books

Kenome-Chan 04-30-2013 03:24 PM

Link to thread:
Username: Kenome-Chan
Forum: General Discussion

Vox 04-30-2013 03:25 PM

Wow, this is a really awesome idea!

Feralprince 04-30-2013 03:34 PM

Link to thread:

xuvrette 04-30-2013 03:38 PM

It is kicking off nicely~

Velvet 04-30-2013 03:39 PM

This seems very interesting. What an entertaining idea! Will be sure to come up with something for this.

PWEEP 04-30-2013 03:40 PM

This is taking off like a bullet o:

RoadToGallifrey 04-30-2013 03:42 PM

I love this challenge so much already! :')

Velvet 04-30-2013 03:57 PM

Link to thread:~Menewsha Questing~ Goals, Achievements, Organization, Ect
Forum: Community Discussion

hummy 04-30-2013 04:16 PM

Link to thread:♥what do you think will help mene be more active?♥
Username: hummy
Forum: Community Discussion

BellyButton 04-30-2013 04:18 PM

Great threads so far, I'm excited! [eager]

star2000shadow 04-30-2013 04:19 PM

star would join but she has no clue what type of a threadie to make 'makes face' so she'll probably join someone elses..

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